Governors Wolf and Whitmer STEALING election from President Trump. The fake laws passed behind closed doors to cheat our people

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf (center) listens with bow head to one of the speakers on stage during a Las Vegas mass shooting victims vigil, in Center City Philadelphia, PA, on October 3, 2017. (Photo by Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
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by JdN contributing writer and political analyst

Why is President Trump upset?
Firstly, he has endured five long years of abuse.
No matter what he has accomplished President Trump has been unfairly maligned, lied about and discredited by our overseers.
The Deep State, political elite and the legacy media mouthpieces hell bent on destroying our people, have undermined Mr Trump’s presidency since he took office.
And yes, make NO mistake, the election IS now also being stolen from him.
One need only look at Michigan and Pennsylvania’s vile governors to KNOW our president has an uphill struggle ahead of him.
I ask….
If the president does take this all the way to the US Supreme Court, will justices installed by RINO Republicans and Neo-Cons from decades past – who have more in common with Demoncrats like Pennsylvania’s, Tom Wolf and Michigan’s, Gretchen Whitmer – than they do people like you or me, do right by us?
We’d be fools to think they will.
For people who aren’t sure precisely what the President’s issues are with what happened last night.
Fraud – Votes that continue to be mailed in, brought in and presumably FOUND outside chicken, 40 ounce and watermelon shops littered across Philly’s South Side – are still being counted, or should I say manufactured. In fact, when I went to bed last night Trump was winning handily in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, but then the polling stations were shut and by morning his lead had evaporated.

Votes that should have been tabulated early last night in places like Wayne County, Michigan (Detroit) weren’t, until Trump pulled ahead and they were needed. Peculiarly, the only district that weren’t counting last night were inner city areas run by Democrats.
This has been made possible by NEW laws passed solely to undermine our democracy and STEAL the election.


This is why our president is furious! 

Have a look at the following story out of Pennsylvania, the mainstream media hid from us in the run up to the election.
Similar things are happening in Wisconsin and Michigan.
On October 24th a little read story was released by Politico…
The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court ruled Friday that ballots in the state cannot be rejected because of signature comparisons, backing up guidance issued by the state’s chief elections officer heading into Pennsylvania’s first presidential election with no-excuse mail-in voting.


Tweet from the AG of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro….

The ruling is a defeat for President Donald Trump’s campaign and other Republicans who had challenged the decision by Pennsylvania election officials, arguing that efforts to match signatures on ballots to signatures on voter rolls were necessary to prevent fraud.
“We conclude that the Election Code does not authorize or require county election boards to reject absentee or mail-in ballots during the canvassing process based on an analysis of a voter’s signature,” the state Supreme Court wrote in an opinion signed by six of the seven justices, including five Democrats and one Republican.
The seventh justice, another Republican, concurred with the ruling.
The court directs “the county boards of elections not to reject absentee or mail-in ballots for counting, computing, and tallying based on signature comparisons conducted by county election officials or employees, or as the result of third party challenges basedon such comparisons.”
Already, just under 1.5 million Pennsylvanians have already submitted their ballots in 2020, according to the U.S. Elections Project. That’s a significant share of the vote in Pennsylvania, where about 6.2 million people voted in the 2016 general election.
Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar had issued guidance earlier this year saying local election officials cannot toss ballots because of signature comparisons alone.
“If the Voter’s Declaration on the return envelope is signed and the county board is satisfied that the declaration is sufficient, the mail-in or absentee ballot should be approved for canvassing unless challenged in accordance with the Pennsylvania Election Code,” Boockvar’s mid-September guidance read.
“The Pennsylvania Election Code does not authorize the county board of elections to set aside returned absentee or mail-in ballots based solely on signature analysis by the county board of elections.”
The court concluded that there was no clause in the state’s election code that allowed ballots to be rejected based on signature comparisons, and if the state’s lawmakers wanted one, they would have included it.
“It is not our role under our tripartite system of governance to engage in judicial legislation and to rewrite a statute in order to supply terms which are not present therein, and we will not do so in this instance,” the court wrote.
Pennsylvania, like many states, is expected to see a big wave of ballots submitted via the mail this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The critical battleground state is expected to be slow at tallying votes, because it does not allow for election officials to start processing mail ballots until Election Day, meaning definitive results are not expected in the state on Nov. 3.
Republican legislative leaders and Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf held talks about extending those processing times, but it appears they have totally collapsed. The state legislature adjourned earlier this week, and is not expected back until after Election Day, with no deal with the governor.


  1. Did you really expect liberal/left immigrant blm to act in a democratic way? Look how they hold elections in their homelands , or elections in socialist countries.

    Do you need permission to activate the 2nd Amendment?

    • No, we do not, and furthermore, our oath as military and police demand that we act:

      I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; [….]

  2. The worst domestic enemies are those who have not kept their oaths of allegiance and have become willful traitors in their official positions. There have been times when appropriate justice has been applied to such persons, or at least has been attempted. Honorable people of integrity sometimes do not have long tolerance for treason, and injustice. Quite often a lifetime of patience is required to endure what one cannot change. Elections do not always solve the problem of removing corrupt politicians.

  3. “No, we do not, and furthermore, our oath as military and police demand that we act:” JdN, a truth spoken is not always easy to uphold, but you obviously do. I do not know if you are aware of this history because it has not been widely published. It is unpleasant, but was true. Very long in its completeness. These are just extracted quotes:

    Skolnick – The Overthrow Of
    The American Republic – Part 9

    “Since at least 1995, we have been writing about and also mentioning on talk radio, a few details about the small U.S. Military Group vowing to arrest at the time Clinton as their Commander-in-Chief – the second hat Bill had as President. ”

    “If Clinton had them arrested for mutiny, they intended, if they were not assassinated, to defend themselves, showing that the person using the name “Clinton” has committed treason, such as with the Red Chinese Secret Police.”

    “April 17, 1995, two days prior to the bombings, a planeload of U.S. Military brass died when the military Lear jet, exploded in the air near Alexander City, Alabama. Thus snuffed out among the reputed coup plotters, . . . .”

    “They had onboard with them a person not supposed to exist. Namely, a Prisoner of War from Viet Nam, knowledgeable as to why and how the Defense Department and the White House continues to cover up the POWs from the Viet Nam War. ”

    “Originally, there were 24 flag officers who felt authorized under the Uniform Military Code to arrest Commander-in-Chief Clinton. If arrested on charges of mutiny, they were prepared to defend themselves with documented charges of treason against Clinton. ”

    “The 24 flag officers, out of uniform, took up residence in a Paris suburb, under the protection of the French CIA who faulted Clinton for covering up the downing in 1996 of TWA Flight 800. ”

    “Since 1995, ten of the original 24 flag officers as coup plotters were assassinated [that does NOT include those snuffed out April 17, 1995]. One of those murdered was General David McCloud, head of the Alaska Military District. Another one was Admiral Jeremy Boorda, Chief of Naval Operations, highest naval officer in uniform. [For some historical and traditional reasons, the U.S. Navy Officers and the Office of Naval Intelligence have to be at least in part, in charge of any attempt to arrest the Commander-in-Chief for treason.]”

    • Thanks. Some of this does check out, and the lapidary nature of the final sentences says, between the lines, this was a hit.

      He was a command pilot with more than 4,100 flying hours, principally in fighter aircraft. He died 26 July 1998 in Anchorage, Alaska, when the aircraft he was piloting crashed. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

      That is ridiculously short for the death of a very high AF official.

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