Greece won’t take any more migrants? Send them to Germany in cruise ships! Payback to evil whites for the Holocaust….

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If the heartless, bigoted Greeks choose to flout international law and not allow the suffering migrants  (fleeing the tyrant Assad, who threatens Israel and is pals with the demonic Putin), then Germany should book cruise ships, pick up the migrants stuck on the island of Lesbos, and bring them straight to Germany….

EU called to use cruise ships to move migrants from Greece to Germany

Migrants are still pouring into Germany, low-profile via night flights, “red eyes,” into German airports, btw.

..and attacking pussified neo-German cops right in the airport.

Robert Faurisson, the dean of Holocaust revisionists, whom I knew a bit,

…warned that accepting this toxic Big Lie of the Holofraud would mentally justify white genocide, because all whites (yes, including the Russians, Americans and Brits who died in combat in scads to “stop Hitler”) would be complicit by their initial inaction 1936-39 in the German genocide of six million powerless Jewish victims.

‘After all, the US and UK. and Russia, did nothing to stop Hitler until the Holocaust was well underway which Hitler had promised in his Mein Kampf back in 1924.. By the time we Allies got to Berlin, the poor Jews (a nation of gentle poets, Nobel prize-winning medical researchers, and philanthropists) were all dead.’

Absurd, yes, and what an understatement that is. So many things about this are simply ludicrous. It’s a not only a lie, it is a “Big Lie” of the sort which Hitler denounced explicitly in Mein Kampf saying ‘the goy, who only tells little white lies now and then, cannot fathom anyone professionally orchestrating such a gigantic, utterly shameless whopper, so they figure it must be true.’

AND in the creation of stupendous Mega-Myths the jews are past masters, just as now with this current Coronavirus mania. And it all began with the first Big Lie, three thousand years ago with “Moses,” that the jews are God’s Chosen People and “He” gave them the whole earth to rule.

Yahweh reiterated his original promise to Abraham to the jews at Mount Sinai. ‘Obey me, and these Ten commandments, and you get the whole world.’

Moses, this guy with the two horns sticking out of his head…. a sly message which Michelangelo snuck out to the world….

**1955 file photo: Charlton Heston in character as Moses in “The Ten Commandments.” (AP Photo/American Movie Classics, FILE)


(And, besides, who are we uppity goyim to challenge God’s right to give his world to whomever he pleases, as the Creator of all things?)

Swallow THAT whopper that the jews were “chosen” by the Creator to rule all things — get into that mythomanic mindset — and all the rest follows. You are now switched onto the lie frequency.

Your brain is now ready for everything else which the jews will shovel out.

The protective walls of reason and “Where the f–k is the evidence for this Holocaust?” have been breached.


The height of jew sadism was that they killed by starvation a million German POWs in the Rhine Meadows  death camps of Eisenhower, then brought their EMACIATED white bodies (not red from the cyanide in Zyklon B) into the concentration camps, and claimed the bodies were those of jews.



No food, medicine or tents — goal: 1% dead per day



“Get in the f—g camp, Nazi. You started this war!”



You see any tents for 40-degree nights? Maybe some greatcoats strung out over sticks….

Eisenhower’s reward for starving one million surrendered Germans to death, and furnishing bodies for the “Holocaust” lie?
The American Jews ensured in 1952 that he, and not the excellent and isolationist Republican US senator Robert Taft, got to be President of the United  States!
Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower (L) taking oath of office during inauguration in 1953.

So, anyway, when you see Whites in Germany and elsewhere doing indirect genocide on their own people, such as this insane advocating that Germany do an end run around Greece using cruise ships, this is what, ideologically, is in the back of their minds: “Whites are evil and need to go.”
So it is “understandable” (and, shhhh, “justified”) that “traumatized” migrants “with PTSD” might rape and kill German women by the thousands, push a little German boy and his mom on the railroad tracks in Frankfurt (Margi and I were in that exact spot in January 2007), where the white mom — a descendant of the Nazis, don’cha know — sees her little boy cut in half by a train.

Cops forbade the public from attending the funeral and told the mother – who had seen her kid chopped into mush – to not tell anyone anything.


As the satanic, masochistic Der Spiegel magazine would say, quoting hypocritically (as overt atheists) from the Old Testament, of all books, in order to get the stupid neo-Christians on board:

“You sow the wind — you reap the whirlwind.”

So the descendants of the Nazis (today’s Germans), ya see, have no right to complain about what is happening. It is all payback for the Holocaust.
In effect, almost ALL NON-REVISIONIST WHITES in all the non-Slavic countries have swallowed whole the masochistic myth that we Whites are a criminal race, especially the males, who need to just die out.

(Colonialism, black slavery, corporate greed and pollution, and the genocide of the American Indians are all merely “further proof” that whites are incorrigibly evil. Though racism is otherwise wrong, Whites do have bad DNA…..)

And now you know why there are special laws forbidding anyone to challenge the Holocaust. It is a new religion (in the sense of mind control, and constant rituals, ceremonies and repetitions of the sacred dogma) of white guilt, one which Faurisson calls “Holocaustianity.”

Justin Trudeau understands that even the white Canadians who died in droves fighting Hitler at Dieppe and D-Day still did not do nearly enough. Why did Canada and Britain not declare war instantly on Hitler as soon as he came to power in 1933?


And the only true repentance, if we are sincere, is to face our fundamentally and provably wicked natures as Whites, and therefore decide to spare the world further horrors by dying out.

In the end, and we are at this “end” NOW via this Coronamania:

— either we get control of our minds

–or the jew toxin in it will make us kill ourselves.

THIS is why a new spiritual religion is the sine qua non of white survival.

Grasp this, my white brethren:

Once whites are all

1) vaccinated,

2) biochipped,

3) their “Corona-spreading” cash is gone and their money is all digital,and can be turned off by a keystroke just as my Facebook account just was a few days ago

or Margi’s PayPal account was SWITCHED OFF in the middle of her cancer fundraiser (and six months later they still have not refunded the money, $300):

4) they are drenched day and night in 5G, and

5) vile chemtrails complete the vaccination process,

….the masses will be such complete, total, terrified zombies that they will be totally resigned to becoming sterile and either being killed or dying of disease, or grief, or suicide or starvation in a FEMA camp.

Either we embrace truth, which does not free us unless we embrace it, or we are doomed. Sooo doomed.

I am doing a video webcam interview today at noon with Canadian hero Brian Ruhe on this major work I did in, LOL, both these last two lives (1889 to present):

Happy 128th birthday, Adolf Hitler! Your conversation with your mentor, Dietrich Eckart on “Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin”

This is an important show, not one to miss. This was the only time Hitler ever ripped into the Old Testament of the Bible PUBLICLY, and stopped hiding his true feelings.


Jefferson got it decades before Hitler:

It is basically Hitler on the Old Testament, Christ, and jews turning white workers into rabble and pitting them against other whites, starting way, way, way in Ancient Egypt already.

…..The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt (AND Greece and Rome) were nordics

The scribe Sakkara (Aryan Egyptians put an ochre-colored powder  on their skint to prevent sunburn)

The very early Pharaoh Ka ruled around 3,000 BC


A blond harpist (right); some Egyptians were dark; others blond 

Circa AD 500, Egyptians depicted Mary and Jesus as blond, and a red-haired and a blond angel as protecting them

……Jesus an Aryan Galilean?


An amazing supporter in Italy (now confined to her house like everyone else) sent Margi during her successful cancer battle at the Mayo Clinic this beautiful Egyptian-style copper pendant.


Later, Adolf Hitler decided the Germans — at that time,  a century ago — were still just too brainwashed about the Bible to straighten out. So he stuck to demanding and carrying out secular things: political, economic and military improvements.

What wonderful Bible stories….

Lot’s daughters get themselves pregnant by their own father — a story dogwhistling that incest is, while formally forbidden, actually okay on the QT. (It is rife among the jews, leading to PTSD, disease and incredible ugliness.)

And he just stuck in his speeches and writings to vague talk about “the Almighty,” about “Providence,” and “Christ as a fighter against jewry.”

This actor really does look like me back then, except the eyes were solid dark-blue.

But the things AH said frankly in Table Talk during WWII had already been laid out brilliantly here in 1923. Here is what Hitler really thought about the demonic Yahweh and his demonized people.

Especially important blogs



Yesterday, this site had 5,338 visits, and ONE whole person donated. 😉

It’s so clever to hold back and let others make all the sacrifices….. 😉  You just reap the benefits. No god, after all, sees what a cheapskate I am. 😉 But are you sure? Are you REALLY sure? 😉

‘Cuz your life depends on being right about this. See, your bad karma during Corona martial law might just t be a real thing, or how do you figure it? 😉

I give up. I will have to start this religion with literally no funds. I’m too old to cry, but it hurts too much to laugh. 😉 Jesus…. Look at yourselves. Why are you not a donor? You got some other white solution in your hip pocket as total martial law looms?

This is why we got rid of “democracy” and went to top-down rule. Pathetic. National socialism was the masses agreeing (after 13 years of Weimar Republic chaos 1919-32) that they were pathetic without a firm leader, but great only with one.



…..Recent donations

With my website, which costs me US$250 a month for webhosting and a top-flight webmaster, you get info you can find nowhere else. What other English-speaking blogger speaks three languages fluently and is conversant in four more, has lived in Europe, had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions, had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism to create a NEW SYNTHESIS TO PUSH OUR CAUSE OUT OF ITS DOLDRUMS TOWARD VICTORY?


–29 March 2020 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–25 March 2020 $88 by check from former Rockwell party stormtrooper J in Nevada

–23 March 2020 50 euros from M in France with 1) a letter about white religion, and fundamental laws needed for a solid, new white civilization, and 2) a kind note of congratulations to Margi (and me) on her cancer victory

A card from a marina in Brittany, the keltic northwestern corner of France

–23 March 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from T in Florida

–21 March 2020 $145 and a note from K in New England

–17 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–10 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–4 March 2020 50 euros and a card from M in France…

…. who said he especially enjoyed this recent article:

Weird beauty of a Lake Superior winter

–3 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–29 February 2020 $100 in cash from B in Florida

–28 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada


–27 February 2020 $30 Australian, letter and copied material on the Ainu from P. in Australia

–26 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–24 February 2020 $30 Australian and card

–22 February 2020 two French postcards from the Dreyfus Affair period a century ago for Margi’s project on Dreyfus, showing the massive and successful Jewish effort to get the traitor off


“Rehabilitation of Dreyfus — he rejoins his unit”


–20 February 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card, sending me simply the Gift Card code number.

The comrade also emailed me:

Just saw on CBS News more disgusting nonsense, lies, distortions and demonization of whites over slavery. It was talking about a Texas history book that, God forbid, showed a picture/painting of some slaves that were not being terrorized or tortured — as if they were never well treated.

This coverage can do nothing but further anger and inflame the blacks watching it. It is so patently anti-white and does no one any good. These Jews in charge of the media are really something to be allowing and pushing this crap. They are in favor of this not because they like blacks, about whom they could care less, but because they hate America.


–19 February 2020 genuine Harper’s Weekly issues from 1899 and 1906 glorifying the “poor victim of antisemitism,”  Jew Alfred Dreyfus, showing the massive press campaign to whitewash this arrant traitor — this French army captain sold top military secrets to the Germans for whore, gambling and champagne money  — because the Jews stick up for each other when arrested IF it is a case that can advance their agenda. (Margi and I are finishing a big project on this.)

–18 February 2020 $88 from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper in Nevada

–16. February 2020 $25 via Amazon gift card from D (location unknown)


–11 February 2020 $88 from J in Illinois


50 Euro in aluminum foil with a letter from M in France

–9 February 2020 Book Hollywood Godfather by former Mafioso Gianni Russo from S in Idaho (beca




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