Pennsylvania state police investigate aliens; The Mantra; brave Jewish girl confronts Netanyahu, is assaulted, and wins lawsuit; Grand Finale, part 7, of the Eternal Solutrean Agency’s Launch Video

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Two women were sitting next to each other at a bar. After  a while, one looks at the other and says, ‘I can’t help but think, from  listening to you, that you’re fromIreland  .’

The other woman responds proudly,  ‘Yes, I sure am!’

The first one says,  ‘So am I!  And where about in Ireland  are ya from?’

The other woman answers,  ‘I’m from Dublin, I am.’

The first one responds, ‘So, am I!!  And what street  did you live on in Dublin?’ The other woman  says, ‘A lovely little area.  It was in the west end. I lived on  Warbury Street in the old central part of  town.’ The first one says, ‘Faith, and it’s a small world.  So did  I!  So did I!  And what school did ya go  to?’

The other woman answers, ‘Well  now, I went to Holy Heart of Mary, of course..’ The first one gets  really excited and says, ‘And so did I!  Tell me, what year did you  graduate?’The other woman answers, ‘Well, now, let’s see.  I  graduated in 1964.’

The first woman  exclaims, ‘The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us!  I can  hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same pub tonight! Can  you believe it?  I graduated from Holy Heart of Mary in 1964 me  self !’
About this time, Michael walks into the  bar, sits down, and orders a beer.

Brian, the bartender, walks over to Michael shaking his  head and mutters, ‘It’s going to be a long night  tonight.’

Michael asks, ‘Why do you  say that, Brian?’

Brian answers, ‘The  Murphy twins are drunk again.


============WHERE ARE THEY NOW?

Just in case you might have wondered how their ineptitude affected their lives after they ruined so many dreams and lives….let me refresh your memory:Where are “Jim,” “Tim” and “Franklin” now? Here’s a quick look into the three former Fannie Mae executives who brought down Wall Street.Franklin Raines – was a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Fannie Mae. Raines was forced to retire from his position with Fannie Mae when auditing discovered severe irregularities in Fannie Mae’s accounting activities. Raines left with a “golden parachute valued at $240 Million in benefits. The Government filed suit against Raines when the depth of the accounting scandal became clear.

Tim Howard – was the Chief Financial Officer of Fannie Mae. Howard “was a strong internal proponent of using accounting strategies that would ensure a “stable pattern of earnings” at Fannie. Investigations by federal regulators and the company’s board of directors
Since concluded that management did manipulate 1998 earnings to trigger bonuses. Raines and Howard resigned under pressure in late 2004. Howard’s Golden Parachute was estimated at $20 Million!
Jim Johnson – A former executive at Lehman Brothers and who was later forced from his position as Fannie Mae CEO. Investigators found that Fannie Mae had hidden a substantial amount of Johnson’s 1998 compensation from the public, reporting that it was between $6 million and $7 million when it fact it was $21 million.” Johnson is currently under investigation for taking illegal loans from Countrywide while serving as CEO of Fannie Mae. Johnson’s Golden Parachute was estimated at $28 Million.


Raines works for the Obama Campaign as his Chief Economic Advisor.

Howard is a Chief Economic Advisor to Obama under Franklin Raines.

Johnson was hired as a Senior Obama Finance Advisor and was selected to run Obama’s Vice-Presidential Search Committee.



Call me at (724) 212-5426.

Or email me at
If you use PayPal, I work with people who HAVE Paypal. Contact me if you wish to donate!

You say you want a pro-white mass-movement, and not just complain and moan? Well, we are at that point now, to launch my movement after 34 years of preparation (
The new organizational website is coming together better an better! Look at THE “MORAL NATION” VIDEOS at the bottom of the home page! See especially part one!


Beautiful work, by a 100% volunteer with IT skills!

I now have a video editor, two IT men, and a temporary HQ! YOU can help by sending me the financial ammo to starting firing back at our foes!

Again, do you wish to make a donation by PayPal? Then contact me for details!

Or donate today, right now, via PP to a worthy group,, and make a notation “FJ”!




An atheist and scoffer wrote me that I was discrediting myself by talking (in this blog, below, and on previous blogs) about aliens.

I replied:

* * *

I see, so the Penn. State Police [see below] are insane….

And let me add that the opinion polls show your assertion is dead wrong that “no one believes in aliens.”

Nearly 50 years since an alleged UFO was sighted at Roswell, New Mexico, a new CNNTime poll released Sunday shows that 80 percent of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.

While nearly three-quarters of the 1,024 adults questioned for the poll said they had never seen or known anyone who saw a UFO, 54 percent believe intelligent life exists outside Earth.

Sixty-four percent of the respondents said that aliens have contacted humans, half said they have abducted humans, and 37 percent said they have contacted the U.S. government. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Jimmy Carter saw a UFO. But he was just a president of the United States.

I have seen one, a gray-cigar-shaped craft (of the sort reputed, in fact, to be very dangerous).

A friend has an uncle that was a professor who did research at Wright-Patterson AFB in OH. He saw alien bodies, and revealed it to his nephew, whom I know personally, on his deathbed, saying “We are not alone.”

Because you have not seen a UFO, that means no one else has seen one. 😉

What is your proof that I am wrong, and 80% of Americans are insane, besides the sneering remarks, Mr. Logical?

How do you prove there are no life forms visiting this planet? How do you prove this universe is empty of all intelligent life except earth?

And did you LOOK at this video on my blog [below]? Did you look at it??? To the end??

How do you explain granite being cut by prehistoric Injuns — granite which only a diamond can cut? How were 100-ton granite blocks transported 37 miles by Stone Age Injuns?

I really scoff at someone who has a blind, snobbish prejudice. Does it make you feel superior?

There is not one single factual or even accurate statement in your email denigrating 80% of the people. I am one of them. And I graduated high honors from Georgetown, Phi Beta Kappa (top 10% of the class) and magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree.

Later, I studied interrogation in the Marines, and had three meritorious promotions. I have a very good B-S meter. 😉

But as a security guard, you look down on both me and the other 80% of us.  Amazing, brother. 😉

* * *

I ran into a local businessman who told me there is a very quiet branch of the Pennsylvania State Police, and what they do, not trusting the feds, is investigate UFO sightings for themselves — after alarmed people call the police, having seen incredibly bright lights, or a craft whooshing over the roof of their house, and various other phenomena, some of them very scary.

Of course many of them call the police over anything disturbing, and out in the very small  towns and the countryside it is the state police whom they would call, there being no local police — and the sheriffs being there to hold criminals in jail for trial.

More on what this businessman said to me below, but first this, a suberb video — watch it!!!!! — but with two huge flaws.

First, the documentary tells only a half-truth by pointing out that Viracocha had a beard and mustache, which no Indian has ever had. (Indian males do not have facial hair.)

It was also, Indians told the Spanish later, a BLOND beard. “The Viracocha people were white like you, but blonder.”

And the gods of the Sumerians had blue eyes! They were not swarthy “Iraqís”!

Here you can clearly see lapis lazuli, a blue stone, used to depict blue eyes. This is one of many such sculptures depicting the gods of Sumeria, not humans. There was nothing and suddenly there were cities, canals and law codes.

And let us not forget the Druze of Syria. It is starting to seem more and more as if whites are the children of the gods, BUT those gods were nordic aliens…..and somehow we come from them.

Second, the whole “pushing” of this ancient-alien thing is suspicious.

It fits in perfectly with the Protocols and the promotion of atheism.

“There were no gods, people! There were just aliens — whose technology caused them to be worshiped as gods.

So there is no god, just sex and money, and hang onto your life by being a low-profile coward, because when you die, it is forever.

Heroes are stupid — because they shorten the one short life we have.”

In reality, both aliens and humans are subject to the universal deity that created them, you, me and a trillion galaxies.

There IS a God and He ain’t no alien.

And the karma of falling for this malarkey and being a selfish coward is a bitch.

The whole “Ancient Alien” series on the History Channel is thus both a wonderful true story and also a toxic lie designed to promote atheism: “Aliens rule, we are powerless, and this is yet another reason to drink beer and do nuttin’.”

Yeah, right, Jews. 😉

* * *

Now think about it — and I really feel I am right about this — that if the Roswell incident with the crashed Grays is true, and it is an extremely well-proven case, then remember that these Grays, however cold and cruel they are, cannot even build a spacecraft that can avoid crashing! So they are not omnipotent….

But if the nordic aliens for their part cannot defeat Grays whose ships crash, then they too are not omnipotent!

We are NOT dealing here with some species that are so advanced they can just sneer at us and ignore us. Oh, no, they have their problems and ups and downs too.

They were battling the Grays over Nuremberg in the 1500s and still have not beaten them today!

I read a dead-serious report saying they were about 40 years ahead of us white countries of the year 2012 in their technological achievements, NOT centuries ahead.

And because they face their own challenges, they just might need us if we can prove ourselves useful, not to mention that as the Vril Society showed, they feel some benevolence toward us anyway, and it would see we are some sort of offshoot of them.

What I got clearly from the Across Atlantic Ice book is how the Solutreans were an explosion of creativity and adventure in every single area….inventions, art, travel… unlike neanderthals incapable of change. Things just suddenly leapt forward…..

This blog came out Saturday morning and IMMEDIATELY the Israelis began hacking at my router.

With respect to both topics below, the people looking for some real depth are looking to see all this cast as a struggle between good and evil and not just between mere “skin colors,” or lip and hair differences. They see far too many white scumbags to be blind worshipers of whiteness.

They are drawn to the person who can cast this in its true perspective. This is a soul war. This is really about, at higher levels, not us but angels and demons, and what we are is inferior angels, learner angels.

At a time of decision like this, one can grow 30 times faster, 30 times faster NOW, than after our victory and the golden age has begun. Think about it: a world ruled by national socialism….peace, power, pride, law and order, solid families, magnificent, spotless cities, pioneers lifting off and soaring into space on new adventures, art and beauty everywhere….parks, museums, frolicking children…. But where will the incredible tests of character be then?

This is a time for heroes. This is the time when your soul can surge ahead at warp speed.

Now back to what the businessman told me. The grays (a major alien federation, with gray skin) are very evil……  I learned about a Pennsylvanian who was abducted by them, and every inch of him was turned lobster-red. He died of rectal cancer just a few months after being abducted, from a massive dose of radiation.

This group works very scientifically, and when a UFO call comes in, in the follow-up they go to neighbors, not the caller, and ask if they saw anything “unusual” recently. Often the neighbors saw it too, but (typical people!) did nothing about it. If their story matches that of the caller, then they know it is not just a “nut” who was calling.

He confirmed there are the hostile, evil gray aliens, and the nordic aliens as well.

I told him my theory that there are two federations, and they are of equal power and while they hate each other, they seek to avoid any more conflict. So neither side intervenes openly in earthly affairs, since any colonizing of the earth by one side would violate the truce.

This guy was amazed at my knowledge of this, which started when Jason Salyers showed me some things, and it all confirmed my own sighting of a gray spaceship with a Liberty Lobby supporter in 1990 in McMinnville, Oregon.

In the end, I feel intuitively that our fight against the Jews is somehow tied in with the Aldebarans’ millennial fight with the grays. The ancient Greek gods et alia were simply Aldebarans.   I also now get the strong sense that the Solutreans marked the first time the Aldebarans mixed THEIR genes into those of the original Cro Magnon white race, because over and over Dennis Stanford’s book emphasizes how suddenly the culture, technology and artwork improved rapidly in Europe when the Solutreans appeared, in what is called a “quantum leap.” and when they moved in large numbers to North America, European culture declined. The Solutreans were incredibly gifted.

And the gifted must not die out.



Call me at (724) 212-5426

Or email me at

You say you want a pro-white mass-movement, and not just complain and moan? Well, we are at that point now, to launch my movement after 34 years of preparation.



(from comrade John King — all photos and captions added by me, John de Nugent)

John is a former Army lieutenant, husband and father, and a skilled writer and courageous street activist who came and helped me in the spring of 2011. This shot was taken at the West End overlook onto the city of Pittsburgh.

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.” — the 14 words — the ultimate expression of Love



But is “good for Jews” also “good for us”?

Under Obama we American taxpayers helped pay for a 45-foot-high wall separating Jews from Palestinians.   Meanwhile our Kenyan emperor tells us that we CANNOT build a fence on our Mexican border.  I’ve been to the border four times over the years and, take it from me, it is an international JOKE.
1 out of 5 homeless people are US Veterans.  But we’ve payed Israel approximately $90 Billlion (yes, the “B” was not a typo) since 1948.
Romney is also a traitor.  His biggest financial supporter is Sheldon Adelson (gambling magnate), who is also one of “god’s little helpers”
Romney at the “Wailing Wall,” replete with yarmulke….
……which in my opinion gives one direct interface with Satan himself.  There can be no justice and peace in this world until this wall is bombed and the dust thrown into the ocean.  Now why the yarmulke? —  I thought Romney was a Mormon.  I guess that’s just for the “general consumption” of the America sheople.
We regular Americans are screwed.
Choosing between these two traitors is like getting to choose your method of execution.
“Ok, prisoner, will it be the rope or the poison?”
I’m not voting for either of these anti-Whites.  And everyone reading this knows that both are anti-Whites.
At least with Obama and his Jeremiah Wright sidekick you get honesty in the anti-White policy (racial quotas, open borders)
My then two dogs, Carmen and Spike, being walked by John King and my then webmaster, Clark Lightbridge, an African-American who agreed that whites are an important part of this nation and of the betterment of the world, and helped me diligently with my websites for two years.)
Clark is no race traitor, but a man who understood that the enemy of all races is the supremacist, zionist, genocidal Jew: (And at the bottom note the photos of Obama and the “Choom Gang,” and how the photos “grow”!)
Romney wants to con White America by making them think that a white face = pro-White.
Obama is true to his African character.  Romney is a traitor to the culture that gave rise to him.  Romney is worse
If America is a ship (USS America) heading toward the iceberg, who do YOU prefer holding the captain’s wheel?  A colored guy or a white traitor?  “Obama – Four More Years!”
The ship is gonna hit the iceberg.  You know that too.
This sick demented judeocratric regime is bankrupting itself.  We must prepare ourselves for what follows.  As always the darkest hour comes just before dawn.
The Mantra, by Bob Whittaker



Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.


The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.


Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.


What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?


How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the “final solution” to the BLACK problem?


And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?


But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.


They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.                                                         .     


Rae Abileah, Co-Director of “CODEPINK — Women for Peace”

Rae Abileah shows up in the gutsiest way at major events (AIPAC meetings, congressional speeches) and denounces Netanyahu and the whole Israeli policy of genocide toward the Palestinian people.

Listen to that hate-filled Jewish voice yelling “Get her out of here!” How is that different from “Give us Barabbas!” two thousand years earlier? (time segment 1:11-2:23)

I called a telephone number for Rae Abileah that I found online when she stood up in the US Congress in May 2011, and protested Netanyahu during his sickening, smirking speech of lies in OUR US Capitol, which got an even more sickening 31 standing ovations from the servile congresswhores.

Moved, I left her a message of sincere admiration and support. Well, three weeks later she called me and sounded like a really nice, brave person.

She is sort of a Jewish Rachel Corrie, but she was just injured, not killed.

Rachel Corrie, American heroine


On the day of her death, minutes from becoming a brave martyr in the cause of human dignity

She was very deliberately crushed twice in 2003 by the blade of an Israeli bulldozer (US-made) as she tried to prevent it from destroying the home of a Palestinian doctor. She died of trauma that day:

Sounds like the Jew who assaulted Rae Abileah had to settle with her financially too.

Of course, Ms. Abileah will not agree with many of my views, which go far beyond hers. I know that Judaism itself is a criminal and psychopathic cult. It cannot be repaired, fixed or improved, for at its core it is a cult of satanic genocide and of a Jewish master-race.

As Jesus said: “You are from your father, the Devil!” (John 8:44) Both the Old Testament AND the Talmud contain passages of unspeakable evil toward non-Jews, saying gentiles must become slaves, Jews must own the world and that all the kings of the world must bow down to Zion. Then the Jewish messiah will “rule the nations with a rod of iron.” It is a nightmarish vision of hate, oppression and revenge, and the Talmud is even more bloodthirsty than the Old Testament.


BUT I respect the fighting spirit of this gal. Look at all the white do-nothings who prefer to read, read, read online — about Zionism — and yet do nothing. That is why my financial situation is truly desperate, having spent thousands on these videos (see below), then the Obongo government stole my mail, taking many contributions, especially those with no return address, and putting me in a financial crisis JUST WHEN I NEED TO BE STARTING THIS MOVEMENT, NOT BEGGING 24/7 FOR MONEY TO SURVIVE WITH FOOD AND A ROOF OVER MY HEAD!

Do you want a movement or not? Or have chemtrails and fluoride so docilized you that you just SIT THERE as your doom approaches?

Frankly, if I ever were to sit down with this gal, Rae Abileah, I would find that in our desire to make every sacrifice to change this evil world, I have more in common with her than with a reader of my blog who month-after-month never does a thing to help me.

As a famous German said:

“This planet is a world of struggle, and those unwilling to fight are not worthy to live.”


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Rae Abileah
Subject: Case closed. Thank you!

Dear friends,


Thank you for your support in the immediate days following the assault I experienced in Congress when I stood up to call out for equal rights for Palestinians during Netanyahu’s address on May 24, 2011.  I am writing to share good news: My lawsuit against the man who attacked me has settled with a very good outcome including financial compensation, a public apology and a joint statement.  The assailant, Mr. Shulster, acknowledged my right…to hold a different view on the Israel-Palestine conflict and believes [I hold] this view in good faith.”  Sounds like common sense, but actually a big deal given that Mr. Shulster is a volunteer lobbyist for AIPAC and a veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces and the US Navy.  CODEPINK co-director Medea Benjamin wrote an excellent article about this settlement which was published to Mondoweiss here.  Please read and share it!


You can read the press release here and below, and see preliminary news coverage here.


I continue to heal from my neck injury.  And I continue to be inspired by the global movement for a just peace in the Middle East.  This summer there have been numerous victories in boycott campaigns, divestment work, and on and on.  I’ll be donating a portion of the settlement money to a Palestinian organization for legal fees for peaceful protesters in the West Bank — I’m most inspired to do this work following the leadership of our brothers and sisters in Palestine who are engaged in the daily struggle of resistance to Occupation and oppression.


Onward ever,


Rae Abileah I Co-Director I CODEPINK Women for Peace :: c 415.994.1723 :: w 415.355.0300
facebook :: @raeabileah ::


For Immediate Release:
Monday, July 30, 2012
Rae Abileah, rae[at]
Lynne Bernabei, bernabei[at]
AIPAC Volunteer Lobbyist, IDF Veteran Who Assaulted Young Jewish Peace Protestor in Congressional Gallery
Apologizes and Pays Compensation
Woman who disrupted Israeli Prime Minister was hospitalized for injuries, now satisfied by settlement
Washington, D.C.-Rae Abileah, a peaceful demonstrator from CODEPINK who was physically injured on May 24, 2011, in the U.S. House of Representative Gallery, while protesting during the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, reached a settlement in a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia with defendant Stanley Shulster. The settlement provided for compensatory damages, an apology, and a joint statement.
Mr. Shulster is a professed volunteer lobbyist for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, volunteer in the Israeli Defense Forces, and retired attorney. Ms. Abileah will donate a portion of the received funds to legal and medical aid for peaceful Palestinian protesters in the West Bank.
Joint Statement of Rae Abileah and Stanley Shulster:
We have reached an agreement in the lawsuit brought by Rae Abileah against Stanley Shulster. Our agreement resolves Ms. Abileah’s claim that Mr. Shulster assaulted her while she protested during a speech at the U.S. Capitol by Israel Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and Mr. Shulster’s defense that he did not assault her.
Mr. Shulster apologizes for any physical or emotional harm caused by him to Ms. Abileah. He agrees that he should have let the Capitol Police handle the situation. Ms. Abileah accepts this apology.
Mr. Shulster respects the right of Ms. Abileah to hold a different view on the Israel-Palestine conflict and believes she holds this view in good faith.
Ms. Abileah respects Mr. Shulster’s right to hold a different view on the Israel-Palestine conflict and believes that he holds this view in good faith.
Each party recognizes the right, as Americans, to agree to disagree peacefully.
“The settlement of my case has led to accountability for the assault against me intended to silence me from expressing my opposition to Israel’s violence against the Palestinians,” said Rae Abileah, who is a Jewish-American of Israeli descent and is the co-director of CODEPINK.
“Today, the justice system worked to protect non-violent protestors and promote dialogue rather than violence,” said Lynne Bernabei, one of Ms. Abileah’s attorneys.
Incidents of violence toward advocates of human rights for Palestinians have been on the rise in recent years. In 2010, an AIPAC conference attendee elbowed a protester in the face as he walked into the D.C. Convention Center, and video footage of the 2011 AIPAC Annual Gala shows the assault of a young woman who held a banner reading “Silencing Dissent Delegitimizes Israel”.
On November 14, 2010, members of the pro-Occupation group Stand With Us (SWU) entered a meeting of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and sprayed pepper spray into two JVP members’ eyes. “When our regular chapter meeting suddenly filled with furious, disruptive Jews, I wondered what about us bothered them so much,” Glen Hauer, a longtime JVP member, said. “We are only doing what our tradition teaches all Jews to do-seeking justice.”
Attacks on peaceful protesters in the West Bank by the Israeli Defense Forces and Israeli settlers have lead to severe injuries and death. Demonstrators in Palestinian villages such as Bil’in are frequently subjected to tear gas, rubber bullets, and arrest.
Ms. Abileah’s protest and subsequent assault was widely covered by news sources including CNN, ABC, NBC, San Francisco Chronicle, Yediot Ahronot, Haaretz, Jerusalem Post, and Aljazeera. Ms. Abileah is available for interview upon request.

================FINAL LAUNCH VIDEO


Call me at (724) 212-5426

Or email me at

You say you want a pro-white mass-movement, and not just complain and moan? Well, we are at that point now, to launch my movement after 34 years of preparation.

Now that this huge video project is completed, I want you to see them all in order, below, ending with the finale, released today.

First review of the finale, via skype:

* * *

[16:02:52]: Good music choice at the end.
[16:05:46]: YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!
[16:06:01]: That was epic.  Great video, good job on the launch series all around, John. 🙂
[16:11:46]: You used the same method in your launch videos that I did in the flyer I designed:  Build up on premises people can agree on, and then throw the natural conclusion at them, forcing them to either accept it or look stupid and/or hypocritical.

* * *

Second review:

* * *

From a TW in California:
Hi John…. What a FABULOUS job you and your staff have done on the videos. There’s nothing out there remotely similar to your views. I am sharing them deep and wide.
 The seeds are planted, and hope they will grow and blossom to a new  vigorous, ebullient, virtuous tomorrow.  

Previous Launch Video segments:

Part one of seven (link:

A skit — crushing Goldman Sachs

Part two of seven (link:

Part three of seven (link:

Part four of seven (link:

Part five of seven of the launch video (link:

What will then appear on the new organizational site  is a kind of bloglike text expanding with facts on some of the huge accusations against Jewry I made in the first five parts and in the final two parts.

Then the video resumes here:

Part six of seven of the launch video (link:

And finally, of course, what you see below, THE FINALE:

Part seven of seven ( = the end) of the launch video (link: (Remember that it is the continuation of part six! It starts in the middle of things.)




As you know from reading this blog……

…..for three weeks running now basically NO donations have been delivered to me, right after spending thousands on video production. 

Duke has a bank account! So do Weber and Taylor! and Black! Carto has every financial instrument! Look at the bottom of that webpage: bank account, credit cards, and Paypal!

And they all have their Youtube video channels! And THEY get THEIR mail!


Use your head…… 😉

The Jew has closed three of my Youtube channels, hacked my website thrice, closed three gmail accounts, and closed my paid Photobucket account (stripping hundreds of blogs of their photos, with 2,500 photos deleted).

In point of fact, the Obongo regime began stealing my mail weeks ago, as soon as Launch Videos four and five came out. When three different donors wrote me after not getting any acknowledgement or thanks from me, this confirmed my suspicion that the federal government itself was committing the felony of stealing the US Mail and taking out contributions.

The zogfeds briefly resumed mail service and I got some three-week old mail from Holland…. but not the other two donations…..or any of the many donations I had every right to again expect after releasing new videos, those with no return address (coming from countries with “hate-speech” laws)…. and those are folks who will not contact me by email….

(They were used to seeing me scan in their actual cash donation and publish it on the blog.)

Then the zogfeds started up the criminal theft of my mail again. My visit to my congressman and to the postmaster had only a very brief restorative effect.

So the next step now is a mass flyer campaign to embarrass the USPS and cause a very, very loud scandal. I cannot survive if I am not getting DONATIONS BY MAIL.

The mail should be sacred! For all Americans!

Now for cowards (the majority ;-)), seeing the regime treat me this way will dissuade them from any contact with me.

For heroes, it will indicate I am the one the Jews and Obama fear most.

Holding a stone reminiscent of a Solutrean spearhead

How can you help NOW?


You can send me in just minutes, without leaving your home, the donations I need to finish the final video segment and start the Eternal Solutrean Agency’s public activities totally online! Just create an account with Moneygram and use your credit card! Then send me the “reference number.” Bingo — I go get the money at a Walmart or other location.


In the USA:

(In Germany:

Times are worsening, but that is good for those who seek (peaceful) revolution. Miserable people are easily aroused, not complacent people making money hand-over-fist, buying their favorite pickup trucks and giant-screen teevees.


07/30 @ 02:47 : Pawtucket, Rhode Island, US
07/30 @ 02:41 : Hialeah, Florida, US
07/30 @ 02:40 : Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, US
07/30 @ 02:38 : Kodak, Tennessee, US
07/30 @ 02:35 : Nuremberg, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
07/30 @ 02:35 : Copenhagen, DK [DENMARK]
07/30 @ 02:33 : Fairfield, Iowa, US
07/30 @ 02:21 : Burgdorf, DE
07/30 @ 02:20 : New York, New York, US
07/30 @ 02:19 : Calgary, CA[NADA]

07/30 @ 10:38 : Tokyo, JP [JAPAN]

07/30 @ 10:36 : Milford, Connecticut, US
07/30 @ 10:36 : Kampala, UG[ANDA]
07/30 @ 10:33 : Saint Louis, Missouri, US
07/30 @ 10:33 : Kaigandori, JP
07/30 @ 10:30 : Milford, Connecticut, US
07/30 @ 10:29 : Bethesda, Maryland, US
07/30 @ 10:26 : Austin, Texas, US
07/30 @ 09:02 : Orono, Maine, US
07/30 @ 09:00 : Sampaloc, PH[ILIPINES]
07/30 @ 08:58 : Barceloneta, ES [SPAIN]
07/30 @ 08:55 : Jasper, Indiana, US
07/30 @ 08:55 : Corpus Christi, Texas, US
07/30 @ 08:49 : Tkibuli, GE[ORGIA]
07/30 @ 08:47 : Kotka, FI[NLAND]
07/30 @ 08:43 : Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, US
07/30 @ 08:43 : Brookline, Massachusetts, US
07/30 @ 08:42 : Greensboro, North Carolina, US
07/30 @ 08:39 : Sydney, AU[STRALIA]


I have moved now to Apollo, Pennsylvania for a special reason, the NUMEC nuclear waste disaster, where Israel secretly built atomic bomb material, dumping nuclear waste all over the region, causing hundreds of locals to contract cancer.

I sat next to a fracking worker the other night named Ed (“fracking” is natural gas drilling using fracturing of rock layers), and he exclaimed to me:

“Why are so many young people getting cancer around here!?!?”

Here, where the people are furious at 40 years of non-cleanup (a dangerous cleanup constantly postponed, because it would reveal that ISRAEL was building ATOMIC BOMB MATERIAL here) I setting up my organization to change this nation, and doing so from a strong political base here, especially of recent former military personnel.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission fled after discovering recently, ahem, “COMPLEX NUCLEAR MATERIALS.”

In launch video six of seven, the second-to-last, I briefly went into this.

These videos have all been carefully conceived and produced, at great expense (!!!),  to have the maximum effect on Tea Party-leaning white Americans. If you are a WN, they are NOT for you; they were not designed to titillate you, or keep you from boredom if you are easily bored.

They are to get MORE people into our Cause!


If you truly want a white nation, then now you see the final stages of preparations for a true white nationalist movement, and that means focusing on a white NATION, not just what the minorities are up to.

This is why I also did the videos here, the God and Spiritual videos, to talk not just about “them, ” but also about us.

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Wiki article on “The Apollo Affair” (

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The Apollo Affair

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The Apollo Affair was a 1965 incident in which a US company, Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC), in Apollo, Pennsylvania was investigated for losing 200-600 pounds of highly enriched uranium. In 1965, the FBI investigated Zalman Shapiro, the company’s president, over the loss of 200 pounds of highly enriched uranium. After investigations by the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, other government agencies, and inquiring reporters, no charges were ever filed. A General Accounting Office study of the investigations declassified in May 2010 stated “We believe a timely, concerted effort on the part of these three agencies would have greatly aided and possibly solved the NUMEC diversion questions, if they desired to do so.”[1]

Some remain convinced that Israel received 200 pounds of enriched uranium from NUMEC,[2][3] particularly given the visit of Rafael Eitan, later revealed as an Israeli spy and who was later involved in the Jonathan Pollard incident.[4] In June 1986, analyst Anthony Cordesman told United Press International:

There is no conceivable reason for Eitan to have gone [to the Apollo plant] but for the nuclear material.”[4]

In his 1991 book, The Samson Option, Seymour Hersh concluded that Shapiro did not divert any uranium; rather “it ended up in the air and water of the city of Apollo as well as in the ducts, tubes, and floors of the NUMEC plant.”[5] He also wrote that Shapiro’s meetings with senior Israeli officials in his home were related to protecting the water supply in Israel rather than any diversion of nuclear material or information.[5] A later investigation was conducted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (successor to the AEC) regarding an additional 198 pounds of uranium that was found to be missing between 1974 and 1976, after the plant had been purchased by Babcock & Wilcox and Shapiro was no longer associated with the company. That investigation found that more than 110 pounds of it could be accounted for by what was called “previously unidentified and undocumented loss mechanisms”, including “contamination of workers’ clothes, losses from scrubber systems, material embedded in the flooring, and residual deposits in the processing equipment.”[5] Hersh further quoted one of the main investigators, Carl Duckett, as saying “I know of nothing at all to indicate that Shapiro was guilty.”[5]

In 1993, Glenn T. Seaborg, former head of the Atomic Energy Commission wrote a book, The Atomic Energy Commission under Nixon, Adjusting to Troubled Times which devoted a chapter to Shapiro and NUMEC, the last sentence of which states:

Distinguished as Shapiro’s career has been, one cannot but wonder whether it might not have been even more illustrious had these unjust charges not been leveled against him.[6]

Later U.S. Department of Energy records show that NUMEC had the largest highly enriched uranium inventory loss of all U.S. commercial sites, with a 269 kilograms (590 lb) inventory loss before 1968, and 76 kilograms (170 lb) thereafter.[7]

At the prompting of Zalman Shapiro’s lawyer, senator Arlen Specter [JdN: the Jewish lawyer, later US senator, who ran the Warren Commission to ensure it falsely blamed Lee Harvey Oswald, not Israel, for the murder of John Kennedy, who had clashed furiously with Israel over its attempts to get The Bomb, and was planning to abolish the Jews’ financial bastion, the Federal Reserve] asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to clear him of any suspicion of diversion in August 2009. The NRC refused, stating it did “not have information that would allow it to unequivocally conclude that nuclear material was not diverted from the site…”[8]

The US Army Corps of Engineers is overseeing a cleanup of contaminated land at the site of NUMEC’s waste disposal, currently scheduled to be completed in 2015.[9]

See also

Further reading

  • Smith, Grant F. (2012). Divert! NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the diversion of US weapons-grade uranium into the Israeli nuclear weapons program. ISBN 978-0-9827757-0-7


  1. ^ General Accounting Office – 1978 (2010). “Nuclear Diversion in the U.S.? 13 Years of Contradiction and Confusion”. Israel Lobby Archive. Retrieved 2010-05-10.
  2. ^ Victor Gilinsky (former Commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) (May 13, 2004). “Israel’s Bomb”. The New York Review of Books. Retrieved 2007-12-08.
  3. ^ David Burnham (January 27, 1978). “C.I.A. said in 1974 Israel had A-bombs”. New York Times. Retrieved 2007-12-08.
  4. ^ a b “Israeli Spy Visited A-Plant Where Uranium Vanished”. United Press International (Los Angeles Times). June 16, 1986. Retrieved July 5, 2010.
  5. ^ a b c d Hersh, Seymour (1991). The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and America’s Foreign Policy. Random House. pp. 243,250,252,255. ISBN 0-394-57006-5.
  6. ^ Glenn T. Seaborg, The Atomic Energy Commission under Nixon:Adjusting to Troubled Times, 1993, St. Martin’s Press
  7. ^ Office of the Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs (January 2001), Highly Enriched Uranium: Striking A Balance – A Historical Report On The United States Highly Enriched Uranium Production, Acquisition, And Utilization Activities From 1945 Through September 30, 1996 (Revision 1 (Redacted For Public Release) ed.), U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, p. 107, retrieved 2009-06-13
  8. ^ R. W. Borchardt (November 2, 2009), Letter to Senator Specter, NRC, retrieved 23 March 2012
  9. ^ Shallow Land Disposal Area, p. 1, retrieved 2011-10-23

External links


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These two books by Michael Collins Piper detail how Israel coordinated the wide-ranging conspiracy to murder John Kennedy, who had many bitter enemies — CIA, FBI, the half-Jew via his mother, Lyndon Johnson, the Mafia, rightwing Cubans and defense contractors — and how Kennedy secretly shared all his father Joseph’s strong antipathy for the Jews, though JFK used certain Jews as window dressing.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy fiercely opposed the Jewish financial takeover of our country, understanding the whole story because his Harvard-grad father had been an expert banker himself. (Charles Lindbergh, the famous aviator and opponent of WWII, was also taught all about the Federal Reserve and the Jews by HIS father, Congressman Charles Lindbergh Senior.)

I have prepared for 34 years for this moment, when things got so bad that ENOUGH people woke up — and yet not so bad it is too late. Now I need your financial support for the finishing touches, and then you will see ACTION, headlines, and the Jews talking about white nationalists and not WNs talking about Jews.





Call me at (724) 212-5426.

Or email me at

You say you want a pro-white mass-movement, and not just complain and moan? Well, we are at that point now, to launch my movement after 34 years of preparation.


  1. John:

    I read your latest blog titled “Pennsylvania state police investigate aliens” with great interest, because it brought to mind a UFO book I read recently – “A.D. After Disclosure,” by Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel:

    Below is a long passage from pages 156 and 157 of the hardcover version of that book. This possibly UFO-related mutilation murder happened on Montour Ridge, near the town of Northumberland, in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania on August 6, 2002:

    “Consider Todd Sees, a 39 year-old Pennsylvania father of two, who went out on August 6, 2002, for a ride on his quad bike in a wooded area, and never returned. Police found his bike and some belongings. Then they noticed, high above their heads, one of his boots in a tree. It was 78 feet up. Several days later, they found Sees’ body, although there was no reason why they should have missed it earlier. His face had a look of terror, his hands were held up in a defensive position.

    Sees’ body was never made available for viewing by anyone outside of law enforcement authorities. His funeral was closed-casket. Investigators dealt with obstruction by federal authorities and police when they tried looking into the case. Finally, former Pennsylvania homicide detective Butch Witkowski, a man with 27 years of experience in solving murders, was able to read the autopsy report. As he put it:

    ‘The eyes were removed, parts of the jaws were removed, ear, inner ears removed, tongue, inner throat removed, anal area cored out, sexual organs removed, and some intestinal and respiratory organs also removed. The blood was drained from the body, and there were marks of what appears to be a sucking device with a laser tip.’

    This closely matches animal mutilation cases. In the autopsy report, said Witkowski, the phrase “vital reaction” appeared 17 times. A vital reaction occurs when a live body experiences something – like a puncture or impact of some sort – that causes trauma such a bruising or tearing. Dead bodies cannot give vital reactions. Witkowski’s conclusion from the autopsy report was that Todd Sees was alive when these things happened to him.

    Not everybody believes the appalling murder of Todd Sees was UFO-related. Witkowski did speak to people who believed they saw a UFO and beam of light in the area where Sees was at the time of his disappearance, but they were not close enough to make a certain identification. It is true that there was a “mini-flap” of reported UFOs in the area at the time. The available evidence may be suggestive, but it is far from conclusive. We will probably never know if Todd Sees was abducted, murdered, and returned by beings not from our world.

    Yet other cases like this turn up elsewhere in the world, the best-known ones being in South America. Many of these, too, have alleged connections to UFOs. Witkowski points out that, every year, 30,000 people around the world disappear without a trace. He asks, could some of these be related to UFOs?

    Clearly, the revelation that at least some ETs might be removing human organs and draining our blood would cause a public panic (and might well justify why these cases are being suppressed). Picture in your mind a visit to a slaughter house where cows are killed, cleaned, carved, and shipped as a matter of routine. If tagging a deer is a metaphor for alien implants, perhaps the slaughter house is a metaphor for human mutilations – that is, if the “Others” are involved in any of this.

    Is there at least one form of the Others that sees us – famously suggested in the famous Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man,” as nothing more than a meal?”

    Here is some background information on former Pennsylvania homicide detective and MUFON investigator Butch Witkowski, who investigated the mutilation murder of Todd Sees:

    Butch Witkowski is currently Director of the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania:

    Below are four videos of Butch Witkowski speaking about the mutilation murder of Todd Sees and other UFO-related mutilation murders. Very disturbing:

    Here are two more videos of Butch Witkowski – the first 9:05 of the first video is duplicate footage from videos #3 and #4 above:

    I’m not convinced that aliens are behind these mutilation murders, because it just doesn’t make sense that highly advanced aliens from another star system would travel trillions of miles to Earth just to viciously mutilate (while still alive) a hapless white Pennsylvania man riding his quad bike in the woods, or a family of poverty-stricken Egyptians. I think these mutilation murders are being done by Jews using advanced “UFO” antigravity technologies, probably stolen from the Germans after World War II. The viciousness and utter blood-thirsty barbarity of these mutilation murders calls to mind the ritual murders of Gentile children which Jews have committed since the Middle Ages, as admitted by Ariel Toaff in his book, “Blood Passover.” It is known that the Jews kept their Gentile victims alive while they mutilated them and drained all of their blood, which is identical to what happened to Todd Sees and other UFO-related mutilation murder victims. I also notice that none of these mutilation murder victims have been Jews in Israel, NYC, LA, or Miami. All of the victims have been non-Jews, in clearly non-Jewish areas like rural Pennsylvania or Egypt. Why would hostile aliens from another star system target only non-Jews for their victims?

  2. Just thought I’d let you know that the last time I connected to your website, one of the links which quickly flashed by at the bottom left of my Mozilla Firefox browser window was, which I thought was pretty strange, since it appears to be an Islamic website. Is someone hacking your servers to associate you with that website?

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