Gretchen (((Esther))) Whitmer, the New Hillary, “takes a knee” to Black Power

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This jewess is persevering in committing political suicide in anti-black Michigan, but her goal is to become Pervy Joe Biden’s VP running mate, then have him killed (as Lyndon Johnson did with Kennedy) and become Madame President.

Hypocrite Governor Gretchen Whitmer Keeps Business in Lockdown — Encourages Leftists to Protest in the Streets, Joins Them! (VIDEO)

Gretchen Whitmer chants “Hands up, Don’t shoot” at Michigan protest.
You just can’t make this up!
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer continues to prove herself to be the greatest hypocrite in the nation.
Whitmer still has the state in lockdown and businesses shut down while she goes out and marches with Black Lives Matter protesters.
But at the same time she is encouraging leftists to protest in the streets!

Governor Gretchen Whitmer





To those who have taken to the streets to peacefully protest the structural inequities Black Americans face every day – I’m with you.Tonight, I urge you to stay home and stay safe. Tomorrow, find a peaceful protest to join and make your voice heard.


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William Davis@davis1988will



The biggest hypocrite of the day goes to @GovWhitmer, who violated her own social distancing guidelines at a protest march after telling the state that protesting would bring a surge of the virus.It’s time to FULLY open the state!!!


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This is Gretchen Whitmer.
She threw Michigan residents in jail and stripped them of their livelihoods if they did not “social distance.”
She called a group of peaceful protesters “terrorists.”
In case you were still wondering if the lockdowns were a vicious hoax to hurt Americans
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Sean Hannity





THAT SETTLES IT! Whitmer Team Says Gov Didn’t Violate Her Own Order Because She Has ‘Right to Protest’ 

THAT SETTLES IT! Whitmer Team Says Gov Didn’t Violate Her Own Order Because She Has ‘Right to…

A spokesperson for Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer told reporters the top Democrat didn’t violate her own social distancing guidelines when…



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Matt Wolking (Text TRUMP to 88022)





Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer breaks her own coronavirus rules for a photo op but still refuses to let families feed their kids. 

With little social distancing, Whitmer marches with protesters

Gov. Whitmer, who’s voiced concerns about other protests potentially spreading COVID-19, participated in a march where social distance rules were ignored



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  1. Exactly the same in the Netherlands: Leftist Mayor Femke Halsema (of jewish blood) allows and joins an anti-racism protest (by 5,000 people!) because of a shooting over in the USA!!! All this was totally against the bullshit Covid rules. She gets away with it, covered by our shitty government, and now forbids all other protests in Amsterdam.

    Before this incident, a protest of just 30 (!!) men against the lockdown, all people obediently keeping their “social” distance, were beaten up by the police to end the protest. Welcome to the hypocritical Netherlands.

    • Sad, and more proof that liberals no longer exist, what the Germans call Gutmenschen, and Americans used to call “bleeding-hearts.”

      These are just leftists with bolshevik instincts. Their “hearts” are not “bleeding” with any mercy or compassion; there is no “milk of human kindness” in them. Nor do they care about minorities, women, children or workers. These folks want your skull crushed and bleeding all over the pavement. In every photo Whitmer looks demonized.

      In America every Demoncrat governor, like her, is for lockdown, releases violent black prisoners from prison with the Covid excuse of social distancing (!), hates whites, and more and more openly shows his or her true, psychopathic nature.

  2. I don’t watch television. Haven’t watched it for years. Maybe that is why my response to the rioting is different from what seems to be the norm.

    I, who used to be friendly with Black folks, have lost respect for them completely, having watched scenes from the rioting. Honestly, when I see them on the street they now look different. No way can I regard a Black as a fellow American anymore. Not even as a fellow human being anymore, though I don’t deny they have reason and a conscience.

    Athena è la dea protettrice del Sagittario.
    È adorata come la dea della Saggezza.
    Giusta,coraggiosa e potente,non si ferma davanti a nulla finché la giustizia non è servita e il bene ha vinto la battaglia.
    Athena è la Dea che ci incoraggia ad essere coraggiosi e non a concentrarci sulle nostre paure;non importa quanto sia difficile il nostro percorso.
    L’animale sacro di Athena è il Gufo, che osserva tutto,conoscendo la verità.
    Si assicurerà di ottenere la Saggezza che bramiamo se la meritiamo.
    Pertanto, dobbiamo essere onesti e di buon cuore.
    Athena è la Regina dei Cavalieri dello Zodiaco,cartone animato che sottolinea nuovamente la sua associazione con il Sagittario.Ti ricorda qualcuno?
    Ecco le grandi differenze con la Strega Nera Esther!

    • Transl:

      Athena, by Cynthia Sheppard, Seattle

      Athena is the patron goddess of Sagittarius. She is worshiped as the goddess of wisdom.

      Righteous, courageous and powerful, she stops at nothing until justice is served and good has won the battle.

      Athena is the Goddess who encourages us to be brave and not to focus on our fears; no matter how difficult our path is.

      Athena’s sacred animal is the Owl, who observes everything, knowing the truth.

      He will make sure he gets the Wisdom we crave if we deserve it. Therefore, we must be honest and kind-hearted.

      Athena is the Queen of the Knights of the Zodiac in a cartoon that once again underlines her association with Sagittarius. Does she remind you of anyone?

      Here are big differences with the Black Witch Esther!

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