Go not where angels fear to tread

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As per my blog on discarnate entities increasingly using electronics to communicate with us, this “GeoBox,” designed by an accomplished engineer, is used to get messages from other beings.

A staunch supporter in Australia wrote me: https://johndenugent.com/supernatural-more-below-gosia-pleiadian-churchill-hitler-eisenhower-aliens-pre-keltic-irish-dark-haired-beauties/#comment-620151

Dear John,

There are machines that you can buy that allow you to speak to the deceased. They are called “geo boxes.” I used to watch “Paranormal Lockdown” and heard the people on it talking to spirits, and they even called them by their first names and had rational conversations with these deceased people. There are also machines similar to these called “wonder boxes,” and “spirit boxes”; they are available for sale in the USA.

I replied: https://johndenugent.com/supernatural-more-below-gosia-pleiadian-churchill-hitler-eisenhower-aliens-pre-keltic-irish-dark-haired-beauties/#comment-620152

Thanks — very interesting. I found this:


The GeoBox and GeoPort from Paranormal Lockdown: The world’s best spirit boxes?
By Julian Cheatle
27th January 2017 4:05 PM ET

[source: https://www.monstersandcritics.com/smallscreen/the-geobox-and-geoport-from-paranormal-lockdown-the-worlds-best-spirit-boxes/]

George Brown is the creator of the GeoBox spirit box, and latterly the GeoPort spirit communication device, both of which have been used by Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman on Season 2 of Paranormal Lockdown.

The boxes are used for spirit communication and have picked up all sorts of messages in the past, with vast improvements made in recent months after George moved from old-school parts to state-of-the-art technology to make his creations.

George has been a believer in the spirit world since he was a child, and invented his boxes because he wanted to create a way to pick up voices from the other side.

“Monsters and Critics” spoke to him to find out more about his remarkable inventions, as well as his work with Nick and Katrina on “Paranormal Lockdown”…


Monsters and Critics: Hi, George. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself, where you’re from, your background etc, and how you got into the paranormal?

George Brown: I’m from Toledo, Ohio, and have lived in the area since birth.

One of the few common interests that brought my parents and myself together was paranormal documentaries.

Having a ghost in the house was something I took for granted. So many things happened we kind of just figured it was normal.

My parents had numerous stories of our deceased family paying friendly visits and looking out for us. If only I had a nickel for every time my Mom said “That was your guardian angel looking out for you”.

My parents even made a pact that whoever passed first, the other would drop in just once to confirm things are okay on the other side, like (((Houdini))) did.

I was the kid that was taking toys apart and building new things from the mess.

I was the artist type too, always drawing and creating things.

I thought I had invented the touchless faucet as a teen in the 1980s but then found out it was already patented.

I enrolled in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and became an engineer.

After money ran out two years into my degree I also became an Air Force Electrical Systems Specialist then returned for my B.S.E. Engineering degree.

I’ve enjoyed paranormal documentaries since the 1970s, and I’m also intrigued by mediums/sensitives. I always believed they could help solve crimes.

Seeing the shows document sincere reports of their paranormal experiences on TV, and having occasionally experienced it at home, I knew there was something real happening, and I thought more should be done to try and understand the paranormal realm.

It wasn’t until my early 30s that I actually purchased my first EMF (electromagnetic field) detector.

It had a big blinking red light that alerted you to the EMF fluctuations and I remember thinking that the blinks on the light seemed to be patterned like speech and wondered if I could develop a way to understand it as verbal communication.

M&C: You feature on the Bellaire House episode of “Paranormal Lockdown” (Season 2 Episode 6). How did you get to know Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman from the show, and what’s it like working with them?

GB: I had offered a few boxes for sale and the effectiveness of the box was publicized over YouTube by the well-known paranormal researcher Steve Huff.

Steve had purchased a box of his own. Nick saw Steve’s non-biased review of the GeoBox and called me up to discuss.

Nick and I shared a lot of values relating to respect for the departed and 100 per cent real evidence reporting.

Since we were both in tune with each other’s goals for paranormal research I decided to build a box for the show.

The GeoBox being used by Nick and Katrina on Paranormal Lockdown, courtesy of TLC

The first time I met Nick and Katrina in person was on the show, at Bellaire House. They were very polite and friendly and explained to me and Steve (who also appeared) some of the things that had happened inside the house.

Their sincerity showed through and it was obvious to me that they were sincere believers in the investigation. Overall, the investigation was a very good experience and I felt like I had known them forever.

I’m really hoping to appear to assist in another investigation, maybe next season.

M&C: How many times have they used your devices, and have they been used on any other TV shows?

GB: Currently Paranormal Lockdown is the only show using a GeoBox.

Nearly every episode in Season 2 has used at least one of my devices. I have built five separate devices, three of these are communication devices.

In all they have put in use a full size GeoBox Hybrid device, a handheld GeoBox, a new digital GeoPort device, and Infrasound Generating and Detecting Devices.

Two of George’s GeoBox which were used on “Paranormal Lockdown”

M&C: Could you tell us a little bit about the GeoBox Spirit Box, how you came up with the idea, how it’s created and what it does?

GB: The complete GeoBox design came to me while I was in a hospital waiting room, awaiting my sister’s high-risk surgery.

I ordered the parts for the first GeoBox on the spot in the waiting room.

The GeoBox device scans radio, and converts this and electromagnetic and vibrational waves to audio.

The sound comes in first through the scanning radio, then the EMF circuit and reverb device allow modulation of the source input by fluctuating electromagnetic fields and vibrations.

These are then output as amplified sound.

A schematic diagram of how the GeoBox works, and what it contains

With no spirit interactions the device will produce nothing but “radio bleed”, recognizable by hearing things such as commercials and baseball broadcasts, but when the input is being modulated by unseen intelligence, the results are quite different.

You find yourself getting answers to questions, requests for help, even full sentence responses.

To add validation to the results of the box there are some replies that cannot be attributed to radio. For instance, swearing is not allowed per the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), yet you will get “F-Bombs” through the GeoBox.

Human voices are not sped up on the radio but you will get super-fast speech through the GeoBox that can only be understood properly when slowed down.

Some sentences are started in one voice tonality, but change to another as the sentence plays out. For example a sentence “I need you to help me please” might have a male voice saying “I need you to” and a female finish the sentence with “help me please.” There are theories for this, such as one spirit may not have the energy so another assists.

Some of the most common phrases that come through the box are “Help me”, which is probably the most common, and “This works” or “It’s working”.

The first box by George was completed and run on January 27, 2015.

Before the GeoBox it was the common practice to use white noise and much faster scanning radios called Frank’s Boxes. Responses from these methods usually consisted of single-word voices.

The first GeoBox was getting full sentence replies, some even in the same voice tone.

In addition to the many vocal responses captured from the GeoBox it can also be observed from time to time while reviewing recorded video that physical manifestations occasionally appear while the box is running.

M&C: Could you talk us through the various improvements you’ve made to the box over the years? We notice there are various different versions and updates — the GeoBox II, GeoBox III etc.

GB: The first GeoBox was made for myself to help prove to myself that there really was life after death, and maybe allow me to not worry about forever losing my loved ones.

What I put into the first GeoBox was everything I though had a chance of working.

The most recent GeoBox is essentially the same circuit as the first, only I have made great strides in improving the quality/durability of the device.

The GeoBox II, which saw several big improvements over the initial one

The third iteration of George’s invention, the GeoBox III

The special J. Fent Edition GeoBox

The Afterlight Paranormal Edition GeoBox

The original used vintage parts and I’ve managed to assemble modern equivalents allowing more boxes to be produced.

It’s always been a struggle to understand clearly and in real-time the things that are being said through the GeoBox so I’ve changed some of the “old-school” electromechanical parts to state-of-the-art digital parts.

This new device is named the GeoPort and is somewhat of a partnership between the technology I had used and that which Steve Huff has had success with, and thus gives credit to both the GeoBox and his Portal.

The device is now clearer and easier to understand in real-time without a need to replay the recorded session.

The GeoPort, which is clearer than its predecessors

The Black-Box GeoPort, designed to lower the cost and shorten the build window

M&C: What is the strangest/most interesting thing that you’ve picked up using one of your devices?

GB: I have picked up dog barks, profanity, voices saying they love me, my name, friend’s voices and names who have passed, spirits trying to lure me into buildings saying they need to talk with me…

On one absolute sleet-storm nasty cold day in the cemetery I picked up a man busting a gut laughing after joking of how beautiful the day was.

Upon requesting Elvis Presley a loud voice said “The King” and a perfect Elvis voice said “What’s happened?”, but the most interesting to me so far is that I picked up what I believe is the voice of Robin Williams as he and his entourage was heading to a séance.

I heard and recorded Robin’s voice saying “Can Robin come?” among other things and another voice who refers to him as Robin and even a voice who says he was “so close to making a major movie”.

Matt Damon and Robin Williams, as a psychiatrist, in “Good Will Hunting”

In addition to the many vocal responses captured from the GeoBox it can also be observed from time to time while reviewing recorded video that physical manifestations occasionally appear while the box is running, usually orb-like but once a face and hand popped up for a brief instance.

All caught on video and shared on my YouTube.

M&C: Are there any other projects you’re currently working on?

GB: At the time my family is most important, but whatever spare time I can muster, I devote to making and testing the GeoBox/GeoPort and sharing the results with the public.

M&C: How can people find out more about you and the GeoBox/GeoPort?

I have a Facebook page called “GeoBox Spirit Box” (https://www.facebook.com/Geobox-Spirit-Box-616660061802735/) and I post all my videos on my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/InClimb/videos). I’m planning to develop a webpage sometime this year. [end]


HOWEVER interesting this may be, one thing I learned way back when I was a Jehovah’s Witness (1970-75), and I have never dropped this teaching, because my own inner voice said confidently that this was true, was great caution about these beings.

Just because someone is dead certainly does not make them enlightened. If so, then we could channel Stalin for spiritual advice! 😉

Also, a demonic being can impersonate a loved one.

Finally, and the movie “Ghost” depicts this at the end, we are not supposed to keep on “hanging out” on this earth, but instead move on and get busy doing spiritual work on ourselves in the world between incarnations.

Those who tarry here might be immature dead souls, jerks, even murderers, pedophiles and satanists. You really do not know in some cases who this person is, even if they have extensive knowledge of the life of a loved one.

I am thinking now, for example, of the man who, after acts of domestic violence, murdered his wife as she was about to leave him, and who was the beloved daughter of one of my most generous donors. When this walking rectal orifice kicks the bucket in prison, and probably does not go in a cooperative spirit on to the next world as he should, but instead hangs out here to cause more devilment, do I really want to hear his opinions on a George Brown “Geobox”? 😉

On the other hand, as my own two videos about my grandfather show (and the incident happened 15 years after his death), our deceased loved ones can and do watch over us and can offer good advice.

I would only be very cautious.

As Hitler and Dietrich Eckart agreed in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, we must have one foot in each dimension. We come from a higher place to this earth, which is troubled but beautiful. Our main job is HERE, while remembering that we came from THERE.


Happy 128th birthday, Adolf Hitler! Your conversation with your mentor, Dietrich Eckart on “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin”

Indeed, we are not humans who choose to make a spiritual journey — we are spirits making a human journey.

Yet when I read Nietzsche during my three months in Marine boot camp in the summer of 1977, one of his most valid criticisms of Pauline “Christianity” was its cowardly, treasonous escapism:

“Let this evil world go to hell, because tomorrow I will be with Jesus, and a peaceful eunuch, strumming on a harp, while sitting on a cloud. All day long, hymns and praising the Lord….”

Yukh! 😉

And to this very day I hear cowards saying things to this effect, if I try to talk about the Jew World Order and its present and coming horrors:

“I’ll be with Jesus and the angels.”

As Nietzsche said, this is TREASON against the earth!

This is a positive cover story for craven cowardice!

Why should we even incarnate here at all if we are going to think the whole time about THERE?

In astrology, they discuss what is called a “Neptunian” personality. Women tend toward this more than men, but both sexes are afflicted with it. Such people act “spacy” and neglect earthly duties. The house is a mess, they do not bathe enough, or keep up with their bills or car repairs. Everything is ramshackle.

I would ask them: “Why did you even come here if in your thoughts you are always there?”

In his magnificent second book, Living in a Mindful Universe (which I bought, used, from Amazon thanks to the generous donation of Amazon gift cards), Dr. Eben Alexander, the Harvard brain surgeon, says there is a brain filter installed in us to keep us focused on THIS world so we carry out our earthly responsibilities. While some people are born psychics and can see auras, most cannot, and this is a good thing.

We are here 1) to love, seek truth and grow, and 2) become warriors, cleansing our poor world of its Jews and their vicious allies, the gentile psychopaths who get in bed with them for sex, power, money and fame. These are more dangerous than the Jews, because we let our guard down around those who “seem to be one of us.”

And, speaking of race, even the most vicious and demonic Jews can have blue eyes, such as both George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein!

What kind of being uses this Geobox to plead: “Help me!”

I’ll tell you: a shithead getting what he deserves in hell. (Yes, there are temporary hells, and you can stay there and stew until you feel sorry not for yourself but your victims.)


Anyone interested in dabbling in the occult had better be in a state of grace, as the Catholics say, meaning to be a basically good person and knowing that your guardian angels are watching over you.

If not, and you get out on thin ice with spirits you do not understand or know, you can even become possessed by a sadistic, wicked, destruction-loving demonic entity.

Kind of like this being that homosexual, Demoncrat presidential candidate Pete Buttplug seems to like:

This guy, a mere mayor of a failing, black-ruined town in Indiana the crime problems of which he made no progress against, is nothing but trouble.

I blogged recently in German about a true a—-le, a white man, who viciously drove his silver-gray Mercedes at high speed into a crowd of his fellow Germans at a Karneval festivity in the small city of Volkmarsen.

GERMAN CDU Thüringen geht vor Merkel in die Knie; Volkmarsen: das Dämonische in den entarteten BRD-Weißen wächst

One minute, party:

Next minute, this Mercedes plowed into 53 people:

“Maurice P.” on the left (and note how this German has an un-German name. This has been a nauseating trend for 30 years relatd to German Holocaust-induced self-hatred: all you see is American names like Michael, Jennifer, Kevins and Robert. No more Germars, Heinrichs, Ursulas and Hans.)

Some say “Maurice P. was drunk, which proved false, and others said “mentally ill” — no excuse. I suspect a demonic entity had control of him, and he deserves to be executed.

Then he faces a life-review video, seeing the pain he caused others. (This video is not about YOU but your effects.)

Translating a news update on this crime:

52 people were injured in the incident, including many children. As of Tuesday, 35 people were still in the hospital, the police in Kassel said. Another 17 people were treated on an outpatient basis. The number of injured children is 18; the youngest is three years old.

If the executed criminal, dead and facing now his life-review video, sneers even at this — and, yes, there is free will on the other side as well — then that is fine, too. Our god is a loving but tough-love being. You always get free will — and you always get paid for your choices.

Then this human turd will be sent to a temporary hell. (The Muslims, Buddhists and German author and WN Michael Winkler are right about this.) In “The Spiritual World,” Winkler (who has been fined heavily for his un-p.c. commentaries on current events) details what happens after we die. He emphasizes we send ourselves where we deserve to go. I and others have translated it, but it needs massive editing.

You go to the hell you deserve, and your company will be vile, callous human rats just like yourself, until you 1) genuinely feel sorry for the immense harm you did to the innocent — and you accept as just the suffering you are undergoing as a means to teach you a lesson.

As we say in German, Wer nicht hören will, muss fühlen. “Whoever will not hear, must feel.”

In my last life I was disgusted at a lowlife relative in Austria who had been arrested for burglary. I wrote him:

“So now you bungled even a burglary. I hope you can succeed now at hanging yourself.”

That is love, very tough love. Some people need harsh words of disgust — and harsher lessons, and we national socialists are ready to mete them out. Twenty-thousand criminals were beheaded here with this guillotine in Munich. Result?

In an amazing book from, as I recall, 1936, which I found in the research section of the Boston Public Library in 2000, a magnificent, honest book which the Jews have deep-sixed, entitled “My Year in Germany,” a British trade-union official reports to his UK readers on how well the German working class was doing under the supposed “tyrant” Adolf Hitler.

I will never forget this:

Before Hitler, the streets of major cities were not safe, but today, any German woman could walk alone at three a.m. along the docks of Hamburg. Street crime is a thing of the past.

So I executed out of tough love, and I protected out of tender love. Our women and children deserve deeds, not words. And under N.S. 2.0, we will give them deeds.

Our choice is simple: Aryan heaven or Jewish hell.

As national socialists, we took charge of a great nation, lifted it out of the Great Depression, and showed the world that human happiness is possible on this earth — and safety — and a life that is brimming with meaning, love, nobility and beauty.


Especially important blogs




    • Excellent graphic, as many others have been which you have sent me. Thank you so much! 🙂

      I used it just now at the end of this blog:


      Now, let me address your sentence here:

      “I do hope that an afterlife exists, and that we can stop white genocide!”

      And here is my response:

      Knowing the afterlife exists, and heaven for heroes and hell for cowards, we will fight the genociders without fear of death, only fear of a God who loathes cowards and traitors.

      And even if 99% of us die in combat, we, the fearless, will annihilate the scum that was plaguing us only due to our own atheism and delusional fear of death.

      We cannot die. No one is dead for even one second.

  1. Beautiful words, John. I almost dropped out of this one with all the details and talk about those radio gadgets, but I’m glad I hung in there. 🙂

    Your words and commentary after that freaky spirit-radio stuff were very powerful and inspiring. You are right on the money with all you said there.

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