Harvard doctor who treated Annabel Beam (in vain) speaks about her miraculous remission (as seen in “Miracles from Heaven”); the friendly fox in the dark woods

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“Love  yourself” is my first commandment! It is not an ego trip, telling yourself you are perfect. It is saying “I am a child of God, I try over and over to be a good person, and I have helped many people along the way and done unselfish things.

And all the good things in this world,

Ontonagon Beach at sunset

….and the positive things that have happened for me, are because invisibly the Big Guy is pulling strings for me when He knows I need it.

I love God back, and I know that tough love is sometimes how He operates, and it too is real love, every challenge and pain that make me grow. I will remember that I chose to reincarnate here and at this time in world history, and God sees me struggling every day to do His will.”



It takes wild horses and more for my readers to watch “Miracles from Heaven,” for such is the TOXIC power of the egoic mind over us to ruin our happiness, the earthling phenomenon which Eckhart Tolle describes and decries.  And thus my readers read five, ten, or twenty articles on this site about “Miracles from Heaven” and STILL never watch it. 🙂

And this insanity is why I established a benevolent dictatorship, and why it was in fact provably this benevolent dictatorship alone that saved a broke, self-hating, divided, and infighting Germany —  not just from the jews, but also, and above all else, FROM ITSELF.

Earth people ARE crazy — literally crazy. They would rather be miserable than happy — and be  angry, not with themselves, of course, but with God! LOL!

After WE f—-ed this planet up!

The title of this song is “People Are Crazy” and this is a COMMON EXPRESSION and observation IN THE WHOLE  ENGLISH LANGUAGE. It was not John de Nugent who came up with this remark!


This movie is about a genuinely “happifying” and joyful TRUE ending to an awful tragedy.

The girl Annabel is diagnosed with an uncurable and fatal disease, is sent home to die, falls 30 feet out of a tree right onto her head, and wakes up in the ER in total remission.

While dead (for four hours) — not a sound from her — she was in “heaven” and she describes it.

So why the hell do my readers not watch this?? It’s true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

Now you see how your own egoic mind is your mortal ENEMY!!!! It wants you to be MISERABLE!

Earth, a mostly beautiful planet, is such a hell to live on because of the egoic minds of the earthlings!

This planet is full of both 1) young souls just up from the animal stage, and 2) real sinners with serious karmic issues.

Oh, and there are two other groups:

3) psychopaths, human monsters, diabolic beings from actual hell worlds who reincarnate here looking for more prey (and a tough-love God does NOT protect the wicked nor does he intervene for do-nothings, excuse-makers, malevolent critics, and downright misers either!!!),


4) starseeds, humans who reincarnate here from civilized, beautiful and advanced planets in order to TRY to help us.

Here now is the actual Boston Globe article on the actual doctor who treated Annabel Beam and had to send her home to Burleson, Texas to die amongst her family, just as he had warned the parents very frankly at the outset of his treatments was likely to happen.

“It’s incurable and it’s terminal.”

This is devastating news for any family, and especially for this one, which is very close, wholesome, and was living healthy lives.

It is hard to think of a more verified case of a Near-Death Experience, and thus of LIFE AFTER DEATH.

And it is NOT a Jesus movie. The doctor is actually a Mexican Jew.

Some parishioners at the Beams’ own church are obnoxious and scoff, first that the Beams must be sinners to be hit with this affliction ….and then, that they probably made the disease up — or that they made the miraculous cure up!

The wife/mother, appalled and hurt, stops attending church totally and has lost her faith in God.
The minister, very likable and honest, confesses he has no answer to why a sweet little girl would be dying like this in agony (and the family was also going financially broke from medical bills).

This is no sugary Born-Again (and “We Love Israel” 😉 ) movie, but a frank depiction of a soul-wrenching crisis, one seemingly so unjust that it could turn almost any average person into an atheist.

You do not feel manipulated at the end.— just enlightened, and intelligently happy!

….The Boston Globe article

Meet the local doctor behind ‘Miracles From Heaven’
By Joan Anderman, Boston Globe Correspondent,March 27, 2016, 10:00 p.m.


Dr. Samuel Nurko, director of the Center for Motility and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders at Boston Children’s Hospital. A new movie is centered around one of his patients. LANE TURNER/GLOBE STAFF

Several years ago on a balmy winter day in Texas, 9-year-old Annabel Beam fell from a branch into the hollow body of an enormous cottonwood tree in her family’s cow pasture. She tumbled down 30 feet, landed on her head, and was trapped for hours before rescuers could reach her.

That Anna survived the fall unharmed is amazing. That she emerged from the tree free of the two rare, chronic diseases she suffered from is described by both her pastor and her doctor as a miracle.

For Anna’s physician, Dr. Samuel Nurko, director of the Center for Motility and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders at Boston’s Children’s Hospital, the abrupt disappearance of Anna’s intestinal disorders following a major trauma is an extreme example of a certain kind of medical event he witnesses on a regular basis — the kind for which there is no scientific explanation.

“I haven’t seen it to this degree, but we do see patients who have experiences that can reset the body,” says Nurko. “It’s like pressing control-alt-delete.”

For Anna’s family and their devout Christian community, there is no question that the girl’s miraculous recovery was an act of God. While she was trapped in the tree, Anna told her parents, she met Jesus in heaven and he sent her back to earth with a guardian angel.

*** JdN:a blond Jesus on the walls of the catacombs of Rome –Jeus was NEVER depicted EVER as semitic-looking


Her mother, Christy, wrote a memoir about it. “Miracles From Heaven,” a film based on the book, is in theaters now, and Nurko is having a Hollywood moment. He walked the red carpet at the film’s Chestnut Hill premiere with Jennifer Garner, who stars as Christy Beam.

***  The Beam family, actress Jennifer Garner, and Dr. Samuel Nurko on the movie’s opening night in Boston


He’s had boldface shout-outs in glossy magazines. He’s watched himself played on the big screen by Mexican superstar Eugenio Derbez, right down to his signature Elmo tie.

“I loved the movie,” Nurko says. But he declines to address the Beams’ interpretation [ = a Near-Death Experience] of Anna’s sudden return to good health. “That is their story to tell.”

Prior to Anna’s fall, mother and daughter traveled regularly from their home near Burleson, Texas, a rural suburb of Fort Worth, to Boston for treatment and monitoring at Children’s Hospital. Anna had been sick since she was 4 with pseudo-obstruction motility disorder and antral hypomotility disorder, illnesses for which there is no cure. The nerves and muscles in her intestines didn’t contract normally, and as a result food, fluid, and air weren’t able to properly move through Anna’s body. By the time she was 5 she’d had multiple surgeries for intestinal obstructions. Anna’s diet was largely liquid, her drug intake copious, and she was in near-constant pain.

***  JdN Heart-rending scene

When a loved one is suffering….and all you can offer is compassion


Then she fell into the tree. Nurko thinks that Anna had a near-death experience, although he says it’s impossible to know for sure.

“It was a major event in her inner self,” he says, “that’s the message. It’s been shown in many cases that your inner well-being, your faith, your attitude, your beliefs and experiences, your family interactions, they are all going to affect how you react to disease.”

Nurko is describing the biopsychosocial model of medicine, known more colloquially as the mind-body connection. It is a driving principle of his practice, but despite growing evidence, Western medicine has been slow to embrace the notion that forces outside of the body may impact illness. Dr. Jeffrey Rediger, a practitioner at the nexus of medicine, psychiatry, and spirituality, is trying to change that.

“We’re groaning toward a larger understanding of the power of the mind,” says Rediger, who is medical director at the McLean Southeast Adult Psychiatric Program in Middleborough, an instructor at Harvard Medical School, and a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary.

“We can’t think ourselves into health, but the pattern I’ve seen over and over again is that if a person can have a deep change in their psyche or their soul, whether it happens quickly or over 10 years in psychotherapy, the body responds. It’s an unmapped wilderness in our culture.”

*** JdN: This is cowardice, denial, and, pardon my Marine parlance, bullshit.

NO positive thinking by itself can remove massive disease,  or in this case TWO diseases. We choose to incarnate (in Latin, “enter the flesh”) into a physical universe with physical laws.

How about just listening to what the girl reported who experienced total remission? A divine being said 1) He would heal her, and 2) send her back to earth (which is common with kids, having outstanding tasks to accomplish in each incarnation).


In the movie, (back) Martin Henderson and Jennifer Garner as Kevin and Christy Beam, and Kylie Rogers as Annabel Beam pushing Eugenio Derbez as Doctor Nurko.CHUCK ZLOTNICK/SONY

Spiritual experiences are an especially knotty problem for traditional science, Rediger says, rooted as it is in the assumption that thoughts and feelings must be excluded from the data in order to uncover objective reality. Regarding Anna Beam’s “miracle,” Rediger takes issue with the very definition of the word.

“I believe that miracles only contradict what we know of nature,” he says. “I believe that miracles are actually consistent with mental and spiritual laws, it’s just that we’re in the very early stages of mapping them in the West. Modern physics values consciousness, and this is very slowly revising science. As we continue to become more interested as a culture in the power and capacities of the mind, I suspect we will see more interest in researching such capacities.”

Nurko, meanwhile, would like to see more interest in researching gastrointestinal disease, and it’s his fervent hope that the publicity surrounding “Miracles From Heaven” will increase awareness and funding for a range of disorders that he says affect 10 percent of all children.

He said the public is not inclined to get involved in gastrointestinal disorders.

“When you talk about poop and vomiting, people don’t want to engage. It’s not stem cells. Cancer is sexier. These kids get forgotten.”

Anna’s story, however, is unforgettable. When she returned to Children’s Hospital for the first time after her fall, she was asymptomatic. Completely normal. A pizza eater. Nurko saw no need to run even a single test. Asked how surprised he was by Anna’s headlong return to good health, he says he is consistently surprised by diseases not doing what doctors expect them to do.

“We think we know what’s going to happen, but nature has a way to play games with us,” says Nurko. “We see miracles every day here in the hospital.”

— Joan Anderman is a freelance writer.



……To refuse to see this movie after reading this article in the Boston Globe (a leftist, jewy, libtard, atheistoid newspaper that has no religious agenda) is a denial of reality, and a refusal to be happy.

I can say that my grief was terrible when my wife died. And it also caused an immediate financial crisis on top of it. I had to contact a realtor and sell the house as a result, or stop funding this website, which is hacked 24/7.

But at least I knew Margi was alive and in heaven, and that she was watching over me — because she was a good woman, and she believed so much in me and in my NS cause. I met her on April 20, 2005, and she was volunteering at the Barnes Review magazine on Capitol Hill, because she wanted our race to free itself, become happy again, and thrive — in power and glory –as we had done in the real world from 1933-45!

I talk to her, and have heard from her several times. Each iten with a  yellow dot is  a reminder of her.

Her hanging plants; hats; photos of us; her cloth shopping bag from Zerbst, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany; and lamps she brought up from Asheville, North Carolina…. 



……My blog from November 3, 2022, which would have been Margi’s birthday

I was writing to an old German friend, who knew Margi, publishes poetry in English and is fluent in English. I wrote him the sad news about Margi’s passing on September 12, and sent him the link to my blog yesterday about what would have been her 74th birthday.

Remembering my national-socialist girl, Margi Huffstickler (1948-2022) on this day, Nov. third, on what would have been her 74th birthday

I added:

I developed extremely dangerous high blood pressure caring for her the final two months and then grieving — BP of 218 over 130, or briefly even higher!!!! 231/115!

This was another, only slightly less horrible reading:

Suddenly I met a local woman, of German heritage, T [her name], who saw me while she was pumping gas. She called out “Hi” as I walked by, and so we began to talk.

She then got me on heart supplements (esp. the heart supplement CoQ10, Xtendovite, a Canadian supplement that many have heard of, black-seed oil, Ubiquinol, and cayenne pepper) that brought my BP down by 100 points to 127 over 67!


This means taking Cayenne pepper thrice daily, downed with water. I had looked “white as a sheet,” as a local told me, but this cayenne brought back my blood circulation and rosy complexion almost instantly.

T said that “the Ubiquinol drives the cayenne deep into your tissues.” And it is great for the eyes; my latest eye exam for glaucoma had the best result in eight years! My ophthalmologist was overjoyed!

And yesterday, on top of this health turn-around, I had an astounding experience on the day that would have been Margi’s birthday!

The truth is that I still feel grief after the sudden end of my 17-year relationship with my soul mate, though the feeling of extreme bereavement is now manageable…but I often go to bed at 7 or 8 pm, because the sleep ends my sadness and is healing.

So, going to bed so early, I then wake up at “zero-dark-thirty,” as we used to say in the Marines. I often awaken at 2 or 3 am.… It is not all bad, of course. I get lots done in the very early morning. 🙂

Anyway, I went for my usual pre-dawn one-hour walk, where I listen to educational/news-related videos on my smartphone.

Then something startling happened. It was about 6:45 am, and pitch-dark still here in the far north country.

I was walking along Airport Road here in Ontonagon– a few houses on the west side, and woods on the right and the north end of a golf course. (The name “Airport Road” harkens back to the days when the current nine-hole golf course we have now, back then, was actually an airfield. The current Ontonagon airport is now located elsewhere.)


I was walking in the middle of the road, where you can see the words “Airport Road” printed below.

SOMETHING began WALKING to my left, as in the blue line, walking along the edge of the road, very much on the pavement, on the road bed, right next to me, five yards/4.5 meters away….


I turned on my phone’s flashlight and shone it.

A FOX had came out of the woods and began pacing alongside me!

It proceeded to walk for a good hundred yards (90 meters) next to me!

The animal looked like this, quite pretty, actually — and somehow it felt as if it were female to me. I could see her (?) features pretty well when I turned my phone’s flashlight function on in the darkness.

(Photo from Google images) 


The light conditions were very low, so I saw the fox kind-of like this….in other words, hardly.

I turned on my smartphone’s flashlight function, and saw its eyes glowing….


I did get just a bit concerned…..

….to see a wild animal and a predator, though a small one, accompanying me, yard after yard, and constantly looking at me as well as straight ahead….

*** A rabid fox attacks a woman outside her New York home.

Sherri Russo was in her front yard when a fox started to viciously attack her. As she tried to break free, the animal bit her legs and scratched her arms. Her neighbor eventually came to the rescue with a huge stick and stopped the fox from attacking the woman further. The fox was later caught and tested positive for rabies. Russo was treated immediately and is showing no signs that she contracted rabies.


A Texan wrote me:

The fox story was great. Foxes are neat, and sometimes friendly, inquisitive and intelligent, but always are known as dangerous because of their speed and cunning.
I have very rarely seen the red ones in my area of Texas, but sometimes gray ones that are closer to coyotes. Some people raise foxes as pets, but the pet foxes run the risk of being mistaken as wild and shot.
I would put a reflective orange harness on it and trim its hair like a dog if I had one, and, John, also keep it away from fowl and small children.

I pulled out my .380 pistol in the event it had rabies. (I also carry — especially where guns are prohibited — a knife and a large, steel Cross pen for stabbing an attacker in the eye, temple or throat.)


But actually the red little fox seemed perfectly friendly….and looked at me in a sort of — ummm — affectionate way. It was not trying to attack me at all, nor was it/she wary of me, or resenting me as a trespasser on its hunting grounds.

Fields and woods, or even around houses and backyards,  are where foxes hunt, not asphalt roads!

I thought: “Is this fox maybe just curious about me?” But that seemed far-fetched; it is a wild animal, furtive, and usually avoids humans.

I have seen foxes before here in Ontonagon, always in a hurry to get away, and not hang out with, humans! (Many locals trap or shoot foxes, especially if they have chickens.)

Just to be safe, I did finally say to the fox in a stern voice “Go away” with my hand on my pistol on the far side of my body, not threatening it … but ready for whatever might happen.

After saying “Go away” twice, it plunged back into the woods. I actually felt (or was it just my imagination?) that I hurt its feelings. 🙁

I kept looking around, 360 degrees, flashlight shining and pistol at the ready…. — now where is that animal; is it still following me?  — and, yes, it did seem quite gone.

As I was completing my walk, now unaccompanied, along Airport Road, I approached the corner where this road “T’s” into Paul Bunyan Avenue. This is where I habitually take a left turn to walk toward Lake Superior and then proceed home.

A pickup truck pulling a trailer, its headlights on, turned from Paul Bunyan Avenue at the corner onto Airport Road, and there in its headlights was that same fox — this all happened  just 30 seconds after it had left me — and it was right ahead of me, right on the road, and all lit up from behind!

It had run ahead of me, and was siting on its haunches, waiting to meet  up with me again!

Whoahhhh 😉

When the vixen noticed the oncoming pickup truck, it walked (reluctantly?) into the high grass on the east side of Airport Road near the corner (where I placed a blue dot), and she was gone.


I thought it was soooo strange……as if the fox were, maybe, some kind of “sign”…..???

Anyway, the sun came up and I had a busy day….went to Houghton with a friend, did some needed errands, and also savoured the glorious fall foliage on the nearby Covered Road and in Freda https://takemytrip.com/2018/05/covered-road-to-freda-michigan-during-fall)

That evening, I was walking back from a friend’s house, and passed by a rowdy but picturesque bar called [], which I usually avoid…. but occasionally I have met some valuable people inside –and something told me to enter.

A barmaid named [] was working last night. She and I have always had a good time chatting. She is the daughter of a Marine and is also married to one and has five kids with him. So we have that Marine thing in common. She told me about some troubles, and I listened sympathetically.

Then I fell silent and said: “You know,[], I had the weirdest experience this morning at around a quarter of six. I was out for my usual hour-long walk and was going along Airport Road, past the golf course and toward Paul Bunyan Avenue.”

[] said: “I know exactly where that is. So what happened?”

I replied: “A fox came out of the woods, and walked right up close to me and walked next to me for a good hundred yards!”

Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth partly as if she wanted to say something….

But I was continuing: “I got a bit nervous and turned on the flashlight on my smartphone and even pulled out my pistol just in case.”

She was smiling as I said this, especially the pistol part…. 😉

“….and after I shooed it away, as I got to the corner with Paul Bunyan Avenue, that same fox was waiting for me again! A pickup came around the corner and I could see it in the headlights. It took off when it saw the pickup.”

[] said: “John, there is a very common belief in the UP, and especially among the Ojibway Indians — and I am a quarter-Ojibway — that when a fox becomes friendly and approaches you, that is a deceased relative making contact with you!

A fox means it was sent by a loved one who is on the other side — or maybe a cardinal is the sign — you know, the red bird!”


I was stunned and replied: “You know what? Today was my late wife Margi’s 74th birthday, and I did a whole big article on my website about missing her, and what a great gal she was!”

[] said: “I bet that was your wife, Margi! She was communicating to you that she is okay, and she is reaching out to you.”

It was, well, an AMAZING feeling…..

And it encouraged me (Margi encouraged me) to continue in my quest to save our race from the oblivion the jews want for us.

So maybe this was indeed a sign.

Never before in my sixty-eight years of life did a wild animal come out of the woods to walk next to me for a hundred yards, and then even run up ahead ofme and wait to greet me again at the end of the road!

Saving white mankind….. I agree with Disney:

And of course, this little fox had red hair…. just like someone I knew so well. Hi again, Margi 🙂 🙂 🙂


1 Comment

  1. You are right, John — it’s a GREAT movie. Take my word for it as someone who is not exactly a fan of organized Christianity. I am more of a Great Manitou person.

    Anyhow, the movie was very moving, albeit a bit cringy at times, as is to be expected of anything related to the Christian faith coming out of Hollywood.

    Satan’s little helpers just can’t help themselves.

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