“Gray State” — the trailer that got the director killed, and his whole family

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For anyone wondering, the director of this movie was found dead in his home along with his family. This movie was never finished and released. Why would a sane man kill his family??? He was obviously murdered — brutally — for spreading the truth.


A Gray State

A Gray State

Film poster
Directed by Erik Nelson
Release date
  • April 2017 (Tribeca)
Running time
1 hr, 32 min

A Gray State is a 2017 documentary film directed by Erik Nelson and executive produced by Werner Herzog [photo], first broadcast on the A&E Network.

French filmmaker François Truffaut once called Herzog “the most important film director alive”.[4] American film critic Roger Ebert said that Herzog “has never created a single film that is compromised, shameful, made for pragmatic reasons, or uninteresting. Even his failures are spectacular.”[5] He was named one of the world’s 100 most influential people by Time in 2009.[6]



It explores the death of aspiring filmmaker David Crowley and the murders of his wife and child in 2014.


The film tells the story of Crowley’s military service in the Middle East [US Army/both Iraq and Afghanistan], his efforts to fund and make a film, and explores the circumstances surrounding the deaths.

Crowley had been working on a feature film he called Gray State.[1] Herzog and Nelson had previously worked together on 2005’s Grizzly Man, which Nelson produced, and Herzog directed.[2][3]


  1. ^ Wilkinson, Alec (April 3, 2017). “American Chronicles: Death of a Dystopian”The New Yorker.
  2. ^ “A Gray State: An A&E IndieFilms Presentation”Arts & Entertainment TV. Retrieved 2020-03-29.
  3. ^ Ben Kenigsberg (2017-11-02). “Review: ‘A Gray State,’ Behind a Filmmaker’s Madness”The New York Times. p. C10. Retrieved 2020-03-29.

….From the New Yorker article

In January of 2015, Crowley and his wife and daughter were found shot dead at their Minnesota home. Reports of their deaths appeared in the United States and abroad. The Huffington Post called Crowley a military man, and USA Today called him a filmmaker. The police determined that Crowley had shot his wife and child and then shot himself, but commentators on the Internet soon began saying that Crowley’s death seemed “suspicious” and “mysterious,” and that he had likely been murdered by government agents intent on preventing the movie from being made.

Among certain conspiracy-minded, anti-government, Libertarian, and alt-right believers, Crowley has become a species of martyr. In January, the international hacking collective Anonymous[…] posted a tribute to Crowley, suggesting that the government killed him. A spokesman, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and addressing “my brothers and sisters of the world,” said that the circumstances do “not sound right.”

[…] On Facebook, there is a page called “Justice for David Crowley & family,” which says that its purpose is to “help to clear the good name of David Crowley.” The page is overseen by an accountant in Minnesota named Dan Hennen. He and Greg Fernandez, Jr., a tech worker in California, conduct long discussions on YouTube in which they find fault with the police investigation and ask why someone whose future seemed so promising would kill himself.

Hennen believes that the crime scene was staged by Crowley’s killer. He mentions a sliding glass door at Crowley’s house that the police discovered slightly open—“Very suspicious in Minnesota in the winter,” he told me. Furthermore, no neighbors heard gunshots. “A forty-calibre gun, which is what the police found, is so loud that it would have woken up the whole neighborhood,” Hennen said. “I believe a silencer, or a suppressor of some sort, was used by the killers.”


In June of 2004, David went through basic training at Fort Benning, in Georgia. Eventually, David was sent to Germany. While the other soldiers went into town at night to drink, David taught himself German and read calculus and chemistry books. In 2006, he went to Iraq, where he was a mortarman.

Later that year, he was among the first to arrive after a car bomb killed more than forty soldiers. Dozens of men, he wrote, were “moaning and wailing ghouls, their skin hanging off in gray ropes, one sitting very still in my seat with half his body an oozing yellow mess whimpering ‘can we please hurry? Could you hurry, please?’ ” Toward the end of the year, he returned to Germany “greeted by no one,” and “slept with first and only prostitute.”

In 2007, David was transferred to Fort Hood, in Texas, and in 2008 he met Komel, at a bar in Waco. The next day, he introduced her to another soldier as his girlfriend. Komel, who was a senior at Baylor University, lived with her mother and father, Naila and Anjum Alam, and her younger sister, Sidrah, who was in high school. Three years earlier, they had come from Pakistan. There the girls and their mother had each had a driver, and the house was run by servants. In the U.S., they had to learn to manage for themselves.

Within weeks of meeting Komel, David found out that he was being stop-lossed—that is, his service was being extended without his consent. Furthermore, he was being sent to Afghanistan. He immediately asked Komel to marry him.

Komel told her father that she was serious about David. “While I was talking to her, David comes to the house for the first time,” Anjum told me. “He came in and he was ready to fight with me.” Komel said that they were getting married in two days and that David was leaving in two weeks. “I was completely in shock,” Anjum told me. “Finally, I said, ‘Fine. If you guys love each other, who the hell I am to come between you.’ ”

David so resented being stop-lossed that he told his commanding officer in Afghanistan that he couldn’t be responsible for another soldier’s life, and he was assigned to deliver the mail. Komel got pregnant late in 2008, during one of David’s leaves. When he was finally discharged, in June of 2009, he was disgruntled, and he told Komel not to come to the ceremony for returning soldiers. Instead, he had her wait outside in the car. “I don’t want the Army controlling how I reunite with my wife,” he told another soldier.

Raniya was born in August of 2009. In September, the family moved from Waco to Minnesota, where Komel knew no one. “For the first six months, she was miserable,” her sister said. “She would call crying: ‘It’s so depressing here, and it’s always cold.’ ”


…..My comment

Just remember that people like David Crowley and me really are risking our lives for you. 🙂 My last blog could be this one.



    • Good question, and I am aware of the claims that David Crowley was indeed highly depressed, perhaps to the point of suicide, because Hollywood was not accepting his movie or tv series plans, though they were conceded to be brilliant.
      I watched this video and address herewith all this, though the “investigative reporter,” Tom Lyden, despite the Dutch-sounding name, is an obvious jew, which the coloring, hooked nose !!) and media profession all support.
      He may be, like most media jews, part of the Operation Mockingbird network of CIA-bribed “reporters.”
      Notice how the caption under the video with Lyden says Crowley was “obsessed with conspiracies.” An obsession is a form of being crazy…. In his report, the jew starts talking about “paranoid theories.” Crowley “worked on a film project obsessively.

      And the jew acts all compassionate, of course….about the poor, deluded man….who thought our government was corrupt….. “His film project imagines the government taking away all our liberties.”

      As for the Apple Valley cops, they are humans and busy people. They can jump to conclusions too, or be bribed, or threatened. Maybe a certain cop has some dirt of his own in the closet, and does not want it brought out and then see his career end, his wife leave him, and end up broke, divorced and a boozer in a rooming house.

      And who knows who really wrote the suicide note? Anyone ever heard of forgery? Think the government might actually have some people on call who are expert forgers? Would it be so hard to enter the guy’s house when he is out and get some of his handwriting to study and copy?

      Why would David Crowley kill his wife and scrawl “Allahu Akbar” with her blood on the wall? Oh, I see, he was “islamophobic….” Such a typical rightwing nut….

      And yet the report itself says religion played no role in her or his life. So if she was not a fanatic muslim, and in fact she had married David, an infidel and quasi-Christian, and had actually herself converted on paper to Christianity, then why scrawl “Allahu Akbar” in her blood as if she were some sort of fanatic muslim jihadi?
      And David “smoked marijuana.” OMG — what a load of b-s!
      Cannabis is a drug that,for better or worse, is now legal in 30+ states (including Michigan) which has been known for centuries for making people more peaceful! Ever heard of a “potten” brawl? 😉

      Jesus… that is just too much. Anyone familiar with marijuana (and my Margi tried it — a marijuana resin called “Rick Simpson Oil” — in her desperate, life-and-death struggle against cancer in 2019) will say, Whoah-stop-right-there! Mary Jane takes away anxiety! US Marines and Army soldiers smoked it in Vietnam — during combat! It reduces the jitters and the panic.

      (For a very few people, and I know one, who is an Army Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, marijuana can make them a bit paranoid, but obviously people stop using it — and it is not free — if it makes them feel worse, not better.)

      The Apple Valley police chief (Rechtzigel, a good German name, actually) admits “we do not know what triggered this; what was the breaking point.” Because maybe there was no breaking point! Maybe it was CIA hitmen who killed them all to make a somewhat famous “conspiracy theorist” with a great film idea look like a psycho!

      What I see here is likely a setup. The Deep State tells Hollywood in 2014 to veto his dream of a full-length, big-budget film about the US government becoming an Orwellian police state. (Duhhh! Why would the jews back THAT? I suspect Crowley was not jew-wise, probably under the influence of the antisemitism-avoiding, nazi-bashing Alex Jones, who had mentored him.)

      The Crowley family finance crash.

      They get depressed.

      Gee, imagine that.

      Sounds normal to me.

      But — time for the “obsessive conspiracy nut” to commit a double murder and suicide.

      And anyone, whether naive, or for a bribe of $10,000 or more, or based on a threat, can say on camera “I was his friend, and he definitely pulled the trigger.” (Or the friend is sincere and brainwashed.)

      You can clearly see in the infamous Apollo 11 newsconference in August 1969 that the astronauts were being forced against their will to lie and hide things, and acted overtly resentful, sullen, miserable and angry. Threats, bribes, or both, make men say strange things.

      At the end, the jew reporter says “if you see anyone struggling with depression and isolating themself, contact the authorities.” In other words, we need “red-flag laws”: Take the guns away from anyone that we jews say is crazy.

      As we know, the “suicide” Jeffrey Epstein was a jew, but no one at all believes he committed suicide. Epstein either was murdered to shut him up (as had been Ghislaine Maxwell’s own jewish father, Robert, who sailed out alone and then “fell off” his yacht) or Epstein was smuggled to Israel to do other Mossad work. Back in the 2000s, the federal prosecutor in southern Florida, Alex Costas, who was investigating the Epstein minor-sexploitation case, was warned to go easy on him — the proverbial “slap on the wrist” –because he was “working for intel.”

      Wiki on Epstein, an obvious Mossad operative:

      Epstein had past experience with Israel’s research and military sector.[81] In April 2008, he went to Israel and met with a number of research scientists and visited different Israeli military bases.[81]
      Video recordings

      Epstein installed concealed cameras in numerous places on his properties to allegedly record sexual activity with underage girls by prominent people for criminal purposes such as blackmail.[82] Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s long-term girlfriend and companion, told a friend that Epstein’s private island in the Virgin Islands was completely wired for video and the friend believed that Maxwell and Epstein were videotaping everyone on the island as an insurance policy.[83] When police raided his Palm Beach residence in 2006, two hidden cameras were discovered in his home.[84] It was also reported that Epstein’s mansion in New York was wired extensively with a video surveillance system.[85]

      Maria Farmer, an artist who worked for Epstein in 1996, noted that Epstein showed her a media room in the New York mansion where there were individuals monitoring the pinhole cameras throughout the house. The media room was accessed through a hidden door. She stated that in the media room “there were men sitting here. And I looked on the cameras, and I saw toilet, toilet, bed, bed, toilet, bed.” She added that “It was very obvious that they were, like, monitoring private moments.”[86]

      Epstein allegedly “lent” girls to powerful people to ingratiate himself with them and also to gain possible blackmail information.

      I remember also how the Deep State framed the Green Beret medical doctor, Jeffrey MacDonald, M.D. They claimed he had murdered his own wife and kids!

      In fact, as FBI whistleblower Ted Gunderson told me, Dr. MacDonald had discovered that there was a vast, criminal, drug-smuggling and money-laundering network within the US Army.

      This was a big and acknowledged problem during the Vietnam War, and the CIA had a whole airline that flew illegal drugs, “Air America.” There is a good Mel Gibson-RobertDowney,Jr movie from 1990 about this.

      All military and intelligence organizations, because they constantly do secret things and are also full of hitmen, are absolutely perfect for drug-and-money smuggling operations. (In fact, so are revolutionary and underground groups, which often are impecunious. But having cash, even from dirty activities, can bribe cops, judges and doctors, and buy needed weapons.)

      The US Army would put drugs into the body bags of dead American soldiers being shipped from Vietnam back to the States. When that was exposed, the drug network within the US Army began slitting open the corpses of the fallen soldiers, inserting the contreband, and then sewing them up again. Who really wants to look at, or open up with a scalpel, the rotting corpse of a dead soldier? “So he has a foot of stitches on his chest? They operated on him before he died….”

      Green Beret officer Jeffrey Macdonald has now been in prison as an innocent man for 44 years.

      The Deep-State goal: spread that anyone who says there are evil conspiracies by our government is either a nut, a psychopath (who slaughters his own family, the rotten bastard) or both.

      Look how the Deep State is slandering Trump right now as a nut and a hateful, dictatorial, treasonous monster.

      Look how massive was the Stealaction of 2020. Thousands of operatives were in on it.

      People can’t keep a secret? Oh yes, they can. The Manhattan Project was 140,000 people keeping a secret. Even Harry Truman did not know about it until he became the President!

      I note from the Wikipedia article on MacDonald (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_R._MacDonald), which, of course, claims MacDonald was guilty, this:

      James Blackburn, a lead prosecutor in the 1979 trial, later admitted that between 1990 and 1991 he had forged several court documents unrelated to the MacDonald case, and illegally wired money from his law firm’s bank account.[225][226] In 1993, Blackburn pleaded guilty to fraud, embezzlement, forgery and obstruction of justice. He was disbarred and served three-and-a-half months in jail.

      So this prosecutor of MacDonald was convicted of “forging court documents” — doubtless doing so to make someone else, who perhaps was innocent, look guilty so he could convict them.

      In so many cases that I have seen over the decades, the brave, patriotic, idealistic whistleblower was either murdered and his suicide simulated, OR he was driven to commit suicide by the Deep State.

      And they can put drugs in our food to make us feel suicidal, and then cause some crushing setback in his finances, relationships, or health, or all three.

      So a real life crisis plus putting a suicide-inducing drug into the man’s foods — and the poor individual does pull the trigger or jump off a bridge.

      Or they drug the person to lose consciousness, then in come the real hitmen to kill the wife and kids. He then wakes up to a scene of carnage which the Deep State committed.

      He has been “framed.” Off he goes to prison for the rest of his life.

      This was the case with the Port Arthur mass shooting in 1996 in Australia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Arthur_massacre_(Australia)

      Skilled Deep State hitmen efficiently killed 35 tourists. A blond kid, Martin Bryant was framed for it. And instantly the Australian government passed a law against guns!

      The Port Arthur massacre was a mass shooting that occurred on 28 April 1996 at Port Arthur, a tourist town in the Australian state of Tasmania. The perpetrator, Martin Bryant, killed 35 people and wounded 23 others, the worst massacre in modern Australian history.[3] The attack led to fundamental changes in Australia’s gun laws.

      We must ever remember that the Deep State is a vast network of people who are trained and often experienced experts at what they do.

      The Kennedy assassination also involved many steps, including the Secret Service letting Kennedy drive through Dallas with the bulletproof-glass top down, the two Secret Service bodyguards getting off the back of the limousine just before the shots, the dead president’s brain on the autopsy table being “lost” (!!!) by Bethesda Naval Hospital, etc. Then 35 people who knew too much were also murdered between 1963 and 1965.

      I have had my own experiences with seeing the Deep State work on someone to get them into a crisis situation, and then offering them a way out that severely damaged ME.

      By listening to our phone calls, bugging our houses, and reading our emails, text messages and private messages on social media, the Deep State knows far too much about our lives, all so they can figure out a way to frame us for some crime or get us so distraught that we commit one.

      Near the very end of Mel Gibson’s “Edge of Darkness,” a very professional hitman, Captain Darius Jedburgh (played by the Brit Ray Winstone), discusses with a crooked US senator and his two ruthless advisors yet another sophisticated operation that will require slandering and murdering someone.

      But he has become more and more revolted at serving any more what he now understands is pure evil, and suddenly he refuses to murder any more innocent whistleblowers. Watch Jedburgh’s body language as his revulsion grows….:

      You can also read this for the faked Marshall and Heisig “suicides”:


    • MacDonald? To kill the patriot’s family, then slander this honorable man as a murderer, make the world hate him, and finally lock him away for the rest of his life in an awful prison. This is their sadistic way of warning any other truthtellers out there:

      „Open your yap like this MacDonald, and guess what, pal? We can do this to you, too.“

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