Gravest accusations imaginable against Chief Justice John Roberts (and against his lockstep SCOTUS ally, Brett Kavanaugh)

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Attorney Lin Wood of Georgia is risking everything by exposing not just the Stealection but also, equally important, the BLACKMAILED Deep State pedophilocracy.
As in Soviet times, he is being called literally crazy, despite decades as a highly successful defamation lawyer.
Yet this man obviously knows exactly what false and malicious accusations are, called “libel” if in print, and “slander” if verbal, and in both cases, defamation of character.
I did this explosive exposé on the pedophilocracy on April 20, 2015 already:
I just saw this material below and am evaluating it all now. I have no knowledge that any of these Lin Wood claims are true, but it would all certainly fit the pattern which is proven  of VIPs blackmailed over sex with kids, of blond kids being pimped out for huge sums of money to jews, and it would tend to explain the bizarre votes by Roberts for what the Deep State wants.
Politico (hostile, leftist, and ridden with jews) confirms, via its jew reporter Josh Gerstein, that Wood did file an affidavit on February 9 about Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and former Vice President Mike Pence.
Lin Wood, the prominent Atlanta lawyer who brought several unsuccessful lawsuits challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election, filed an affidavit in federal court on Tuesday reaffirming bizarre allegations he made about Chief Justice John Roberts and branding former Vice President Mike Pence as a traitor.

Wood submitted the affidavit in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn, N.Y.

I have instinctively loathed that creature, Roberts, from 2005  on. Pedophile abuse victims such as myself often have a kind of “radar” about certain people, just as, they say, jews have “jewdar” and gays have “gaydar”.
It was  arch-pedophile George W. Bush, then US president, who appointed Roberts as Chief Justice.
What the hell is this about? This guy, the Secret Service visitor log showed, visited the Bush WH 200 times.  Why would a gay call boy visit the White House 200 times?
Dubya’s mother, the late Barbara Bush, was likely the daughter of infamous satanist and bestiality practitioner Aleister Crowley:
Bill Clinton and Bush have become besties, “brothers from a different mother,” as Dubya put it:
“We are brothers from a different mother” — George W. Bush
Weird expression by Dubya
No, Dubya, white supremacy was the bedrock view of the thirteen British colonies in North America, of all the Founding Fathers, of the writers of the US Constitution (where blacks were 3/5ths of a human being), and of all our presidents from George Washington to John Kennedy.
America is a white nation, founded by whites for whites, or, as the Declaration of Independence says, created “for us and our posterity” (our descendants.)
Bush with the pedophile Roman Catholic cardinal of Wash., DC, McCarrick, who has resigned.

Wiki on Roberts’s two kids, rather tight-lipped:

The couple have two adopted children: John “Jack” and Josephine “Josie”.[13]

They are said to be from Ireland, as are Mrs. Roberts (nßeeSullivan) close relatives:
It is a known fact that theRC Church in Ireland has been guilty of the most heinous and widespread pedophilia.
Sinead O’Connor infamously tore up a photo  of the then Pope,John Paul II (who, btw, was definitely a closet jew) in 20

I can speak from experience that the jews LOVE raping specifically blond, nordic-looking children.

And they HATE Jesus and the Catholic Church.

This 1981 documentary is about sexual abuse of children, mostly poor white kids, by the US money “elite”, esp, in Houston -Texas, home of the Bush family………………


“Houston is the worst city in the United States”….sexual abuse of abandoned, destitute children

Specifically, at 57:40 Dr Philpott says:

“Overwhelmingly, the kids who hit the streets are white.  …The men want white kids. They don’t want chicano kids, they don’t want black kids, They want white kids, fair kids, nordic-looking kids…. the ideal type.”

Myself at age 10, around the time I ran away FROM abuse, which then stopped instantly because my family was well known.


In the documentary above, the key person being interviewed, Dr Tom Philpott (a compassionate, nice-looking guy with dark hair, black shirt, and short sideburns) “committed suicide” in 1991….


Note how the Univ. Texas eulogy of Dr. Philpott notes absolutely nothing about “Boys For Sale”:



Thomas Lee Philpott “associate professor of history, fiery Catholic moralist and polemical leftist, and charismatic and much-honored teacher, ended his life on October 9, 1991, in Austin, Texas, after a year-long illness [they say — what illness? Is cancer a scandal?]. He was 49.

Professor Philpott was born on January 21, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois, and attended St. Leo High School there. He received a bachelor’s degree in European history from Loyola University in 1963 and master’s and doctoral degrees in American history from the University of Chicago [a top university] in 1963 and 1973.

Professor Philpott’s principal research interest was urban history. He knew the neighborhoods of his native Chicago well, first as a newsboy, then as a bus driver. When he joined the UT Austin faculty as an instructor in 1969, he wrote this on his biographical data sheet: “Bus driver, Chicago Transit Authority, summers of 1963 and 1964, experience that was vivid and informative to the student of the city.”

During his years in graduate school he was a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow, and Ford Foundation Fellow. His revised PhD dissertation was published in 1978 by Oxford University Press as The Slum and the Ghetto: Neighborhood Deterioration and Middle-Class Reform, Chicago, 1880-1930.

Colleagues said that from the time he joined the faculty, he “immediately established a reputation he never lost as a dynamic, controversial teacher, whose determination to inject himself and his commitments into the shape and substance of his courses won him a yearly following of “often adoring “undergraduate students.” Between 1974 and 1980 he received the Amoco Foundation Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Social and Behavioral Science Golden Apple Teaching Excellence Award, and Presidential Teaching Excellence Award.

He consistently championed civil rights and spoke against situations and conditions as diverse as the firing of a university president, the arrest of student protesters, pederasty [OH, WOW — ONE WORD!], and mindless patriotism.

When he realized in the spring of 1991 that he might never teach again, Professor Philpott, who had served in the U.S. Army, wrote his students a letter that said in part, referring to the Gulf War, “I pray that you students, joined eventually and finally by the faculty, will stop this war, make peace, and become the beloved community.”


John R. Durbin, Secretary
The General Faculty

This round table discussion surrounds Lin Wood’s exposure of C.J. John Roberts crimes with his adopted children, his involvement in Anthony Scalia’s murder and conspiracy to murder other conservative Justices had Killary been elected,  Mike Pence’s and Rod Rosenstein’s Treason, the DOJ’s protection of Deep State People, Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s sponser who paid off his $90,000 Country Club debt, his $200,000+ credit card debts and possibly the mortgage on his $1,1 Million home one when he got on the SCOTUS. Also, mention was made of Justice Gorsich, and their remains open questions about Justice Amy Comey Barrett. This is disgusting.
Bob J


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From: Forbidden Knowledge TV <>
Date: Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 7:10 AM
Subject: Lin Wood Allegations about Justice Roberts
To: Bob <>

US Chief Justice Roberts and VP Pence named in salacious lawsuits filed in Federal Court

by Alex Bruce

I’m not sure how I missed this at the time but on February 9th, superlawyer Lin Wood filed a bombshell affidavit under oath in Federal Court, affirming the salacious allegations he has made about both US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts and former Vice President Mike Pence.

Wood submitted the affidavit in US District Court in Brooklyn, New York as part of his response to a libel case to oust him from litigating his ongoing case on behalf of a California woman against MSNBC presenter, Joy Reid.

Wood told the Federal Court that he was in possession of credible evidence of serious wrongdoing by high-ranking government officials, including potentially serious crimes perpetrated by the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. He also stated in the court document that he had evidence to support his accusation that former Vice President Mike Pence is a traitor and that the evidence was given to the US Secret Service.

Wood, who may be the most successful defamation lawyer in history, having won hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for his clients, was until recently widely acclaimed as a legal genius. This was until he got involved with suing the State of Georgia for election fraud in 2020. He has since been canceled by his alma mater, to whom he had donated generously. There are also active efforts to disbar him, amid allegations that he has gone crazy. There have also been numerous threats on his life but he says that he has a deadman’s switch with damning material that will be released, should he or any member of his family be harmed.

Top US Attorney Lin Wood files affidavits against former Vice President Pence and Chief Justice Roberts. He warns he has activated a deadman switch in case any harm comes to him or his family

It appears that Wood’s evidence largely comes from a Government whistleblower, an interview with whom he posted to Telegram on January 18th in eight parts and which I strung back together, uploaded and transcribed, here.

In the video, the whistleblower, known on Twitter as JohnHereToHelp (JHTH) describes how Chief Justice Roberts adopted his children illegally with the help of Jeffrey Epstein and then he proceeded to use his children to sexually entrap and blackmail powerful people.

JHTH explains, “Children are often used as a commodity, a way to buy yourself into certain inner circles. And these people are all wealthy, they’re all powerful and they won’t trust you unless you’re as compromised as they are…

“And this is a way for them to buy your way into these inner circles, then get access to whatever. Children are the payment and the dirt and the control.”

Besides the illegal (and sometimes FISA) surveillance footage of various officials raping Roberts’ children, JHTH also claims there is footage of former Vice President Mike Pence “and his two lovers and the younger ones.”

JHTH also details how Roberts helped with some logistics in a plot to murder several Supreme Court Justices in an FBI-controlled false flag attack during what would have been Hillary Clinton’s first term, so that she could then pack the Supreme Court with more Globalists.

The mass murder plot was foiled after JohnHereToHelp was hired by someone at the office of the Supreme Court to infiltrate the operation. However, those trained and armed by the FBI to commit the murders fell back to Plan B and executed Justice Anton Scalia, who was considered Hillary’s “greatest threat”.

JHTH says that multiple copies of the videos exist in the possession of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, CrowdStrike President, Shawn Henry, who was FBI at the time and had two copies, which were made by former Secret Service Agent, Shaun Bridges, who encrypted them and handed out the keys.

JHTH referred to Shaun Bridges and his involvement in a vast compromise operation in an extensive Twitter thread last summer, in which he suggested that Bridges was the No.1 Secret Service computer forensics expert, running the illegal HAMMER operation in Baltimore under then-US Attorney for the District of Maryland, Rod Rosenstein.

JHTH suggested that Bridges has copies of the emails of Hillary Clinton (and of many others) and of Hillary’s laptop and that as a Secret Service agent, with Total Access to the White House and Air Force One, Bridges made copies of extremely compromising videos of the Obamas, especially of Michelle’s, “little Barack” (which may refer to rumors of Michelle being transgender).

JHTH suggested that Bridges copied secret Service surveillance tapes showing the Obamas and their $65,000 pedophile “pizza parties” at the White House (also referred to in the Podesta emails published by WikiLeaks), where certain guests did not, “later hang themselves in jail” (referring to Jeffrey Epstein).

JHTH asked whether the “Deep State DOJ under the direction of Hillary, Obama, Rod,” is keeping a lid on Bridges’ story as long as possible, especially until after the election?

Several times, JHTH seemed to suggest that he, himself knows the location of such copies.

JHTH also noted in this thread how the United States Postal Service recently filed for a patent application using blockchain to control voting – and how Bridges, as “one of only a handful of people on the planet who cannot only manipulate blockchain, and has done so successfully, but can hide their tracks when they do it is being kept isolated, controlled, and quiet, and completely off the record even though he is a primary suspect in the Sheryl Atkinson case?” (Bridges is currently in prison for stealing millions of dollars of Bitcoin from the Silk Road drug-dealing website – while he was investigating them for the DOJ).

JHTH then noted that USPS IP addresses were used to conduct the surveillance of journalist, Sharyl Attkisson’s devices and he also suggested that the USPS is controlled by a foreign government, in an eerily prescient statement, given the radical election fraud performed by the USPS three months after he tweeted:

Shaun Bridges has quite the history with the USPS. It was one

of his entry points while “wardriving”. I detailed this in one of

the interviews 👍

This is a brief overview of the case. They left out a few of the

agencies I “helped” 😉, but I won’t take it personally 😄

I’m sure everyone has seen one of these. Mail being sorted,

first by size, then BARCODES being read, then a fluorescent

barcode applied before being designated where to go.

What if a hostile foreign gov’t had control of USPS computers?

Enough to “shed” votes?

They really didn’t like what I alluded to. Sealed everything

immediately, then the whole case went “wonky”, DOJ started

protecting the DS players, playing games, RR and Henry

lawyer up together, Shaun off the record, etc.

Why do you think RR, DOJ/FBI and the Dems are desperately

holding out until election? They have one more ace up their



JHTH also pointed out that the USPS’ slogan, “Direct mail can help Deliver the Win®” seemed inherently biased and that it would be more appropriate if it were “Deliver the Vote”…

JHTH and Shaun Bridges are the keystones to so many rabbit holes we’ve been following since 2016…

Tru News’ Rick Wiles and a panel discuss these shocking developments in this video.




…..Weird fumbling of the administration of the Oath of Office in 2009 to Barack Obama by jittery Roberts

…..See also

Even NBC News reports Hillary’s State Department rife with pedophiles! Are we numbly “okay” now with a GOVERNMENT of PROVEN c-h-i-l-d m-o-l-e-s-t-e-r-s?

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