by JdN staff writer based on a brilliant letter sent in by a British patriot.
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What is the British National Trust (NT)?
According to the NT website,
“Hardwicke Rawnsley set up the National Trust in 1895 so that natural and historic places could be protected for future generations. By the end of the 19th century, rapid industrislisation was threatening to sweep away the country’s heritage and destroy its remaining natural landscape.
Between them the founders campaigned against this threat, raising awareness, amassing support and laying the foundations for an organisation to look after special places for everyone, forever. As individuals they were different personalities and all left their own unique mark on our fledgling organisation that can still be felt today.”
The “About” section continues,
“The NT was given statutory powers, starting with the National Trust Act 1907. Historically, the Trust acquired land by gift and sometimes by public subscription and appeal, but after World War II the loss of country houses resulted in many such properties being acquired either by gift from the former owners, or through the National Land Fund. Country houses and estates still make up a significant part of its holdings, but it is also known for its protection of wild landscapes such as in the Lake District and Peak District. As well as the great estates of titled families, it has acquired smaller houses including some whose significance is not architectural but through their association with famous people, for example the childhood homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon.
One of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, the Trust owns almost 250,000 hectares (620,000 acres; 2,500 km2; 970 square miles) of land and 780 miles of coast. Its properties include over 500 historic houses, castles, archaeological and industrial monuments, gardens, parks and nature reserves. Most properties are open to the public for a charge (members have free entry), while open spaces are free to all. The Trust has an annual income of over £680 million, largely from membership subscriptions, donations and legacies, direct property income, profits from its shops and restaurants, and investments. It also receives grants from a variety of organisations including other charities, government departments, local authorities and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.”
The problem though with the site is that the very people TASKED with protecting our national treasures are trashing them.
They do so by linking a pantheon of celebrated and historically important Britons to “whiteness” and other abstract anti-white, anti-English bile, deemed evil by the “woke” brigade.
And it’s not like these people were ACTUAL slave traders. (not that I’d care or that would matter even)
We are talking about almost non-existent ties. For example, if a poet or an author had a family member who once had a connection with a company that made some of its money from colonial endeavours, the NT makes sure to mention the link.
How many Jews today have DIRECT ties to actual predatory bankers or pornographers?
By this logic, the Clintons who BOTH have siblings that were in PRISON should be known as the siblings of criminals rather than the statesmen (I’m being sarcastic) they are. Forget all the people they themselves raped and killed along the way….
For example, the NT’s website sent out a little write-up on poet William Wordsworth that linked our celebrated poet to slavery and almost APOLOGISES for his “whiteness” – all while claiming they are promoting his work. This write-up was part of their “report on National Trust properties’ links to slavery and imperialism”
Yeah, they actually commissioned a report on the matter…
And it’s not like the NT’s deeply entrenched evil has just been picked up by the likes of me. You know the sort of bald-headed gentleman who keeps a copy of Mein Kampf on his mantlepiece next to the skeleton of the slave his ancestors once raped. (Sarcasm again)
Dominick Sandbrook of Britain’s Daily Mail writes,
“How dare the National Trust link Wordsworth to slavery because his brother once sailed on a ship to China? For the past 125 years the NT has been the single most important custodian of our national story. What in heaven’s name are they doing?”
In the article Sandbrook starts by extolling the virtues of all our national treasures, including the “majesty of the Giant’s Causeway (which was made by Mother Earth/God), the Palladian Gardens at Stourhead, the haunting ruins of Fountains Abbey”, reminding the British public of the special place all these properties have in the national soul of Britain.
He proceeds to elaborate on the news that the “NT organisation with its far-reaching anti-patriotic report has now fallen prey to wokeness”. The report commissioned in 2018 and then published this past year details links between 95 “National Trust properties” and “the evils” of “historic slavery and colonialism”.
As a NT member himself Sandbrook reasserts that the £125 family membership fee he gave annually never bothered him in the past, even ignoring the National Trust’s predilection for at times “mildly” engaging in “gesture politics” or what many in the United States refer to as “virtue signalling”.
The NT brass – who make a small fortune from their “work” – dropped the word “Easter” from their annual “Easter Egg Hunt” and even forced volunteers (yes, the NT literally forced unpaid volunteers who had DONATED their time to keeping NT property grounds free from weeds, underbrush and litter etc) to wear Gay Pride badges during their VOLUNTEER service and made him ponder whether donating to such a sick bunch was in his nation’s best interest, but it still was not enough to make him cancel his membership.
Attacking Wordsworth though was!
He decided to cease giving the NT his support after they bowed to the pressure of the likes of Afua Hirsch and “I’d like to turn all English infidels into ash” Ash Sarkar (see titular photo of these three, look at her evil expression and the gun hand gesture he makes). When Communist Sarkar – regularly invited on television to attack Britain and stating she is an Islamist and Communist – began to push the NT to willfully misrepresent Britain’s history, he decided enough was enough and cancelled his membership.
Sandbrook wrote,
“Yesterday the Trust, after bowing to the Far Left, published one of the most intellectually fraudulent documents I have ever read, a 115-page mea culpa about its own properties’ ‘connection with colonialism……..including links with historic slavery'”.
He became sick to his stomach the more he read on. Sandbrook read the whole piece, all 115 pages!
The foreword of the report set the tone, he realised – its intent was to highlight “privilege” 😉 acquired from colonial connections and/or slavery and the ‘sometimes uncomfortable role Britons have played in global history since the 16th century or even earlier’ more than promote the Trust!
At this point he began to wonder if our ancestors had done anything right?
Yes, you read that right. The author – a middle aged conservative man and self-described patriot – felt literal shame for a fleeting moment because of a report penned by anti-British lefty scum.
If the Left’s evil has this sort of impact on a middle aged Tory with “deep love of all things British” and someone who had supported the NT for years, imagine what it is doing to the kids visiting their website or the sites the NT is supposed to be promoting?
Sandbrook even asked himself if the rest of the world would have been better off if Britain had never existed?
This is how powerful their evil is!
Forget the fact that slavery has been practiced, and IS practiced to this day by Arab, African, Jewish and Asian peoples – people like half-Jew half-Ghanaian Hirsch and Pakistani Sarkar.
Forget the fact that, as Thomas Sowell rightly said in the following brilliant interview/video, Third World nations that were never colonised by the British and other European super powers have fared WORSE since “decolonisation” than those that were.
That’s of course irrelevant.
It does though remind me of a little anecdote I tell from time to time.
I had a phone conversation with American Renaissance founder, Jared Taylor, (who has his flaws) a few years back for a project I was working on with patriots in Britain and North America. Taylor and I discussed an array of topics including race and IQ, his experiences abroad and in particular the period of his life he spent in Africa.
I recall him telling me about the work he did with various West African governments and how he learned that nations that had never been colonised by the British turned to policy makers in neighbouring nations that HAD BEEN….when looking to revamp infrastructure.
When Taylor pointed this observation out to the bureaucrats themselves, they had no issue accepting the fact that nations once run by whites were better off than those that had not been. One Liberian – if I recall correctly – joked that the only African nations run better than those under French rule….were those that were under the British!
It was almost a running joke amongst them.
Doubt the Woke Mob care to ask ACTUAL Africans what they think of their former rulers….
Back to the National Trust.
So, what had happened to this once proud organisation all of a sudden?
It dawned on Mr Sandbrook that “wokeism”, as he referred to it, was now the ‘plat du jour’ and due to associated hysteria, the NT had decided our institutions must be questioned.
The people paid by the State and running the NT (into the ground) had for all intents and purposes decided that as “slavery and empire were in some ways linked” the British Empire “had to have been evil” and all of “our buildings and our heroes” were to be desecrated.
The high and mighty National Trust, run by some of the most privileged people this nation has ever seen, felt compelled to “deliver their woke lesson of the day” to anyone with the misfortune of “landing on their site” or in person to those foolish enough to visit a NT site on “their day or weekend off”.
The report referred to a few ambiguous essays on the history of slavery, then plunged into a full-scale “gazateer of shame”.
All in all, 93 places were named in the hit-list, which, according to the ‘Trust’s client academics’, “are linked to slavery and colonialism”.
The connection between a country house owned by a director of the East India Company and possible “bad actions” overseas, a property with tenuous links to a naughty English whitey who made some of his money from Jamaican “sugar” or in another instance, a property that had been designed by an EVIL MAN who had also designed (from 5000 miles away) a government building in South Africa (imagine?) was so important to these evil people – people enriching themselves off the very properties they now spend their days trashing – that they felt compelled to incorporate “racism disclaimers ” in NT literature and signage associated with the properties.
As an aside, I’m wondering how creepy Joe managed to get into the White House in view of the fact that he was an ardent supporter of and close friend to Senator and former KKK Grand-dragon Robert Byrd, and has himself made dozens of “racist” and “homophobic” statements in the past?
Come on, man!
That so many of today’s woke brigade are themselves born into wealthy families that inevitably made their fortune off the backs and even blood of others, is also lost on these demons.
There’s not a Jew in Israel or a person with a Jewish relative living in or with ties to Israel leeching off our land that isn’t guilty of FAR worse.
After all, every last square inch of that land was STOLEN from people who had deeds to their properties torn up in front of their very eyes.
The “natives” inhabiting North American soil were nomads and wanderers and did not possess land in the modern sense of the word, yet Leftists tell white Americans they live on stolen land. Well, what of the Jews?
I don’t see “racism disclaimers” following these frauds about….
But I digress again. Back to the Daily Mail article and the National Trust.
What a bloody waste of time and money on a non-subject, Sandbrook thought.
How could suddenly after 200 years of Britain having an Empire this even be an issue?
The ultra moral National Trust claimed it was highlighting our nation’s “uncomfortable” history due to a sense of moral duty and the fact that many supporters of the NT were “uncomfortable with it”?
There’s that word again….
Sure, slavery happened – but didn’t the whole world engage in it? And who the hell is bothered by what happened in our history hundreds of years ago. I wonder if the Egyptians feel collectively guilty that their forebears exploited hundreds of thousands of slaves to build the Pyramids. They don’t.
And what about Italians, do they feel uncomfortable when they go past the Coliseum in Rome where slaves fought to the death for the entertainment of the crowds? I think not, as it is preposterous even to consider. Like the North African Egyptians, the Mediterranean Italians KNOW BETTER!
Perhaps being a bit on the swarthy side, and having the sensibilities these Mediterranean people possess is in dire need in our lands, as well. It does seem that the whiter people are the easier they can be conned into hating their own kith and kin!!!!
Just look at Sweden where “woke” policy makers would rather their daughters get raped by Somalians than think racist thoughts! Then there’s the LGBT evil – most prevalent in our whitest nations – that won’t fly in Greece, Italy and the Western European lands of our Mediterranean brothers and sisters.
These deviants are thrown off buildings in North Africa, yet are paraded about in Britain, Sweden and America.
The sort of egoic self-hatred and narcissistic pathology infecting the directors of the National Trust is sadly endemic in our nations and far more prevalent here than anywhere else. Even the Slavs don’t mess about with this $hit. Please excuse my language, but I am annoyed to say the least.
Our naïve, overly-trusting people are unique in believing that “wokeness” and displays of shame, guilt and self-hatred are a good thing, when they are the exact opposite.
This sick belief is frankly quite nauseating as it enables the anti-white Left to destroy our traditions, culture and history….and with it our people.
National Trust Hit Lists
The NT have created “revised lists of all of the properties they manage” and if the owner, designer, architect or anyone EVER associated with the property is linked to anything the NT deem inappropriate, a disclaimer is added.
For all intents and purposes the property that was DONATED to the NT is placed on a black list.
In total the NT now lists literally hundreds of properties in Britain that are linked to “atrocities” that they claim are in need of “revisiting” – literally TELLING activists where they should set up protest camps and start their fires next.
It’s almost as if they want the properties to be burned down….
One listing in particular that troubles me is the inclusion of Winston Churchill’s house at Chartwell – due not only to the property’s historical significance and grandeur but how Churchill is already viewed. It bothers me more than others as I expect in the years to come there will be calls for Churchill to not only be demonised as he is today, but entirely “cancelled”. I then anticipate “objection” to turn into violent protest when the government doesn’t immediately capitulate, fires to be set and mayhem to ensue. Thanks National Trust!
Although Churchill was FAR from a perfect man, he committed – as per the Trust – the heinous crime of opposing Indian self-governance in the 1930s and uttered a few racist things about the Muzzies (thought it was a religion?) and Blacks along the way that have peeved our nation’s “Woke”.
In view of what transpired in 1947 when India became independent from Britain, and the ancestors of Ash Sarkar butchered hundreds of thousands of Hindus in the process, maybe he had had foresight we lack today….
Another rather deplorable entry in the report, and perhaps one that will not result in all-out-arson but is important to me, is William Wordsworth’s house in Cumbria in the Lake District. Being a poet myself and a lover of Wordsworth I treasure the memory of my visit there with such fondness. The images of daffodils fluttering in the breeze have been torn to shreds because the National Trust decided Wordsworth is no longer worthy of our admiration – despite the fact he was passionately opposed to slavery.
His brother captained an East India ship to China.
This shows the level of derangement in the thinking of the Left.
President Biden’s son is literally an illegal handgun-toting crack-smoking, common street criminal and conman raised by Beijing Biden himself, and according to mainstream logic du jour Daddy Warbucks can’t be held responsible for his son’s evil, but the great William Wordsworth can be held to account for his brother’s sailing endeavors because they shared the same mother?
While summarising, Dominick Sandbrook concludes,
“The National Trust’s statement is merely the latest example of a pervasive culture of ignorant, nihilistic anti-patriotism, in which our history can only ever be viewed in one context – namely that of Britain’s racist wickedness……………………it is neither rigorous historical enquiry, nor is it careful stewardship in the public interest. It is simply cheap point-scoring at the expense of people no longer there to defend themselves……………….I hope they are not counting on me to renew my membership.”
And now, fee-paying National Trust members have launched a campaign against the charity for their “one-sided” view of history and their “woke agenda.”
Sandbrook is happy that the report has drawn the ire of several Members of British Parliament as well as Tory peers in the House of Lords who have accused the National Trust of bowing to “wokeism” as well as jumping on the bandwagon of the very dangerous and terroristic Black Lives Matter movement.
Still though, Sandbrook believes that this is NOT enough.
Sandbrook recommends that due to the fierce backlash that has “ensued” since the NT report’s been publicly released that the current Tory (Conservative) government, led by Boris Johnson, “officially recognise the 300 member strong counter organisation, Restore Trust” which has been set up to “celebrate Britain and protect its national treasures” presumably from Leftist evil.
“Restore Trust”, who refer to themselves as a group of “critical friends” of the National Trust, aim to “restore aesthetical experience of the NT’s properties” so that visitors can enjoy them without “intrusive interpretation”.
The group who have a website (restore-trust.co.uk) say they want to make all NT visitors feel welcomed without “demonising anyone’s history or heritage”. On their website they slam the NT’s slavery report for its “serious shortcomings” and for being one-sided. They also take exception to the fact that the report was written after pressure from the likes of Zionist anti-white Jewish supremacist, Afua Hirsch, and anti-White Marxist and Islamist supremacist, Ash Sarkar.
In their evil report the Trust’s “woke scum” board of directors actually LISTS the properties with links to plantation owners and people who acquired wealth through the slave trade, as well as ANY properties with an association with anything that makes the board “uncomfortable”.
It’s again almost as if they WANT these properties, that they were at times GIFTED by the owners, to be burned down!!!!
It is one thing for some cretinous Zimbabwean savage on a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University to want to spit his plantain smoothie at his benefactors……..
It’s another for white English people to be so traitorous to their own people and nation that they literally encourage the BLM activists at present threatening this nation to burn down the properties they were entrusted with.
This in my estimation amounts to treason where the former is at worst a lack of gratitude on the part of the scholarship recipient. (If anyone has perpetrated treason in the first instance, it’s the moron that awarded the African the scholarship in the first place!!) The latter flat-out treason.
Included in the NT’s blacklist were also properties owned by people with roots in “British India”, such as for example the esteemed writer, Rudyard Kipling, whose home – Bateman’s – is in Sussex on the south coast of England, along with the home of famous historian, Thomas Carlyle – another who felt the board’s wrath.
Kipling’s famous works include the Just So stories, The Man that Would be King and Jungle Book – all of which have been STOLEN by Hollywood.
It didn’t bother the Harvey Weinstein’s of this world that Kipling was a “Rayyy-Sist” when they nicked his writing in order to make a quick buck, however it bothers the all-English National Trust.
Go figure….
Can you imagine the American Historic Society tarnishing the reputation of the first President of the United States and calling for the destruction of his historic home, Mount Vernon, in Virginia because of his ties with the slave trade or because of his “racism”?
Forget I said that….
I actually expect America’s Left, who are even worse than ours, to soon suggest detonating bits of Mount Rushmore and replacing them with Barrack and Moochelle’s likenesses.
You’re gonna need a lot of stone for the Mooch’s lips!
In all seriousness, how long can this woke hysteria last? Going by the adverse comments beneath the Daily Mail and the Evening Standard articles discussing the National Trust’s treachery – not long.
End of article
It’s funny how all these commie wogs don’t live in commie wog countries. They live in countries they despise . The time is fast approaching where we do them or white indigenous people become a minority in their own lands. You were warned .
Wow, another brilliant article. If you go on trust pilot you can leave a comment about the NT being nothing more than woke Marxist gimmegrants. Go on, give NT a kicking.