Aluminum Dust from Geoengineering Fueling Super Wildfires According to Author
Sep 06, 2018, 08:38 ET
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 6, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — While researching for his new novel, author Denis Mills discovered an alarming link between chemtrails and the super wildfires.
The author discovered that unprecedented levels of aluminum and barium nanodust, primary components in chemtrails, both of which are incendiary, are fueling the ferocity of the super wildfires.
A retired USAF brigadier general, Gen. Charles Jones, has been quoted from a public source as stating, “These white aircraft spray trails are the result of scientifically verifiable spraying of aluminum particles and other toxic heavy metals, polymers and chemicals.”
“Millions of tons of aluminum and barium are being sprayed almost daily across the U.S., stated Mills, a former naval officer and UCLA graduate. “Just sprinkle aluminum or barium dust on a fire and see what happens. It’s near explosive. When wildfires break out, the aluminum/barium dust results in levels of fire intensity so great as to cause firefighters to coin a new term ̶ ‘firenados,’ ” he said. The entire U.S., in addition to various other NATO countries, are being sprayed.”
The government has for years denied the existence of chemtrail spraying. It now calls the program by various names, all under Geoengineering.
According to Cal Fire operation chief Steve Crawford, the fires are burning differently and more aggressively. It has been reported the fires move faster than anyone has ever seen and barriers that in years past contained them such as rivers, no longer do.
In California’s Mt. Shasta region, Francis Mangel, a USDA biologist tested and found elevated levels of aluminum in water and soil samples of 4,610 parts per million which is 25,000 times the safe guidelines of the World Health Organization.
Some have claimed Mr. Mills is publicity-seeking for his teen and young adult fiction adventure series, Matt Legend, about four teens who encounter and battle the supernatural and all kinds of strange things, including the forces behind the chemtrails. The adventure thriller is being called the new Harry Potter. Mr. Mills states the research speaks for itself and the novel is only what led to the discovery. “Authors are known for researching things to death,” he stated. No one can argue, however, the wildfires’ newfound ferocity or the millions of tons of aluminum/barium nanodust which have appeared, which is killing vegetation and causing illness and death.
“Matt Legend: Veil of Lies” on Amazon:
Contact: Denis Mills
(310) 359-8722
SOURCE Denis Mills
Amazing how almost openly the judaic Deep State is driving millions of Whites out of Californians with these giant fires.
In the end, the 20 million Mexicans in Cali will have to move away from there as well, thus mixing racially and browning the still racially white parts of the country.
A rapidly darkening America, with Texas and California becoming semi-colonies of Mexico (the “Reconquista” – “Reconquest”). In the southeast, it’s the negroes that make America brownish, but there are now millions of Mexicans and other Latin Americans as well now in the former “Dixie.”
German-Americans are by far the largest source group in the still-white “Heartland” (“Heartland”). But since 1917 (US entry into the war against Germany after months of media hate speech over totally fake German war crimes) they have no political weight as a lobby and ethnic group.
Cali is also where new secret weapons for expulsion and genocide are tried out.
The first command on the “Georgia Guidestones” is indeed the lowering of the world’s population by 90%, down to 500 million.
And these survivors of the 90% genocide must be slaves, and they will be multiracial, with no culture, identity, or pride, submissive, hard-working, and stupid.
It was said by the Orthodox Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Joseph, that every Jew will then keep 2,500 goy slaves.
(Some captions are in German but you get the idea clearly.)
Il riscaldamento globale è un prodotto delle scie chimiche,stranamente ho letto(ma non so se è verità)che questi rettili hanno bisogno di un clima particolare per la loro sopravvivenza,non sopportano il freddo e neanche il caldo torrido!Può essere solo un’altra fantasia di qualche scrittore.
Il Sole mette a repentaglio la loro vita e copertura(perché la NASA continua a ripeterlo)..un po’ come i serpenti che cambiano pelle quando fa caldo.
Difficile provarlo però!
Sta di fatto che da un mese a questa parte il nostro cielo è sempre coperto di scie chimiche,qualcuno pensa che poi pioverà viste che diventa tutto completamente bianco!Io macino rabbia perché il nostro cielo è così celeste e limpido in questo periodo.
Non riesco a capire da dove partono questi aerei,ne sono tanti,almeno quattro!!Era meglio non sapere nulla come gli altri.
Happy Samhain!Gli irlandesi dovettero fuggire in America nel 1800 circa per una brutta pestilenza,portarono con sé le loro tradizioni e non cedettero del tutto al culto dei Cristiani.
Io adoro queste feste pagane..esprimono tutta la bellezza e la vitalità della natura!
Il Fuhrer ci teneva poteva leggere la felicità nei volti in quei tempi!
Abortion is bloody murder. Inspired by the jews.
I feel mostly for the poor animals. They did nothing to deserve the misery foisted on them.
What did people do to deserve the misery through usury and tyranny foisted on them?
Your question implies a brutally correct premise:
…people deserve to suffer.
THEIR egoic mind rejects truth, tough love and duty, and has run from reality for dozens of ignorant incarnations.
Animals don’t think in words at all, just act and react naturally.
Advanced humans, among them the Nordics, turn their thinking, concepts and words off constantly at will, and enjoy the moment and act on it without any hesitations.
Surface earthlings are stuck halfway betweeen animals and Nordics. We can think, unlike animals, especially about our past and future, but then our thoughts take us over. We are mental slaves to a mind out of control, and our own egoic mind furiously rejects, like a wild child, all attempts to give it “time out” or make it obey.
When Jesus said of the Romans nailing Him to the Cross, “forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do,” He was uttering a profoundly accurate observation about surface earthlings.
…but of the Jew leaders, He said “Your father is the Devil.”
Only true enlightenment and radical elimination of our own egoic mind can save us now. That is, a genuine, selfless, dynamic elite to whom the masses look up, and whom they decide humbly to o-b-e-y.