Getting Margi some help so I can carry out my mission

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When Margi got her modest inheritance in late 2017, I was frankly flabbergasted. 🙂

Why would the Jews allow this, considering their hatred of me and fear of my potential — if I just had funds to do something?

Sure enough, Margi then “got” throat cancer, despite never smoking or drinking, and eating only health foods at triple the cost, and drinking only filtered water, for 40 years.

And so the natural therapies have begun devouring her inheritance and yet only partially working, so the cancer is slowly spreading, and as she gets sicker and sicker, and needs more care, my time has been devoured more and more as well.

Time I need to start the credible, real, uniting and empowering Aryan religion.

A hundred times Magi and I have looked at the standard “chemo and radiation” therapies and also immunotherapy…which methods have indeed helped some patients, but caused others to die anyway but in intense misery….

Or the cancer comes back real fast in a year to two due to the immune system being filled with chemical or radioactive poisons….

( I saw my Jewish landlord in Winthop, Massachussetts, Ted Weiner, die of the chemo. He just had some white spots on his lungs from asbestos exposure — yet died of a heart attack from the unnecessary chemo! This showed me also that the Big Jews don’t give a rat’s a— about what happens to the Little Jews.

I was always there for Ted, btw, who knew I was a WN but let me rent from him, liked me, shared his life experiences with me, including the hospital mistreatment that killed his own (Jewish) dad in the 1930s, and he said “Judaism is a con, just like all the other religions, to get your money. And the Holocaust [which he believed happened] shows there is no god, or certainly that He does not care about the Jews.”)

So the chemo is what killed him.

I saw it happen.

I saw him go down from being fit as a fiddle and die.

A further point of concern…

Can we, as “infamous” white civil rights workers, trust some Jewish doctor (or a gentile MD who can be bribed or threatened) to give Margi the right dose and not “get the word” to scorch her throat out, give her an overdose, gloat as she loses all her glorious red hair, vomits five times a day, and “accidentally” is made into a dying basket case?

I want to thank all who have donated and continued to read my website, especially one comrade who has literally donated weekly for well over a year.

Another comrade has made periodic big donations.

Since we are in a war, an undeclared war, which Captain Archibald Ramsay called in his famous book The Nameless War, (the war on the gentiles by the Jews), I need to think in those terms now.


…..Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim


And at some point I have to make cold decisions.

In war, you accept you will win battles while losing some really good, admirable soldiers in the process, even men with wives, kids and families.

You consciously send good men to their death to achieve critical objectives.

And as a commander, you know that might well be killed yourself!

This certainly applies a hundredfold to me, a jew target since 1979.,

Did you know that 136 German GENERALS were killed in WWII?


US Army major  French Maclean has written on GERMAN GENERAL OFFICER CASUALTIES. (MacLean taught at the Infantry School of Advanced Military Studies at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College i Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

German general officer casualties in World War II were staggering and adversely affected unit proficiencies. Due to these losses, divisions were often commanded by colonels, regiments by majors, and battalions by captains. Retired WWII General Josef Foltmann, a leading expert on German officer fatalities, presents the following summary of these losses: (5) See Table 1:

This monograph will focus only on those general officers who were in command of divisions or higher formations, and were killed in action or died of wounds.

Some 136 of these officers fall into this category. (6). The extent of damage to the German command and control system by general officer losses is reflected in the following two tables. Grades are given in German to avoid confusion and are explained in the endnotes. See Tables 2 and 3

Peak unit proficiency simply could not be maintained with these losses. Over the course of the war this drain on leadership averaged a corps commander killed every three months, and -a division commander killed-in-action every three weeks! […]

[5] Josef Foltmann, Opfergang der Generäle. Berlin: Bernard & Graefe, 1959, p.85.

Foltmann served in WWII Germany as the division commander for the 164th Light Division, the 338th Infantry Division, and Fortress Division Crete. He finished the war on the Army High Command Staff in Berlin.

[6] Wolf Keilig. –Die Generale des Heeres. Friedberg, FRG: Podzun-Pallas-Verlag, 1983. This work contains biographical sketches for all general officers in the German Army. A review of this work indicates that 136 were killed in action or died of wounds.


So you have to 1) acknowledge your grief but then also 2) shut down your feelings.

Cancer sucks but the mission must go on.

And half of us get cancer, anyway.No point in whining. What is, is.

The great German spiritual guide Eckart Tolle has been there (via his books and videos) to help me deal with this terrible grief and stress….

..and with the guilt that with funds and time being devoured by caring for Margi, I am not fulfilling my primary mission to create a new, credible, unifying and mobilizing Aryan religion.

I find myself instead washing dishes, laundering soiled sheets, shoveling snow at two houses in a record-setting winter,

…driving one or two hours to a hospital in Houghton or Marquette, getting Margi’s bills paid (while she is zonked from the meds she is on), keeping two older cars repaired (one the 1996 Crown Vic,the other the 2002 Hundyai)….

…taking Margi for very slow walks, reading up on throat cancer, getting the water out of a flooded basement and garage as the snow now melts, fixing up her old house, and all the while suffering myself every day intensely to see her in great pain…not to mention her own suffering!

This is obviously no fun for Margi either… is agony.

She can barely open her mouth, and eats food through a tube.

Her weight has fallen from 115 to 89.

And yes, I suspect that the f—–g Jews caused her cancer and the failure of the sound and often expensive natural therapies she has been using for ten months now — therapies which have saved many others who are not fighting the jews.

A year ago




Anyway, I have made the decision to find someone to look in on her, a paid position, so I can finally do my religion full-time.

As my duty to the greater whole commands.

I love Margi and have since I met her on April 20, 2005, at the offices of the Barnes Review magazine, but I also love my entire white race.

And while we as individuals all must die, and then review our life on the other side, and then reincarnate and return to grow some more…

…our beautiful race must live on, on this earth, our home, it must recover from the jews’ many wounds to our body,mind and soul, and it must thrive again.

I did it once and by God, I can do it again.


Your financial support will enable me to pay someone whom I have carefully selected to help Margi …while I work eight hours a day henceforth on my mission, and then I can help Margi and be with her in the evenings.

On frozen Lake Superior yesterday




…..Correspondence with an Aussie supporter


Dear John,

How are you? I hope your wife is taking care of herself.

I am the gentleman who sent you some material on the planet Mars. I’m glad you liked it. I sent you a second letter several months ago with some material on ancient white civilizations in North America with a further small donation. I hope that you got it, but I have a feeling it’s been lost in the mail. If you can drop me a line I would appreciate it very much. Kindest regards, P


Dear comrade,

Yes, thank you, I did indeed receive the second large letter with the Aus$20 donation. I discovered to my dismay that I forgot to post it on my donations page. This is the one entry for the first donation and info. I have been preoccupied with so many urgent things that, contrary to my normal, conscientious habits, I did not post your kind second gift.

Margi’s cancer has gotten worse….my webmaster. father of eight, suddenly died at 52…. my site was hacked for 19 days… and Facebook deleted my page despite 3300 friends, and so did Stripe, a free-speech alternative to PayPal. Plus other things have come up…like a need to do massive snow-shoveling at two houses during our Lake Superior winter.

I do apologize for not listing it. I have no doubt that Mars was and is in heavy use by intelligent life, including earthlings, among them NS Germans, and some humanoids, and that earth and Mars once went to war, with earth winning and Mars being devastated by some kind of death ray.

(about 1/4 down here is your first donation

–29 December 2018 20 Australian dollars and fascinating info on civilization on Mars from P in Australia

My paramount goal is to create a new human consciousness so vital truths sink in, the zombielike trudge toward gradual extinction stops, people get control of their mind, and change their disastrously cowardly, naive, defeatist behavior.

Thank you so much for both your donations, brother!



Dear John:

I’m so sorry to hear about your wife’s cancer. She is in my thoughts. I believe that the work you are doing is of vital importance for not only the survival of our people but it’s enlightenment as well. According to the Hindu faith, a faith I deeply admire along with Buddhism, we are living in the last days of the Kali Yuga, which will end in 2025 to 2030.

I do believe that the ancient gods like Odin are real. Carl Jung believed this as well.

I believe that the great slavic god Perun is at work in Russia today, and his rise is coming to unite the Slavic and Nordic worlds.

Best regards,



Dear John, there is no need to apologize. I’m just glad you got my letter. I know you have a lot on your mind with your wife’s cancer.

I’m glad you liked the material I sent you on the planet Mars. I’ve read about 20 books on Martian civilization by many different authors.

If you have some free time, check out Tom van Flandern’s lectures on YouTube on Martian anomalies. Tom van was a very great American scientist who was once the senior astronomer for the United States Navy. So he is no crackpot.

Anyway, I’ll sign off for now. You and your wife, take care.

Best regards,



Dear P,

Many thanks for your understanding and kind words of support.

I looked up this Van Flandern — fascinating and indeed impressive resume!


Non-mainstream science and beliefs

Van Flandern described in his book[26] how he had become increasingly dissatisfied with the mainstream view of science by the early 1980s. He wrote

Events in my life caused me to start questioning my goals and the correctness of everything I had learned. In matters of religion, medicine, biology, physics, and other fields, I came to discover that reality differed seriously from what I had been taught.

In his book, on blogs, lectures, newsletter and web site, Van Flandern focused on problems with cosmology and physics theories. He alleged that when experimental evidence is incompatible with mainstream scientific theories, that mainstream scientists refuse to acknowledge this to avoid jeopardizing their funding.[9]

I saw this phenomenon of the tremendous and justified fear of the loss of federal funding when investigating “Kennewick Man” in 1999 (the white man from 8,000 BC in Washington State, murdered by ancient, early Indians), and more recently, in 2010, in news reports on the mass murder of the advanced Anasazi by the Navajo Indians a thousand years. God forbid that anyone publish that they were whites, and that Mongoloid injuns tortured and genocided them!

The poor, oppressed Injuns would then lose their aura of pitiful victimhood, and the whites their Mark of Cain as supposedly being guilty, oppressive, racist wipers-out by their very nature of said peaceful, eco-friendly Indians!

Pls scroll down about 2/5ths here to “On the Anasazi” at

Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world

All this underlying theory, known as “the Aryan origins of civilization,” is summarized here:

Ancient Aryans in Siberia in 500 BC with beautiful tattoos; what we have lost


  1. I’ve said it before, contact Chris Woollams, he’s in England, and he can comment on your case. I’m sure he’d give some advice and good advice at that.You swore off naturopaths, told me yourself. Perhaps not the best decision.
    Contact Chris, for Chrissakes.

    • Sorry… but let me be frank. This is the kind of ignorant, completely misinformed, throwaway “free advice” which unconscious skinflints give who themselves would never sent a penny… just words.

      Margi has been consulting with reputable naturopaths and PhD biochemists and using sound natural therapies since last May.

      She also has a nutrition degree herself and ran a flourishing nutrition counseling practice herself in downtown Washington, D. C.

      You may take this as a strong reproof.

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