Giordano Bruno warned science could turn on man; Did Canada intern as a psychotic a doctor who denounced the vaxx over explosion in stillbirths?

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…..Bruno on the jews

Bruno: “The Jews are such a pestilential, leprous, and dangerous tribe that they deserve to be exterminated before being born.” Source:

Giordano Bruno: “The day will come when man will wake up from oblivion”

February 15, 2021

Giordano Bruno after the reading of the sentence of the Central Court of the Holy Office to be burned alive for heresy.

After eight years in prison, he was burned in Rome in 1600 

On February 17, 1600, in a festive and applauding Rome for the jubilee year, Giordano Bruno was burned alive, convicted of heresy 8 years after his imprisonment . The arrest took place on May 24, 1592 in Venice and the trial ended with the death sentence , pronounced on February 8, 1600, which begins with these words: ” Being you, friar Giordano, son of the quondam Giovanni Bruno da Nola in the kingdom of Naples, a professed priest of the order of San Domenico, from the age of your fifties or so, he was denounced in the Holy Office of Venice already eight years are … “

The philosopher was led to the stake — with his tongue fixated by a large nail, pounded from under his jaw through the tongue to the roof of his mouth so that he would not speak during his burning.

From the Tor di Nona prison, along the Via dei Banchi and the Via del Pellegrino, the condemned man arrived at the place of execution.

The executioner was waiting for him with the well-dried bundles of wood, in the exact spot where his statue stands today in Piazza Campo dei Fiori. The monument was inaugurated in 1889 and is a symbol of ” freedom of worship and opinion ” .

We report the last dialogue between the philosopher Giordano Bruno and Sagredo, as quoted in the book ” The future science of Giordano Bruno and the birth of the new man ” by Giuliana Conforto.

A dialogue that represents the vision of Bruno and the new man.

A hymn in search of truth and the inner teacher, which finds a summary in the sentence: “The day will come when man  will wake up from oblivion  and will finally understand who he really is and who has given up the reins of his  existence , to a  mind  fallacious, untruthful, which makes him and keeps him a  slave … man  has no limits and when one day he realizes it, he will be free even here in this  world . “

In the narrow, dark and long corridor of the prisons of Castel Sant’Angelo, footsteps are heard that mark the approach of guests to the condemned prisoners about to be executed.

With a loud clatter of keys the heavy door of the cell where the man condemned to the stake is locked up: Giordano Bruno; he is there, lying on a rough straw mattress, while his bright, steady and serene eyes light up with joy and tenderness at the sight of the guest.

‘ Sagredo, my young friend! Exclaims the great philosopher. The two embrace; the guardian goes out in silence, closing the door of the naked and damp cell behind him.

“You take serious risks, son. The inquisition has no sympathy for those who have sympathy for heretics. ”

« Master, I could not fail to greet you .» The young man hardly hides the emotion of finding himself in front of the great sage, now close to the execution of the ferocious sentence.

” You’re a man now and your courage will reward you anyway .”

« I have asked for a special permission from Cardinal Bellarmino. He proved available … Maybe something is changing … ”

« Yes, it is changing » confirms Bruno « also thanks to my death: the history of this world is marked more by death than by Life. Death arouses fear, anxiety, questions, especially if it is illustrious. This makes me peaceful, my friend, I know I am fulfilling my destiny. ”

« Master, don’t you fear the fire that will burn your flesh? ”

« Yes, Sagredo, I am afraid; my body is afraid, »… reflects the« but I know that I will not die… when my physical body dies, I will be there; I will see my body fall, I will see the triumphant, astonished and dismayed faces of my persecutors … ”

Despite the teacher’s words, the young man’s face is sad and ” If I hadn’t warned you … of the arrest of your daughter and your beloved, you would not have returned to Venice … ” he says, as if to reproach himself.

“ I would be back anyway, sooner or later. Yes, their death was a signal for me … »continues Bruno with his gaze turned towards infinity.

” How tenderly and voluptuously I loved that woman … Love, Sagredo, is the greatest force of Nature … it is Life, fusion of the bodies of lovers …

To approach her was to feel the infinite sweetness of Home, of the real world, the sweet tenderness that only an intelligent and profound woman can give and receive … How much illusion, how much ignorance …

The man is not bad, Sagredo, he is just unhappy… it is his little mind that is the cause of his unhappiness… Yes, I knew they had been taken and also of their condemnation. Yours was just a sad confirmation …

When my body burns, I will be free, Sagredo, free to rejoin them, hug them … Don’t worry, my friend …

This was our destiny, common to all those who seek the truth, banished from a world that is based on lies …

The day will come, Sagredo, that man will wake up from oblivion and finally understand who he really is and who has given up the reins of his existence, to a deceptive, lying mind, which makes him and keeps him a slave …

Man has no limits and when one day he realizes it, he will be free even here in this world. ”

He turns and looks at his almost radiant pupil:

” Life has foreseen it since time immemorial …”

« Master, but why this cruel destiny? Who could have wanted all this? ”

« I myself, Sagredo, well before I was born in this dimension. The fiery death of the physical body is a profound purification, it is the baptism of fire. Many have chosen this death, not only as an example to an obtuse, mean and cruel humanity, but also to fulfill the task that Life has assigned us and that we have gladly accepted … for Love …

After all, even if unconsciously, the Church is doing our will . ”

” But then … Cardinal Bellarmine is carrying out our will ?”

« Bellarmino is now carrying out the will of the Church, aimed at maintaining power; however, he also carries out the true Will, that of an illustrious death that leaves a trace in history.

Even men of the Church are part of the One: my death will serve to show the true power, the occult one, which moves behind all the Churches and all the powers of the world.

In this illusory world, where lies, hypocritical goodness and fear dominate, an illustrious death is more effective than an entire life.

Human peoples remember it. The man who inflicts death is the one who most fears it; it’s a paradox, but those who bring about death try desperately to understand it, to penetrate the mind of God. ”

” Bellarmino then … is he too, in search of God?”

” Of course, Bellarmino is also a brother .”

« Master, but why all this, why all this suffering, these atrocities, injustices, pains: brothers who kill their brothers! How can Bellarmino sign the sentence of your death with a light heart? ”

“ He didn’t do it with a light heart, Sagredo. It was a painful and painful decision for him, but he couldn’t do otherwise; he would have to give up the dress he wears and the creeds he preaches.

He has no conscience, he does not feel the unity of the infinite universe, he does not know that his action today will have a reaction for him in another future life of his; this also applies to me and all those who have tried in vain to awaken humanity from deception.

The earth is a hard school: every work leaves a trace, because true justice exists, son, even if it does not appear in this world . ” « Does true justice want your death? » Sagredo is as incredulous as he is admiring of the wisdom of his master …

“ We want it ourselves, Sagredo, not our transient bodies, but the true immortal Beings that we are.

Like it or not, we are the cause of ourselves. Being does not fear death, because it knows well that it does not exist. Being born in this world, we fall into the illusion of the senses; we believe what appears. We ignore that we are blind and deaf.

Then fear assails us and we forget that we are divine, that we can change the course of events, even the Zodiac [the planets] …

We are children of the one true sun that illuminates the worlds .

The pain and suffering were not there at the beginning of history, at the time of ancient Egypt which still retained the memory of the glorious and immortal origins.

Someday soon, a new era will finally come to Earth. Death does not exist. The misery, the pain and its many tragedies are the fruit of fear and ignorance of what is true reality.

” But how much longer will it take ?”

“ Time also depends on us, Sagredo. Time is the interval between the conception of an idea and its manifestation …

Humanity has conceived the germ of utopia and gestation proceeds towards its inevitable fulfillment: the past century is an important stage, which precedes birth. Divine Beings watch over the gestation of the earth and some are born here to help humans understand that transformation also depends on their awakening. “

“You too, master, have you come down here for this purpose ?”

« Me too Sagredo, but I’m not the only one. There is a large group of Beings who have descended several times throughout history and recognize themselves in the great Hermes, Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, Empedocles …

*** this is the concept of the nordic starseed

There are Nordic humans from far more enlightened planets who choose to incarnate into a human family on this earth.

They do not come here via a spaceship, as do others, but they arrive via the birth canal. ;-(

Their physical father and mother are both earthlings.

They see the incredible and unnecessary suffering on this one pitiful planet and they want to help.

The brutal truth is that Terra, this Goldilocks planet, for millennia, has attracted “all kinds.” Like Dodge City in the cowboy series “Gunsmoke”, all kinds of people show up on the frontier: rich widows, poor widowers, murderers, saints, farmers, gunslingers, drunks, hardworking cowboys and miners, crooked card dealers, Mormon teetotallers, ex-soldiers, Amerindians, Mexicans, lonerslawyers, bounty hunters, and fast-talking, glad-handing politicians. And yes, there is a military fort nearby.

The first Star Wars movie has a amusing bar (cantina) scene along these lines:

Many other souls incarnate here who are not starseeds, but they do love their friends and also their country.

When a friend is reincarnating, they often naturally choose to do so as well, if an angel permits it, and simply in order to be with them once again.  🙂

Dozens of times, people come back of the same nationality and race. Germans specifically come back as Germans, Russians as Russians, Frenchmen as Frenchmen, and Aussies as Aussies. Partly it is habit, it is what they know,  and partly it is out of love and od patriotism.

This is what makes the national character of the various nations so stable. The Irish were joking and fighting a thousand years ago, the Germans working overtime, the French flirting  away…. 😉

Many Germans are reincarnated Romans, who liked the harsh, disciplined work ethic and authority of the Ancient Roman mindset. They refuse to come back as the modern Italians, and instead they have been coming back for centuries as Germans.

Many Germans do not look nordic, but the mindset of their soul is, going back to Rome or ancient Germania. Constant wars, most not caused by Germany, have decimated the old nordic stock there,  but many of these souls still come back as Germans, even if not in a nordic body because so few are left. You choose amongst what is available — that is, among the young parents expecting a child at that time whom your angels show you.

I will write more about nordic starseeds, but it is both a noble and daunting task to try to change earthlings.

It is simply amazing how they can believe something that they know is not true. And try to make you believe it, too!

If one regularly has an incarnation on a higher planet, and then comes back down to earth to try again to straighten these folks out, one can feel seriously out of place each time. It may take years to adjust to them. You can easily get very used to a higher world’s honesty, sincerity, cooperation and caring. 😉

Or one adjusts TOO much to the natives, and you yourself “go native.” Then you chase women, drink, watch sports, jabber about politics (always a dismal disappointment) and you get into making money…. You forget why you ever came here, not to join in but to straighten things out.

Another error: I regret volunteering to undergo the horrific childhood I had. I wanted to atone for the Russian error, which resulted in millions of German women being raped, some 60 or 70 times (and often even killed afterward) and the war being lost.

I also wished to prove that any trauma can be overcome. In both things I succeeded: I atoned for the war and I overcame the worst PTSD imaginable. But at what a price…

In a way, via PTSD I also lost so much time, too much time, decades in fact, experiencing extreme PTSD. Most people who go through this satanic abuse as prepubescent children simply stay damaged forever.

So I would NOT recommend to any other starseeds to submit to such horrors, even for a very good cause.

Your brain as an earthling is simply not highly evolved. Your DNA is relatively primitive, and the danger is always of you forgettng who you are and ending up going somewhat “native.”

You will not have a 300 IQ down here, and as a child you will be physically a mere kid, surrounded by wicked or unfeeling earthling adults for whom your nobility or your trauma are risible. They are not curious why a child acts “weird” or has a hollwo, dead look in their eyes. See, earthlings all “have their own problems.”

And, in the worst-case scenario, if they do learn about and acknowledge your trauma, the abuse, then their attitude will be a cynical: “Better you than me, buddy.”

You will, of course, resemble your earth parents….

My earth father with his president 1982-89


My angels did not want me to take the overly ambitious path I did, ths huge atoning and this huge overcoming, and now I see that they were right. Yes, starseeds, it is just as bad down here as you heard. 😉

My earth father’s friend Barry Gately said to me once: “People believe what they want to believe.” Incredible, but you will find out that this is true. Earthlings can even lie to themselves. 😉 Talk about “culture shock”! How can the real world run-on unreality? It cannot. So it is a hell of broken hearts and broken promises.

But then you also run into wonderful earthlings, pure-hearted, caring, sincere, searching, and they really want to grow. So you get hooked all over again 😉 , addicted anew to these earthlings.

One is a bank teller who looks like the American comedienne Carole Burnett.


We got to talking about the Covid vaccine, sterility, and then about all vaccines.

She finally looked at me and said, “I had all the vaccines, and ….my husband and I finally stopped trying to have a baby eight years ago.”

I felt so sorry for her, and she was really listening to every word I said.

At such times you are glad you came here. Some do grow from pain, and they absolutely appreciate your sacrifice.



In this century, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Campanella, well-known names, but also humble people, simple healers, many of whom ended up at the stake … ”

Giordano is moved by the memory of the many who preceded him on the way to the gallows.

Sagredo is deeply impressed; he became a participant in a truth hitherto unknown to him. Giordano continues: « It is the baptism of fire that serves to transmute the physical body and to manifest the true Beings. Their revelation is now inevitable. I don’t know when, but I know that many have come in this century to develop arts and sciences, to plant the seeds of a new culture that will flourish unexpectedly, suddenly, just when power deceives itself that it has won. ”

Background noises suggest that the visit must come to an end. Sagredo’s breathing becomes labored …

” Master, how can I find you?”

« Look inside yourself, Sagredo, listen to your inner voice and remember that the only true teacher is the Being who whispers inside you. Listen to it: it is the truth and it is within you. You are divine, never forget it . ”

The cell door opens and the guardian appears; it is the face of an apparently hard man, but who is also in awe of that man whose jailer he finds himself. He does not utter a word and respectfully waits for the visitor to leave. Giordano and Sagredo stand up and greet each other, both moved.

« We are not separating Sagredo, separation does not exist. We are all One, in eternal contact with the One Soul… ».

Two days after the execution, in the Rome Notice, a news bulletin could be read: ” Thursday morning in Campo di Fiore that chosen Dominican friar of Nola was burned alive … very obstinate heretic, and having formed various dogmas at his whim against our faith, and in particular against the Most Holy Virgin and Saints, he obstinately turned to die in those he chose; and he said that he died a martyr and willingly, and that his soul would rise with that smoke to heaven. But now he will find out if he was telling the truth ”.




…..This 14 Dec 21 video (one minute) claims Mel Bruchet MD, a family physician in British Columbia for 50 years, was locked up as being insane:

…..Truthful article on the Davide Icke site:

….Truly vile CBC article defaming Drs. Bruchet and Nagase

One lie after another, mixed in with half-truths and slanted wording: (

British Columbia

False claims of stillbirths among vaccinated mothers at B.C. hospital slammed as harmful disinformation

Vancouver Coastal Health says people spreading rumours have no association with Lions Gate Hospital

Vancouver Coastal Health says there has been no increase in stillbirths at Lions Gate Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Maggie MacPherson/CBC)

Health authorities say there’s no truth to social media rumours that suggest there were more than a dozen stillbirths in 24 hours at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, B.C.

In a series of tweets on Tuesday evening, Vancouver Coastal Health dismissed disinformation suggesting a spike in stillbirths among mothers who have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

“There is no truth to this claim and the individuals spreading this false information have no affiliation to either LGH or VCH. There has been no notable change to the incidence of stillbirths in the VCH region throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” the health authority said.

“This type of disinformation adds unnecessary stress to expecting parents who have received a COVID-19 vaccine, on health-care staff who must reassure their patients, and on the health-care system, as resources are stretched further during the ongoing pandemic response.”

Several scientific studies have shown that COVID-19 vaccines do not increase the risk of stillbirths or miscarriage.

That finding was confirmed last month in preliminary research published in The New England Journal of Medicine, based on a review of 13,956 pregnancies in Norway.

The real risk of stillbirths, according to research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, comes from infection with the novel coronavirus.

A review of 1.25 million deliveries between March 2020 and September 2021 showed that stillbirths occurred in 0.64 per cent of deliveries from people who didn’t have COVID-19, and 1.26 per cent of people who had the disease. The rate of stillbirths has risen even higher in pregnancies involving the delta variant of the coronavirus.

False rumours linked to video of protest

The rumour about stillbirths appears to have started with a video of a Nov. 11 anti-vaccination rally outside the North Vancouver RCMP detachment that has been shared by a handful of small media outlets promoting extreme right-wing content.

Some of the protesters shown in the video claim that unnamed doulas have told them about the stillbirths. None of those doulas are present at the rally.

The false claims are echoed by two men with medical credentials who are shown entering the detachment to speak with Mounties inside. Neither man has any connection to Lions Gate Hospital or hospital privileges anywhere in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, the health authority confirmed.

One of the men is retired family doctor Mel Bruchet, who calls COVID-19 a “hoax” in the video. According to the website of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C., Bruchet has resigned his medical licence.

The other medical professional featured in the video is Dr. Daniel Nagase, who claims he was fired from working at a rural Alberta hospital after promoting the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.

Nagase has said he treated three patients with ivermectin at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre, located 65 kilometres northwest of Red Deer, Alta. Versions of the drug designed for humans and for livestock have been widely and falsely promoted as a cure for COVID-19, leading to shortages in Canada for those who might need it.

Alberta Health Services has said Nagase was not scheduled for further shifts at the hospital and a review would be conducted into his “extremely disappointing” conduct.


  1. “[…] Another error: I regret volunteering to undergo the horrific childhood I had. […]” “[…] In a way, via PTSD I also lost so much time, too much time, decades in fact, experiencing extreme PTSD […]”

    According to the Seth material, the circumstances of birth are mostly given by the inner self (the personal guardian angel), sometimes also in such a way that practically not much freedom of choice prevails, although of course the physical representative has a say in it. If I remember correctly, I read in Sandra Rasch’s book that sometimes certain planned starting places or environments are no longer available, because people can change, then sometimes comparable starting circumstances are to be searched for as a substitute, whereby everything comes possibly still much worse, than was originally planned.

    Of course, the inner self can also miscalculate badly, underestimating the time required to recognize and dissolve blockages and “programming”. After all, ideas can be tried out not only theoretically, we are not only here to learn ourselves, but just as much to provide insights for the hereafter. The own guardian angel also never stops learning and can also make mistakes.

    Everything was nevertheless well thought out by your inner self, John de Nugent: The MC ultra-tragedy experience was THE driving force, the relentless research urge catalyst, which let you put all established systems of thought under examination, let you get to the bottom of them, let you subject them to a revision. It was THE driving force that ultimately provided you with the corresponding insights and findings, and of course also your inner self/guardian angel as well as the entity (“Wesenheit” = “Entity” in the English original of the Seth material by Jane Roberts).

    John de Nugent’s whole life path was a preparation to now be able to have a holistic social impact. The birth into a parental home with connection to a (power)political network enabled insights (and contacts) into fundamental power structures. The long run-up was a prerequisite to be able to really change something, because for that a lot of knowledge in many areas of life had to be gathered first.

    Because he stood up for his values and principles very early on, John de Nugent had to forego the material privileges and comforts that would otherwise have been open to him; conformity, however, would have meant betraying his ideals. There was no danger of his becoming a snob and he lived (forced to) quite early among quite normal people of the society and, besides teaching activities as well as translation activities, he also did physical work from time to time (even to this day).

    That is a very important aspect of real spiritual knowledge mediators, the connection to the normal people who do not belong to the privileged upper class, also the knowledge that one also belongs to different professions, groups and social classes in his different incarnations (although according to the Seth material there are supposed to be predominant tendencies, e.g. primarily knowledge mediators/teachers etc.).

    The magazine “Mad” does a lot of political propaganda, but there was once an excellent double-page political cartoon there in the 1970s (meaning: facade vs. reality): in the first photo you see a politician eating a piece of cake baked by a housewife herself and holding a handed thermos coffee in his hand, surrounded by little people, a construction worker, a housewife, etc., in the context of the election campaign he expressed on site: “Among you poor I feel most comfortable!” Then in the second picture you see him at home in the luxurious living room at the couch, with his family members: “Am I glad when I no longer have to be among this scum!”

    There is a difference between being a political puppet and being authentic. Quite a few (political) academics are minus characters: classic class conceit + academic conceit + materialistic superstition + no idea about the life of the simple (= unprivileged) people + delusion of goodness. Due to this infallibility mania and the delusion to be at the top of knowledge, they don’t question anything anymore and are easily manipulated.

    The comparison is not perfect, but John de Nugent’s career reminds me a bit of the scientist Bruce Banner from the TV series Hulk (1977 – 1982). The latter also enjoyed the benefits of an academic education (trained in reasoning, analyzing, evaluating, modeling, etc.). Bruce Banner, however, comes into contact with people of all conceivable groups and professions, experiences a cross-section of society, experiences the entire shimmering spectrum of social life, on his “journey” across the USA, experiences the facets of life in numerous manifestations and cultivates an exchange with the most diverse characters, which ultimately leads him to a holistic understanding that he would never have attained had he remained in the academic ivory tower.

    HE also experienced the life of the little people in the 1920s and 1930s, despite his angelic qualities he never belonged to an aloof caste. HE belongs to the greatest rhetoricians and analysts of all times, with great artistic talent. If one listens to his original speeches today (or audio books of his works) then one listens and wonders whether he came in a time machine to the present time and describes our present. I think it is possible that JdN is HE.

    The huge John de Nugent material is ready and the time for social change is not only ripe but overripe.

    Especially the young generation is fed up with the society-splitting ideological garbage of the background powers (Frankfurt School, 68er ideological garbage, feminism etc.), this is completely alien to the new generation and they are open to thought-provoking ideas; the young women and men strive for a cooperative partnership on an interpersonal as well as on a social level, the old burdens of the system (feminism, Frankfurt School etc.) are still rumbling and causing the most severe damage, but they have served their purpose in the meantime and will end up on the scrap heap of history very soon, especially in the coming emergency. ) are still rumbling and causing serious damage, but they have meanwhile had their day and will very soon end up on the scrap heap of history, especially in the coming emergency: those who will not cooperate will perish.

    From the daily commentary (07.01.2022) of Traugott Ickeroth, translated: “[…] The times are exhausting, just like the birth of a child for the mother. Nothing else is happening now: the birth of a new age. […]”

    Amen! 🙂



    In German: JdN ist geeignet als Vermittler ganzheitlichen Wissens

    “[…] Another error: I regret volunteering to undergo the horrific childhood I had. […]” “[…] In a way, via PTSD I also lost so much time, too much time, decades in fact, experiencing extreme PTSD […]”

    Gemäß dem Seth-Material werden die Geburtsumstände größtenteils vom inneren Selbst (dem persönlichen Schutzengel) vorgegeben, manchmal auch so, daß praktisch nicht viel Wahlfreiheit vorherrscht, wiewohl natürlich der physische Repräsentant durchaus mitgestaltet. Sofern ich mich richtig erinnere las ich in Sandra Rasch’s Buch sinngemäß, daß manchmal bestimmte geplante Ausgangsorte bzw. Umfelder nicht mehr verfügbar sind, weil sich Menschen ändern können, dann soll manchmal ersatzweise nach vergleichbaren Ausgangsumständen gesucht werden, wodurch alles eventuell noch viel schlimmer kommt, als ursprünglich geplant war.

    Natürlich kann sich das innere Selbst auch schwer verkalkulieren, die Zeit unterschätzen die erforderlich ist, um Blockaden und “Programmierungen” zu erkennen und aufzulösen. Schließlich kann man Ideen nicht nur theoretisch ausprobieren, wir sind nicht nur hier, um selbst zu lernen, sondern genauso um Erkenntnisse für das Jenseits zu liefern. Der eigene Schutzengel hört ebenfalls nie auf zu lernen und kann ebenfalls Fehler begehen.

    Alles war dennoch wohldurchdacht worden von Ihrem inneren Selbst, John de Nugent: Die MC-Ultra-Tragikerfahrung war DIE treibende Kraft, der unnachgiebige Forschungsdrangkatalysator, der Sie alle etablierten Denksysteme unter die Lupe nehmen ließ, ausloten ließ bis in die tiefsten Tiefen, einer Revision unterziehen ließ. Es war DER Antrieb, der ihnen letztlich die entsprechenden Einsichten und Erkenntnisse lieferte, und natürlich auch ihrem inneren Selbst/Schutzengel sowie der Wesenheit (“Wesenheit” = “Entity” im englischen Original des Seth Materials von Jane Roberts).

    John de Nugent’s ganzer Lebensweg war Vorbreitung, um jetzt ganzheitlich-gesellschaftlich einwirken zu können. Die Geburt in ein Elternhaus mit Anschluß an ein (macht)politisches Netzwerk ermöglichte Einsichten (und Kontakte) in grundlegende Machtstrukturen. Der lange Anlauf war Voraussetzung, um wirklich etwas verändern zu können, denn dafür mußte erst sehr viel Wissen in vielen Lebensbereichen gesammelt werden.

    Da er schon sehr früh für seine Werte und Prinzipien einstand, mußte John de Nugent auf die materiellen Privilegien und Annehmlichkeiten verzichten, die ihm andernfalls offengestanden hätten; Konformität hätte jedoch den Verrat seiner Ideale bedeutet. Es bestand keine Gefahr, daß er ein Snob wird und er lebte (gezwungenermaßen) schon recht früh unter ganz normalen Menschen der Gesellschaft und verrichtete, neben Lehrtätigkeiten sowie Übersetzungstätigkeiten, auch immer wieder körperliche Arbeiten (sogar bis zum heutigen Tage).

    Das ist ein ganz wichtiger Aspekt echter geistiger Wissensvermittler, die Verbundenheit zu den normalen Menschen die nicht der privilegierten Oberschicht angehören, auch das Wissen darum, daß man in seinen verschiedenen Inkarnationen auch verschiedenen Berufsständen, Gruppen und Gesellschaftsschichten angehört (wiewohl es laut dem Seth-Material vorherrschende Tendenzen geben soll, z.B. primär Wissensvermittler/Lehrer etc.)

    Das Magazin “Mad” macht zwar viel Politpropaganda, aber es gab da mal in den 1970ern eine ausgezeichnete Doppelseite mit Politkarikaturen (sinngemäß: Fassade vs. Wirklichkeit): Auf dem ersten Foto sieht man einen Politiker, der ein von einer Hausfrau selbstgebackenes Kuchenstück verspeiste und einen gereichten Thermoskannen-Kaffee in der Hand hielt, umgeben von kleinen Leuten, einem Bauarbeiter, einer Hausfrau usw., im Rahmen des Wahlkampfes äußerte er vor Ort: “Unter Euch Armen fühle ich mich am wohlsten!” Im zweiten Bild sieht man ihn dann zuhause im luxuriösen Wohnzimmer an der Couch, mit seinen Familienangehörigen: “Bin ich froh, wenn ich nicht mehr unter diesem Abschaum sein muß!”

    Es ist schon ein Unterschied, ob man eine Politmarionette ist, oder ob man authentisch ist. Nicht wenige (Polit)Akademiker sind Minuscharaktere: Klassischer Standesdünkel + Akademischer Dünkel + materialistischer Aberglaube + Keine Ahnung vom Leben der einfachen (= unprivilegierten) Leute + Gutmenschlichkeitswahn. Durch diesen Unfehlbarkeitswahn und des sich wähnens, an der Wissensspitze zu stehen, hinterfragen sie nichts mehr und sind leicht manipulierbar.

    Der Vergleich ist nicht perfekt, aber ein bißchen erinnert mich John de Nugent’s Werdegang an den Wissenschaftler Bruce Banner aus der TV-Serie Hulk (1977 – 1982). Dieser hat ebenfalls die Vorzüge einer akademischen Ausbildung genossen (geschult im Verstandesdenken, Analysieren, Auswerten, Modellieren u.a.). Bruce Banner kommt jedoch mit Menschen aller nur denkbaren Gruppen und Berufsgruppen in Kontakt, erlebt einen Querschnitt der Gesellschaft, erfährt das ganze schillernde Spektrum des gesellschaftlichen Lebens, auf seiner “Reise” quer durch die USA, erfährt die Facetten des Lebens in zahlreichen Ausprägungen und pflegt einen Austausch mit unterschiedlichsten Charakteren, was ihn schließlich zu einem ganzheitlichen Verständnis führt, das er nie erlangt hätte, wäre er im akademischen Elfenbeinturm verblieben.

    Auch ER erfuhr das Leben der kleinen Leute in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren, trotz seiner engelhaften Qualitäten gehörte er nie zu einer abgehobenen Kaste. ER gehört zu den größten Rhetorikern und Analysten aller Zeiten, mit großer künstlerischer Begabung. Wenn man sich seine Originalreden heute anhört (bzw. Hörbücher von seinen Werken) dann horcht man auf und fragt sich verwundert, ob er in einer Zeitmaschine in die jetzige Zeit gekommen ist und unsere Gegenwart beschreibt. Ich halte es für möglich, daß JdN ER ist.

    Das äußerst umfangreiche John-de-Nugent-Material steht bereit und die Zeit für gesellschaftliche Veränderungen ist nicht nur reif sondern überreif.

    Insbesondere die junge Generation hat die Schnauze voll von dem gesellschaftsspaltendem Ideologie-Müll der Hintergrundmächte (Frankfurter Schule, 68er-Ideologiemüll, Feminismus etc.), das ist den Nachwachsenden vollkommen wesensfremd und sie sind offen für Denkanregungen; die jungen Frauen und Männer streben auf zwischenmenschlicher sowie auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene ein partnerschaftliches Miteinander an, die Altlasten des Systems (Feminismus, Frankfurter Schule etc.) rumoren zwar noch und stiften immer noch schwerste Schäden an, aber sie haben mittlerweile ausgedient und werden schon sehr bald auf dem Schrotthaufen der Geschichte landen, vor allem in der kommenden Notlage: Wer nicht kooperierten wird, wird untergehen.

    Aus dem Tageskommentar (07.01.2022) von Traugott Ickeroth: “[…] Die Zeiten sind anstrengend, ebenso wie die Geburt eines Kindes für die Mutter. Nichts anderes geschieht jetzt: die Geburt eines neuen Zeitalters. […]”

    Amen! 🙂


  2. Among the vaccine-destroyed people there are many good people, for them it is tragic. As for the others: A great purge of mankind is now taking place.

    Someone said in 2021 that there can be no new time if all unconscious people pass over into the new time. And so it is. Just as there can be no community with multiculturalism, there can be no spiritual age with the unconscious.

    Many authors who make their works (articles, books, video films, audio books, etc.) available to the general public free of charge have found that people no longer read. That they are no longer interested in content. That instead it’s all about superficiality, self-expression, distraction and materialism, but no longer about content.

    For whom does one actually still write today? Not only in existential literature, but also in other subject areas: People simply don’t read anymore. It’s all about very superficial knowledge acquisition with “apps,” etc. If one writes a book today, then one can only hope that in 100 years mankind will be a different one and will show interest in it.

    It is the end time. With the present mankind there will be no new beginning. That will go only with the “filtered out” conscious remainder which does not go voluntarily into the self-destruction. That will be a selection of the conscious and the interested people. In the Seth material of Jane Roberts it was written that (interpreted linearly) in the course of history there were phases in which very many people completed their reincarnation cycle at the same time, very many mature consciousnesses left the earth at the same time. It seems that such a phase prevails also now, because mankind could not be more superficial and misguided than now. There is also an enormous surplus of debut people, people with no or very little incarnation experience.

    This phase of the biggest annihilation of people of all times is at the same time, as tragic and cynical as it may sound, a prerequisite and basis for a new beginning, for a more conscious humanity that is open for new ideas, for thought stimuli, for a humanity that wants to develop and also shows interest in its inner origins.

    Therefore, it is now necessary to save all the valuable (articles, books, videos) into the new time, because if the survival will be secured, these people will open and literally cry out for meaningful literature.


    In German: P.S.: Die jetzige Bereinigung der Menschheit

    Unter den impfvernichteten Menschen gibt es viele gute Menschen, für die ist es tragisch. Was die anderen betrifft: Es findet nun eine große Menschheits-Bereinigung statt.

    Jemand meinte 2021 sinngemäß, daß es keine neue Zeit geben kann, wenn alle Unbewußten mithinübergehen in die neue Zeit. Und so ist es. Genausowenig wie es mit Multikulti eine Gemeinschaft geben kann, kann es auch nicht mit den Unbewußten ein spirituelles Zeitalter geben.

    Viele Autoren, die ihre Werke (Artikel, Bücher, Videofilme, Hörbücher usw.) kostenlos der Allgemeinheit zur Verfügung stellen mußten feststellen, daß die Leute nicht mehr lesen. Daß sie sich nicht mehr für Inhalte interessieren. Daß es stattdessen nur noch um Oberflächlichkeit, Selbstdarstellung, Zerstreuung und Materialismus geht, aber nicht mehr um Inhalte.

    Für wen schreibt man heute eigentlich überhaupt noch? Nicht nur in der existentiellen Literatur, sondern auch in anderen Sachgebieten: Die Menschen lesen einfach nicht mehr. Es geht nur noch um ganz oberflächliche Wissensaneignung mit “Apps” etc. Wenn man heute ein Buch schreibt, dann kann man nur hoffen, daß in 100 Jahren die Menschheit eine andere sein wird und Interesse daran zeigen wird.

    Es ist die Endzeit. Mit der jetzigen Menschheit wird es keinen Neuanfang geben. Das wird erst mit dem “ausgefilterten” bewußten Rest gehen, der nicht freiwillig in die Selbstvernichtung geht. Das wird eine Auslese der Bewußten und der interessierten Menschen sein. Im Seth-Material von Jane Roberts wurde sinngemäß geschrieben, daß es (linearzeitlich interpretiert) im Laufe der Geschichte Phasen gab, in denen sehr viele Menschen gleichzeitig ihren Reinkarnationszyklus abgeschlossen, sehr viele reife Bewußtseine gleichzeitig die Erde verließen, wodurch phasenweise eine geistige Leere herrschte. Es hat auch jetzt den Anschein, daß so eine Phase vorherrscht, denn oberflächlicher und fehlgeleiteter als jetzt könnte die Menschheit nicht sein. Es herrscht auch ein enormer Überschuß an Debütmenschen vor, an Menschen mit keiner bzw. mit nur sehr wenig Inkarnationserfahrung.

    Diese Phase der größten Menschenvernichtung aller Zeiten ist zugleich auch, so tragisch und zynisch es klingen mag, Voraussetzung und Grundlage für einen Neuanfang, für eine bewußtere Menschheit, die offen ist für neues Gedankengut, für Gedankenanregungen, für eine Menschheit, die sich fortentwickeln will und auch Interesse an ihren inneren Ursprüngen zeigt.

    Daher gilt es nun, all das Wertvolle (Artikel, Bücher, Videos) hinüberzuretten in die neue Zeit, denn wenn das Überleben gesichert sein wird, werden sich diese Menschen öffnen und förmlich schreien nach sinngebender Literatur.

    Su questa trama si basano i film e il video gioco.
    Questa trama lunghissima è abbastanza precisa,anche se di fantasia.
    “Agiamo nell’ombra per la Luce” 😉
    Il loro Motto.
    Il Secolo del “Nazismo” non è specificato.
    Si parte da Alessandria D’Egitto e parlano della setta Ormus(idealizzata da Leonardo con l’Uomo Vitruviano)protettori della conoscenza,del libero arbitrio,della famosa Mela Idunn di Enki.
    Chi sono questi personaggi dietro la corona che vogliono dominare il Mondo?
    Qui si fanno chiamare Templari.
    Sono i loro nemici millenari 😉


    The face you make, when you think pedophiles and war criminals care about your health

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