Giant NATO exercise against Russia in Norway shows Sweden and Finland have abandoned neutrality

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50,000 NATO troops stage MASSIVE military drills on Russia’s border (Video)

The Truident Juncture 2018 military war game (“trident” here means “land, sea & air”) involves approximately 50,000 troops from 31 countries, 10,000 combat vehicles, 65 ships and 250 aircraft, all of which make up the the largest such exercise hosted by Norway since the 1980s and the largest military drill NATO has held in decades.

Trident Juncture 2018 started last week and will run until November 7.  RT reports (…) that the NATO military exercise is supposedly intended to send “a clear message” to both the alliance’s member states and potential “adversaries” that NATO is “ready to defend all allies against any threat,” as its Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, said last week.

Excellent points made in the video below as International Affairs and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda is interviewed by The Duran’s Alex Christoforou:

–Biggest-ever anti-Russian maneuver by NATO since the Cold War “ended”;

–massive participation by “non-NATO members” Sweden and Finland (with the Finns joining Trident  being something that will really stick in Russia’s craw. The two countries fought two bloody wars (1939-40 and 1941-44). Russia (Soviet Russia back then) did not occupy Finland in 1945 after its victory on the assurance that Finland would NOT join NATO…..

–big military buildup in the Arctic Ocean because of all the oil up there, and the northern trade route…

–“elite capture”: the peoples of Europe, bieng sane and reasonable, unamimously do not want war, but the European “elites,” mis-educated in the US and bribed with CIA money, do.

–vast prepositioning of US Marine Corps supplies in secret military-run caves in Norway, including 6,500 vehicles…enough to provide wheels for a complete Marine Expeditionary force of 16,000 men.

My comment: the Marines (my formee service branch) are an entirely offensive force, designed not to hold territory but to move forward. The Marines traditionally have not been in Europe at all since 1918, 101 years ago, when WWI ended.

They then spent all of WWII in the Pacific fighting Japan. Bringing the Marines to Europe is simply explained — so the US can attack and invade Russia.


–the guest further quotes the truer-than-ever old saw that “NATO exists to keep America in Europe, Russia out — and Germany down.”

–NATO countries, especially the US, UK and France, are alarming Russia by constantly acting to cause “regime change”: in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, and Libya

–What would Russia do if Belarus and Kazakhstan, on its borders, also underwent a George Soros-backed “color revolution”?

–Jens Stoltenberg, the Norwegian who is Secretary-General of NATO, told Trump that NATO was good for America because it gives the US a forward base for its operations in the Middle East [ = read “for the good of the Jews in Israel”]…

This was NATO before the Berlin Wall fell… with Sweden and Finland strictly neutral.


This was a few years ago (the US violating the 1990 agreement to not expand NATO eastward):

But update that now, since Georgia, Ukraine, Sweden and Finland are now actively training with NATO, and totally jew-run Ukraine (jew president, jew prime minister and jew mayor of the capital city) is even getting US offensive arms and training.

I designate these new quasi-NATO members by black spheres.

The Van Rensburg prophecy says Turkey, which seems on excellent terms now with Russia, will nevertheless betray the Russians and do something treacherous that is pro-NATO.  According to the prohecy, Russia will then, said NVR, defeat Turkey “in one night” and then invade Europe, just as Putin himself, a black belt in judo, has said, “because the smaller fighter must get in the first blow.”

And it all starts with the worthlessness of any promises by the Jews. Russia now knows it cannot trust any jew-dominated country (the US) or alliance (NATO), and that Jewry’s goal is to crush, enslave or destroy their Motherland.

“Sorry, Chump. You Didn’t Have It In Writing” — how the US broke solemn 1990 promises NOT to expand NATO to the Russian border

Readers are recommended to my articles on the 1917 Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars. Germany loses I and II, as he said in 1917 as a British prisoner, but III ends with the Third Reich Germans re-emerging — from deep bases under the Antarctic and the Andes mountain chain in South America — in order to rule what is left of a world in radioactive ashes. NVR foresaw Britain betraying America when WWIII begins, Turkey betraying Russia, Russia then annihilates Turkey for its treachery and decides to quickly invade the rest of NATO Europe “in order to get in the first blow” — but then “horror bombs” go off. Some Reich Germans and some Boers survive in (and take over) vast, undestroyed, resource-rich regions in “Black Africa.” A shocking vision…





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