The goy “Holocaust” ( = “total burning”) — is real and it is coming; are DEWs real — “Directed Energy Weapons”? How does a ship out at sea catch fire from a forest fire on Maui?

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Lahaina, Maui — “Strangely, ships were on fire way out in the water.”

…..Does the US military have laser weapons? YUP. Can they set cars, boats and forests on fire from planes and satellites above a city? Guess! 

Why is Northrup-Grumman boasting right on its website about using military lasers, which, of course, are, ahem, for “defending our nation“?

Is this not a laser being fired at some object in a cloud? Could it not also be fired at an object on the ground?


“Defending the nation” ehhh? And just which “nation” would that be?



….Canadian summers are fire, toxic smoke, and dying forests  — a far northern nation is baking in unheard-of heat


I live on the southern shore of Lake Superior, right across from Canada, and this is truly the far north, a land of four to six months every years of snow.


I sold our paid-off, snowed-under house to keep this website and my mission going for ten more months. That money has run out.

I got some of this info below from Macleans’ magazine.

The aftermath of the White Rock Lake wildfire in B.C. in 2021. (Photograph by Darryl Dyck/CP Images.)

It’s Armel Castellan’s job to know the weather 24/7. As Environment and Climate Change Canada’s disaster preparedness meteorologist for B.C. and Yukon, he’s constantly on the lookout for extremes: subtropical cyclones, arctic cold fronts, floods, heat waves and fire weather.

When he looked at the weather models in mid-June of 2021, he felt his heart beating in his throat. The skull-crushing ridge of high pressure he saw headed toward B.C. was so powerful, he knew immediately it would blanket a vast area in deadly heat. The models were forecasting temperatures so far outside of normal that the map interface on Castellan’s computer was displaying all new colours—greys and whites on a spectrum of intensity he’d only ever seen go to dark red. Within days, European, American and Japanese weather models converged on a consensus: a record-breaking pressure cooker would soon envelop western North America.

“We knew records were going to be broken,” says Castellan. “But that doesn’t give you the reality of what was about to happen.” Temperature records typically break by tenths of degrees, like speed records for the 100-metre dash. At its apex, the heat dome that engulfed B.C. that month eclipsed some records by more than five degrees, driving temperatures up to 25 degrees C beyond seasonal averages.

Across the region, roads buckled, car windows cracked and power cables melted. The emerald fringes of conifers browned overnight, as if singed by flame. Entire cherry orchards were destroyed, the fruit stewed on the trees. More than 650,000 farm animals died of heat stress. Hundreds of thousands of honeybees perished, their organs exploding outside their bodies. Billions of shoreline creatures, especially shellfish, simply baked to death, strewing beaches with empty shells and a fetid stench that lingered for weeks. Birds and insects went unnervingly silent. All the while the skies were hazy but clear, the air preternaturally still, not a cloud in sight. The air pressure was so high they’d all dissipated.

Then came the fires. For three days in a row, the village of Lytton sustained temperatures more typical of the Sahara Desert or Death Valley, setting new Canadian records each day, before peaking at 49.6 degrees C [122 Fahrenheit]. On the fourth day, the village burned to the ground. The day of the inferno, the B.C. Wildfire Service’s Fire Weather Index, which usually tops out at around 30, hit 132. In the days that followed, smoke-fed thunderclouds formed over two conflagrations, generating 121,000 lightning strikes in a single evening, igniting more fires.

Air pollution levels in some communities reached more than 40 times the safe limit.

That week, the province recorded the largest number of ambulance dispatches ever. Kyle Merritt, an emergency doctor at Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson, saw a wide range of cascading health effects: heat exhaustion, of course, but also acute psychological crises, including suicidal ideation and panic attacks. Something about breathing that noxious air for so many days on end was deeply destabilizing.

On the chart of one patient suffering from heatstroke, he wrote “climate change” as the underlying cause—as far as he knows, a world first. Others developed respiratory problems that, even after the fires abated, never went away. All told, the heat dome directly killed more than 600 British Columbians, making it the deadliest weather event in Canadian history. Mortality rates among the elderly remained elevated for months afterwards.

As the heat crescendo-ed at the end of June, Castellan’s days were packed with dozens of media interviews from his home office in Victoria, which was unwisely located in the hottest part of his house. He hydrated between speaking to the New York Times and Reuters. At night, he set up a tent in his backyard so his three young children’s bodies could cool down. When Victoria set a record high of 39.8 degrees [104 F], he tried not to think too hard about what that meant for the future his kids would inherit.

“There’s an apocalyptic feel to something that different,” says Castellan. “It’s like when you witness an eclipse. There’s that very strange sensation: all of a sudden it gets dark in the middle of the day, and the birds go quiet, and everything is strange. It was like that, on a multi-day level. It’s like the sun just grew in size.”



…. Are DEWs real — “Directed Energy  Weapons”? How the hell does a ship out at sea off Lahaina catch fire from house fires on the shore?

D.E.Ws on Maui?!

Friends, yesterday I shared proof of direct energy operations within the U.S and evidence of this laser technology on the island of Maui. These lasers or directed-energy weapons (DEW) refer to a type of weapon that operates at a distance and inflicts damage onto its intended target by the utilization of concentrated energy, without the need for a physical projectile.

Examples of such weapons include lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams.

The powers that shouldn’t be have had this technology at their disposal for decades and defense contractors like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Northrup Grumman have contracted with the military to bring directed energy capabilities to warfighters.

I want to mention that I’ve been covering the Maui fire attacks since the day they were inflicted upon the unsuspecting population (See my Maui playlist here.My heart and prayers are with all those suffering this horrendous devastation, and I will continue to dig deep to uncover the nefarious actors and actions that are driving it.

We observe time and time again from these devastating fire aftermaths how these lasers, a form of energy capable of cutting through metal, can completely melt metal, destroy cars and decimate buildings while leaving behind trees and various combustible objects.

When comparing the damage from natural outdoor fires to the damage caused by the Lahaina fire, there are a lot of things that don’t add up. The devastation is so severe it looks like a bomb went off. Nearly all of the witnesses that I have seen interviewed or that I have personally spoken to have described hearing explosions.

The photographic images depict obliterated structures and molten metal, while the surrounding vegetation, including grass and trees, remains relatively unscathed, and wooden picnic tables are still standing.

Strangely, the ships were on fire way out in the water as well. Images from this fire are mostly in line with what you would expect to see after a bomb or with the notion that a directed energy weapon was responsible.

“The heat densities of DEWs are similar to those experienced at the exhaust of a rocket engine motor or in the close vicinity of a nuclear explosion.” —US Air Force Research Laboratory

When digging through the Air Force Material Command’s website, I discovered that their research labs have operational locations in 10 states: California, Florida, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.

The inclusion of Hawaii on the list might seem like a mere coincidence, but the “coincidences” KEEP piling up!

And not only is the research lab operating in the state of Hawaii, but its precise location is on the island of MAUI.

“The AFRL Directed Energy Directorate operates two major telescope sites that are used to advance SSA technologies. One of these sites is located on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and the other site is located on Maui, Hawaii. The Maui site is called the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site.” Source.

Satellite detection and identification, atmospheric compensation and resolved imaging, astrodynamics and orbital metrics, sensor development, laser propagation through the Earth’s atmosphere(!!), database cataloging of satellite images, and high-performance computer modeling and simulation are all areas of focus at the AMOS site.

As I mentioned previously, DEWs not only include lasers, but also microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. It will be more difficult to anticipate the undetectable types of directed energy, such as sound beams.

I’m not claiming that this particular facility was responsible, but I am pointing out that it has the capabilities to fire these lasers into the atmosphere and anywhere else as directed.

Watch my video coverage below and join me daily here for live updates and reports.

Also, I want to thank ALL of you who read and share my messages and videos. THIS is how we “outwit the nitwits” — by exposing their evil “agenders” and staying one step ahead of their ridiculous narratives.



If you can support my work, please click here to do so. Everyone who is a financial supporter is invited to our monthly LIVE Q&A webinar. Please email with questions or for your invite:

More videos on these Maui Fires:

Devastating Maui Fire — Eyewitness Footage

LIVE: Deep-Dive Analysis of the Public Serpents

Maui Fires: 12 Toxic Side Effects

Maui Fire: Strange Things Don’t Add Up

Why NO Emergency Alert in Maui?

Maui Will “BUILD BACK BETTER” — Gov Josh Green

Gov Green Wants to Take Over Lahaina


  1. Regarding the ship, there are many ways by which it could have been set on fire.

    The depopulation of the Hawaiian island by fire would have been planned by the Jews for years.

    The claim that a “directed energy weapon” was employed to set the fire would have been part of the plan because this would point away from the Jews toward the American military.

    The question that needs to be asked to is Qui Bono?

    If the Jews want to occupy the island the island they will need an explanation as to how it came to be depopulated by fire, and this explanation would be the “directed energy weapon” theory, which points away from them — toward the American military.

    Setting fire to the ship would lend credence to this Directed Energy theory.

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