God video five, part one — I meet the HBO-featured psychic consulted by police nationwide; Netanyahu increases threat to Obama; World Ice Theory trailer

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This is part one (of a two-parter) of my brand-new video on my 1989 encounter with one of the most famous and reputable “psychics” in the world, consulted by police forces around America for her ability to determine the location and fate of missing persons. Anne Gehman has been featured on two HBO documentaries (2003 and 2010). Thanks to YOUR donations, these vital videos are being completed. (Part two of two should be up on this blog Friday.) Part two will reveal what she said to me that was really astounding.

Donations: checks to “John de Nugent”), cash (US or other dollars, euros, Swiss francs, British pounds, etc), Western Union (online) or Moneygram

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284




Recent donations:

(from Canada)


(from Germany)



09/11 @ 10:56 : Goffstown, New Hampshire, US
09/11 @ 10:43 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
09/11 @ 10:42 : Pompano Beach, Florida, US
09/11 @ 10:40 : Belo Horizonte, BR
09/11 @ 10:40 : Dallas, Texas, US
09/11 @ 10:40 : Fort Collins, Colorado, US

09/11 @ 10:24 : Northville, Michigan, US
09/11 @ 10:20 : Jasper, Indiana, US
09/11 @ 10:20 : Charlotte, North Carolina, US
09/11 @ 10:19 : Los Angeles, California, US
09/11 @ 10:15 : Saint Louis, Missouri, US
09/11 @ 10:15 : Corpus Christi, Texas, US
09/11 @ 10:09 : Kenosha, Wisconsin, US
09/11 @ 10:09 : Saint Louis, Missouri, US

09/11 @ 10:05 : Jasper, Indiana, US

09/11 @ 10:04 : Potomac, Maryland, US
09/11 @ 10:04 : Kannapolis, North Carolina, US
09/11 @ 10:01 : Alameda, California, US
09/11 @ 10:01 : Shelburne, Vermont, US
09/11 @ 09:58 : Goiânia, BR[AZIL]
09/11 @ 09:56 : Johnston, Rhode Island, US
09/11 @ 09:54 : Fairfax, Virginia, US
09/11 @ 09:54 : Texarkana, Texas, US
09/11 @ 09:53 : Okeechobee, Florida, US
09/11 @ 09:52 : Silver Spring, Maryland, US
09/11 @ 09:52 : Quebec, CA
09/11 @ 09:52 : Brooklyn, New York, US

09/11 @ 07:58 : Lewisville, Texas, US

09/11 @ 07:58 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
09/11 @ 07:56 : Durham, North Carolina, US
09/11 @ 07:54 : Northfield, Ohio, US
09/11 @ 07:53 : São Paulo, BR
09/11 @ 07:52 : Hornchurch, GB
09/11 @ 07:50 : Toronto, CA[NADA]
09/11 @ 07:48 : Charlotte, North Carolina, US
09/11 @ 07:44 : Nashville, Tennessee, US
09/11 @ 07:42 : United States, US
09/11 @ 07:38 : Switzerland, CH
09/11 @ 07:19 : Windham, New Hampshire, US
09/11 @ 07:15 : Phoenix, Arizona, US
09/11 @ 07:11 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
09/11 @ 07:09 : Quesnel, CA[NADA]
09/11 @ 07:07 : Chestermere, CA
09/11 @ 07:06 : Ilford, GB
09/11 @ 07:05 : Mcdonough, Georgia, US
09/11 @ 07:09 : Quesnel, CA[NADA]
09/11 @ 07:07 : Chestermere, CA
09/11 @ 07:06 : Ilford, GB [ENGLAND]
09/11 @ 07:05 : Mcdonough, Georgia, US
09/11 @ 07:05 : Quesnel, CA
09/11 @ 07:05 : Beverly Hills, California, US
09/11 @ 07:04 : Indianapolis, Indiana, US
09/11 @ 07:04 : Los Angeles, California, US
09/11 @ 06:59 : Brooklyn, New York, US
09/11 @ 06:58 : Zemer, IL [ISRAEL]
09/11 @ 06:51 : Cincinnati, Ohio, US
09/11 @ 06:51 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US


I sent a second email tonight to my contact person at the US Secret Service (who has thrice been to my house):

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: John de Nugent <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
To: bill.steen@usss.dhs.gov
Sent: Wednesday, 12 September 2012, 0:16
Subject: further warning about Netanyahu
The Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, has now added “birther” (birth-certificate) propaganda to his anti-Obama arsenal in a clear attempt to unset the current president.
As the book Final Judgment points out, an angry correspondence over atomic weapons between PM David Ben Gurion and US President John Kennedy preceded the assassination of the latter.
Netanyahu has the means (the Mossad, and Israeli sayanim in the US) and the motive (destroy Iran) to prevent the reelection of his sworn personal enemy by assassination.
John de Nugent
PS I am publishing this email on my blog. This is the clearest possible statement that all responsible WNs oppose vehemently the assassination of Barack Obama. I believe Obama must boost his personal security to the highest level.
 * * *

The psychopathic fuehrer of Israhell, Benjamin Netanyahu, who gloated on September 11, 2011 that the murder of 3,000 Americans was “good for Israel,”……

……is coming to the USA, and President Obama, who loathes Netanyahu as a liar and jerk (see my previous blog: https://johndenugent.com/english/alan-sabrosky-says-911-truth-can-change-america-audit-of-fed-814-billion-for-goldman-sachs-god-video-on-me-and-a-top-psychic) refuses to meet with him.

Now a website affiliated with the Israeli government has turned up the pressure by exposing Barack Obama’s “long form” birth certificate — which was released on the official WHITEHOUSE.GOV website  (http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/rss_viewer/birth-certificate-long-form.pdf) — as the pitiful, incompetent fraud that it is.

Of course, “birthers” have been doing this exposure of the birth-certificate fraud for months now, including myself and on this very blog.

But Netanyahu, who does not care a fig about truth, any truth, is exploiting this long-standing scandal NOW because NOW he lusts for US military support VIA BIRTHER BLACKMAIL of Obama in order to attack Iran and murder Iranians — just as he already murders Palestinians, and his Likud predecessors such as Ariel Sharon murdered the heroic American peace activist Rachel Corrie in 2003.

March 16, 2003…. this beautiful girl tries to block an Israhell bulldozer from smashing the home of a Palestinian doctor.

A week ago the Israeli Supreme Court exculpated the Israeli soldier who crushed her to death, saying he “did not see her”…..

My video, completed with YOUR DONATIONS, discussing the heroine Rachel Corrie (from 06:35 to the end):


The separate website exposing government corruption by my video editor:


Please donate to him via PayPal!

The “‘About” page of the Israeli website exposing the Obama birth-certificate fraud clearly states:

I established the first version of this site during my term as the Science Adviser to the Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu during 1996-1999.

Thus Netanyahu himself is now playing the “birther” card — via this important Israeli website — which I always have said since the year 2008 on this blog would be used to blackmail Obama into doing Israhell’s evil will if ever Obama became recalcitrant and insisted for once on doing what was right for America, not the Zionist parasite state and war machine.



===============WORLD ICE THEORY

My former assistant, Jason Salyers, has been working on a fascinating project (found at http://www.indiegogo.com/worldicetheory)


The World Ice Theory Documentary

The World Ice Theory will be a feature-length documentary about a mysterious theory that would spark a firestorm of debate in the scientific community, and would later develop into an ill-tempered battle of books and lectures for and against it; eventually rising as the official cosmological system of the Third Reich!

We will delve into the elements of the theory and it’s significance upon today’s understanding of the cosmos and human origins, explore the historical journey of the theory, it’s development and it’s place in society today. Through interviews, narration, and cinematic imagery we will explore the timeless nature of the World Ice Theory.

Who We Are

The creative team behind The World Ice Theory Documentary consists of a group of three friends and filmmakers from Fairfield, Iowa:

Jason Salyers, Director/Cinematographer: Jason Salyers is the Chairman of the WEL-Institute, North America’s largest organization devoted to the teaching and research of the Welteislehre (World Ice Theory) which was brought to light by Austrian Hanns Hörbiger in the year 1894. The headquarters for WEL-Institute are based in Fairfield, Iowa. Salyers studied theoretical physics and Vedic Science at Maharishi University of Management. He has had many diverse jobs, which range from his work as an assistant for the quantum physicist, John Hagelin, Ph.D in New York City to facilitating communication between the U.S. and Icelandic branches of the Global Country of World Peace (GCWP). Salyers’ expertise is in mythology, theoretical physics and cosmology.

Hermann Salza, Writer/Co-Producer: Born in England, now living in Des Moines, Iowa, Salza has authored many articles on lost civilizations that have been published in magazines, including The Barnes Review.

Michael Sievers, Production Designer: Graduated from the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa with a masters degree in Communications and Media.

What We Need & Where It’s Going

In order to create a full feature-length documentary, we do need some money.  We are looking at doing a multi-faceted campaign to raise $6,200. Indiegogo is a part of that campaign.
The money we raise through our Indiegogo campaign will go for the following:
  • Creative development of the project
  • Hiring crew
  • Renting camera, lights, and sound equipment
  • Travel costs for the creative team and crew: We hope to travel around the U.S., and to Germany, Austria, and England to interview experts from around the world
  • Post production: editing, sound mixing, blu-rays, etc.
  • Distribution: We want to share our final project with you and the rest of the world
If we don’t reach our goal, we still plan on making a documentary, but it will be shorter.

Get the Word Out

If you’re as excited about this project as we are, tell your friends and get the word out!
Thank you!
Jason, Hermann & Michael
* * *
I wrote Jason:

I do find the world ice theory much more intriguing now than before, but on a crass level I wonder what its relevance to saving our race is….. yet somehow it seduces me into saying this is a stupid question.

It is like the theory of Friedrich Schiller that contemplating beauty makes a soul more noble.
This ice theory somehow changes people just by contemplating it. But how does it help us achieve political, economic and military power and in the end victory?
* * *
He replied:
* * *
My opinion, which of course is a strong one, is that if we do not offer culture then we do not have a right to offer a political solution.
I feel the two are intrinsic and so to leave one or the other out of the mix, then I feel any people will be doomed from the beginning.
Naturally, for culture to prosper, true culture, that is, then we first have to understand the origins of that culture, which relates to the origins of the people itself and its history.
The World Ice Theory is viewed as the key that answers all the questions that so-called modern science, anthropology, geology, etc has been unable to convincingly answer. The World Ice Theory is much more expansive in its influence than the quick mention in the trailer script.
In short, the theory corroborates the famous root-race theory of Blavatsky and the antiquity of the Aryan (which is not really an appropriate term, as the Aryan is only one evolutionary part of a much longer lineage).
It also proves that evolution is bunk.
If we don’t understand our origin, our essence, then we can’t expect to recapture that essence which we as a race have lost…. and without that essence, we have no hope. Luckily I feel more is now at play than just our own individual and collective will as a people, because nature, and the cosmos itself, are now turning in our favor.
My plan when I set upon doing this documentary was that the World Ice theory is such an unknown subject that I am convinced it will pull in a large crowd. The things is, my generation is fascinated by these things. Every person my age that I know is very interested in lost civilizations and things related to this. So, the World Ice Theory, if explained clearly and a film goes into all the revelations that the theory contains, I feel, will become,  along with holocaust revisionism, one more important theme which will show to the public that the National Socialists were correct. It could make for some great PR for a whole new demographic.
[He wrote in a separate email]
[The World Ice theory] also proves some other rather strange things, which have been until now unsatisfactorily answered or just ignored by the scientific community.
One is the existence of giants. There have been many skulls and complete skeletons which have been found that exhibit strange features, such as elongated skulls. The skulls are also missing the typical skull plating which humans have. (When the fontanelle of the human child closes there are around three lines or cracks in the skull that point to the crown of the skull. These are missing in the skull of these giants.) They also have very large jaws and do not have the same amount of teeth as humans. Some of the skulls found were of giants that had to have been over 10 feet tall. Many of these skulls, found in South America, India and elsewhere have been examined for DNA to put the questions to rest, but these skull are older than 10,000 years and so DNA testing cannot be done.
The World Ice theory answers this by that fact that there were long earth periods in which there existed no moon, and those periods were much warmer and tropical. The gravity of the Earth was different, which exerted less stress upon the bodies of the creatures living on Earth, thus allowing them to grow to very large sizes (such as dinosaurs and giants).
Whenever the Earth captured its current moon, the moon began pulling much of the atmosphere to the equator, reducing the atmosphere of the north and south poles… thus beginning an Ice Age. Our moon was captured no less that around 13,500 years ago, and this is what caused the deluge that sank Atlantis and the Ice Age… which we are still in.
Sat Yuga conditions can be caused artificially through human intervention if the right methods are used. But since the moon was captured, humanity has changed, and has taken on a more dense physiology. The Earth is gradually correcting itself and moving back to its position where it was originally before the capture of our moon, and the pole shift occurred. There have also been some interesting articles written by large news companies recently about how Americans, just over the last 100 years have evolved larger skulls. This was mentioned in the Secret Doctrine — that the root race will begin at around this time in America. This is the next root race, the Übermensch. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Here is an article which covers this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/31/americans-heads-getting-b_n_1559002.html
[Jason also sent me a link to an amazing History Channel video on a 12,000-year-old city which German archeologists have been excavating for thirteen years — a civilization carefully and reverently buried under 20 feet of sand for its protection when it had to be abandoned in the wake of some huge event…..]
* * *
I replied:
* * *
The History and Discovery Channels certainly are feeding this fascination with constant series about lost  civilizations, aliens, psychics, etc.
One reason I did my God video series, of which the next installment is found at the top of the blog, is polls showing that 50% of Americans are now open to reincarnation, even 30% of Christians (a fact which I have been able to personally verify).
So yes indeed, people, especially the young, are wide open to new ideas, and eager to find solutions. We all sense that vast changes may be coming to the world. The old world is dead.
* * *
If you wish to contribute to Jason Salyer’s worthy project, please go to:
and under comment, at the top, please put: “saw this on the JdN blog”….

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