Great letter from (yes) San Francisco

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I just got a great email from a young American of presumably Italian heritage, S[]. (I have deleted or changed identifiers.)


Mon, 23 Nov at 7:36 pm

Dear Mr. de Nugent,

I am a 29-year-old, insignificant, working-class young white man living in the San Francisco Bay area (of all places, right”) who has been looking at your work for a few years now.

The Palace of Fine Arts

I have finally decided to write you to express my unconditional support and respect for you and your message. Before I get started, I must inform you that at times I may need to use profanity and harsh language to vent my frustrations, but I KNOW you will understand, Sir!

Both my parents are from Michigan originally, and are both of 100% European descent. My paternal grandfather was quite the mechanically-inclined engineer who worked for Chrysler in Detroit for many years. He later went on to become the director of the high-performance department there, and was well acquainted with significant Motor City figures such as Tom Hoover ( creator of the legendary 426 Hemi ) and even grew up in the same neighborhood as Lee Iacocca.

*** Lee Iacoca

Lido Anthony “Lee” Iacocca (/ˌ.əˈkkə/ EYE-ə-KOH-kə; October 15, 1924 – July 2, 2019) was an American automobile executive best known for the development of Ford Mustang and Pinto cars,

A Mustang here in Ontonagon

….while at the Ford Motor Company in the 1960s, and for reviving the Chrysler Corporation as its CEO during the 1980s.[1] He was president and CEO of Chrysler from 1978 and chairman from 1979, until his retirement at the end of 1992. He was one of the few executives to preside over the operations of two of the Big Three automakers.[2]

Iacocca was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, to Nicola Iacocca and Antonietta Perrotta, Italian Americans (from San Marco dei CavotiBenevento) who had settled in Pennsylvania’s steel-production belt.


In fact, my grandpa remained good friends with Iacocca throughout his life, even though Mr. Iacocca was with Ford, and my grandpa, with Chrysler.

Grandpa was funded by Chrysler to engage in all his side projects, too, which culminated in the formation of The Ramchargers, the legendary Mopar racing team that eventually set more records than just about anyone as far as I know, and beat the living hell out of all the Ford and Chevy guys during the muscle-car era of the late Fifties and Sixties.

The Ramchargers later morphed into [] Racing. Perhaps you have even heard of them? What a time in White America it seemed to be during those days, the innovation, the creativity, the cameraderie, oh such Joy!

Anyhow, my well – off Father is also a genius himself, quite literally (his IQ testing at a whopping 168) and has had several successful small businesses over the years. He is an expert speed boat builder/ innovator, and master carpenter.

If you ever have a free minute, google [] or [] boats to check out some of his work.

Those were my dad’s first and most successful companies. [] is still in business somewhat, but is not quite what it used to be.

A very notorious, subversive and seemingly envious jew lawyer/businessman down in Southern California ended up pitting my dad’s business partner and right-hand man against him with promises of making him even wealthier and well known — but ended up fucking him over, BIG TIME. Geeze, big surprise eh? My dad’s partner ended up bankrupt and penniless in a short matter of time, really…

There seems to be a common thread amongst these Israelites, and that is to lie, cheat, degrade and destroy!

I know — you’re already as Jew-wise as they come, haha.

Anyway, I feel I have given you enough preamble about my background and don’t want to ramble too long, so I simply want to state officially here and now that you have a new comrade in me.

I am so fucking sick and tired and helplessly depressed at what has happened to our people.

We DESPERATELY need your religion to go mainstream…like, now!!

After a succession of spiritual awakenings over past few years, I have come to know so much Truth about Life, myself, this world…

The Truth is stranger than fiction.

But there is nothing more sacred than The Truth.


Is there any hope in this life? I understand that we decent and noble whites must be in this struggle for the long haul, not just in this life, but the next one too!


We’re counting on people like you, Mr. de Nugent, to wake up the slumbering white race.

The n—ers and wet—ks can’t be depended on, as you know. Hell, they’re the Jews’ favorite tools to use for their agenda…

I know there is a big problem in society when a young man doesn’t even want to participate in the game of life anymore. This is so because these despicable Jews have reduced life here in California to nothing but a meaningless joke.

Despite all this seeming negativity, I have found the immense joy of my soul through my spiritual endeavors and sufferings.

But I can still feel blood-curdling rage when I see what’s been done to our people.

We are dealing with an Evil that is unparalleled.

I KNOW you can personally relate.

Sir, you have been a great inspiration to me and to many others now.

It is just so endearing for me to see the unwavering dedication you have for our people. I want you to know I’ve joined your ranks, so to speak, and share your sentiments about life in general but especially pertaining to the JQ.

I took an entire year off work to learn, grow, evolve and become the best version of myself so as to better serve my people and be the best example I can be. Unfortunately, I did go through all my savings and I’m just now getting back on my feet, so I can’t send a donation at the very moment, but plan to as soon as I possibly can.

Thank you SO MUCH for doing what you’re doing, Sir.

We can actually have hope if the truth goes mainstream.

But Stockholm Syndrome sure is a bitch to snap out of..

I by no means even expect a response from you, but if you do, that’s great too😀

I also look forward to finally start putting comments up on some of your posts…the jig is up. It’s either stand up, unify, and fight, or face extinction.


And neither will you, Sir! You have the Love and Bliss of God in your eyes!!

Thank you for letting me share,


P.S. I keep fantasizing about forming an all-white micro community somewhere..maybe even up in your neck of the woods in Michigan.. You know, growing our own fruits and veggies and being as self-sufficient as possible. I must offer this little life up for a higher cause…the HIGHEST cause, rather.

The time has come.

Bless you, Sir.




What a great letter! 🙂

I could not sleep if I did not start this Aryan religion, and send it marching through hell and back to victory — the only choice!






  1. Hey, wow! I’m glad you’re pleased with the letter, Sir! Yes, I am definitely of Italian descent, but honestly I’m a strong Euro mix of also German-Polish-Norwegian- and Scots Irish. Thanks again for all the inspiration.

  2. San Francisco, a once lovely city to visit. Not any more. And neither is Portland, Oregon, a Communist controlled city in a Communist run State. No federal help has been forth-coming to either Oregon or California to bring back Constitutional law and order. And this has been under Trump who could do nothing. So think how horribly bad these cities and states would be under a Biden/Harris Communist tyranny. I live in Oregon and have family on the outskirts of Portland who are stuck there and are always at risk of violent confrontation. Antifa/BLM are active terrorists being allowed to live and riot at will in Portland by Governor Kate Brown and the treasonous DHS/FBI/DOJ.

    Andy Ngô
    ·Nov 23
    Oregon’s new coronavirus restrictions are tougher on Thanksgiving families than violent antifa rioters, argues
    Oregon Tougher on Thanksgiving Families than Antifa Terrorists | Opinion
    ON 11/20/20 AT 6:00 AM EST
    “The state of Oregon is now in the middle of a two-week coronavirus “freeze period.” If you violate its Democratic governor’s draconian mandates you will be treated more harshly than an Antifa domestic terrorist interfering with a police officer. What message does that send?

    Governor Kate Brown issued an executive order ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday amidst an increase in coronavirus cases. During the so-called freeze period, Oregonians will not be allowed to host too many family members for a turkey-day meal.

    Under the mandate, you can have no more than six people in one home and they cannot represent more than two households. In other words, you’ll be forced to choose between aunts, grandparents and nephews. Who will you invite? You’d better decide now.”

    “If you violate any of the governor’s orders, you’ll be subject to hefty fines or even jail time. According to the order, knowingly violating the will of Brown is a misdemeanor offense. You could be hit with $1,500 fine or 30 days in jail—or both.
    In stark contrast, if you’re an Antifa domestic terrorist who participated in near-nightly riots in Portland, you weren’t treated as harshly. Indeed, if you managed to get arrested, you were likely quickly released and almost certainly not charged.”
    Andy Ngô
    Antifa in Portland are calling for comrades to organize their own riots this Thanksgiving in order to dismantle white supremacy & capitalism. They give tips on risk assessment & how to scout areas out for attacks. #Antifa

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