A pretty good article but not great. Many others have had detailed and extensive experiences on the other side for 15-30 minutes, or even 90, before they were brought back by the doctors, but actually sent back by a powerful, loving being, or they returned freely to their body after a discussion with this angel-like being.
What it feels like to DIE: People who have narrowly escaped death describe their ‘last moments’ – from a deep sense of calm to the ‘worst loneliness’
People from round the world have shared epxeriences of near death with Quora
Christopher Mooney from Bristol felt deep calm and even a sense of amusement
New Yorker Kiara St. Clara cried out to dead loved ones but nobody came
Another woman felt herself moving out of body towards a bright light
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5078961/What-really-feels-like-die.html#ixzz4yVbBHClx
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Born-Again Christians harass their own minister for reporting truthfully on his son’s NDE!
On Vk, a comrade commented:
Michael Wilkinson
appears at the time of the death of one of the faithful. From Wiki: ‘The second and third roles of Michael in Catholic teachings deal with death. In his second role, Michael is the angel of death, carrying the souls of all the deceased to heaven. In this role Michael descends at the hour of death, and gives each soul the chance to redeem itself before passing; thus consternating the devil and his minions. Catholic prayers often refer to this role of Michael. In his third role, he weighs souls in his perfectly balanced scales. For this reason, Michael is often depicted holding scales.’ Interesting in that it says ALL the deceased (not just the Catholic deceased). Take it for what it is.
John De-Nugent to Michael
Michael, thank you, Very interesting and informative. I would say that angels appear to us in ways that take our belief systems into account. Their goal is to help us after we die, not blow our minds. 😉
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