Happy-birthday greetings — thank you, one and all! ;-)

Spread the love

The German- and Scandinavian-Americans up here do not just sit on the beach on Lake Superior and bake in their sun-tan oil. They just have to take the driftwood and construct something. 😉  We are a great race of relentless builders and makers, not parasites and takers.

This is from a Bing screensaver — a city in Italy?


*** from a comrade in Florida on my 66th, in an email last night

Happy birthday John!

Well, it will be in a few hours, but I’m beating “Old Man Time” to the punch! 😉

I’m all out of Amazon gift cards, let me call the last one I sent you your birthday present! And all my good prayers too! 🙏🍻

Great blog-work today; I just recently finished reading it all. Thank you for being you  — and God bless!


*** (from Italy,  translated and edited)

I know you will like this piece so much. I know you would have wanted such a dedication so much, knowing your sensitivity.

Try to imagine how much I and others love you; imagine the multiverse, the numerous stars and the infinite suns.

It has always been there, deep in our heart, like a hidden treasure waiting to be found, but not by a knight (or, well, yes when I’m a perfect tomboy) but by a princess who would fill you with kisses and infinite sweetness.

Happy birthday, our dear heart, forever and ever!


This is the little Dutch girl Amira Willighagen in 2015 singing the Italian opera song  by Puccini “O mio babbino caro” (“Oh my dear daddy!” — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_mio_babbino_caro) — a teenage girl begs her father to let her marry the man she loves….

She says that if not, she will go to the old bridge and throw herself into the Arno (river)… that she wants to die if her daddy says no, that she is so very miserable now.

As Eckhart Tolle says, falling in love is not just about that other person.  It is our longing to be complete, to feel unity, to be a happy part of a happy whole!

So, yes, girls and women have thrown themselves off a bridge over a broken heart — and men have shot themselves  — but it is really about a cosmic question, about feeling separated, alone, and wandering, lost, without meaning or mission through the world.

National Socialism was and is to feel the meaning of life, service, and to be part of something great and good!

And once one is alien-aware, one realizes that our human species has a kind of potential flaw that makes us very incomplete when alone and not in a couple. Our species, unlike others, is divided sharply into male and female.

Men are dominated by testosterone, or what the Chinese Taoists call yang.  Women are dominated by estrogen, and what Taoism calls yin.

Men tend therefore to be too harsh — and women too compassionate.

Every human man is incomplete unless he has a loving and wise women, and every human woman is incomplete unless she has a strong and caring man.

Our incompletedness is built-in!

As for this lovely Dutch girl Amira, she had such tiny lungs during this 2015 performance, and underdeveloped vocal chords…

And yet this was a most perfect performance of one of the most technically difficult songs in the entire operatic repertoire.

This was not mimicry, but a genuine, sincere, individualistic interpretation, one that requires the rawest of emotions. Look at her expressions and the tears in her little eyes. She needed high emotional intelligence to turn that into great music, and of course reincarnation explains how even a little girl who plays with dolls can understand the deep feelings of love in a woman! She has been a woman many times before!

I am humbled by this performance, genuinely humbled and absorbed.

What an experience. Thank you, dear Italian comrade, for sending this — and I thank the gods yet again for the ancient, great white nation that is Italy. I spent several lives there, serving mighty Rome!


Amira today 🙂


Amira singing “Pie Jesu” (“Pious Jesus”) this year


…..A trip to heal a man’s searing grief


Out at my friend Lewis’ house on Lake Superior, temp. 74 F (23 C). He has an aluminum dock, which he erected on the undulating dry land from his charming Norwegian-style house, which he built himself, and this dock leads right out through the woods to the vast lake.  I am crouching down next to his self-built wooden swinging chair.


Lewis has been grieving over the loss of his Norwegian wife of 47 years. He is very open to the idea of life after death, and that she is watching over him.
Polls show 77% of Americans believe in the existence of angels, and he is one, though a scientist (retired). He once got in serious trouble on a lake in South Dakota in his sailing canoe.It tipped sideways in high winds and threw him out, far offshore, into the very cold water, around 1991. “The next thing I knew, I was sitting back in the canoe, though dripping wet.”
It sounded like one of the many cases where an angel assigned to your case gets permission to intervene, which with good people — sometimes — they are allowed to do. I guess the fear was that he would drown. (His legs are bad; he has a neurological disorder.)
He has built four little mini-houses, Norwegian-style: a tool shed, a day room (full of windows, double-paned and sunny), a kitchen and a bedroom. He used white cedar, which in the bright sunlight, shining down constantly on his bedroom mini-house, becomes silvery and iridescent. 
 His tool shed building, however, is mostly in the shade, and here the white cedar has became russet. 
I know my religion will succeed because intelligent, good-quality white people welcome me into their house to talk about the great questions of life:
“Why am I here? Is there an Afterlife? A God? If there is, then why do the good suffer?”


…..The decision and announcement never to be taken lightly


The problem is that men are now no longer men, but instead effeminate, gossipy, excuse-making wusses. Even their sperm count has dropped, drastically, since 1970: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4729116/Western-lifestyle-making-men-infertile.html 


I wrote to a leading comrade and ally:

For decades I have heard white people, when really angry or tipsy, cast aside all the programming, and mutter:

“It’s gonna take another Hitler.”

By that they actually mean the “Gas-Chamber” Hitler, mind you. 😉 And I am talking about the “normies.”

They want a white version of Genghis Khan to come and mow down all lowlifes.

Most of those who mutter this to me are combat vets and/or working class people.

When they are really fuming, really angry, then it slips out.

As for me….well 😉


You can revere Hitler, but he was not a god, just a starseed, a volunteer (one of many) from a higher Aryan world.

A real “god” would have, and could have, defeated the mere mortals who were Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.



…….From the 2015 Film “Look Who’s Back”

A fascinating aspect is the film’s inclusion of apparently unscripted interactions between ordinary Germans and the actor Oliver Masucci, in character as Adolf Hitler. Germans (real Germans on the street, not actors) are very happy to complain to him about the growing presence of immigrants and Muslims. An East German women claims voting is pointless and democracy is a sham. Hitler genially explains to a female dog breeder that breed-mixing leads to the destruction of the breed, such as the German shepherd. The breeder can only nod in agreement. The scene is all the more striking because in German and other languages, such as French, the word for “race” is the same as that for “breed.” Hitler laments that Germany today has the lowest birth rate in the world.

There is a very striking scene with football fans. Some run to Hitler and perform Roman salutes (still illegal in Germany today). Another cries out before Hitler: “I love you, Germany!” Apparently these were truly unscripted. At one point some well-dressed youths, with Hitler’s enthusiastic cheering, overpower and humiliate a filthy antifa leftist who had been shouting “Down with Germany!”

Hitler eventually gets on a television comedy show where he was expected to be a kind of freak show performer and ironically-not-ironically make racist jokes. (The weirdest part of this scene was that the show’s obnoxious host was a large-nosed German in blackface, so as to resemble President Barack Hussein Obama.) Instead, Hitler speaks as he always did, earnestly, about the terrible state of Germany. The TV show audience loves it and the film’s audience, too, is made to cheer for Hitler.


…..’I dressed as Hitler and people were HAPPY to see me’  Actor’s racism fears for Germany

An actor who plays Hitler in a comedy about the dictator has warned of spiking intolerance and racism after travelling the country and interviewing people wHile dressed as the Nazi leader.


Oliver Masucci believes there is an increase in racism and intolerance in Germany

Oliver Masucci, the actor who plays Hitler in the satirical film ‘Look Who’s Back’  has revealed racist tensions within Germany despite the country portraying the image migrants are welcome.

He travelled around the country for a month speaking with “ordinary people” while dressed as the long-dead Führer.

Two cameras rolled to capture their sometimes shocking views.  He said

rather than being shocked about Hitler’s policies, the war and the Holocaust, men greeted him and seemed “happy to see me!”

He said: “They forgot relatively quickly that the two cameras were running and

began to pour their hearts out to this man, to say what was really on their minds.”

[….] Mr Masucci said soon after he started shooting the film he saw the rise of Pegida.

He added: “That didn’t surprise us that they suddenly went into the streets. Because this middle-class that’s swinging to the right, we’d already seen all that on camera.

“By the end of our filming, our questions had totally changed.

How can it be that so many people react so positively to Hitler, accept him like that?”


[…. .]

……David Wnendt on filming “Look Who’s Back”: ‘Our idea was to see how people react to Hitler’

Director talks about his comic adaptation of a bestselling book, inspired by Borat and Brecht, in which actor Oliver Masucci dresses up as Hitler to tour Germany

[source: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/oct/06/hitler-look-whos-back-director-david-wnendt-interview]

Führer furore: Oliver Masucci in Er ist Wieder Da (Look Who’s Back).
Kate Connolly in Berlin
Tuesday 6 October 2015 14.53 EDT

As he walked through the Brandenburg Gate, looking a little stunned and grubby, scores of the tourists gathered there with selfie sticks and phones to capture Berlin’s most famous landmark quickly turned their attention to him.

(Video of this actual walk around, with added German marching music and Spanish translation of the lyrics) 


Suddenly Adolf Hitler was surrounded by everyone from German teenagers to giggling Japanese holidaymakers. But the bodyguards accompanying him need not have worried. Some onlookers put their arms around him as they posed for selfies, others pouted and pretended to kiss him on the cheek.

“It was incredible, I was suddenly the attraction, like a popstar,”

said Oliver Masucci, the latest actor to play Hitler for the big screen, in the film adaptation of Timur Vermes’s 2012 bestselling fictional satire Er ist Wieder Da (Look Who’s Back).

“People clustered around me. One told me she loved me, and asked me to hug her. One, to my relief, started hitting me. There was also a black woman who said I scared her,” Masucci added, recalling the making of one of the film’s opening scenes last autumn.

On general release across Germany on Thursday, “Look Who’s Back” offers a sharp departure from a string of previous Hitler depictions, starting with Charlie Chaplin’s 1940 hit “The Great Dictator” and through to the 2004 German-made “Downfall” [full of ridiculous ranting by a Hollywood version if Hitler, which eyewitness said never, ever happened at any time in the five years he worked for him!

], because it captures the reactions of present-day Germans towards him “ or rather towards a man who bears a striking resemblance to the figure who once terrorised Europe “ and weaves them into the fictional scenes in the film.

˜Our idea was to ask ‘Does he have a chance nowadays?’  “David Wnendt told the Guardian. Facebook Twitter Pinterest

“Look Who’s Back” imagines that, 70 years since his demise, Hitler awakes from a coma on the site of his former bunker, now a residential area of Berlin, to find himself in the present — a Germany at peace, with Angela Merkel at the helm and a society so multicultural he does not recognise it.

He is [wrongly] taken to be an impersonator or a method actor of the highest caliber, who subsequently makes a successful television career for himself, using that as a springboard to [re-]enter [German] politics.

“Our idea was to find out how people react to Hitler today, and to his ideas and to ask does he have a chance nowadays,” director David Wnendt told the Guardian.

His conclusion? “Unfortunately yes.”

[…] Wnendt said his travels around Germany with Masucci as Hitler, everywhere from the North Sea island of Sylt, a holiday location for wealthy Germans, to small towns in Bavaria where Masucci posed as a postcard painter in a nod to Hitler’s failed attempts at an artistic career, revealed

“a feeling of deep discontent in the population, where people of every social status demonstrated how they were against foreigners and fearful of Islamisation”.

[….]  The intense range of conversations which Masucci, as a rather avuncular Hitler, conducts with everyone from German-Shepherd breeders to beekeepers and supporters of the far right, who confide in him everything

[JdN: This is a stark trait also in this life, that people  open up to me within seconds with details of their private life, pain and sorrow, knowing they can trust me]

from their loss of belief in democracy to the need to build labour camps for foreigners as well as admitting that they would vote for him ,are just a fraction of the total 300 hours gathered, to have made the final cut. Those which did, insisted Wnendt were “very representative”.

Some commentators have pointed out the rather bleak mirror the film holds up to German society is considerably at odds with the recent images of Germans welcoming refugees with open arms at Munich’s main station and elsewhere across the country.

“We’re not denying that side exists,” Wnendt said. “But neither can we ignore the fact that we met many Germans who were quite ready to reconcile with him and see him as something of a father figure.”

The weekly Die Zeit drew the disturbing conclusion that, 70 years on, Hitler has an enduring allure for Germans across the board. “The German public in this film accompanies Hitler as someone who dominates the stage. He embodies a history that is not yet over,” it wrote. […..  .]


So now I have to carry out my “Dharma,” which is Sanskrit for my mission, the reason why I came back.

I must fulfill the purpose why I came here, and not back into beautiful (but occupied and brainwashed) Germany….

…..but into powerful super-country that is partly wonderful and partly ugly, hideous, obese and incredibly ignorant, this modern McDonalds-Kultur that must accurately be called Jew-merica.


It could have been this, had we won, and it must become this:

Some WN people will “get” it and “believe, obey and fight” (a fascist slogan) for Adolf Hitler Redux.

The others, the insanely jealous, envy-ridden types will put a vicious hating out on me as a megalomanic imposter.

As they did the last time.

When I exposed the liar Fred Leuchter for welshing without apology on his $20,000 personal loan from Margi — who was then fighting for her life, with Stage Three throat cancer, and needed those funds — not one single prominent WN or revisionist wrote the slightest word of support for us, or of condemnation of Leuchter.

Leuchter, with a Boston University history degree, falsely claimed to be an engineer when writing this useful piece on commission from Ernst Zündel:


He knew he had no means whatsoever to ever pay this back.

And he knew Margi had cancer.

In fact, his fellow revisionist, the late Fredrick Toeben (who also did many good things and suffered a lot for it) wrote me a very sarcastic, supercilious email in a gangland mentality, as if I and Margi were nothing, basically closing ranks behind Leuchter out of envy and spite.

Well, guess what? I and Margi are historical revisionists as much as they are,  we have suffered as much as they have, and we have had 64 revisionist articles published in The Barnes Review! 

The fact is that there are private cancer clinics Margi could have gone to with those $20,000 Leuchter took, and then she would NOT have had to undergo 34 sessions of radiation, a highly toxic therapy from which she still suffers today!

Margi in January — her throat scorched inside and out. Later came four nearly fatal infections, plus severe diarrhea, and her weight fell to 72 pounds. Caring for her has devoured my time for two long years. 

But this shoddy behaviro by others in our cause is certainly nothing new.

In the May 1928 Reichstag election, I was overwhelmingly rejected by the German RIGHT, as well as by the center and left, getting a microscopic 2.6% of the vote. And yes, I and my party were household words. Everyone knew about my amateurish Beer Hall putsch attempt. (http://www.history.com/topics/beer-hall-putsch  I failed to seize the telephone, telegraph, railroad or newspaper facilities, and I gullibly released my conservative, antisemitic, nationalist Establishment political rivals, such as governor Gustav von Kahr, who then wrought utter havoc on me, and ordered 16 of my men gunned down, even after he and they gave their word of “honor” not to oppose me!

I and Goering were both wounded, he severely — and in the groin. No one thought he would ever have children, in fact. Besides being shot again in the thigh, where I had been hit before in the “Great War,” I got a stiff shoulder out of it for the rest of my life, having gone down with my arms still locked to the comrade next to me, who was shot dead, drilled right through the chest — by R-I-G-H-T-W-I-N-G BULLETS.)



All Germans knew of my treason trial and imprisonment. Everyone saw my stormtroopers on the street battling the Reds.

And knowing me, they also knowingly rejected me…..

The entire German people did, including the antisemitic right.

All I had after eight years of work, 24/7, and sometimes three speeches a day, was a cult following — 2.6% of the electorate! Only the Great Depression, mass hunger, and fear of the rising Communist Party, forced the German people to rethink.

I was considered by most rightwingers and all the center and left as a “fanatic,” a “nut,” a man with “delusions of grandeur,” an agent of the Jews/Mussolini/or even of Stalin,  and was denounced by Catholics as a pagan, as a “rightist” by the left — and as a “leftist” by the right.  😉


Everyone knew who the Stormtroopers were. “We are creating the New Germany. Think of our sacrifices. Vote National Socialists, List 1.”  

In 1979,  I was back at it. Like Alois Hitler, my father James was furious that I was a dreamer, throwing away my future. A future of kissing boots!  😉

Of course, it goes without saying that, as for my ideological and racial enemies — militant Jews, negroes, hispanics, muslims, pedophiles, gays, libtard white sheep, antifas and other leftists, and the many, many racially mixed types who have been taught to loathe anyone with the feared, Nazi-SS “blond-hair-and-blue-eyes” 😉 — WELL, they of course will utterly fear, hate, dread and WANT TO KILL ME. 😉

Actually, the polls show (and my conversations with many white people confirm) that a good 60% of the white public now consider reincarnation a possibility. (http://www.christian-reincarnation.com/ReincBelief.htm).

So the mere idea of Hitler coming back (and why should he not — at this most critical juncture?) is not one that will be automatically dismissed, not by this generation.

Just die the hair black — and think back the mustache. 😉

So from both jealous WN “leaders” and also from the judaic bolshevizers and their bolshevized minions (in the media and on the street) you will see such a torrent of abuse, ridicule, and bile pour forth against me such as the world has never before seen. If they call even Nick Griffin a Nazi, what on earth will they call ME?

Nothing less than the HEAD demon! 😉

Turkish proverb: “Anyone who tells the truth should have one foot in the stirrup.” 😉

Yes, that EVIL man is back, the one who “took away the guns” (lie), scapegoated (lie) and then gassed (lie) six million (lie) innocent (lie) Jewish lambs (lie), after starting (lie)WWII to conquer the world (lie), causing the death of 50 million people (lie)…..

“Jeezus, we gotta stop this guy! He might gas my autistic kid brother!”  (Yes, I was asked this once.) 

…..and now the same monster has reincarnated to try it again!

This time he is smoother, maybe better looking, speaking three languages, and coming from a fine Anglo-American family, highly educated at an Establishment university, and a former US Marine — thus even MORE of a threat.


President Putin and Dmitry Kiselyov, director of Russia One television, used my website to send a message about Jewish assassins to candidate Donald Trump on SEPTEMBER 11 of 2016



It is obviously a very TWO-edged sword, and I pick up this sharp weapon intending to use it skillfully, and to maximum benefit, with full commitment, and always with ME defining me, not (((they))), and on the constant offensive.

And let us not forget that Hitler was voted the Man of the [Twentieth] Century by the readers of Time Magazine in 2000, though infamously the Time editors overruled their own readers and made it the plagiarizing Jew fraud Einstein. 😉


http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1999-12-31/features/9912310135_1_adolf-hitler-20th-century-bloody-century (They are hiding here that Hitler won the readers’ poll.)


A whopping 42% of NYT Times readers said it would be justified to kill Hitler as a baby: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/10/killing-baby-hitler-ethics/412273/

In the 2009 Quentin Tarantino movie Inglourious Basterds, Jewish soldiers, trained and led by the handsome Aryan traitor Brad Pitt, gloat as they shoot and stab captured Germans….

….and beat the brains of captured “Nazis” out with baseball bats while other “Nazis” are burned alive.


Well, into this hell of jews and degenerate whites I have returned. 😉

And as Hitler, because it is useful as well as true. He is universally recognized as a giant of world history (whether for good or evil), and is a household word to billions of people.

Adolf Hitler, AH, is the H-Bomb! 🙂

There can be only one goalfor me and us all now:

a new Aryan religion to unite us, fanaticize us, and produce white marriages and white children.

Never will they let us come to power legally and peacefully as happened in 1933.

Look at how they crucify even the compromiser Trump, who is just one-tenth of what we need!


God, guts and glory.  These are what is ahead for us all who fight.



…..My 1916 girlfriend — in 1996 Boston




……..Thanks for the birthday wishes !


And also 10 friends on LinkedIn and 25 more on Skype 😉

THANK YOU ALL. I WAS VERY TOUCHED! Like Jesus for all His earthly life, or Adolf before 1930, at this stage I have a very small number of very loyal friends. I am just a speck, but at first so are one little human egg cell and one sperm. 😉 Later it becomes a mighty warrior.



A 2011 video of mine: White women proud of white men




…..I am asked about me — and that guy that everyone either worships like a god, though he lost the war, or hates like a demon, though he created a happy society 😉


–From: [Comrade X]
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, 14 July 2017, 9:52 pm
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You


Did you visit Dr. Pierce at his compound? Why are you not running this movement?


–Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 2:59 AM
From: “John de Nugent” <john_denugent@yahoo.com
To: [Comrade X]
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You

Dear [Comrade X]:

I am not running it yet because 1) my ideas are avant-garde,

2) envy and trash-talking by other leaders/”competitors”,

3) FBI infiltrators assigned to come in, pose as WNs, and trash me online,

4) total media blackout since 2009,

5) severe federal harassment of landlords I have had, and bank account closures,

6) shadow bans, deletions, putting defamers at the top of page one of Google….

You get the idea.

I did visit Dr. Pierce in 1990 at his WV compound, and we had a great talk.  I had worked for him 1981-84.


What we need is a new, viable, credible, truthful organized religion (like the old, pre-1970s racist Mormons) so we can beat Judaism, Islam and Masonry.  I was long baffled at how even the most fed-up people can put up for so long with non-stop outrages.
I am taking a more spiritual approach now because facts and logic just ain’t cutting it with these zombies 😉



–From: [Comrade X]
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, 14 July 2017, 21:14
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You

What was it like there? Was it a compound? I’ve dreamed of buying it.

–Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 3:58 AM
From: “John de Nugent” <john_denugent@yahoo.com
To: [Comrade X]
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You

The first two rows here show it: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS739US739&biw=1336&bih=767&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=national+alliance+compound+west+virginia&oq=national+alliance+compound+west+virginia&gs_l=img.3…….0…1..64.img..0.0.0.sRCxpA92CBU#imgrc=FYHNIwAhRN6dXM


–From: [Comrade X]
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, 15 July 2017, 9:52
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You

It seems the leadership is in disarray. Why not take over?


–Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 4:42 PM
From: “John de Nugent” <john_denugent@yahoo.com
To: [Comrade X]
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You

Dear [Comrade X],

I plan to do exactly that, but of course have to credibly offer a quantum leap upward for us in leadership results. I have to end our fighting retreat — like the Germans after Stalingrad — and actually put us on the offensive, spreading, gaining ground, fascinating the public, causing a commotion the media cannot ignore.

The two-edged sword is who I am. If I was who I say, but “new and improved” (after all, “he” lost,  and gods do not lose  😉 , then it can totally electrify the world, and utterly re-energize our movement…………. as well as put me in the gravest possible physical danger, and expose me to an orgy of rabid, hate-filled envy by other prominent WNs. I am already hated for my looks, education, mate, kids, donations, and other things. The storm to come after I go public will be ten times worse. 😉

Ethics class question:  “Would you kill Hitler as a little baby if you knew it would stop WWII and the Holocaust?” 😉


I need to complete my book.


–From: [Comrade X]
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, 15 July 2017, 10:45
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You


Are you Hitler?


Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 1:42 PM
From: “John de Nugent” <john_denugent@yahoo.com
To: [Comrade X]
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You


Yes and no. In each life we have different parents, and weaknesses to work on.
Between lives we are forced to see a video of our life and how we affected others, good and bad. So hopefully when we return, and we all do, we are a changed person. In my case, it was nine years, 1945-54, to think about things.  then I was born in Providence (Vorsehung in German) which was Hitler’s favorite word for God.
The truth that we had an outside chance to win WWII. But that would have meant going into Russia to liberate it and make Russians into national socialists like us, and into our friends and allies. 
The Russian people had always hated the Jews, and then after 1917, bolshevik Jews mass-murdered 60 million of them.
I realized at five how much Hitler was hated by the WWII generation of American GIs. It was a shock when my father let loose a tirade against him as I was staring at a framed Hitler stamp. I realized that I had to be low-profile, and I was. thank the gods,  protected by not looking exactly the same, though I have many specific physical traits.  
In this life, I once again look like an aristocrat, not a worker. I had to be a worker 1889-1945 because that was my mission then, to use the misery of the white working class, the factory workers and the bankrupt farmers, to start a movement to save all whites in all countries. I hoisted a red flag, and called it a [German national] SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY.
And of course the masses, who had been starving during the Depression, loved the new Germany.



I had the strangest experience at around age five when I first saw a picture of this man. I had discovered a framed stamp at my grandfather’s house which displayed him as chancellor of the German Reich. I found myself just staring at it in some strange feeling of connected-ness for 15 minutes until my father came upstairs, scolded me for ignoring him and confiscated the framed stamp, telling me Hitler was a “bad man, a very bad, bad man” (which is what Roosevelt had told American GIs such as my father).
AH stamp2
Right after this, again at the age of five, I began studying my first foreign language, German, in great earnest, and was able to hold a little conversation a year later in German with a lady from Deutschland on a flight from Providence to Pittsburgh to see my great-grandmother, n e Berlin, at her home in Greensburg.
It was one of those inexplicable occurrences ” seemingly silly, a stamp with an unknown foreign leader impacting a mere five-year-old ” a strange event ¦.such as actually many people have, but they usually do not talk about it.
But such mysterious feelings mark the person.
I felt neither affection nor hatred for Hitler gazing at his visage, just distance, as if that man represented something somehow important but that had to stay firmly in the PAST someone perhaps to be inspired by, to be learned from, and then resolutely moved beyond.
I felt and I feel that we must look FORWARD. (And this leads me further on to Thomas Jefferson.)
Two main things in Mein Kampf turned me off one, the concept of the genius-dictator, which Hitler called the F hrerprinzip. Certainly, the giving of total power to a genius can work wonders, but what happens when he insists on a disastrous decision?
And that disastrous decision was my second turn-off ” Operation Barbarossa, June 22, 1941, which was NOT meant to liberate Russia but to chase out the Soviets and then install a German occupation regime in the east, taking their land and making them slaves of Greater Germany or expelling them.
No one could persuade Hitler to change that policy, which was of long standing. He had enunciated it in Mein Kampf in 1925, reiterated it in the Second Book in 1928, and ordered it implemented in Operation Barbarossa in 1941.
It was not until September 1944 that he completely changed gears and allowed the Russian patriot, General Vlassov, to establish a Russian National Liberation Army, but by then Germany had suffered the debacle at Stalingrad and was already doomed and in full retreat. Seven months later Hitler was dead, and the unlucky Vlassov was later strangled by order of Stalin.
Lesson? Even a genius, and whatever his sincere love for his people, and his previous achievements for them, must never get absolute power ” where a High Council cannot overrule him for the sake of the nation’s survival.
At five, I saw that it was vital to not “come out” until I had completed my own spiritual progress, and can unite people of all races who are sick and tired of Israel and the Jews. Arabs, East Asians, Muslims and about 1/3rd of blacks really revere Hitler as a great leader, they revere the Germans, they admire the Aryan race and especially our women, and they wish he had exterminated the Jews, if nothing else. *;) winking
We have just one more chance, [Comrade X].
But it is also a great burden to have been Hitler. You will see that it is playing with fire, and the hatred, fear, envy and brainwashed ignorance will all come out — but it seems no one else can do the job, can they? The Jews crushed Trump like an eggshell and now he does their every bidding. 
Do you think the Mossad will want to allow me to rise again after the scare we gave them last time? *;) winking
Will the world, and the FOX News patriotards, welcome back THE MOST EVIL MADMAN WHO EVER LIVED?
I thought I only scapegoated and gassed six million innocent, sensitive  Jews, preventing them from curing cancer. I thought I only unleashed WWII to enslave the world (so I could kill anyone without blond hair and blue eyes) 😉 . But I learn now that my jackbooted “Blood Reich” also had “vampire legions.” 😉
Look at “The Man in the High Castle.” Everyone runs around all oppressed. 😉
And now, on a positive note, because of Israel — the Jewish state that acts out its full Jewishness by brutality, murder, torture, organ harvesting, sex slaves, and greed — plus the global predations of the Jews on Wall Street, this time the whole world — all races — are on to the Jews.
My goal is to risk everything for one more try. If we fail, do not tell me all whites are little angels that deserve to be saved even if they do not lift a finger in their own defense. 😉
Do not forget that in 1928, when I ran my party for office, and I was a household word 1) for the Munich beer hall putsch, 2) my sensational treason trial and imprisonment, and 3) for my stormtrooopers battling communists on the streets, we got 2.6% of the vote from even the Germans.
And Americans are even more oblivious. As long as they have their money for beer, pot, porn and chips to watch the Negro Football League, they will chill. Hedonistic entertainment addicts.
It can be turned around, by thinking way outside the box, and creating a new kind of national socialist.
–From: [ComradeX]
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, 15 July 2017, 15:52
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You
Seg heil, mein Führer! What can I do to help?


–Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 1:42 PM
From: “John de Nugent” <john_denugent@yahoo.com
To: [Comrade X]
Subject: Re: JdN.C – You

Dear X:

Well, two things to consider:
1) You only have one chance to make a first impression, and that means about me, yourself or anyone
2) And as Jesus warned, cast not your pearls before swine.  *;) winking
The kind of primitive WNs who worship Anglin, Duke, Black, etc. (and before April, even Trump) and who all also worship Hitler as a god, would turn on you in scorn and fury for promoting me.
They actually imagine the human, or the white, race to be so wonderful that it deserved a god*;) winking Actually, the world rejected Hitler then, and most of it will reject him once again!
Humans, you will find out, do not deserve a god to be sent them, or to be saved at all. Eighty % are selfish cowards whom the gods loathe.
As we see every day, they say nothing as danger and evil engulf their nation, neighborhood and family.
They circumcise their little boys like Jews do, until they vomit from crying. The boy’s first experience in life is extreme trauma. (The foreskin is full of nerve endings.)
They let their kids be vaccinated and cursed with autism.
Even when they learn the government did 9/11, they take no action.
When negros and hispanics take over their neighborhood, they just move.  They let their daughters have sex with non-Aryans.
They are someone-else-ists. “Gee, I sure hope someone ( = else) does something about this!” *;) winking
But they neither become activists themselves, nor do they support with one thin dime those who are. *;) winking
They did not deserve a god in the 1930s — and they did not get one, either.
Hitler was a hero, yes …. brilliant, yes …. and gifted, yes …. but he actually thought he could boot the Russians out of Russia!
He was just half-enlightened.
Better than any other politician since St. Louis, King of France (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_IX_of_France) who cracked down the Jews, burned their Talmuds, and began a 43-year golden age.

Now as for many Klan types, they find Hitler too German — not American enough.

Now if Robert E.Lee came back…..  😉 Yee-hah!

You can tell those whom you judge capable of a mature spiritual reaction — those quiet and serious ones — that the man who WAS Hitler long ago and far away is back, but now he is an American, a former Marine, a high-honors Georgetown graduate, better-looking, better-educated, widely traveled, and speaking several foreign languages.
He is a pan-Aryan now, for ALL white people, especially the Slavs.
As for Hitler, he never was a god, which is why he was defeated by mere humans like Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.
(They at least cooperated closely with each other, whereas the Japanese and Italians sprang disastrous surprise stuff on the Germans — Mussolini’s flop attack on Greece, and Tojo’s on Pearl Harbor, which missed all the carriers — attacks which were carried out without any consultation whatsoever with their German ally.)
The goal is not a personality cult again, but a true Aryan fighting religion, broadly based, founded by but not worshiping me, where each of us becomes individually strong, deep, enlightened, focused, balanced and wise,  no one man is essential, which was the dangerous part of Hitlerism, and we all know inside us what needs to be done without asking.
Until my big video speech and book come out, no blog of mine will blow anyone’s socks off.
In the meanwhile, you might read things here:
And ask some friends to donate if they wish. 🙂 https://johndenugent.com/contact-support
John de Nugent


….A little girl wants a hug

Right near this sign at the entrance to the village, something touching happened for my birthday. 


Three white dots mark three significant things: (l) the temperature, a nordic 53 degrees in mid-July; (m) the welcome sign; and (r) where the little blonde girl stranger approached me.

It was a little girl like this French lassie, visiting the troops in WWI while they cleaned a machine gun.

The dot on the right of the map shows the house.

Some little white children and their golden retriever,”Bradley,” were playing out front. Bradley recognized me, lowered his head bashfully, and wagged his tail as I approached.  As I caressed him….

….a little girl with the most perfect face, cocked sideways like a quizzical puppy, with star-blue eyes and golden-platinum blond hair, got up from the group, and walked toward me.

I said “Hi” to her in a tender voice, charmed by her stellar beauty, and slowly walked past. Her cousin, a nice little brunette, said to me: “She wants a hug! 🙂 ” )

Well, okay, this tiny, perfect stranger (her parents, as I learned, were visiting from the next town over), wanted that embrace, and then I felt a weird buzz inside me, like déjà  vu. ….. The girl looked like this, but herhair was more platinum, and her eyes bluer….

It was like this scene here –Adolf visiting his old elementary school in the village of Fischau (“Fish Stream”), in Upper Austria, though the Michigan girl in my case was younger.





……I feel a different energy coming out of me nowadays

The two books by Eckhart Tolle of Germany about living in the Now, abandoning anger and remorse from the past (https://johndenugent.com/english/russian-female-soldiers-at-the-may-9-victory-parade-hitlers-one-huge-mistake-was-russia/), and refusing to dread the future, have enabled me to discover an inner joy that had been buried under 40 years of fury.

It has been for me constant grinding misery, defamation, ostracism, hatred, death threats and poverty, all suffered as a sometimes very high-profile, harassed, and clearly jew-feared white nationalist.


(https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/; https://johndenugent.com/accusations-against-jdn/https://johndenugent.com/english/deleted-without-any-warning-and-how-three-presidents-of-the-united-states-took-suppressive-measures-against-me-1990-2010/; )


Like Johnny Cash, I  have not backed down, but the stress did get to me at times. No matter how bright, energetic and courageous you may be, the genocidal enemy has a huge, worldwide war machine and many willing gentile helpers.


The two major bestsellers by Tolle have sold nine million copies, amazing for very serious books, not fluff.Both work require real inner work to achieve any benefit. You have to underline what strikes you and hits home, ponder it, go for a walk, clear your mind of the old excuses, and think with your soul about these things and apply them. Grow, dammit! 🙂

Everywhere now I see beauty.

This towering cumulus cloud above the gas station…

Birdsfoot trefoil (yellow) and lupine on the dirt road behind the grocery store

A loyal and loving woman

You see, such terrible things are coming to the world about us that we must find the joy within. There will be precious little happiness from externals.

As for the spiritual zombies, millions will literally die of heart attacks, they slaughter each other for scarce food, or they will commit suicide.

A wolf age is coming when we either do as they say and either live as their slaves, or die at their command in FEMA camps, or we stop obeying our jew masters entirely.


And then you will need an alpha wolf to lead you again. 🙂



…..I was born on the French national holiday, Bastille Day, July 14, 63 years ago

…..24,090 days before now.

As a massive project of mine, called after the Captain Ramsay book The Nameless War, shows clearly (https://johndenugent.com/?s=captain+ramsay), the Jews conceived, financed and organized the French Revolution in order to wipe out France’s nobility and military and spiritual leadership — and replace them with bloodthirsty Freemasons and Illuminati.  

What is poignant about this is my ancestors were Vikings who had become the Normans, rulers of a beautiful part of northern France. Had they stayed entirely in France, and not moved to England and Ireland, they would have been executed as nobles in 1792 during “the Terror.”


As a result of mass murder by the French masonic Jacobins, and the wars then waged against France (both the revolutionary and napoleonian regimes), conflicts which were financed by Rothschild 1792-1815, and revolved around the Jewish-financed monarchies of England Austria and then especially World War One, a hundred years later……

……, the French were changed racially from a northern European people that was 50% blue-eyed and keltic, like movie star Alain Delon,


…..to a people that is now largely black-haired, black-eyed, and of Portuguese, Spanish and Sicilian blood, and thus mixed with the Moors (Arabs and thus Semites) who conquered all these Mediterranean countries and raped white women and set up harems where one hook-nosed Arab could have 150 children.

At least 40,000 French nobles and other opponents were killed, some also drowned on barges sunk in the middle of lakes. All this for “liberty, equality and fraternity”….

Madame du Barry, murdered entirely because she had been the mistress of the previous king, Louis the Fifteenth

The hook-nosed Stanislas Maillard was the quiet, key agitator who urged the crowd to cut heads off and put them on pikes.

The Jews had deliberately caused a shortage of bread for the poor in Paris. They were starving. Then they spread the vicious liethat Queen Marie Antoinette, asked once about “the peasants not having bread,” had supposedly replied:”Then let them eat cake!” L-I-E. The Jews, as Schopenhauer and Hitler said, are THE GREAT MASTERS OF LYING.

The French royal regiment of  elite Army troops just two blocks away from the Bastille fortress stayed mysteriously in its barracks the entire day of the storming of the Bastille!  THAT is the proof of Jew bribery. As Captain Ramsay said, at the decisive moment, when the uprising has begun, the government the Jews intend to overthrow is paralyzed and strangely does not act. 

Same thing during the Russian Revolution in 1917: the elite Preobrazhensky Regiment stood there for four hours on the main square while the Red mob took over the then capital city of Saint Petersburg.


The blue-eyed aristocrat Napoleon (who was 5’6″, by the way, same as Tom Cruise, and despite the British newspaper lies actually was not very short by the standards of those days when the average man was 5’7″) then came to power and ended the Jacobin-Masonic bloodbath, even marrying an Austrian princess and setting up a monarchy.


But the Jew-financed Austrian and British kings continued the war against France.

More of the best white men needed to die, while Rothschild got rich.

Why did someone not just up and KILL this fiend and his Masonic lackeys? Cowardice!

In 1940, Adolf Hitler visited Napoleon’s  tomb in Paris.


I visited the vast cemeteries of Verdun, France in 2004, where 600,000 brave white French and German men killed each other for absolutely nothing except to enrich Zion and eradicate the genes of the best goyim.

French troops in blue

The Ossuary contains mountains of bones of unidentified soldiers, French and German, disintegrated by artillery.

To this day, the ground shows where the shells landed.


You cannot leave Verdun as a white nationalist without a deep hatred of the Jews who caused and prolonged such unnecessary wars. Why else would World War One have happened? Why were the French agitated from 1870-1914 to “recover” the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine from Germany — when these were German-speaking provinces that had belonged for a thousand years to Germany?!

Is this FRENCH architecture!?!?

Joan of Arc was from Lorraine

Actual cartoon of her



……My French girlfriend in Boston from 100 years ago

This blog was specifically deleted by the Jews, apparently weirded out by it, but saved by me and restored.


…..A Most Interesting Story

A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that thousands of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

Three minutes went by and a middle-aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds and then hurried up to meet his schedule. A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping continued to walk. A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.

The one who paid the most attention was a 3-year-old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written with a violin worth 3.5 million dollars.

Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston and the seats average $100.

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of an social experiment about perception, taste and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?

ORIGINS:   Many a marketing survey has been conducted to gauge how presentation affects consumer perceptions of quality, and quite a few such surveys have found that people will frequently designate one of two identical items as being distinctly better than the other simply because it is packaged or presented more attractively. Might this same concept apply to fields outside of consumer products, such as the arts? Would, for example, people distinguish between a world-class instrumental virtuoso and an ordinary street musician if the only difference between them were the setting? These were questions tackled by Washington Post writer Gene Weingarten in 2007 when he enlisted renowned violinist Joshua Bell, a winner of the Avery Fisher Prize for outstanding achievement in classical music who regularly undertakes over 200 international engagements a year, to spend part of a morning playing incognito at the entrance to a Washington Metro station during a morning rush hour. Weingarten set up the event “as an experiment in context, perception and priorities ” as well as an unblinking assessment of public taste: In a banal setting at an inconvenient time, would beauty transcend?”

So, on 12 January 2007, about a thousand morning commuters passing through the L’Enfant Plaza Station of the subway line in Washington, D.C. were, without publicity, treated to a free mini-concert performed by violin virtuoso Joshua Bell, who played for approximately 45 minutes, performing six classical pieces (two of which were by Bach) during that span on his handcrafted 1713 Stradivariusviolin (for which Bell reportedly paid $3.5 million). As Weingarten described the crux of the experiment:


Each passerby had a quick choice to make, one familiar to commuters in any urban area where the occasional street performer is part of the cityscape: Do you stop and listen? Do you hurry past with a blend of guilt and irritation, aware of your cupidity but annoyed by the unbidden demand on your time and your wallet? Do you throw in a buck, just to be polite? Does your decision change if he’s really bad? What if he’s really good? Do you have time for beauty? Shouldn’t you? What’s the moral mathematics of the moment?

Three days earlier, Bell had played to a full house at Boston’s Symphony Hall, where fairly good seats went for $100. But on this day he collected just $32.17 for his efforts, contributed by a mere 27 of 1,097 passing travelers. Only seven people stopped to listen, and just one of them recognized the performer.

The Washington Post won a Pulitzer Prize in the feature writing category for Gene Weingarten’s April 2007 story about this experiment, based in part on the article’s originality. Weingarten was therefore quite surprised at finding out in mid-2008 that his concept wasn’t quite so unique: the very same experiment had been tried (with strikingly similar results) by another journalist 77 years earlier:

In a stunt ginned up by a newspaper named the Post ” the Chicago Evening Post ” violin virtuoso Jacques Gordon, a onetime child prodigy, performed for spare change on his priceless Stradivarius, incognito, for three-quarters of an hour outside a subway station. Most people hurried past, unheeding. The violinist made a few measly bucks and change. It was a story about artistic context, priorities and the soul-numbing gallop of modernity.

I obtained a copy of the original [May 1930] article from the long-defunct Evening Post. The main story, bylined Milton Fairman, was on Page One, under the headline “Famous Fiddler in Disguise Gets $5.61 in Curb Concerts.” The story began:

“A tattered beggar in an ancient frock coat, its color rusted by the years, gave a curbstone concert yesterday noon on windswept Michigan Avenue. Hundreds passed him by without a glance, and the golden notes that rose from his fiddle were swept by the breeze into unlistening ears ¦”

We learn from this story that two of the handful of songs played by Jacques Gordon were Massenet’s “Meditation” from “Thais” and Schubert’s “Ave Maria.” Two of the handful of songs played by Joshua Bell were Massenet’s “Meditation” from “Thais” and Schubert’s “Ave Maria.” Of the hundreds of people who walked by Gordon, only one recognized him for who he was. Of the hundreds of people who walked by Bell, only one recognized him for who he was.

I telephoned Bell ” he, too, had not heard about this other street corner stunt. But, though Jacques Gordon died two decades before Bell was born, Bell knew of him. The two men had shared something intimate. From 1991 through 2001, Bell played the same Strad that Gordon had once owned, the same one Gordon had played on the Chicago streets that day in 1930. For 11 years, Bell’s fingers held the same ancient wood.


……There is still beauty, loyalty and love in the world

I wish to thank all who have appreciated and supported me as I grappled with the human condition, which can be characterized more than ever now by idiotic to the point of suicidal individualism, selfishness, materialism, narcissism, treachery, lies and cowardice.

I have known for many lives now just how wicked the Jews were. But that so many of my own race would join the jews in depravity —  for that I just was not ready. I was kinder than I was wise, and I wasted years helping the unworthy, reaping stinging heartache, despair and poverty.

But I have learned now to savor the constant nice moments of life. Even a good stick of butter. 😉

I loved Ireland two lives ago.


The most touching moment in my life was getting $125 in babysitting money from an Irish-American girl in Pawtucket in my native Rhode Island. 🙂 She has donated since many times as she has gone on to other jobs.

What is more noble and beautiful than virtue — to give deeply from whatever little you have if and only if the other person is worthy of it, and fighting for our race?

With your help, we will again become noble, Aryan and victorious. I feel the rumbling and the readiness. The rise of Trump showed it, and his failures in office that no Establishment politician can save us. It is  time for Hitler II.

And all peoples will look back some day, and bless our generation for making the unending and supreme sacrifices needed for them, and how we gave birth, when all the dust had settled, to a national socialism for all nations — and a world of peace, freedom and unimaginable prosperity once rid of the jewish mafia.

Thanks to the dozens who have sent me warm birthday greetings!

And especially to a Russian, Alexei, who wrote:

Happy Birthday!
Wish you be healthy, being among beloved people every time.
People like you are unique.
Best wishes, A





  1. “Noi ti amiamo”.. è così,davvero(Mi hai corretta!)
    Cosa saresti stato per noi(..)in realtà sei Tutto,siete tutto.
    Sentirsi completi,felici;questa forza così grande è un supporto per ogni avversità e per questa lotta.
    Umiliato? È la tua umiltà di uomo,e dove la trovo così genuina?
    Sei una meraviglia che si lascia meravigliare…ed io ti seguo senza pensarci,come le barche che si lasciano cullare dalle onde del mare.
    Puoi trattenere quella forza così grande?Significa arrendersi alla Bellezza e al Cuore e staccarsi dal Rumore delle nostre Menti.
    La tua felicità…il tuo sorriso e Margi che ride con te.

  2. https://youtu.be/6jBqyL1uDs4
    Non ricordavo che fosse proprio la colonna sonora di questo film.
    “Portare alla luce cosa ti attira e cosa no”…
    Tutte le scelte o le scelte di altri ti legano alle tue Vite passate perché tu possa (rimembrare).
    “Rimembranza vuol dire aver fiducia delle ragioni dell’uomo e della forza della storia, capire che il futuro possibile non può che nascere qui ed ora e germoglia soltanto fra le mani di chi riesce a scorgerne la presenza nel groviglio dei problemi e delle difficoltà che circondano l’azione”..
    -Nel giro di pochi minuti esce fuori tutto questo – da una canzone e da una parola.

  3. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag.

    Oder zum Wiegenfest, wie wir auch manchmal in Deutschland dazu sagen.

    Gruss aus dem besetzten Deutschland.


    Immerhin scheinen sie bei euch in den USA solche Leute wie Maxwell, Weinstein, Epstein usw. einzubuchten.

    Immerhin ein Anfang.

  4. I hope you had a good birthday and enjoyed this special day! Happy 66th!

    In other breaking news, I just saw they tested the first covid vaccine in the USA and it shows “promising immune response”. Wow, that 1.6 billion really got put to work fast. Palm to face.

  5. Great exchange with Comrade X by the way.

    A powerful part that stuck with me was this part.

    “Lesson? Even a genius, and whatever his sincere love for his people, and his previous achievements for them, must never get absolute power – where a High Council cannot overrule him for the sake of the nation’s survival.”

      • Do you think Russia would have really invaded and waged war on Germany had Hitler not invaded Russia? Germany tried to convince their people it was a pre-emptive invasion and that they had proof of a huge Russian build up with intent on a planned invasion. That was shown to be a lie by mainstream historians but it has been brought back by various revisionists. I’m curious about your thoughts on this.

        • I think and know it, and the Sovet jewish military historian Viktor Suvorov, no fan of mine as a jew, proved it in his book Icebreaker.

          The Soviets had left their perfectly constructed defensive positions well behind the frontier, and had moved forward to the German border, bunching up along it to invade us. This explains why we were able to capture over one million men by encirclement and have huge initial victories. We beat them to the punch by six weeks. The Soviets had their shoulder to the door to bash it in in early August of 1941. Had they done so, they would have rolled all the way to Portugal, and all of Western Europe would have had a rich taste of the delights of bolshevism.



          A gigantic Russia can be defeated only with the help of the suffering Russian people themselves.

        • Dear TJ:

          In 2009 Suvorov gave a lecture in the USA, in English, a perfect lecture, which illustrates with numerous pictures and documents that Bolshevik Russia marched against Germany and has been preparing for it for many many years:

          Who Started World War II? by V. Suvorov 1/4

          Who Started World War II? by V. Suvorov 2/4

          Who Started World War II? by V. Suvorov 3/4

          Who Started World War II? by V. Suvorov 4/4

          The evidence is really overwhelming and shocking. In addition to the military strategy (attack formation vs. defence formation) it is especially
          technology (tanks, cannon types, etc.), and on the linguistic preparation of the invasion (Russian-German phrase books, etc.).

          Besides, the Russian attack was already planned in the 19th century, John de Nugent once said essentially, I think, that the Pan-Slavic movement was financed by Rothschild, among others, to set Germany and Russia against each other.

          But, of course, John de Nugent’s criticism of Hitler is correct in so far as Hitler should have given Ukraine and occupied Russia independence again, but instead intended to stay. Imagine what would have been possible: Phase 1: Comprehensive arming of the population of Ukraine and Russia, as in the USA: right to self-armament for every citizen, constitutionally guaranteed. Phase 2: Gradual build-up of the armies in Ukraine and Russia, and subsequent withdrawal of the Wehrmacht from these areas. An unbeatable alliance and international friendship would have been created, an unbeatable anti-Bolshevik protective wall.

          It is regrettable that Hitler did not take advantage of these opportunities; JdN already reported that the German military also spoke out in favor of arming the Russians. But still again: The English lecture of Suvorov from 2009 is unbelievable! Nowadays you only get to see the high-tech products of the Wehrmacht, but it was a mounted army! Horses were the main means of transport. Russian war technology was highly sought after. It is well known that the Russians traditionally have the most capable engineers (crafts, engineers, mathematics, physics, etc. etc.), they are a cultural and educational nation, although they too have been and are constantly being covered in historical lies.

          In order to portray the Germans as the ultimate evil, for decades it has been pretended that Russian technology was scrap technology. The opposite is true, the T-34 was ultramodern and robust:

          T-34 Russian Victory | One of the Most Successful Tanks ever Made


          In the 1990s, a German aviator who was in Normandy in the 1940s and who also knew about the robustness of Russian weapons told me that German rifles often failed in the Russian cold, whereas the Russian ones were so robustly made that they always worked.

          Another thing about the post-war period: Many years ago the German Air Force wanted to buy an Antonov transporter which would have been assembled here. Unfortunately, this purchase was prevented in favour of an incomparably weaker plane from domestic production, which in addition only existed as a prototype.

          The Russians very often had to make a virtue of necessity. For example, a German pilot told us many years ago that countless Russian airfields had so many potholes that they resembled more a field of arable land. What was the solution?: The Russian engineers had to develop ultra-robust landing gear for the planes, which could easily cope with such potholes.


          An JdN: Nachträglich alles Gute zum 66. Geburtstag!
          To JdN: Happy 66th birthday belatedly!

  6. Il sovrano francese Luigi XV fece un voto nel 1744 in base al quale, se si fosse ripreso da una grave malattia, avrebbe fatto edificare sulle rovine della chiesa di Santa Genoveffa una nuova costruzione degna della santa patrona di Parigi. Al Marchese de Marigny venne commissionata la sovrintendenza per la costruzione del nuovo edificio, della cui progettazione venne incaricato l’architetto Jacques-Germain Soufflot.
    Nonostante le fondamenta venissero gettate nel 1758, a causa di gravi problemi economici, il completamento della costruzione venne eseguito solo dopo la morte di Soufflot, per opera di un suo pupillo, Jean-Baptiste Rondelet, nel 1789, proprio in coincidenza con lo scoppio della Rivoluzione francese, al seguito della quale la destinazione dell’edificio venne commutata dal governo rivoluzionario da santuario a mausoleo per le importanti personalità nazionali. E tale rimase fino al 1821 quando il re Luigi XVIII decise di riconsegnare il Pantheon a quella che avrebbe dovuto essere la sua destinazione originaria e cioè una chiesa cattolica consacrata al culto di Santa Genoveffa, patrona di Parigi.
    Tuttavia il 15 agosto 1830 la Monarchia di luglio toglie il monumento al culto religioso e ne ripristina la destinazione laica.
    Questo stato di cose perdurerà sino al 1851 quando la Seconda repubblica francese fa ridiventare chiesa l’edificio.
    Durante tutto questo periodo nessuna personalità viene sepolta nel Pantheon (ad eccezione di Jacques-Germain Soufflot, architetto del monumento stesso, inumato nel 1829).
    Soltanto nel 1885 con la solenne sepoltura di Victor Hugo, viene decisa la definitiva soppressione della chiesa di Sainte Geneviève e la perenne destinazione laica del Pantheon”
    Ecco il tuo screensaver di BING 🙂

    • Transl:

      The French sovereign Louis XV made a vow in 1744 on the basis of which, if he had recovered from a serious illness, he would have built on the ruins of the church of Santa Genevieve a a new construction worthy of the patron saint of Paris. The Marquis de Marigny was commissioned to supervise the construction of the new building, the design of which was commissioned by the architect Jacques-Germain Soufflot.

      Although the foundations were laid in 1758, due to serious economic problems, the construction was only completed after the death of Soufflot, by his pupil, Jean-Baptiste Rondelet, in 1789, precisely coinciding with the outbreak of the French revolution, following which the destination of the building was changed by the revolutionary government from sanctuary to mausoleum for important national personalities.

      And this remained until 1821 when King Louis XVIII decided to return the Pantheon to what should have been its original destination, and that is a Catholic church consecrated to the cult of Saint Genevieve, patron of Paris.

      However, on August 15, 1830, the July Monarchy removed this monument to religious worship and restored its secular usage.

      This state of affairs continued until 1851 when the Second French Republic made the building become a church again.

      During this whole period, no personalities are buried in the Pantheon (with the exception of Jacques-Germain Soufflot, architect of the monument itself, buried in 1829).

      Only in 1885, with the solemn burial of Victor Hugo, was the definitive suppression of the church of Sainte Geneviève and the perennial secular use of the Pantheon decided.

      Here is your Bing screensaver. 🙂



      Thank you so much.

      So now it is the Panthéon…..

      Now all sorts of “famous” French jews, gays and communists have been buried by postwar French régimes there….

      The blacks invaded it last year, the “Black Vests.” These illegal aliens, with no right to even be in France, “demanded citizenship.”

      My second wife, the Frenchwoman Brigitte, was born to native, white French parents in Buenos Aires, Argentina and it took her six years as a white Frenchwoman to get French citizenship, even though her parents had fought in the Resistance, and her own father had even been the goalie on the French Olympic hockey team (which never played in 1940 due to the war). She had to jump through every hoop, as we say in English. But the blacks want it for nothing and have nothing to offer.

      I saw this Panthéon in 1940 and was disappointed. It’s just big…. too much of everything. Not inspired.

      As Leonardo da Vinci said of great painters: “One must know when to put down the brush.” 😉


      Hitler’s impressions of the Roman Pantheon were revived when on June 24, 1940, he made a tour of selected buildings in Paris, with the German architects Albert Speer and Hermann Giesler and sculptor Arno Breker, including the Paris Panthéon, which seems to have disappointed him, independently recorded by Giesler[4] and Breker.[5]

      Now this was different, and truly beautiful (and what a shame the French and German people are so different in temperament that despite both being truly great nations, they will never be close friends):


      Wow 🙂

      I reconnected with France very much in this life, and was of course married to a Frenchwoman 2002-04. To my delight, this also opened the door to my appreciation of Italy, its great Latin cousin:

      –in cuisine (the Medicis brought Northern Italian cuisine to Paris),
      –in mentality and

      –in language. (I find I can read 80% of Italian just from knowing French, plus I know the mother language, Latin, and the cousin, Spanish.)

      And when I began reading Eckhart Tolle and his concept of “The Power of Now” (which was also the title of his first bestseller), this was a revelation of something that is natural to Kelts and Mediterraneans, but really not to work-obsessed, rule-obeying Teutons:

      How to enjoy life and every delicious moment. 🙂

      Gosia says that 21 different kinds of humans have emigrated to this earth, a Goldilocks planet: “not too hot, not too cold but just right.”

      (Goldilocks, hungry, entered the bear family’s house and sampled all three bowls.)

      So this beautiful planet is one of the one percent of planets with a livable surface:

      Gosia says that the Engans sent the Teutons to our earth, which would confirm my theory that there are several Indo-European planets, and so this language and racial group split up even before they came here.

      By being an American in this life, I came to see by life just how different Kelts and Mediterraneans are from Teutons. Kelts want freedom more than order, and both they and Mediterraneans want to have fun. The Mediterraneans especially know how to enjoy life.

      Slavs have a very good sense of humor, but cynical.

      What makes America so amazing is it is a complete mix of Europeans. Outside of the South, 2/3rds are part-German. Many are also part-Irish (or Scottish), or part-Italian, or part-Polish, etc.

      You cannot enlist them into rigid, Germanic, Prussian national socialism.

      It has to be about freedom, laughter and fun, too. 😉 And the leader has to be able to take a joke about himself. 🙂

      A great leader has to not take himself too seriously. We are all just learners. I learned no one likes Charlie Chaplin mustaches. 😉


  7. Wow…un po’ mi ricordava Roma,poi sono riuscita a selezionare la foto tramite Bing..
    Il Phanteon di Roma è simile,guarda Napoli in piazza plebiscito.
    Una struttura universale…nessuna impronta Giudea,sono bravissimi a rubare, maledetta invidia!
    In fondo puoi trovare un po’ della Grecia in ogni nazione e parte dell’Egitto.
    La nostra diversità è la nostra forza!
    I Giudei sono pastorelli da quattro soldi,noiosi e tutti uguali!
    Quello che mi piace del Fuhrer è la sua doppia bellezza.
    La sua estrema diversità…
    Insieme poi…una Bomba per quella Gentaglia!

    • Transl:


      Wow…un po’ mi ricordava Roma,poi sono riuscita a selezionare la foto tramite Bing..
      Il Phanteon di Roma è simile,guarda Napoli in piazza plebiscito.
      Una struttura universale…nessuna impronta Giudea,sono bravissimi a rubare, maledetta invidia!
      In fondo puoi trovare un po’ della Grecia in ogni nazione e parte dell’Egitto.
      La nostra diversità è la nostra forza!
      I Giudei sono pastorelli da quattro soldi,noiosi e tutti uguali!
      Quello che mi piace del Fuhrer è la sua doppia bellezza.
      La sua estrema diversità…
      Insieme poi…una Bomba per quella Gentaglia!

      Wow … it reminded me a little of Rome, then I managed to find the photo through Bing ..

      Rome’s Panteon is similar, look at Naples in Piazza Plebiscito.


      A universal structure … no Judean imprint, they are very good at stealing, damned envy!

      Basically you can find a bit of Greece in every nation and part of Egypt.
      Our diversity is our strength!

      The Jews are cheap shepherd boys, boring and all alike!

      What I like about the Fuhrer is its double beauty.

      Its extreme diversity …

      Together then … a Bomb for that Gentaglia! [End]

  8. “Nietzsche purtava nu paru di mustazzi esemplari”(in siciliano).
    Oggi ti faccio ridere sulla parola “Mustaches”…noi qui li chiamiamo Mustazz 🙂
    Il Sud Italia prende in prestito le parole Inglesi?!
    Credo di non essermi mai divertita così tanto in Vita mia 🙂 🙂

  9. What tourist wants to go to Germany and see something Keltic or Mediterranean? They want to see the real German living in an orderly Prussian or Bavarian environment. Only a psycho would want to see that pure river of gold destroyed!

    • The interesting thing about Germany is that it is germanic in spirit and language though full of non-Germanic genes and faces: Mediterranean, Slavic and Keltic. Partly, this is because the Romans ruled ans colonized the southern half of western Germany and all of Austria for 450 years…. and partly because the Germans themselves conquered and settled slavic lands in the east (Berlin, Leipzig and Dresden being all slavic place names).

      And yet via the use of this German language, which changes literally how one thinks, and also via Germans repeatedly reincarnating into this nation over and over as the centuries have passed (and most people do come back to their own race, people — and to their own gender as well, for that matter), the behavior has remained germanic: stern, exacting, blunt and impatient for results.

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