General Flynn AGAIN urges Trump to declare martial law; Defense Secretary cancels briefings with Biden “transition team”

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…..Defense Secretary Miller, who would implement martial law, cancels military briefings for Bidenites

Says it is “just routine”…okay….:


See also:

Fake news media “frightened” as Trump fires Neocon scum Mark Esper as US Defense Secretary and brings in loyalists, Christopher Miller, and hardcore anti-Marxist, Kashyap (Kash) Patel

…..Flynn Tells Trump to Use Military to Force Election ‘Rerun’: ‘It’s NOT Unprecedented’

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn urges president to invoke martial law

 on&nbsp18th December 2020 @ 1.00pm

michael flynn is calling on president trump to invoke martial law to force a rerun of the election© press

Michael Flynn is calling on President Trump to invoke martial law to force a ‘rerun’ of the election

Retired Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn is calling on President Donald Trump to invoke martial law and use the “military capabilities” at his disposal to force a “rerun” of the 2020 presidential election.

Flynn, the president’s former national security adviser, is doubling down on his calls for Trump to use the military, saying such action is “not unprecedented.” 

During an interview with Newsmax on Thursday, Flynn made his case for constitutionally invoking martial law to prevent Joe Biden from “stealing” the White House from Trump.

“There is no way in the world we are going to be able to move forward as a nation,” Flynn noted.

“[Trump] could immediately, on his order, seize every single one of these [voting] machines,” Flynn said in an apparent reference to reports that the software used on ballot-counting machines flipped Trump votes for Biden.

“Within the swing states, if he wanted to, he could take military capabilities, and he could place those in states and basically rerun an election in each of those states.”

flynn made his case for martial law during an appearance on newsmax© press

Flynn made his case for martial law during an appearance on Newsmax

“I mean, it’s not unprecedented,” Flynn continued.

“These people are out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done.

“Martial law has been instituted 64 times.”

“We have a constitutional process,” he added.

“We clearly have a constitutional process. That has to be followed.”


Earlier this week Flynn slammed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for congratulating “President-elect Biden” on his “victory” in the Electoral College.

Flynn retweeted a post that called for “American patriots” to let “McConnell know we aren’t on board with his ‘President Elect Biden’ mindset.”

“Millions & millions & millions of Patriots stand behind, alongside & in front of you during this crucible moment in US History where our very Republic is on the line,” Flynn told Trump.

“We won’t fail or cower like some in the Republican Party have shown.”

Flynn’s latest show of support for Trump came a week after a federal judge dismissed the criminal case against him – two weeks after a pardon from the president effectively ended the case.

US District Judge Emmet Sullivan dismissed the case in a December 8 order.

flynn pictured attending a recent stop the steal rally© press

Flynn pictured attending a recent ‘Stop the Steal’ rally

Meanwhile, as Neon Nettle reported earlier this week, Virginia Republican state Sen. Amanda Chase also urged President Trump to “declare martial law” in the wake of the Electoral College’s confirmation of Joe Biden.

“Not my President and never will be,” Chase said of Biden in a Facebook post.

“The American people aren’t fools.”

“We know you cheated to win and we’ll never accept these results.”

“Fair elections we can accept but cheating to win; never.

“It’s not over yet,” she continued.

“So thankful President Trump has a backbone and refuses to concede.”

“President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn.”

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  1. Nurse gets dizzy and PASSES OUT after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. First, click the speaker icon on the video’s taskbar to hear what she’s saying. Then, after watching the video, scroll down to see a photo of her receiving the COVID-19 vaccine earlier:

    Anglin’s take on this story:

    A relevant link one of your other commenters posted earlier:

    • Thank you very much, comrade.

      I kind-of suspect the nurse is up on vaccine dangers and fainted from a panic attack from having just taken this untested vaccine.

      I read that whole prions article. Wowowow.

      I looked up the resumé of its author,
      Kevin Mugur Galalae — degrees from top universities, and currently teaches German as well as English:

      University of Michigan
      2015 · Global Public Health · Ann Arbor
      Global Public Health

      Columbia University in the City of New York
      2015 · International Economics

      Stockholms universitet
      2014 · Environmental Science · Stockholm
      Planetary Boundaries & Human Opportunities (Multidisciplinary)

      University of Leicester Distance Learning
      2010 · International Relations · Leicester
      International relations and Global Order

      University of Oxford
      2008 bis 2009 · Political Philosophy · Oxford

      Sampoorna Yoga Teacher Training
      2018 · Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga · Goa

      McGill University
      1993 · History of architecture · Montreal

      University of Victoria

      If what he says is true, this is absolutely terrifying:

      1) as I suspected, and this would be ideal for the NWO and its depopulation agenda, people would get sick only months later, so resistance to being vaccinated initially would be weaker

      2) it would also kill people who had refused the vaccine, which again would correspond to the NWO-depop. agenda:

      I then read this article by the Vietname website owner:

      Prions would be perfect for the global “soft kill,” 1) taking months or years to murder the victim, 2) being infectious, and 3) making victims mentally slow down, thus not being good revolutionaries.

      Let me think about this, and if you find any more backing for this idea that the Covid vaccine infects people with prions, please let me know.

      Meanwhile, Trump is praising the vaccine as his latest great achievement. 🙁 He is surrounded by utter liars. I would like to think Don Jr is in the loop, since many of his Tweets suggest he is a closet WN, but when he abandoned hydroxychloroquine, which is 90% effective against Corona, that was a bad moment.

  2. Trump will never declare martial law, because he’s a compromised and narcissistic coward with no moral principles, who only cares about himself. Here are the things Trump is really worried about – returning to his TV show “The Apprentice,” and then running (and losing again to vote fraud) in 2024. Woohoo! Trump 2024, baby! I’m done with this pompous clown:

    Like I’ve said many times, Trump is not who he appears to be. He was best friends with the Clintons prior to 2016, and also received millions in real estate funding from George Soros prior to 2016. Trump is best friends with 9/11 perpetrator and cover-up artist Rudy Giuliani, who is also his personal lawyer. Trump’s daughter converted to Judaism and married the Zionist Jew Jared Kushner, who is also Trump’s closest advisor and Mossad handler. Trump was friends with pedophile blackmailer and Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein for many years. Epstein’s entire mission in life was to use pedophile blackmail to compromise important people for Rothschild-owned Israel, like Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, John Roberts, and Trump. Trump had presidential aspirations years before meeting Epstein – do you really think that Epstein failed to blackmail and compromise presidential candidate Trump? After expressing doubt about the obvious and evil COVID-19 pandemic hoax, Trump still went along with it, to the delight of Jew-owned Big Pharma, and launched “Operation Warp Speed” to have the U.S. military distribute the deadly mRNA, DNA-modifying vaccines, which may also contain brain-destroying prions.

    Trump was not supposed to win in 2016, and he didn’t expect to, but he did such an excellent acting job, and pressed all the right patriotic buttons, that he won anyway. The Demoncrats also underestimated Trump’s appeal to patriotic Americans, and failed to do enough vote fraud to secure the election for Hillary Clinton. After it was announced that Trump had won, I was puzzled by his lack of enthusiasm. In a video of him meeting Obama to transfer power, Trump looked downright depressed and scared, instead of happy and enthusiastic. I couldn’t understand that at the time, but now I do – Trump wasn’t supposed to win, and he knew it. He also knew that he would now have to continue playing his role as “the patriotic president” for another 4 years, while being hammered relentlessly by the Jew media and Demoncrats.

    Trump is surrounded by Jews, and owes his entire career to them. Yet despite all the evidence that Trump is a just another Jew-controlled tool, otherwise-intelligent people like Anglin continue to believe that Trump will save the day at the last minute before 1/20/2021. Those people are going to be very disappointed. Trump will attend Biden’s inauguration and wish him success as president. Then the Jew media and Demoncrats will praise Trump for being such a “gracious loser,” and all will be forgiven – “Welcome back to the Jew fold, Donald!” Trump will then return to his TV show “The Apprentice” and announce that he will run (and lose again to vote fraud) in 2024. And America will be one major step closer to one-party Demoncrat rule, and a communist dictatorship. Any positive things Trump accomplished, like a few hundred miles of southern border wall, will be quickly undone by Biden and Harris. Say goodbye to the 1st and 2nd Amendments and say hello to more “LGBTQ rights” to destroy traditional society and morals, more fake shootings aimed to demonize white people, and 100+ million non-white immigrants from Latin America, Africa, India, China, etc., who will be allowed into America to steal white people’s jobs and push us into perpetual poverty and eventually, slavery. Thanks for nothing, Trump!

  3. If Trump won’t listen to General Flynn’s counsel, then he won’t care about any petition from the people who support him. However, under complete Martial Law, the US Military would take control from the President to govern all components of running the country. Since the military commanders refuse to enforce any laws invoked by the President, including even the Insurrection Act, that does put Trump in a lone wolf position. Seeing law and order actually happen will then only make it believable, even if it should put Americans under a military dictatorship. The Communist controllers will take the country in any way that works for them.

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