The following Two Truths and 5 Rules of Life seem to be fairly valid…
Lovers help each other undress before sex.
However, after sex, they always dress on their own.
Moral of the story — In life, no one helps you once you’re screwed.
When a lady is pregnant, all her friends touch the stomach and say, “Congrats.”
But, none of them comes up to the man – touch his penis and say, “Good job.”
Moral of the story — Hard work is rarely appreciated.
1. Money cannot buy happiness – but it’s far more comfortable to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle.
2. Forgive your enemy – but remember the idiot’s name.
3. If you help someone when they’re in trouble – they will remember you when they’re in trouble again.
4. Alcohol does not solve any problems – but then, neither does milk.
5. Many people are alive only because it’s illegal to shoot them.
Condoms do not guarantee safe sex. A friend of mine was wearing one when he was shot by the woman’s husband.
I think Congressmen should wear uniforms. You know, like NASCAR drivers, so we could identify their corporate sponsors!
And as I get older, I realize:
#1 – I talk to myself, because there are times I need expert advice.
#2 – I consider “On Trend” to be the clothes that still fit.
#3 – I don’t need anger management. People need to stop pissing me off.
#4 – My people skills are just fine. My tolerance for idiots needs work.
#5 – The biggest lie I tell myself is, “I don’t need to write that down. I’ll remember it.”
#6 – I have days when my life is just a tent away from a circus.
#7 – These days, “on time” is when I get there.
#8 – Even duct tape can’t fix stupid – but it sure does muffle the sound.
#9 – Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes, then come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller?
#10 – Lately, I’ve noticed people my age are so much older than me. 😉
….On a more serious note
Two things happened recently that both showed me I am on exactly the right path — that we white people need a truly spiritual path.
- Two decent local women had a full-on fightfight
I was raised that women should grow up to be ladies. It is bad enough when men get drunk and have a fightfight.
Worse and more disappointing when women do it!
And both are hard-working, regular people, not white trash, I know them both a bit, and their mutual friend about whom they were arguing — I have driven the third person home a few times and visited her when she was in surgery “rehab.”
This happened in a very staid tavern I go to at times, the Shamrock, not a rowdy bar at all — just very, friendly middle-aged white people, and many veterans. Irish-themed 😉
Labor Day foot race on main street for the kids in this Scandinavian-Finnish-German-Polish town– every single one is platinum blond. 😉
I wiped away blood and tears with this napkin (photo below), then drove the gal who was punched back to her home. (Her friend also went with her; I had had to help her to her feet, being inebriated, nearly falling against a very hard object.)
Sad, really sad…. the misery of white lives today. Because I was helpful, many patrons praised my actions.
That blood was spurting from one cut along the bridge of the nose and another under the right eye. Then a friend who is an RN applied ice, and advised Tylenol right away and, two hours later, ibuprofen.
The one woman hit the other one, man-style, three hard jabs to the face, and the other gal wore glasses and got smacked right in said spectacles! (Didn’t there use to be a tabloo against hitting people with eyeglasses on?)
A reliable source said both sides caused the fight.
I could have written this in a funny style, but, no, friends, I just found it appalling, because they were not fishwives and white trash, trailer park druggies, but normal, usually nice Yoopers, “UP” of Michigan white people.
It’s a sign of our degenerate times in Jew World.
The tyrannon, the egoic mind, is when your mind escapes your control and does its own thing.
What people do not understand is that this is chronic. Earthlings have no control over their own minds.
Likewise, the two Scandinavian girls recently raped and beheaded in Morocco as per this blog article
UPDATED On the Moroccan beheading video — Louisa Jespersen, RIP
were killed not just by the Muslims but also by their own tyrannons, their minds being totally out of control regarding a life-and-death decision!
Both pretty libtards refused to accept the reality that it is obvious folly for two attractive young blonde chicks to travel alone in the countryside of any muslim country!
Yes, of course, the jewsmedia had lied to them that “Islamophobia” is so morally wrong.
BUT it was their own egoic minds, on a soaring leftist moral superiority trip where you pat yourself on the back for rejecting racism, that made them “drink the Koolaid.”
In other words, if YOU controlled your mind, and it were not not your own lie-stuffed mind controlling YOU, then, once your mind had the necessary facts, it would be immune to any and all Jew lies.
No more being “in denial”!
You shoulda climbed up to the top of your mind, girl, and gotten a grip on it. Ego causes suffering, Louisa; ego KILLS. Now you know that in the afterlife, girl. RIP, Louisa Jespersen.
On a different and opposite note…..
2. A once prominent WN and fierce enemy called me, apologized for attacking me, and we actually ended up having a great conversation. 🙂
He asked me, for good reasons, to not publicize anything. He has a regular job now, a wife and family, and does not need his name out there.
Anyway, it was a big and noble thing to do — truly “Aryan,” high-minded and free from ego, to call me, and so “out of the blue” and entirely on his own initiative — in order to make amends.
We had a heartfelt and healing talk, and we will stay in touch.
It made my whole day, and Margi’s too. 🙂
When I start my religion, I will offer an amnesty to all my critics.
As it begins, I will ask them to simply withhold public/online judgment, and let me start it without their interference or sniping.
If they do, I will forgive them their slanders and the terible harm they have done us.
Just let me now do my thing — a solid new Aryan faith that gets us in control of our minds and hearts again so we act together, rationally, cooperatively and urgently, for our interests.
This religion’s success will be for the benefit of us all who are WN activists and for our whole race.
A rising tide will lift all the boats, comrades. 🙂
Don’t commit, or STOP committing, criminal infighting.
Don’t end up like Gustav von Kahr!
Had he apologized and made amends before 1934, the “Night of the Long Knives,” he would not have ended up dead.
But his tyrannon and vile envy had made him — a rightwing nationalist himself! — sabotage a golden opportunity in 1923 to save his country.
Kahr remarked to an assembly of high-ranking officers on 19 October 1923 that the real matter at hand was “a great battle of two worldviews which will decide the destiny of the German people – the international Marxist-Jewish and the national Germanic.”[7]
Having said that, he was in agreement with the goals of the Hitler Beer Hall Putsch two weeks later!
So all he really had to do was at least let other good men do their thing.
In the end, his egoic mind was his death, just because HE had wanted to be “the Führer,” this pudgy little egomaniac.
Remember, he had caused the deaths of 16 brave men at the Feldherrnhalle and never apologized and made amends,. even (very foolishly) after Adolf Hitler came to power.
(I have gone earlier into the enormous impact of the failure of the 1923 putsch, thanks entirely to Gustav von Kahr. When Hitler finally did come to power in 1933, a decade later, the situation for Germany was much, much, MUCH worse — with the wicked Roosevelt and Stalin now opposing him!
In 1923 America was waking up to the race, Jew and communist problems, the Second Ku Klux Klan was flourishing, eugenics laws were being passed, immigration from non-nordic countries was being restricted, and America was in an era of conservative Republican presidents. Plus the Allied WWI atrocity stories against Germany were being debunked.
Over in the USSR in 1923, the bolshevik state was still staggering to its feet after the 1971-21 Russian Civil War, and was not the military-industrial behemoth it would be by the 1930s.
Also, the 1923 Germans were not as degenerate as in 1933, after 12 years of the sodomite, jew-ruled Weimar Republic.
Had Hitler come to power in 1923, not 1933, he might well have won any war that the Jews launched against him! Heck, even Winston Churchill was warning about bolshevik jews back then!)
Lesson from the von Kahr case: Be careful whom you screw over! 😉
…. I thank my donors!
–31 January 2018 Paypal from IS in South Carolina
–31 January 2018 check from G in Nevada
–29 December 2018 20 Australian dollars and fascinating info on civilization on Mars from P in Australia
–25 December 2018 PayPal from I in South Carolina
–24 December 2018 check from G in Nevada
–23 December 2018 €99.99 from S in Germany to
–21 December 2018 Stripe from M in England
–20 December 2018 Stripe from P in Maryland
–19 December 2018 check from G in Nevada
Like this August check — a recurring amount
–13 December 2018 silver coin from the Royal Australian Mint from M in Indiana
–11 December Books and booklets in German, French and English from the library of the late, great publisher Willis Carto (, sent by his widow Elizabeth
–10 December 2018 check from G in Nevada
–3 December 2018 check from G in Nevada
–26 November 2018 Books and booklets in German, French and English from the library of the late, great publisher Willis Carto (, sent by his widow Elizabeth
–24 November 2018 cash from Bismark, North Dakota, and “Thank you for your writings!”
–12 and 19 November 2018….. a fanatically faithful Rockwell party activist sent this
–6 November 2018 PayPal from the Netherlands to
–6 November 2018 — yet again, an Australian comes through for me and our race
–5 November 2018….. an old, fanatically faithful, do-something Rockwell party activist sent this…
–2 November 2018 Stripe from D in Australia
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