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A California comrade sent me a $50 Amazon gift card for my mission — and this great, though low-budget video by songwriter Brett Walker (1961-2013).

Hi, S.

I thank you for that $50 gift card!!

That was a great song and lyrics, which are also so true of the white cause:

“Because I can’t live on yesterday”

“We’ll somehow find another way.”

“And I wonder how did I get here.”

That was one of these young souls really looking for answers.

He died at 51, reminding me of my brother Todd, who partied hardy to hide the misery, and died at 60.

Wearing the baseball cap

Leaning way back

I would like to find all the lyrics to it, so far in vain.

Catchy, and heartfelt song.

Thank you again!


PS Another great Brett Walker song, and will it not be nice someday to all of us find a deep, loving, spiritual white woman like this?


  1. All the lyrics to that song are very clear except the lyrics in the bridge section which were impossible for me to understand even after many listens. I finally found them according to the lyrics printed in the booklet from the CD this song was on.

    “The miracle of technology is here to save and bury me. Corporation code of sin is the only thing programmed to win.”

  2. Yes, and the way things are looking it will be a miracle if I make it that old. Maybe even a miracle if I make it to 2021 if things keep devolving this fast. Yet it will be an honor to die fighting these terrible and unacceptable evils coming our way.

    Another song he did from that album is “Living in Maybe Land” and that’s certainly what this is now. Everything is a big maybe. Always has been at some level I reckon but it seems that way much more now than ever before.

    • I was not able to find that Maybeland song on YT.

      I liked this one:

      I wonder if he was maybe not in tight with jews. He was so talented.

      Margi knew a bluegrass musician in Virginia, a part-jew who is actually on our side,and he said the story IS true that to hit the big time your band MUST have at least one jewish member.

      • I’ve observed that to be mostly right. The big, great band Toto is one example. In the cases it is not the band is completely controlled and “managed” by them. That is usually the case regardless for any big bands.

        It looks like Walker wanted to be independent and didn’t play ball the traditional way or else it is likely he would have made it somewhat mainstream. So he probably came upon some tough times financially I speculate. His last album before he died was called “Straight Jacket Vacation”.

        • Thanks.

          When Hitler came to power in 1933, all sorts of sidelined and blacklisted Aryan artists in every field suddenly got venues for their works and performances. They pushed out the white degenerates and Jews in the art world of at best mediocre talent who had hogged everything – the stage, films, the galleries, symphony halls, and opera houses — and instead of grinding poverty these truly gifted Aryan artists experienced a golden age.

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