Goyim Defense League truck enrages jews, has cops on their toes

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Courageous and good, but Rockwell was doing this kind of shock-show 60 years ago, and it had no lasting impact, or even a ten-second effect, on the gullible yet cowardly sheeple.


  1. At leat it gets the sheep to start thinking about who really keeps them in debt and a shit world. It might make the pyscopathic zionist elites and their helpers think about us settling up the score.
    Or will they deflect attention via war and diseases?

  2. Maybe the Goyim truck can play music like an old-fashioned ice cream vendor, playing the Horst Wessel song

  3. You’ve got burglars in your home stealing you blind. After they’re through robbing you, they’re going to torch your home and burn it to the ground.

    But don’t say anything! Don’t complain. Don’t criticize them. Don’t call the police. Keep your mouth shut. Say nothing; do nothing. Don’t offend the robber arsonists. It might be politically incorrect!

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