Handsome WN hotshots don’t impress God or man

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A WN reader wrote me that fmr Marine and WN activist Patrick Little seems to have disappeared. (https://johndenugent.com/on-david-cole/#comment-619460)

Dear John,

Do you know, what happened to Patrick Little? He did a lot of good publicity stunts and named (((them))).


I have heard nothing from him since March of 2019 and I fear for the worst. He wanted to run for president, but there is nothing new that i could find from him.

I replied (https://johndenugent.com/on-david-cole/#comment-619465)

Hi. Yes, indeed, he did some real good.

But Patrick also came across as very arrogant and even vulgar at times, like certain Marines I have known. (I was in the Corps myself.)

I sent him a nice donation and a warm letter, with some sage advice based on my 41 years in this Cause, and some ideas, yet he never responded.

Big, big ego.

At this point I would say he is merely the latest young, good-looking, macho guy (I was once one myself 🙂 ) who thought he was going to set the world on fire based on his own personal qualities: good looks, courage, good talker, bad-ass charisma, whatever.

Yours truly in 1990, age 36, running for US Congress in Tennessee – I did very well, but the Jews used electronic vote fraud openly to make me lose the Republican primary.


Mike Delaney was another — handsome, fearless, charismatic, smart, with bad-boy charm. He did 1) the amazing 9/11 movie “911 Missing Links” and created TruTube, a needed WN version of YouTube (which, however, took in almost no donations, truly outrageously, and now Bitchute has stepped into its place).

These days he just focuses on being a good dad to his many well-behaved, well-loved white kids.

(Photo from his FB “Pro-think” page)

Yes, Little, and I, and Delaney, three handsome, ballsy WNs, all tried using the same old (and perfectly valid) themes we WNs have been using for the last 100 years — racial differences/Jewish control/black crime, etc., —  imagining that WE, as hotshots, would then put these issues over the top.

(You know you ARE good at it when white people really listen, but that is about all they do, LISTEN and sorta agree. 🙂 )

It struck me in 2008-14 in western Pennsylvania — which really hated Obama and blacks in general, and was chock-full of angry, poor whites, and especially veterans, the same ones who landslid for Trump in 2016 — that after a hundred really good conversations I had with them, and with them asking me directly for my website and email address, that NOT ONE, NOT ONE of all those people I spent an hour talking to (and you could see it was all “clicking” in their minds) ever contacted me again.

Not one — out of a hundred good conversations.

Was I unconvincing, unlikable, or too butt-ugly? 🙂

The great German physicist Werner Heisenberg, who was also discreetly pro-NS, once said in a famous interview in the 1960s,

“Only God can save us now.”

THAT is my mission, to bring divine power back to our race in this tortured world.

As for the Jews, they are professionals at subversion, highly organized, with 3,000 years of experience, and are staggeringly well-financed.

Only God,

and a new message of His will for us,

and a new messenger of His commands,

can save us now.

Heisenberg was right. Listen to the giants of the past. Patrick did not even answer my letter or thank me for my donation. He is just another ego-driven guy who learned the hard way: unless God wants something built, the carpenters labor in vain. It will just be knocked down.

There is no hotshot out there who can stop —  byh own smarts, looks and energy — this Jew juggernaut.

What isi nsanity? Being a shooting star, and trying the same failed thing over and over.



…..Trump’s nauseating ego

Yes, this was Trump with Epstein, 30 years ago.. but womanizing, not kids. The Demoncrats would be all over him if that were the case.

Trump as a person is such an egotistical turn-off 🙁
I also hate it he evaded the draft during Nam like other rich kids with a fake medical excuse (…bone spurs in a foot, but he can’t recall which foot). ….
But Killary was/is a complete monster, would have meant THE END of the First and Second Amendments.
No free speech and no guns — GAME OVER.

……WN single woman in Europe led on by, impregnated by an America-basedWN who was married with a child

A European lady comrade contacted me, concerned about a WN guy from America (a tall, good-looking, smart professional man in Missouri) who got her pregnant, never told her he was married with a kid — and demanded she get an abortion!

She was understandably furious, since he led her on.

With my help, we “doxxed” him.  Gee, who are that woman and that baby?

I then wrote the county clerk and got the marriage certificate.

Posting the case (though in a de-identified way, of course), this led to two huge threads on my Facebook page. The lady comrade decided to expose him, btw, to his wife and her relatives, and did so yesterday. (The heel then wrote her he was all disappointed in her. LOL!)

A few FB friends took shots at her for “spreading her legs” and insisted she not abort the fetus, but instead have the kid and raise it for the sake of the white race, or give it up for adoption.

Here are some comments by them and by me (abridged).

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Now he is outraged she exposed him. 🙂 Talk about :”accusatory inversion” — What a narcissist.

Kelly Green Must be a slow news day.

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I had a huge thread below on this, with 90 comments. The relevance is the guy is a white nationalist cad, who screwed, impregnated and lied to a female comrade. then demanded she abort the fetus. THIS guy, with his wife and baby (undisclosed to the WN gf):

Kelly Green Sounds dramatic.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Kelly Green He seduced her and broke her heart!! Now his wife is facing the horrible truth.


Kelly Green Yeah, well, we all have our trials, tribulations and tales.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Kelly Green …which do deserve a sympathetic hearing….True NS is about caring about the other and about honor, duty and real love.


Madeline Rafnsson What’s your point, Kelly? Do you have one, outside of making yourself appear superior?


Garcia Esteban He needs to be castrated

Jessi Neal John De Nugent Aufdeutsch the wife is young and pretty. Many years to find a true WN man and have many more children.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Jessi Neal This is true both of the betrayed wife and the innocent gf in Europe, both attractive, and so ligoes on. I dated several divorced women with kids 1989-2002. (But I really like kids, and the stepfather thing. Not all men do. 🙁 )

John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Secular white nationalism is DEAD. God-free WNs are often just as rotten as anyone else. 🙁


Madeline Rafnsson Very true


Roncoli Claudina I have to disagree. The America First movement is super strong and growing. Nick Fuentes is gaining followers every day and they’re having a lot of success red pilling college kids who are waking up and joining the fight! The groypers as they call themselves are smart, true paleoconservatives, not fake conservatives like Zionist TPUSA and Charlie Kirk. It’s encouraging. They are good, traditional young men who are sick of being forgotten or vilified/abused. I love that they are Christians, especially Catholic. They want the US to stay the US and I respect that.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Roncoli Claudina Right, and good! But that is exactly why I said “secular” white nationalism. Just despising or hating other races does not make anyone a better or nicer person. The sicko, selfish society around us has polluted the mind, values and behavior of so many WNs, especially the under-40 crowd. Example: men on FB sending close-up penis photos to girls…. Unthinkable to us Boomers — and we were not square at that age, but this is just so, so shocking, really “End Times.” 🙁


Roncoli Claudina John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Yes, I agree. It’s disgusting, juvenile and inappropriate behavior. The white nationalists I know and I’m talking about don’t hate anyone, certainly not other groups of ppl, races or ethnicities, not in the slightest! They just want to maintain a white majority in their country by closing the borders, etc.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Roncoli Claudina Good. It should be a love movement, not hate.


Kitty Laver I bet some “WN” men would defend the married man. Maybe there needs to be a more organized party where all traitors are publicly outed and not allowed back.


Madeline Rafnsson Some have literally defended pedophiles just because they are men. Remember?


Kitty Laver I missed that or something. Some men are only for men no matter how degenerate.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Kitty Laver Between Anglin and the MGTOW movement there are some real misogynists out there.


Madeline Rafnsson Forget MGTOW… these are INCELS


Eliza Thentor Kitty Laver I wish I knew the name of these two @rsehole. The wife traitor and the pedo defender.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Eliza Thentor I can report that this adulterer is stewing tonight in his own juices.


Walter D. Bialkowski I don’t think White nationalism is going to be successful without Christianity.. Without Christian morals, the White nationalists have the same flaws as the people they are opposing.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Walter D. Bialkowski I read you!

Claudia Dora Chadwick Hopefully the gf is not getting an abortion. For him to even suggest it is a sin against our race.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I understand the intense feelings against abortion. However, be honest: Would you want a child around to look at for the next 40 years who 1) closely resembles and 2) might possess the evil traits of an adulterous, womanizing egomaniac who shamelessl lied to you, betraying also his own wife? ….Two million German women were raped at the end of WWII by Soviet troops. Most of them aborted the fruit of this rape. Otherwise, East Germans today would look Mongolian or Slavic, with wide cheekbones and that Putin-Russki look.


The child born of those rapes would be an eternal reminder of the horrible, evil thing that happened. Theoretically, yes, we are ALL against abortion, but if God forbid, you were raped as a young, single woman, Claudia, not to be too personal, but would you really want to see, every single day, and even on your deathbed, the face of your rapist? I also think that with certain Christians, there is some virtue-signaling going on here, and hypocrisy. “Do as I say, not as I do.” ….Even in the many states that outlawed abortion, rape (and also incest, or a deformed fetus) were the exceptions….. The WN female comrade who was impregnated by this cad had no idea he was a married man with a child. She is in her thirties, and he is good-looking, smart, tall, well-off, and a professional man — “a catch.” Any woman, especially, at that age in her life, would be interested in such a man. And these days there is also the infamous “three-date rule” — you had better “put out” after the third date, or the guy loses interest….. It is a wicked, sick, and very anti-woman world.

Claudia Dora Chadwick John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Putting the child up for adoption would solve this in a jiffy. My feelings on abortion are intense but mostly because I have been impacted by abortion, not due to my own actions, but by my parents. My father made decent money, they were in good health, but still aborted 2 of my siblings for their convenience. Years later my father committed suicide (guilt?) and I care 24/7 for my elderly mother who has dementia (wanted to forget?). How I long for the 2 others! How our race needs a higher birth rate. I know that pro-lifers should all adopt but don’t. The WN female comrade who was duped may not get another chance to reproduce given how many MGTOW’s there are in our movement.
  • Margaret A. Young Rape and bad judgement are worlds apart. No woman should sleep with a man she wouldn’t want children to.

    And having an awful father doesn’t condemn us to repeat their crimes. My own father was a violent, drunken womanising man. My first fond memories, my first memories of warmth and comfort are of a dog. I swore my children would have a better life and they have. We can break the pattern. Yes part of it is genetic, but a great deal is environment as well and a man show cheated can still have good strong children. Would you have aborted Goebbels daughters? He did have an affair as I suspect many other high ranking Nazis did. Hitler did not approve to put it mildly. Gobbles was forced to choose between his mistress and his career and standing in the party.

    And quite frankly many men will lie to get something for a woman. It isn’t right or admirable, but women have some responsibility in the matter as well. I would think household at least be planning to live together before planning a child.

    If she isn’t up for raising the child, many people are. Now that the cat is out of the bag and his wife knows , he might even want the child.

  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Claudia Dora Chadwick true, if she wants to carry this monster’s kid and pass on his genes.
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Margaret A. Young I read you. Knowing the case, though, and having ferreted out the details of the wedding and wife for this gal, this guy is a truly despicable person, not just a businessman on a road trip who had a moment of weakness. Stuff does happen between consenting adults in hotels with bars on business trips. Anyway, I am so glad you recovered from having such a disappointing father.

Claudia Dora Chadwick John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Putting the child up for adoption would solve this in a jiffy. My feelings on abortion are intense but mostly because I have been impacted by abortion, not due to my own actions, but by my parents. My father made decent mone…See More


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Margaret A. Young I read you. Knowing the case, though, and having ferreted out the details of the wedding and wife for this gal, this guy is a truly despicable person, not just a businessman on a road trip who had a moment of weakness. Stuff does happen between consenting adults in hotels with bars on business trips. Anyway, I am so glad you recovered from having such a disappointing father.

Margaret A. Young A true nationalist loves his nation, his people, or preferably both. But many claim to be nationalist simply because they hate some other group, even if they hate their own people just as much.

… and a small percentage are only nationalist because somehow they confuse traditional women with subservient women and believe being a nationalist entitles them to the type of traditional woman who has dinner on the table for them for every night, fetches their drinks, does all the housework and has their children.. and those things are all as they should be for a traditional man.

But a traditional man works. These fellows want a woman to do everything while they play video games, and still get a job to support them., or in some cases be content to have several children on benefits and hand over the benefit check. Some have actually told me they have a God given duty to spread their DNA… not their words but I won’t be repeating them, as they have white bloodlines. So what? There are a lot of  other white men out there, and if a man is an inferior specimen, who wants to have children with him?

If a man wants a traditional wife, he needs to be a traditional husband, be faithful. He needs to maintain basic hygiene. He should put some effort into being at least somewhat fit. A man who is so overweight he can hardly walk is hardly going to be able to fulfil the role of father very well.

And if. A man wants to be waited on hand and foot and have his dinner on the table when he comes home from work… he needs to go to work.

Oh and if a man wants a traditional wife he shouldn’t expect to get anywhere on the first date. If you can’t wait for someone worth waiting for, don’t complain about what you get.

And of course women need to exercise some judgement too. Just because a man claims to be NS does not mean he is. There is some difference between a national socialist and a neo Nazi. Just because a man claims to be traditional doesn’t mean he is. Get to know him and his values.

I can’t quite see how a woman could get to then point of having children with a man without knowing where he lived, and I would warn any woman to suspect a fellow who doesn’t bring her to his home.

The choice of who father’s our children is the most important decision we ever make . We should be putting more effort and consideration into the matter than we would switching insurance companies or buying a new car.


Eliza Thentor Margaret A. Young You said it all, Margaret. I was just thinking all this stuff to myself… as you know I am not a very good writer, at expressing my thoughts


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Great words, Margaret! 🙂

Kitty Laver I’m not going to write an essay, but even if the child looks like the cad of a dad, a woman usually has the capability to see past that and still love her own. We aren’t wired like men who can easily fool around, spreading their seeds and no attachments. We are wired to try and keep the man for our and baby’s survival. Thus, baby will look like the dad as nature’s way of encouraging the dad to stay and protect his own offspring. Like you all need a science lesson here, but a grown woman in this age can put aside those little nuances and raise a child who has a chance to help our movement.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Right, though this gal can get herself another man. She is attractive, bright, nice and shapely. What she told me was that she has had a number of bad dates with WNs who were selfish jerks.


Kitty Laver Abortion isn’t easy for most women.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Kitty Laver I am sure. I’m a guy, and I too love babies and kids.


Kitty Laver So did Uncle Hitler.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Kitty Laver oh-oh, you used the H word on Faceberg. 😉


Kitty Laver More people need the Uncle in our thinking and behaviors.


Madeline Rafnsson Lots of women on here thinking they’re perfect and we’re all just waiting for their superior knowledge.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Madeline Rafnsson I am grateful my two daughters never had their heart broken like this. Both are happily and well married and successful.

Madeline Rafnsson My daughter is also happily married so a blond-haired German who treats her like an equal.

Kitty Laver Any woman who acts as if they can cut that biological wiring and bond to their baby may be able to do so or may also be wired wrong deliberately to end the cycle. In ancient times, those neglected babies would die, ending the line of faulty wiring.


Kitty Laver Goebbel’s wife did the honorable thing and saved her children from the rape of Jus, not Slavs.

1 Comment

  1. Dear John,

    for i made some translation for your upcoming “faith and truth” of this awesome

    from here:

    Here is the translated version (for you):

    The must read basics:
    Faith and Action:

    Glaube und Handeln:

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