Hard proof NATO promised Russians no NATO expansion to Eastern Europe; even the jew-loving, Russian-bashing Der Spiegel in Germany confirms it

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NATO promised repeatedly to not cross the line between East and West Germany when the two countries were unified. This promise, the basis of Russian national security which persuaded them to leave Eastern Europe, was non-chalantly “forgotten” from 1997 on.  

The proof that Russia has been right all along and the West was lying has been out there for years, but for even Der Spiegel to admit it is potentially big news.

Has the United Snakes ever done anything but lie since I was born in 1954? The John Kennedy murder (pinned on Oswald), the “light at the end of the tunnel” in Vietnam, Saddam’s WMDs, Russian collusion, Peegate, the Stealection… It never ends –the junk promises, slander, and raw verbal sewage coming out of every orifice….. not to mention the false flags, wars, rape & torture prisons (like Abu Ghraib), lethal vaccines, autism and obesity explosions, and mass murder. https://www.rt.com/news/549921-nato-expansion-russia-document/





  1. As per agreement with Gorbachev for the Wall coming down. Then the Warsaw Pact would be dissolved, all part of the Reykjavik talks.
    I remember being there when the Wall came down. I saw East Germans crying as they could finally see West German relatives without being shot.

    I was talking and dancing (trying to) with East Germans in no-man’s land, at the Pink Floyd concert.
    I shinnied up a spotlight tower wearing an East German officer’s peaked cap; he lent it to me for a Coke. This was to get a better look at the stage.
    This was located in the former death strip. 1,000s of Trabants [East German cars], loaded up with their possessions, going West.
    At 2 in the morning they were still pouring through the Brandenburg Gate 24/7.
    Then the Soviet tank and mechanised units went East, back to Russia, on trains. They kept their word.
    Looking back, the Soviets actually acted as a barrier to the [non-white] gimmegrants.

  2. I was a civilian then. The Russian troops didn’t know what to do, as they were now in a foreign country with no authority. People raided Stasi HQ to seize their surveillance files. The speed that the Wall came down was all due to misunderstanding. LOL. Instead of a gradual opening of border crossings in the future, they were opened up immediately. Armed East German troops were on their way to close the borders by force. The officers saw the biblical numbers crossing the border, so they turned around and went back to their barracks without intervening.

    Everyone was going West. I was going East. The rest is History.

    • Great story.

      I was in East Berlin in 1975, a grim, drab, depressed place. I still saw bullet holes in the buildings on the main streets from WWII, thirty years before.

      At a mom-and-pop store (but one owned by the government) I saw vegetable bins that were empty, Kunsthonig (artificial honey) from Cuba, and long lines of people waiting for a taxi…..a dreadful atmosphere.

      • Lol Those bullet holes were still there in 1990. Moscow was more friendly than East Germany. The Stasi were more efficient and ruthless than the KGB.
        In Russia they had state shops called berioshkas, where luxury goods were for sale to Westerners for dollars. Only the Soviet elites could shop there for these luxury goods.
        The workers had to wait years for a TV. .
        So much for the “workers’ utopia”!

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