Half-Jew psychopath and Kennedy murderer Lyndon Johnson groped every secretary he had & slept with his own grandmother

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LBJ signs the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Lyndon Johnson used to drive his car with one hand while grabbing and massaging the vagina of his mistress under the skirt with the other — while his wife, First Lady Lady Bird, was sitting next to his mistress!



So the “dirt” that Wiley was alluding to likely had something to do with the fact that our 36thpresident was a sexual predator who preyed on his secretaries. As noted by Woods and a few other Johnson chroniclers—say, biographer Robert Dallek and longtime aide George Reedy—he also repeatedly groped his female staffers. Presidential speechwriter Horace Busby reported that once, while he was seated in the back seat of a car, he saw Johnson grab a woman under her skirt with one hand while driving with the other.

Same anecdote from above. I think it was Horace Busby who told Lady Bird biographer Jan Jarboe Russell about Lyndon Johnson massaging the vagina of one of his mistresses while Lady Bird sat to her immediate right while all three were in the front seat of LBJ’s Lincoln on the LBJ Ranch.


At one point during this period of time, one aide remembers an afternoon when Johnson, Lady Bird, a female friend, and several male staff members went for a ride around the ranch. Two staff members were in the back seat of Johnson’s Lincoln, while Johnson was at the wheel, the female friend was seated in the middle, and Lady Bird occupied the passenger seat. “Johnson made a point of placing one of his hands under the woman’s skirt and was having a big time, right there in front of Lady Bird,” recalled one of the aides. “A lot of women would have slapped his hands, but Lady Bird didn’t say a word.”

[Jan Jarboe Russell, Lady Bird: a Biography of Mrs. Johnson, pp. 204-205]


Lyndon Johnson fucked his Grandmother Ruth Ament Huffman: source is Ray Hill who read LBJ’s secret sexual history at the Kinsey Institute in 1965

LBJ’s secret sexual history interview with Albert Kinsey showed that he was sexually promiscuous (of course), bisexual and he had sex with his grandmother, as legendary and longtime Houston gay activist Ray Hill told me in 2011. Ray Hill told the same to author Phil Nelson and also to his good friend Doug Caddy of Houston. Doug Caddy used to be good friends with E. Howard Hunt and he was also the lawyer for Billie Sole Estes and the Moody Foundation in the early 1980s – Robert Morrow

Ruth Ament Huffman Baines (1854-1936) – would have been age 68 in the year 1922 when LBJ was age 14. Or age 69 in 1923 when LBJ was age 15. Ruth Ament Huffman died in 1936 at the age of 81. She was the mother of LBJ’s Jewish mother Rebekah Baines Johnson (1881-1958)

Jewish Lady Bird Johnson; half-Jew Lyndon Johnson;and his Jewish mother, Rebekah Baines

From Phil Nelson’s LBJ: From Mastermind to “The Colossus” – (published 2014) – pp. xxxix- xl

A longtime, well-known Houston activist named Ray Hill has stated that, while attending classes at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, in 1965, he worked at the Kinsey Institute there. Alfred Kinsey had made national headlines in the 1950s for his trailblazing research into the sexual practices of American citizens. In 1948, Kinsey published his first book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, which documented much more frequent (and variations of) sexual behaviors among the population than anyone had ever expected. One biography stated that Kinsey interviewed over ten thousand people, male and female, of all ages, to probe their sexual behavior. The book sold almost one-half million copies and he used the royalties from that to write a second book in 1953 titled Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.

          Some of those interviews were conducted on “famous” people, but all files were coded to hide the names of these individuals.

There were known as the “Deep Files” and all interviews were conducted personally by Dr. Kinsey. Ray Hill stated to me that he discovered the procedure used for masking the names of the people Kinsey interviewed: The first part of the code was simple the three digit sequential number of the interview; the last were alphabetic characters beginning with the last letter of the last name, followed by every other letter of the name, working backward. For Johnson, Hill explained, that part of the code was “NSHJ.”

Hill found that the file on Lyndon Johnson’s interview indicated that he had admitted having had sexual intercourse with his grandmother. Johnson’s grandmother, who was still alive when he was about fourteen years, was Ruth Ament Huffman, who would have been in her early sixties.

Although it is impossible to verify Hill’s assertions through a second source. (Kinsey’s files are accessible only to officials of the Institute, who will not verify their contents) they are credible because of the trustworthiness of Mr. Hill, who personally saw those files.

Ray Hill was given greater access to the “Deep Files” because of his position as assistant to the late C.A. Tripp, a colleague of Kinsey and author of two significant books: The Homosexual Matrix and The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln, which was completed shortly before he died in 2003.

Lyndon Johnson in November, 1962 asked his young secretary Mary Fehmer to have his baby and offered to put her up in an apartment in New York. Later LBJ installed Fehmer at the CIA to look after his interests.

[Randall Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, p. 404-406]

DURING HIS TENURE as vice president, LBJ added two more attractive young wome to his staff, Vicky McCammon and Marie Fehmer. They continued a tradition. According to Juanita Roberts, the former WAC colonel who would hold the title of personal secretary to the president after Johnson succeeded to the presidency, there were always two secretarial staffs: the group that stayed on the ground and staffed the phones and the coterie that flew with LBJ when he was on his travels.

          First among the flight crew was Mary Margaret Wiley, the vivacious, attractive blonde who had gone to work for the Johnsons in 1951. She was widely rumored to have had an affair with LBJ and continued to enjoy a close relationship with him even after she married Houston advertising executive Jack Valenti in 1962.

Vicky McCammon, a striking coed from San Angelo, made friends with Susan Taylor, Lady Bird’s niece, while both were attending George Washington University in Washington. McCammon caught Johnson’s eye when Susan began inviting her to parties at The Elms. A political science major, she intrigued Johnson with her knowledge and self-confidence during an informal discussion of the Bay of Pigs fiasco. “And when I would be in Austin and he would come down to the ranch,” she recalled, “he would call and he would talk and talk and talk. [He would] want to know how my courses were going and what I was studying and this and that … I think I was so young that it was almost like a teacher-student kind of thing.”

          In the summer of 1962, LBJ hired Marie Fehmer, a slender brunette from Dallas, to replace Willey, who would marry in June. She had just graduated from Texas with a degree in journalism and was planning to go to graduate school. The Johnsons had learned of Fehmer from the brother of journalist William S. White, for whom the young woman had done some work. In typical fashion, Lyndon summoned her to the offices of KTBC for an extended interview, including a hamburger lunch and a wide-ranging discussion that covered everything from typing speed to religion and politics. She went to work that afternoon and remained on the job until Lyndon Johnson’s last day in the White House.

          The vice president, fifty-four years old and unhappy, quickly fell in love with Fehmer. She went everywhere with Johnson and soon became accustomed to summonses at any and all hours. “I protested one time at the ranch,” she recalled, “where a speaker phone went through the house and he would wake up about 8:00 in the morning and he would yell over the speaker phone, Marie do you want to go swimming? Well, no, I am in bed but I go, and we go swimming.”

          One of the reasons Johnson found Marie so fascinating was that though she was obviously taken with him and his attentions, she refused to sleep with him. It provoked his curiosity. He believed that any meaningful relationship between a man and woman ought to end in sex. One day, when they were floating in the pool, he asked why she resisted him. I’m Catholic; it’s against my religion, she replied. Charmed, he had her explain at length. Lady Bird sensed the growing depth of the relationship and kept a close eye on the newcomer. In November 1962, Johnson made an astounding proposal to Marie. If she would agree to have his son, he would set her up in an apartment in New York. Fehmer refused, but their relationship only seemed to deepen.

          Some on LBJ’s staff believed that Lady Bird not only knew about her husband’s affairs, but condoned them. Fehmer remembered a trip to California with Mrs. Johnson shortly after she was hired. LBJ and Mary Margaret Wiley were already there, and when Lady Bird and Marie arrived, a woman’s underwear was strewn all over the hotel room. Instead of being angry, Lady Bird seemed to go out of her way to be nice to Mary Margaret.

          Horace Busby recalled one weekend while LBJ was vice president. Johnson invited former congresswoman Helen Douglas to spend the weekend with him. Lady Bird conveniently arranged to leave on a shopping trip to New York shortly before Helen arrived. Busby recalled that Johnson and Douglas lounged around the pool holding hands and showing obvious affection for each other.

[Randall Woods, LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, p. 404-406]

Lyndon Johnson asking his pilot and military aide Jim Cross if Cross’ secretary 22 year old Annie Webb would “shuck her britches” which was LBJ’s term for having sex.


“I’d been in the Military Office exactly five days and this was the first I’d heard of a ‘mess’ or that I was supposed to do any cleaning up or replace anybody but one guy. I looked at Annie Webb, who was as bewildered as I was, and while we were staring at each other we heard Johnson talking to Cross in the next office. Even if the door had been closed we would have heard him halfway down the hall. “That a new secretary you’ve got, Cross?”

“Cross said, ‘Yes, sir.’

“Then Johnson said, ‘Will she shuck her britches?’

“Annie Webb was a pretty little thing, no more than twenty-two or twenty-three, and newly married. She just kind of sank into her chair, very slowly. both of us were thinking the same thing: ‘This is the President of the United States?”


[Bill Gulley, Breaking Cover, p. 46]

Sycophantic LBJ biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin was having an affair with Lyndon Johnson

LBJ pressured Kearns for sex, later asked her to MARRY him!

Was LBJ biographer Doris Kearns having an affair with Lyndon Johnson? Here is the response of a very well known JFK researcher when I posed that question to him: “No doubt about that one ….” Sally Quinn had said some rather provocative things about Doris Kearns-Goodwin’s relationship with LBJ in those “final years.”  Here is a reference to that in a Wash. Post article (“A Tale of Hearts and Minds, 8/24/75) alluded to in the LA Times in 2002:

Goodwin’s first dip in the waters of infamy came in 1967, when, having received a White House fellowship, she was photographed dancing with Lyndon Johnson at a reception. The story turned on the fact that the president’s dance partner, then Doris Kearns, had just co-written a piece for the New Republic under the headline: “How to Remove L.B.J. in 1968.”

Later, in the early 1970s, Kearns and Richard Goodwin, lovers but not yet married, set off a literary scandal that attracted national media attention. It involved a “psychobiography”  that Kearns was writing about Johnson, based in part on intimate conversations they’d had on his ranch in Texas, and a decision to bring Goodwin aboard as a co-author.

Their plan was to expand what had begun as a scholarly work–intended to help secure for her a tenured professorship at Harvard University–break with a smaller publishing house and sell the book elsewhere, for about five times the money. As the dispute grew, the story oozed outward to include speculation in print about whether Kearns might have had an affair with Johnson.

Sally Quinn, flying at her highest as a feature writer in the Washington Post’s Style section, wrote a lively, at times almost embarrassingly explicit, account of the chaos that had come to Kearn’s love and literary life. The piece ran for what seemed like forever, and it included a rather tart summation:

”  Kearns has always gotten what she wanted–and made it look as if she didn’t even try. She got elected student-body president at Colby College in Maine, got the best grades, got the best beaux, got into Harvard, got a White House fellowship, got Lyndon Johnson, got her Ph.D, got her professorship at Harvard, got her book, got author Richard Goodwin and got Goodwin to collaborate with her on the book. Those are all things she wanted, or thought she wanted when she got them.”

At one point in the story, the then-32-year-old Kearns is quoted as saying: ” I really believe that Johnson was picking a person he wanted to write about him. People say he was in love with me and things like that. Partly, that’s true. But it was much more serious than that.”

Here is another excerpt from Sally Quinn’s 1974 article

“Johnson was terribly possessive of her time, more and more as he came closer to death. She was seeing many men at this point in her life but had no real attachments until she met Richard Goodwin six months before Johnson’s death.”

One time Doris Kearns gave a lecture and said that Lyndon Johnson had compared her to his mother. [LBJ’s mother was quite the enabler of him; as was Lady Bird.] When Kearns’ comments became public and appeared in print, LBJ said:

“So I’ll just take the knife out of my heart and close up the wound, and we’ll have you back here and we won’t look back in pride or shame. We’ll just start from here and we’ll go on with your book without Parade. We’re both still alive and that’s what counts.”

Kearns has later admitted that Lyndon Johnson used to crawl into bed with her and just talk, but with nothing else going on….

As for me, I am not buying that nothing else went on. The Doris Kearns case is just another example of Lyndon Johnson’s ability to manipulate people and even turn them into sychophants protecting his legacy decades later. Jack Valenti would be another good example.

Doris Kearns Goodwin:

“I got to know this crazy character [Lyndon B. Johnson] when I was only 23 years old…. He’s still the most formidable, fascinating, frustrating, irritating individual I think I’ve ever known in my entire life.” [Academy of Achievement June 1996 interview, p.1]

Doris Kearns also told authors Richard Harwood and Haynes Johnson about her relationship with LBJ in an interview that Sally Quinn refers to:

“They both took copious notes. In the interview Kearns told the reporters that her relationship with President Johnson was extraordinarily complicated, that she was still having trouble placing it in perspective, that she was troubled about how to handle her personal relationship with Johnson when she published her own book.

“She told them that the essence of their relationship was that LBJ was in love with her, that he ‘pressed me very hard sexually the first year,’ that he courted her aggressively, that he asked her to marry him, that he was jealous of other men in her life.”

[Sally Quinn, Washington Post, 8/24/75 “A Tale of Hearts and Minds”]

My comment:

Really, this kind of behavior from Lyndon Johnson was typical. It is how he behaved his whole life, and I don’t just mean sexually. I am referring to his narcissism, neediness, ability to manipulate people, ability to turn folks into sycophants and slaves and have them do things they would not normally do.

I guess this just reproves the old saying that women love power; even if power is a old, bloated, craggy man and a paranoid, mendacious, delusional nut job.

Here is an email to me from a Harvard alum:

I was a graduate student at Harvard in the Political Science Department when Kearns was writing her LBJ book — the gossip at Harvard was always that she was LBJ’s lover — Kearns was first and foremost an opportunist — if sleeping with LBJ advanced her career, I doubt she hesitated.

  1. Mark Groubert says:

Mr. Morrow is correct. Doris Kearns Goodwin told a mutual friend of ours that she had sex with Lyndon Baines Johnson. Her husband Richard Goodwin was in the throws of his own self-admitted alcoholism at the time.

Two good books on LBJ’s dysfunction and his alcoholism:

Power Beyond Reason: The Mental Collapse of Lyndon Johnson by D. Jablow Hershman and

Lyndon B. Johnson: A Memoir by George Reedy.



…..See also

The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.

The Jewish War on the Kennedys


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