Giordano Bruno, Aryan philosopher; saluting Dietrich Eckart; there is no race problem — just a problem race

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  1. I can relate to most of the sentiment expressed in above article but that doesn’t mean we can ignore the fact that there is no such thing as a Jewish race, for the same reason as their is no Swiss or Singaporean race. The folks that identify themselves as “Jewish” are comprised of several distinct ethnic groups: aside from the Black Africans who call themselves jews and may have distant jewish ancestors, 90% are Mongolian Turk Ashkenazim, 7% Maghreb Berber Sephardim and 3% Semitic Oriental Jews. Jewishness is thus not a race but a pathological state of mind sharing many tick boxes with paranoia, manic depression, and narcissism.

    • Grazie. Sì, tutto questo purtroppo indica che Van Rensburg aveva ragione.

      La cosa peggiore sarebbero i giganteschi laser militari nello spazio. Un raggio laser viaggia alla velocità della luce e potrebbe far esplodere la Casa Bianca o il Cremlino in un decimo di secondo, quindi non ci sarebbe tempo di preavviso, nessuna possibilità di mantenere la calma e fare domande, di chiamare a raccolta l’altra parte. il telefono rosso e provare a ridurre la tensione.

      In qualsiasi periodo di elevata tensione, ci sarebbe una grande paura di un attacco a sorpresa e il desiderio di sferrare un attacco preventivo. Solo il nervosismo potrebbe causare la Terza Guerra Mondiale con i laser spaziali.

  2. They’re subhuman savages, fucking apes. They would have no power if it were not for the hook-nosed demons.

    If they had tried this back in the 1940’s they would have gotten a beating by masculine white men and then been thrown in jail. Even in the 1960’s, Italians would keep the blacks in check and keep them out of their neighbourhoods and the old mob families would keep the black gangs in line and not tolerate the savage behaviour of blacks.
    The Italian mob is long gone and was dismantled by the Jew-run FB. By the 1980’s the mob was dying out, and by the early 90’s La Cosa Nostra was dead, with nearly all the bosses either dead from old age or doing life in prison.
    Most Italians are cucked now as well from cultural marxism and liberalism. The only Whites left that are not cucked are Croatians, Hungarians, Belorussians, and Slovakians from the Baltic region. And there are not enough of them to save the white race.

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