Guess which presidential candidate descends from a hard-core white slave owner?

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Sephardic jews started the African slave trade to the Americas, buying slaves from African chieftains who captured neighboring villagers, bringing them in chains down to the beach. Many chiefs sold some of their own wives off. They also sold their fellow Blacks to Arabs.


For African-Americans: Part 1



One of the candidates for President of the United States of America is the descendant of a successful slave master!!

It isn’t Trump
By JdN staff
Although this is the curious tale of a wealthy mulatto family whose blood is rooted in the colonial exploits of Britain’s Empire, earning hundreds of millions of dollars off the backs of African slaves, and who’ve in the past century sent their mixed-race ancestors to Stanford University, and ultimately to the White House….it is also a cautionary tale as to why it is of paramount importance to never permit the Bolsheviks running our lands to place entire groups of people into categories, like victims and oppressors.
If we play this game, it will undo the strength and honour of our message, and nobility of our race.
Victimhood Olympics, as I like to call it, is also the recipe for infighting and soul-destroying self-pity.
Just ask the incels on the Alt Right and manosphere how wallowing in victimhood is working out for their movements.
Half of them are gay, and being oppressed by the Muslims, while the other half are being oppressed by women!
We will devour ourselves, as the Left so often does, if we wallow in our own self pity.
There are victims in all groups, as well as oppressors.
Sure, we have genuine grievances. We just can’t let them define us.
Although the evil Jews strategically place us at the head of the oppressor column (when it most certainly should be them) – no matter how much we feel aggrieved, we should never play this same game.
We are not victims.
We are merely men, fighting for our rights against the enemy of all mankind – Jewry.
Nothing in fact annoys me more than seeing some middle-class Irish American whingeing about the British, from his home in Derry….New Hampshire.
Or Delaware, by way of Scranton, in Joe Biden’s case.
The senile hair-sniffing ghoul is barely even Irish, yet he walks around as if he has a baked County Mayo Maris Piper potato shoved up his arse!
Sure, the Irish were mistreated by the English at times, but they were also some of the most ruthless slave barons in the New World. As were the Scottish. These people are not the victims of English supremacy, just as blacks are not our victims. Jews are NOBODY’S victims….
The English, Celts and Gauls were raped and killed by the Vikings and by the Barbary pirates (who themselves had English mercenaries working for them). Some of these aforementioned groups then massacred the Indians – who as Mel Gibson so deftly illustrated in his magnum opus, “Apocalypto” – were eating each other’s still beating hearts, so on and so forth.
In fact the Icelandic Viking settlers were butchered by Barbary Pirates who had hired out the bloodiest work to English mercenaries as they didn’t want to dirty themselves killing Icelanders.
In later years, it was, in fact, the English that patrolled the seas, taking out Portuguese and Spanish slave traders. The Crown spent almost 1/4 of their annual revenue some years trying to stomp out slavery!!
While the English had taken to the seas to combat the slave trade, there were Irishmen like one Hamilton Brown – who made their family fortunes trading negroes and harvesting sugar in the Caribbean – fighting them tooth and nail.
Hamilton Brown was born in County Antrim in British-controlled Ireland n 1776, only months after the Declaration of Independence had been first drafted.
All of Ireland, north and south. Antrim (upper-right dot) is still in the UK in “Northern Ireland.” Dublin, the capital, was founded by Vikings, and is on the east coast, on the Irish Sea. (A high incidence of redheads around Dublin may suggest Norwegian DNA. the norse god  thord was a ginger, btw.) Norwegian Vikings carried off pretty Irish gals, “sheelahs,” with them to faraway Iceland to marry them and, with them, to populate the fertile green island. (County Westmeath is where my Norman ancestors settled around AD 1165.)
Brown emigrated to Jamaica, then a British colony, to seek his fortune in the New World.
Not to Boston or New York, where so many Irishmen landed, but to Kingston, Jamaica.

Brown had some money in his pocket from what I have been told – enough to become an enthusiastic slave owner on the sugar plantations that were the mainstay of the island’s economy.
*** Ending the negro slave trade in Jamaica

The slave trade between Africa and the West Indies was made illegal in 1807 and the traffic in slaves between the islands became illegal in 1811. However, it took another 26 years to effect the emancipation of the enslaved, when in 1833 the British Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act that finally abolished slavery in Jamaica and the other West Indian colonies on August 1, 1834.

There were many factors that influenced the legislation of 1833. There were doubts about the economic feasibility and the sustainability of slavery given the sustained resistance of the enslaved people that culminated in the major rebellion in Jamaica of Christmas 1831.

There was growing popular support for abolition but the negotiations toward that end were protracted, in part, because of the vested interest of those in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. In the end, the final terms resulted in the grant of £20 million in compensation payable by the British taxpayers, 40% of Britain’s budget, to slave owners (equivalent to £2.6bn today).

Nothing went to the freed slaves. The money went exclusively to the owners of slaves as compensation for the loss of “their property” — their slaves. The Emancipation Act also introduced a system of apprenticeship that tied the newly freed people into working for low wages under their old masters for a fixed term. The intent was to “help and train” the freed slaves to be free men and women. The quotation marks are inserted because the program was not to the exclusive benefit of the slaves. The owners also saw a benefit from the transition period in addition to being compensated.

The Emancipation Act of 1st August 1834 declared all children born into slavery under the age of six, and any born after that date, free. All other enslaved persons became apprenticed to their former masters up to 1st August 1838 — praedials (field workers) for six years and non-praedials for four years — after which, they were to be made free. Apprentices were obliged to work on the estates for 40.5 hours per week in exchange for food, clothing, and shelter, but not wages.

Obviously; this system of owner compensation and apprenticeship could have been done peacefully in America as well, thus avoiding the horrors of the US Civil War, with the proviso (which reluctant slave-owners Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee insisted on) that the Blacks be not just freed but either sent far away to rule  (or misrule) their own country, or to live under overt white supremacy on reservations, as non-citizens, like the Amerindians (who got US citizenship only in 1920).

The problem with repatriating the Blacks to Africa is, to be brutal, that no one in Africa wants them,nor do they want tto live under local black African rulers. Blacks also, deep-down, do not want black self-rule. As my onetime friend Jim said to me in admirablehonesty:

“I don’t want no black self-rule; I don’t trust most black folk.”

And when some Black Muslims handed him their newspaper, “The Final Call,” railing against  “the blue-eyed devils” [ = Whites], Jim retorted: 

“Here, take your paper back. I know too many BLACK devils!”

Jim and I did a radio podcast every night in July-August 2014. We were friends for a good year in 2013-14, and I got to hear how  college-educated Blacks really think. He also told me how much his late father, whom I once met in a nursing facility, a retired railroad worker and a reliable employee, could not stand the jews.

I became more convinced than ever before that a deal with the Blacks — 40 MILLION of them — against the jews (and other threats) was possible and to be desired. Blacks WILL accept white supremacy if it is German and NS, not Confederate, and not anything like a return to slavery and the whip.

Actually, while most Americans are now miserable and worried in all races, no one in America has it worse than the Blacks —  despised, hated, and feared by the other races, and yet  they themselves are the number-one victims of drugs, crime, layoffs, and of huge competition from Hispanic workers.

Fact is: employers prefer to hire white, hispanic and often Chinese/Korean workers.

Blacks know they need white rule if it is truly benevolent, fair, strict, and kind in a realistic way.


This is the victory plan. If the Deep-State jews trigger a race war, millions of conservative Blacks, Browns, Hindus, Muslims and Yellows will prefer NS rule — with safety, prosperity, ethnic pride, family values, and good jobs and decent schools –to more jew chaos, poverty, and police state.

The non-Whites will not be armed. And we will keep tabs electronically on every single non-White.  This plan is based on what worked in South Africa, apartheid, EXCEPT  the  white, Boer government did NOT restrict the black birth rate, causing the white percentage of  the population to decline from 20% to 10%….American Blacks actually right now have a low birthrate….Policies can be enacted to cut off all benefits to any black family with more than two kids….(China had a successful ONE-KID policy for decades.)


*** Back to Kamala’s SLAVE-OWNING ancestor

Hamilton Brown did very well, amassing tens of millions of pounds/dollars from the slave trade and buying vast tracts of sugar and spice-rich land in the New World.
Although he was of Protestant ancestry, he was fiercely pro-Irish and saw the Crown, as many American colonists also did at this juncture, as a nuisance at best, and his mortal enemy at worst.
He wrote letters back home to his family as well as to newspapers, demanding the British get out of Jamaica’s business.
Brown was about as pro-slavery as you could get during the first half of the 19th century.
So much so he hated the British abolitionist William Wilberforce “who brought in a Slave Registry Bill to stop the trading of slaves between different islands in the Caribbean. Brown called him ‘cloven-footed’ [a  reference to the Devil] and a hypocrite.” (Irish Times)
He was deeply “opposed to the abolition of slavery across the British Empire in 1832″ (IT)  and, although he put up a fight, ultimately he was forced to exchange his slaves for white indentured servants from his native County Antrim when the Brits clamped down on his thriving slave business.
Ultimately, Brown received “almost the equivalent of £11 million [ = US$14 mio] in modern money in compensation from the British government for his slaves”, according to records held by University College London (UCL).
Compensation was paid when the UK government banned slavery across the British Empire in 1833. The British then spent £20 million (£17 billion or almost 40 per cent of annual government revenue at the time) on compensation. Brown received £12,610 for his slaves who were emancipated. “He spent much of the money recruiting hired labour from his native Co Antrim.”
He gave his name to Brown’s Town in Jamaica, and is buried in the interior of St Mark’s Anglican Church, which he built with his own money.
Fast forward to 2024….
If you were to ask half the population which major candidate in the 2024 US presidential race was the descendant of this man, Hamilton Brown, most, I assume, would think it would have to be Donald Trump.
This is in spite of the fact that Trump is German on his father Fred’s side, with family hailing from Kallstadt, Bavaria, and Scottish, from the Isle of Lewis, on his mother Mary’s side.
The descendant of this brutal Irish slave master though is none other than Kamala Harris.
Yes, the woman that plays the victim and race card as often as she went down on men that could advance her career earlier in her life. Ms Harris is the daughter of Donald J, Harris, who was born in Jamaica.
Genealogical research carried out by Northern Irish historian Stephen McCracken reveals “Ms Harris’s paternal-great-great-great-great-grandfather Hamilton Brown was born in County Antrim in 1776, the year of the US Declaration of Independence”.
The grave of Hamilton Brown in Jamaica shows that he was born in Antrim in 1776 and died in Jamaica.
Harris’s father, who is obviously of mixed race, seems quite proud of his slave master ancestors. Rumor has it, he is not quite as proud of his whorish, power-hungry daughter. After all, it is not every day that a Jamaican man from Kingston – pre-affirmative action – can land himself at Stanford University.Only the descendants of the Jamaican gentry and aristocracy, and the masters of servants, peasants and slaves, can be so fortunate.
Ms Harris’s father, an emeritus professor of economics at Stanford University, acknowledged his family’s slave-owning past in a piece for a Jamaican newspaper in 2018. Donald Harris cooly wrote:
“My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother, Miss Iris née  Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me).
“The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, landowner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly sugar, pimento or allspice), who died in 1939, one year after I was born, who  is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptised and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).”
Although some mainstream sources have tried to “debunk” this, I believe the man.
If blonde, hair blue-eyed Elizabeth Warren can be an “Indian,” then Harris most certainly can be descended from whom he says he is!
The memorial to Hamilton Brown reads: ‘Sacred to the memory of HAMILTON BROWN Esq. Native of the County Antrim, Ireland, who departed this life on the 18th Sept 1843 in the 68th year of his age. He was the FOUNDER OF THIS TOWN. Was 22 years one of the Representatives for this parish in the Honourable House of Assembly. His name will long be cherished.’”
Let’s hope his great-great-great-great-granddaughter’s name won’t be….
And here I was led to believe by Operation Mockingbirds hacks at MSNBC and the witches on the View, that Kamala was a victim.
Seems she has the blood of some pretty successful, oppressive, and pro-slavery white masters pumping through her veins.

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