Germany: the postponement of the 1945 death sentence has been REVOKED; police cadet murdered by Antifa — no investigation allowed

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(from Ulrich Lehnen on FB): There is a war going on right now in Germany. It’s a hidden, clanclandestinelydestine war. No bullets or grenades are whizzing through the air, but foreigners,who call themselves “Refugees”, roam the streets and public places in an aggressive manner.

Many of them carry knives underneath their coats and every now and then a native is stabbed to death. Armed robbery, theft, shoplifting, criminal assault, rape and homicide are more often linked to asylum seekers than to native Germans, as annual crime statistics disclose.

German prisons nationwide accommodate more “refugees” and foreigners than natives. Twenty years of unregulated immigration led to a shift in population majorities in major German cities, where native Germans are outnumbered by migrants.

Chancellor Merkel cheers at her migration-policy of letting everyone into Germany without checking their true identities and backgrounds, yet providing every migrant with full social benefits and free medical healthcare.

No need to work for “refugees” at all —

they even can become criminals and still are being pampered by Angela Merkel.

Criticism of these conditions by native Germans is stigmatized as “hate speech” and “Nazi-propaganda”.

Asylum seekers, who told German authorities they were persecuted in their home countries, have been found to travel back there for vacation purposes and re-entered Germany after a few weeks or months without any governmental control or examination.

Every day, hundreds  of new asylum seekers cross the borders into Germany, most of them illegitimate, allured by Chancellor Merkels promises of receiving Europe´s most comprehensive social benefits and free medical care while not having to work. It is a war going on in Germany right now. It is a migration war.

I responded:

Ulrich Lehnen Thanks for this realistic summary of the situation. When Israel was created, the Germans were given only a 70-year postponement of their Kaufman-Morgenthau death sentence…. in order to finance Israel. Now that the State of Israel is firmly established,

“Der Mohr hat seine Schuldigkeit getan. Der Mohr kann gehen.” (“The Moor did his job. The Moor can go.”)

…..German police academy cadet killed, then slandered as a burglar — no investigation

[A German comrade sent me this, and I improved his translation a bit.]

An unexplained death from last year and a terrible suspicion still occupy many people in the city of Saale in Germany. Is the judiciary currently trying to quash the truth about a hideous crime?

April 29, 2018: 24-year-old Paul L., who is completing his training at the police academy in Aschersleben, first parties in the Druschba discotheque in the city center. From there he sets off for the Trotha district, where his parents’ house is, around four o’clock in the morning.

What happens next is still unclear and is causing Norbert L, Paul’s father, sleepless nights. He assumes that his son stopped at the leftist-alternative youth club “Reil 78.” That at least is suggesed by a video message he sent to a friend that night.

Vicious slander of the dead

A few hours later Paul L. was found dead under a house next to the youth centre, Reil Street 76. The police initially assume an accident and that the police acdemy cadet fell off a balcony to his death.

The dead man is even accused of being caught attempting a burglary and then slipping off the railing in panic as he fled. But this theory, which deeply damages the reputation of the deceased, was soon ruled out. No traces of DNA on the fingerprints of Paul L. can be found on the burglary tools found by locals.

His father, Norbert, suspects that his son was recognized as a police cadet in the leftist joint and was then attacked by several people.

Paul L., who practiced the martial arts, likely could gave resisted an attack by one individual. The TU [Technical University of] Dresden considers that an attack by a group and using an iron bar is most probable.

Paul L. did not slip off the balcony railing of the house at 76 Reil Street. An expert opinion by the Technical University of Dresden proves that the bend in his mobile phone does not match the fall pattern that was found, because the police cadet landed on his back.

Also the injuries to the hands and torso do not fit the fall and must have been inflicted on Paul L. before his death.

The expert opinion of the TU Dresden speaks a clear language. It attributes both the destruction of the mobile phone and Paul’s injuries to an attack with an iron rod, which is considered “most probable”.

In spite of the exorbitant contradictions and clear indications of a possible violent crime, the public prosecutor’s office in Halle stopped the investigation in May of this year because it did not even want to recognize the initial suspicion of a crime.

In Germany, criminals are being handled with kid gloves by the judiciary. An exception is the Zwickau judge Stephan Zantke, who, in his new book, gives insights into Germany’s parallel worlds and criminal milieus.

At the moment, only the AfD representatives in the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt are showing any concern about clearing up the death of Paul L.. The state parliament member Mario Lehmann accuses the state government of hushing up thecase. The evaluation of the evidence had been extremely careless and there had not even been an evaluation of the cell phone [for messages, contacts, and locations].

However, the parents continue to fight for the clarification of their son’s death. They are at a loss as to why the investigating authorities show little interest in the case. Mario Lehmann has also announced that he wants to “sink his teeth into the case,” which seems to be a bitter necessity. [End]

I replied:

Thank you for translating this report, comrade.

Margi, my mate, knows Saxony-Anhalt very well, and especially Zerbst (birthplace of a German princess who became the greatest tsar in Russian history, Catherine the Great).

When one reads such horrific stories, finally even moderates can begin to grasp WHY Hitler HAD to start the SA, the storm troopers, the Sturmabteilung.

These communists are psychopaths who not only reject free speech but also truly lust deep-down to kill someone.

Communism is just the excuse, the ideological “justification,” for a born murderer to go out and commit some fun murders.

A Polish psychiatrist who suffered under marxism wrote a book called “Political Ponerology,” [“ponerology” being his neologism for “the study of filth/evil”] and in it he relates how, as the communists were cementing their grip on power under Stalin and Soviet forces after 1945, it was the most despised, creepy, unsavory characters, the outcasts and outsiders, who then joined the communist party of Poland, and overnight they became the village mayors!

“From zero to hero”!

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