Governor of the Bank of England: prepare for an “apocalyptic” food shortage

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Like most of the British ruling class, especially in the financial field, the swarthy Andrew Bailey looks to be part-jewish.

“The possibility of more rises in food prices is a “major worry” for the UK and other countries, the Bank of England governor has warned.

Apologising for sounding “apocalyptic”, Andrew Bailey said the war in Ukraine was affecting food supplies.

Mr Bailey also defended the Bank’s performance following criticism it has not done enough to try to rein in rising prices.

Inflation – the rate at which prices rise – is at a 30-year high.

Mr Bailey warned that a “very big income shock” from the increase in global goods prices would hit demand in the economy and push up unemployment.
He also said that difficulties shipping out food supplies from Ukraine could hit world supplies of wheat and cooking oil.

World wheat prices have risen 25% over the past six weeks.

“There’s a lot of uncertainty around this situation,” Mr Bailey said.

“And that is a major, major worry and it’s not just I have to tell you a major worry for this country. There’s a major worry for the developing world as well. And so if I had to sort of, sorry for being apocalyptic for a moment, but that is a major concern.

(source: )

1 Comment

  1. Perhaps this is all part of the great reset , mass starvation and mega deaths?
    I personally think it’s all part of the zionist elite plan to make money from human suffering.
    Just like the Irish potatoe famine of 1845. Food was taken from Ireland, under armed guard to Britain for resale at greatly increased prices.
    The Irish still used wheat and barley to make wine and beer! Just what you need when you’re starving.
    The Irish population moved to America and Britain and never went home .
    As the host countries gave them a better life. Just like today’s gimmegrants. Who whinge for centuries about racism . You are free to leave at anytime.
    In WW2 France surrendered in May 1940. America demanded immediate payment for French armaments orders in 48 hours. Or they would deliver Frances orders to the Germans.
    Henry Morgenthau jnr was the US treasurer giving this ultimatum to get whites to kill each other .
    18 months later America would send it’s own troops to fight and die for the banks.
    It was decided before WWW2 finished to rearm the defeated Axis countries with American arms . Countries apart from Britain would have to buy American arms and goods or face regime change.
    It’s all about the money and what people will do to get it .

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