German news: Solingen wanted to celebrate 650 years with a “Festival of Diversity” — but two muslims came and stabbed three Germans to death, critically wounding five more; the Protocols; the Abalatov formula

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Solingen mayor feigns compassion. In reality, he is happy inside, because, for leftists, all Whites are evil and the Germans (as their “Nazi past” showed) are the most evil of all the Whites. All this lying is from the jew-run CIA in Washington. Immigrants are useful for race-mixing to wipe the evil white German DNA out. In fact, these eight stabbings of unarmed Whites — a woman and two men from Solingen and Düsseldorf are among the dead — are for the left a welcome step toward what they really desire — the end of the entire white race. 



I thank a German (and generous, repeat donor for years)

for all the information in this article.

Update 1 from the mass-circulation (and diabolically neo-conservative) Bild newspaper. (Its secret motto is: Islam is the enemy, and America and Israel are wonderful. And yet — the total non sequitur — whoever opposes muslim mass immigration into Europe is an evil nazi.)

Three dead and five seriously injured at the town festival! At around 9.45 p.m., an Arab-looking man randomly stabbed several partygoers with a knife. The perpetrator is on the run. He is said to have deliberately stabbed the victims in the neck with the knife. The investigators are therefore classifying the act as a terrorist attack.


Update 2: As these two German lads report, it was TWO muslims, one bearded and tall, the other with a mustache and short. They said Solingen (famous, ironically, for its knives) is full of crime and knifings. The kid on the right says he saw a tarp thrown by the police over the three murdered Germans,  with arms and feet sticking out. Also; he saw under the tarp, as the wind lifted it a bit, the white woman whose throat was cut. 🙁


2024 Solingen stabbingPage semi-protected

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2024 Solingen stabbing
Location Fronhof marketplace, SolingenNorth Rhine-WestphaliaGermany
Date 23 August 2024
c. 21:40 (UTC+2)
Target Solingen 650th anniversary festival, named the Festival of Diversity
Attack type
Mass stabbing
Weapons knife
Deaths 3
Injured 8
Perpetrators Unknown

On the evening of 23 August 2024, a mass stabbing occurred in Solingen, Germany, when a man armed with a knife stabbed several people at a festival marking the city’s 650th anniversary. The perpetrator killed three people and and injured eight, five of them seriously, according to a police statement released in the early hours of 24 August.[1]

The perpetrator fled the scene and remains at large.[1] The incident has led the police to declare a state of emergency, with a helicopter monitoring the area and special forces units en route to Solingen.[2] Local residents have been warned to exercise caution and remain on alert.[3]


Solingen, a city with a population of approximately 160,000, is situated near the larger cities of Cologne and Düsseldorf in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state.[4]

The attack occurred during an event called Festival of Diversity,[5] a three-day event from 23 to 25 August celebrating Solingen‘s 650th anniversary that, according to the organizers’ website, was intended to be the “highlight” event of the year stretching a mile from “Neumarkt to Fronhof to Mühlenplatz” with “live music, cabaret, acrobatics, culinary delicacies, arts and crafts, entertainment for children and more”.[6] The incident took place at the Fronhof, a central square and marketplace in the heart of the city, where a stage had been set up for live music performances.[4] Following the attack, the remainder of the festival was canceled.[1]


The attack occurred around 21:40 local time (19:40 UTC) at the Fronhof. A man stabbed several people, killing three and wounding at least eight, five of which were serious injuries.[1]

The three fatalities were two men and a woman, all from Solingen.[7]

Police have issued a major alert and launched a manhunt. Armed officers are currently on-site, having cordoned off large sections of the city, with barriers in place across various locations.[4]

According to the German daily Bild, heavily armed SEK units, comprising around 40 special vehicles from across North Rhine-Westphalia, was deployed to Solingen. Road junctions have been blocked, and residents have been advised to stay indoors and avoid the city center.[4]



…..On the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”

It led to a huge upswing in antisemitism, and everyone agreed with Henry Ford and also Adolf Hitler — whatever its origin, its analysis and exposure of the jewish strategy for undermining western societies and gradually achieving world domination was perfect.


And now, seeing the Demoncrats serve up the likes of Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris, we see yet another of the Protocols specifically fulfilled: The jews put goyim into office who are so incompetent and catastrophic that the masses finally turn to the jews and beg them: Rule us directly.

*** A one-page summary…

Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly. For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:

— Place our agents and helpers everywhere
— Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
— Start fights between different races, classes and religions
— Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
— Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
— Appeal to successful people’s egos
— Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
— Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
— Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
— Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
— Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
— Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
— Rewrite history to our benefit
— Create entertaining distractions
— Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
— Encourage people to spy on one another
— Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
— Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
— Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
— Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
— Replace sound investment with speculation
— Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
— Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

Eventually the Goyim will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over. We will then appoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim will bow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule.

Protocol 9:9-11

9. In order to destroy the educational institutions of the Goyim while we still can, we have infiltrated them with great cunning, and we have taken hold of their syllabuses. Their syllabuses were once laid out in careful consideration; but we have replaced them by the chaotic ideas of liberalism. We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into liberty of the person, but principally into education and training as being the cornerstones of a free existence.

10. We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the Goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false, and we have taught this through repetition.

11. We have taken the existing laws and have twisted them into contradictions of interpretations without substantially altering them. Doing this has produced wonderful results. These results are that these laws were effectively destroyed, owing to the fact that the interpretations of the law masked the intent of the law. Eventually these interpretations entirely hid these laws from the eyes of the governments owing to the impossibility of making anything out of the tangled web of legislation.

Protocol 10:4

4. When we have accomplished our government overthrow we shall then say to the various peoples: „Everything has gone terribly wrong. Everyone has been worn out with suffering. We are destroying the causes of your torment – nationalities, borders, different currencies. []“

Then the mob will praise us and give us their support in a unanimous triumph of hopes and expectations. Voting, which we have made the instrument that will set us on the throne of the world by teaching even the very smallest units of members of the human race to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups, will then have served its purposes and will play its part then for the last time […].

5. To secure this we must have everybody vote without regard to their social class or qualifications, in order to establish an absolute majority, which we can’t get from the educated, wealthy classes.


…..Drugs plus brainwashing plus fear

I was sent a German video done and narrated by the brave and longstanding truther of Swiss-German and Hungarian ancestry named Ivo Sasek which discussed three things:

1) a supposed gust of desert sand from the Sahara Desert in northern Africa that blew all the way to Bosnia, and turns out, upon chemical laboratory analysis, to not be normal sand ( = silicon dioxide) at all but a giant cloud of 26 often toxic chemicals!!!!


2) JP8, military-jet fuel, and passenger-jet fuel, Jet A and Jet A1, and the exhaust from the engines as they get worn down, is also full of toxic additives;

JP-8 – Wikipedia

Sasek says these toxic chemicals swirl around in the upper atmosphere for up to two years before they descend, landing on our cars…..

These are supposedly Sahara sandstorm particles that have gone down on the roofs of cars in Switzerland 

and on the hoods, roofs and trunks of cars in Germany…


and on our farm fields where the crops we eat grow — however organic we may want them to be — and onto our water reservoirs for drinking water, and, of course, last but not least, into our lungs.

3) a US Army program to spray from planes lethal chemicals (such as cadmium combined with zink) and diseases on the US population of major cities to test bioweapons on them (and he shows a photo of a public school — apparently getting all this from a video by Der Spiegel Magazin — where Sasek says half the kids died and the rest were nerve-damaged and crippled for life.

4) a special neurochemical, developed in the Soviet Union by a scientist named Abalatov, the purpose of which was to disconnect perception from information so that perception — of real-world things — would not win out over the propaganda they give us.

The lies would still prevail, as in the revealing phrase: “Are you going to trust ME —  or your lying EYES?”


As a perfect example, we have a 47-year-old German woman who SEES with her EYEBALLS muslims glowering at her with hatred in their eyes.

To understand the muslim view: committed Jews and pious Christians are not viewed as “pagans” to be killed or enslaved, just to be dominated and highly taxed as “dhimmi.” They are viewed as “people of the Book” — the word of God, though their bibles are considered to be corrupted, whereas the Koran is supposedly the true version of God’s word.

HOWEVER, ex-Jews and ex-Christians ( = atheists, lefties, etc.) who tolerate or even promote, for example, gay pride, transgenderism, drag queens, etc. are just wicked pagans, and they deserve to be raped (“taken by the right hand”), being put into a harem if the woman is young and attractive, enslaved — or, simply, put to death.


So if a muslim says “Europe [or America] is the cancer, Islam is the answer” this means post-Christian Europe  and the Great Satan, America, meaning the atheistic neo-West.

Proof? The re-christianized Russia of Vladimir Putin is welcomed in the whole muslim world. The atheistic Soviet Russia was shunned, but the new/old Russia is welcomed BECAUSE it is more or less sincerely Christian, because in the Koran Jesus was a true prophet, and thus the Russians are again “a people of the Book.”

Also, Muslims, like anyone else, respect national strength and Russia under Putin is strong and patriotic.  Here we see a rock concert with a bottle-blond singer busting out the Russian national anthem. Even Americans do not sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at a rock concert. 😉



Then-president Medvedev, Mrs. Medvedev, the then prime minister Putin, and the mayor of Moscow, Sobchak 

HUGE welcome for Putin in the United Arab Emirates, with a jet flyby in the Russian colors of white. blue, and red.

His limousine gets a cavalry escort to the palace of the emir. This is truly a “royal” welcome — BECAUSE Russia is viewed as being once again a family-values and Christian country.

So Whites and Muslims can get along —  once they 1) (ideally) go back to their countries or 2) (as the minimum) stay in restricted areas within our countries. (England, as WN Nick Griffin has pointed out realistically, has five million muslims and, in case of a race war, there are only 50,000 troops in the whole British army.)

What can unite rightwing Whites and muslims is opposition to the jews, to IsraHell, and to the jewish destruction of the heterosexual family.

But let’s go back now to the German woman who is perceiving angry muslim men, who see her as a pagan.

Normally, this perception of “angry foreign males” should result in a “threat” signal in her brain.

BUT the “information” she is getting from all the media and the authorities is “diversity is our strength.”

So she, with this disconnect between what she perceives and what she was told, goes anyway to the Diversity  Festival — and there she gets stabbed.

And is genuinely shocked that it happened.




  1. Besonders interessant sind die ersten 8 Minuten des knapp halbstündigen Zeitdokuments. Sagen doch zwei Jungens als Zeugen aus. Sie sahen in der traditionellen Messerschmiede-Stadt Solingen die zu Tode gemesserten und vernahmen den kläglichen Jammer der Familien.

    Gerade der rechts stehende Junge erinnert mich an meine Berichterstattung, die ich Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels nebst Propagandakompanie zum besten gab – so erhielt ich für meine wichtige und tapfere Leistung in der Schlacht um Lauban das Eiserne Kreuz, wurde vom Führer und überdies vom Reichsjugendführer in der Reichshauptstadt empfangen – genau das könnte der Junge sein, ich in ihm reinkarniert.

    Solingen Anschlag , „Festival der Vielfalt“ 24.08.24

    • Danke.

      Also zwei Täter waren es, beide mediterranen Aussehens (na klar).

      Ich kenne gut einen deutschen Kameraden, der fast wie ein Klon des großen Fliegerasses Hans-Joachim Marseille ist.

      Nach achtzig Jahren sind sehr viele von der Kriegsgeneration inzwischen zurück, zumal die, welche ihr Vaterland noch immer und auch wieder aktiv lieben und es in unvorstellbarer Not sehen.

      Ich bin mehreren Helden von damals in diesem Leben wiederbegegnet: Thies Christophersen, Florentine Rost von Tonningen aus Holland, und Otto Ernst Remer.

      Aber in den Siebziger, Achtziger und Neunziger Jahrzehnten ging es den Weißen zu gut. Der Egogeist, den Eckhart Tolle als Hauptfeind der Menschheit ausmacht, beschreibt und verurteilt, war stark. Das Geld und das Bier flossen.

      Es war die Zeit der wohlstandsfetten, behäbigen, Helmut-Kohl-ähnlichen Bundeshenne.;-)

      Amerika und Israel schienen dem brav demokratisch gewordenen Bundesrumpfublik Deutschland alles aus dem Krieg “verziehen” zu haben.

      Aber doch nicht. 2015 öffnete Merkel als Spätrache für die armen vergasten Juden und als Todesurteil über die deutsche Nation die Fluten.

      Deswegen aber ist das Erwachen vor der Tür.

      Aber es kommt über einen neuen Glauben. Die Politik ist mehr denn je zuvor nur Gerede und Lügen und nicht Taten und Macht. Keine Wahrheiten werden mehr geduldet. Und man darf nicht einmal bieder sagen “Alles für Deutschland”!

      Welche Ironie, wenn gerade Russland, das neue, das gemarterte Deutschland von den Juden befreien sollte und Amerika selbst ein 1918 hat. 😉

  2. Ein Kommentar von Tichys Einblick (Dauer gut 10 Minuten).

    Blutnacht von Solingen: Die Gefahr ist überall

    (Wiedergabe der Rede)

    In Deutschland nimmt die Gewalt zu, insbesondere Messerangriffe. Die Täter sind oft ausländischer Herkunft: es ist ein Symptom einer gescheiterten Integrations- und Migrationspolitik. Das Auswärtige Amt unter Annalena Baerbock hat Tausende Afghanen unkontrolliert ins Land gelassen. Abschiebungen werden angeordnet, aber nicht durchgeführt. Die Politik reagiert kopflos mit Waffenverbotszonen, mit Aufrufen zum „Kampf gegen Rechts“ und mit Polizisten, die die sozialen Medien nach Regierungskritikern durchsuchen. Die innere Sicherheit wird vernachlässigt, aber für Kanzlerpaläste und Prestigeprojekte ist Geld da. Opfer werden verharmlost, Täter geschützt. Die Sprache wird manipuliert, um die Realität zu verschleiern. Die öffentliche Sicherheit verfällt und die Angst beherrscht den öffentlichen Raum: So kommentiert Roland Tichy den brutalen Anschlag auf das “Festival der Vielfalt” in Solingen.

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