Great modern painter of Ancient Greece and Rome killed himself because jewish “modern art” galleries and museums eliminated his works

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I love true art. My mother was an artist (having studied at the Rhode Island School of Design), and she was a ballet dancer as well as a painter.

My first wife was an artist as well.


Plus Margaret was an opera and art song singer who sang at the Washington Opera Society and the Kennedy Center — until a (for me) highly suspicious throat cancer arose, wrecking her voice in 2018, and devouring her inheritance as well.

Margi never smoke, drank, never was overweight or ate junk food. In fact, Margi had a nutrition degree, a nutrition counseling practice for peole suffering chronic maladies, and she had many satisfied clients. But WNs aren’t allowed to have money. They might change the world if not perpetually broke.

(I was heartbroken in 2012 that I could not run for sheriff, the one winnable race in the entire United States for a WN. It was a race for an open seat for sheriff in 98% white Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, where people loathed all blacks and had landslided for both McCain and Romney –although terrible candidates —  against Obama. I could have repeated David Duke’s 1989 victory for the Louisiana House of Representatives. And that would have rocked the white world.)

For me, in any case, art and beauty are at the core of national socialism.

We want a beautiful race and a beautiful world.

I sent a link to this beautiful painting to a Greek-American friend and artist-painter, who responded:



Ah, yes, the great Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, master Greco-Roman classic painter of the late 19th century.

I was working once on an article about the demise of Western Art. My focus in introducing the subject was the story of John William Godward, who was a protege of Alma-Tadema and had an almost identical style.
“The Signal”
Godward committed suicide around 1920 because modern art was making his work obsolete and his livelihood difficult. He was appalled by the demise of classical art and the proliferation of abstract art.
In his suicide note he wrote, “This world is not big enough for both me and Picasso.”
$179 million for this garbage! 
Imagine how many GOOD artists could have lived off this money?
The only thing that I object to in both painters was that they depicted Ancient Greeks and Romans as having uniformly dark hair, which was only sometimes true in classical times. The Romans and Hellenes had as much fair hair and light eyes as WASP Americans, Brits and Scandinavians do today.

From Romans to Italians — why the change? LEARNING RACIAL HUMILITY

Scenes on the walls of Pompeii — in the southern half of Italy

Here is some sad music to commemorate the jew-destroyed artist John William Godward:


Let us avenge his sad death.


Let us restore beauty.

Let us achieve NEW heights!

And remember:

“No need to say Goodbye”


  1. Wow, Picasso made such ugly, disgusting junk. What a communist pig. Just unreal that millions were paid for that rancid disgrace of a painting when someone who paints truly beautiful works of art is driven to suicide. Oh how often the ugly devil wins on this planet.

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