Has moderate Putin seen the light about jewry?

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Regina Parpieva, a 17-year-old girl wanting to study journalism, went blind, but sent a request to interview President Putin, which he granted. After the meeting, she asked if she might touch his face to get an impression of his appearance.


…..Putin’s RT exposes: It is migrants who commit 2/3rds of all sex crimes in Britain


…..Putin at a memorial for the fallen Russian soldiers of the Ukraine War  

…..Putin is caught in a sudden downpour during a salute to the WWII fallen

….Putin’s grief when a close friend dies who had perished trying to save others

401,074 views • Sep 10, 2021 • #Putin #Russia #NewYorkPost

Russian President Vladimir Putin showed a rare public display of emotion at the coffin of his close friend. He attended the funeral of Emergency Situations Minister Yevgeny Zinichev in Moscow on Friday. Zinichev, 55, died Wednesday while trying to save a person’s life during Arctic exercise drills, Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry said. Note when he sits down.


……Putin still in touch with his elementary-school German teacher

IN 2000, President Putin’s very first foreign visit was to Berlin, speaking in the Reichstag building for 15 minutes, mostly in excellent German.


…..Putin’s anger at juze 


I think Putin’s temperament is naturally liberal — even his many admirers say he is “too nice a guy for this evil world” — and I think it was hard for Vlad to accept just how evil these juze are (which is true of many people).

But he had sank billions into helping Assad in Syria 2015-20, and into building two huge military bases there — air force and naval — and then Netanyahu utterly f–ked him over, overthrowing his ally, Assad, and replacing him with a fanatic jihadi government.

This new regime is not unlike the Islamist monsters who did the Moscow theater massacre in 2002 (140 dead, and hundreds severely injured), and the Beslan school massacre in 2004 (334 people dead, 186 of them schoolchildren!!!) So any fanatical jihad movement has always been strictly forbidden in Russia, under the tsars, the bolsheviks, and now under Putin.

Going right back to Tsarist times, Russia has not harassed Islam, and Putin, like many rulers, sees moderate forms of religion as a good thing, a force for community, caring for the sick, lonely and poor, a positive influence on morality, marriage, family and birthrate, and as an antidote to Western wokeness.

And then other juze did a coup in 2014 Ukraine, a nation for which Vlad sincerely felt great affection — like most Russians.

Victoria Nuland (née Nudelman) (photo), Poroshenko and Zelensky began stomping on the ethnic Russians in the eastern areas.


And they vilified Putin personally,  with Nudelman proclaiming that the US goal was to break Russia up….

And then came Satanyahu’s Gaza massacre….. with some of the Gazans being Orthodox Christians, as are or were about 20% of the Syrians, going right back to Roman times…. I remember when two Gaza Christian women fled into a church, and an Israeli sniper aimed and shot them dead, sitting inside their church in a pew, imagining that being in a House of God would make them safe.

And the thing to understand here is that just as France for centuries has proclaimed that it is the protectrix of the Roman Catholics in the Middle East, Russia has the same role to play for the Eastern Orthodox faithful in that muslim-ruled region.

And then the juze banned the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, and Putin is a vehement supporter of that church.

So, yes, I think Vladimir Putin is finally, finally pi..ed to the very max.

It is said that the juze also find his blond hair and blue-gray eyes unnerving.

He awarded the highest Russian medal to Alexander Solzhenitsyn in 2007 — AFTER his 2004 antisemitic book came out, entitled Two Hundred Years Together.

And he has not forgotten that Prigozhin, the head of the military Wagner Group, tried to overthrow him  — and he was a ju as well.

…as was the oil oligarch Khodorkovsky, worth $40 billion at age 40 via theft and many murders, who broke his promise to Putin to stay out of politics…

Putin held a meeting five years ago with top Russian jews — look at their body language and also study his. 


….RT: Putin attends Christmas mass in Moscow (VIDEO)

The Russian leader has congratulated Christians in Russia and abroad
*** JdN The Russian coat of arms has four Christian crosses on it — and depicts St. George killing a dragon….


Russian President Vladimir Putin attended a Christmas mass in Moscow on Monday evening.

Putin lit the candles in the Church of Saint George the Victorious on Poklonnaya Hill, the site of the grandiose memorial complex dedicated to Russia’s victory in World War II.

The president later traveled to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior – Russia’s chief Christian temple – where he met with Patriarch Kirill.

In a statement released by the Kremlin, Putin congratulated Orthodox Christians in Russia and abroad. “During the Christmas season, we feel with all our hearts the importance of ancestral, familial traditions passed through generations,” Putin said.

“The Russian Orthodox Church, as well as Russia’s other Christian denominations, play a huge positive role in unifying the people, preserving our historical memory and unique cultural, spiritual heritage,” he added.

According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Putin asked Kirill to bless the crosses and icons that will be delivered to the troops fighting in Ukraine.

“I believe that our comrades will be honored to receive the symbols of faith blessed by the patriarch of Moscow and all of Russia,” Peskov said, referring to Kirill’s official title.


And sometimes little things are big things…….like the unusual camera angle –and the very big painting… and whom it depicts, the tsar who destroyed the Khazar Empire.



    • Yes, indeed, but the more he fellates Netanyahu, the more he tries to compensate by being a bully to small nations.

      When I was living in New Orleans, a wild party town, I had a nice girlfriend, an active WN, btw, and she once told me (and her girlfriends all giggled their approval):

      “Any guy who comes onto [tries to get with] you [a woman] and has his shirt half open to show a hairy chest, he owns a Porsche, has a big gold chain around his neck, and sports a great, big gold ring, guaranteed he has a tiny dick [penis].”

      Exact quote….

      Trump is right back in Patton mode, full of swagger, ivory-handled pistols, drama, controversial statements, and slapping people around (as Patton did with a soldier with PTSD). An unspiritual man, he is unevolved, too — the same guy as he was.

      Of course, he has been instrumental in getting rid of the loathsome Kamala Harris and the horrible and evil Justin Castreau. There is some greatness too in this Trump. But it is the same Patton kind of strengths.

      And this leads back to the Van Rensburg prophecy, which I alone have publicized since April 20, 2017.

      • No wonder that soldier had shell shock — he was fighting the good/better guys who tried to avoid the tyranny we live in today.

        • This is why many Americans like my father joined the US Marines instead of the US Army, because being in the Marines guaranteed you got sent to the Pacific to fight the Japanese, who truly did do evil things, and you did not have to kill Germans for the accursed juze.

          My father was raised by his maternal grandparents, the Waddells, he of Scottish heritage and she, born a Berlin (!), of German background. His grandmother was one of millions of Americans who saw right through Frank Rosenfeld. She said two things that many others did.

          She referred to Rosenfeld as “that man in the White House.”

          And if you did say his name, she warned: “Never say that man’s name in my house!” 😉

          They saw him as the human devil he was.

          A big part of this realization about Rosenfeld and his warmongering lies was that the older generation remembered all the mendacious hoopla from World War One, the lies churned out by the Demoncrat Wilson and all the jewspapers’ libels in 1917 about the Germans, the most civilized and advanced people in Europe — filthy calumnies about German soldiers pearing babies on bayonets, and raping Belgian nuns….

          ….and how this would be “the war to end all wars” and a “peace without victors.”

          This “peace” — the armistice, the cease-fire — was followed by the draconian terms of the Treaty of Versailles, where the victors were savage and merciless to a nation, a high-trust society, that had simply ordered its soldiers home from France in the naive faith that Wilson had meant what he had said.

          (The Germans had been slowly retreating, but had NOT been beaten in major battle! They marched home proudly, trusting in a just peace to come from the supposedly idealistic President Wilson of the United States, a nation full of successful immigrants from Germany, one of them being the grandfather of Donald Trump.)

          These Americans — Republicans, mostly, but also some conservative — segregationist — Southern Democrats — who loathed Rosenfeld in 1940 were the same skeptical adults who had seen us lied into WWI in 1917, and had been eyewitnesses to all the fine young American men who came back as wrecks, or did not return at all (97,000 of them).

          Patton was a big reason we lost the war. He was instrumental in our defeats in North Africa, Italy and in the Battle of the Bulge.

          And in the afterlife, in the interlife, he was rude. He was not big enough to admit to me what he knew to be true and which came out in his diaries. He had slaughtered the best people in Europe for the worse people in Europe.

          But he was too proud and petty to admit that, not to me.

          Because of his huge ego, he also felt jealousy toward me as a fellow commander, and made malicious and wrong-headed criticisms. He criticized that we built this enormous artillery gun, “der schwere Gustav”, “Big [literally ‘Heavy”] Gustav.”.

          Well, it worked. It is how we captured the reinforced fortress at the huge Soviet naval base at Sevastopol, and that German capture prevented Soviet bombing raids on our truly vital oil refinery in Romania.

          Patton was simply a narcissist back then, and he is a narcissist today as Trump.

          I found this online:

          *** Do narcissists ever care?

          Yes! There are 3 main things that mean the world to the Narcissist, because if they don’t have at least 2 of these things going for them, in their eyes, they have nothing. The things Narcissists care about are very self-serving and superficial. But they are a true reflection of their Narcissistic Insecurity and the emptiness they have inside.

          1. Image.

          So, the first thing that means the world to the Narcissist is their image. The way they look, dress, etc. Image is everything to a Narcissist. Sociopaths, on the other hand, would have no issues rolling out of bed and walking to a corner shop all ruffled and unkept because they do not care how they look or how they are perceived. They make an effort only when it suits them.

          But Narcissists, especially in their prime years, are obsessed with looking good and appearing to have it all. The Covert Narcissist, specifically, is very strategic with what they allow people to see about them. When they walk out of that door, they see it as a performance. Everything has to be in line with the image that they are trying to push.

          Narcissists invest time, money, and energy to look good and get people to think quite highly of them. Everything they do is to improve their reputation and status. And the only people who get to see behind the disguise are those closest to them like their partners and children.

          2. Narcissistic Supply.

          The second thing that means the world to the Narcissist is their Narcissistic Supply, which usually comes as a result of that fake image that they have created. They need attention, compliments, and praise to feel good about themselves. They need to know that they are loved by the masses and held in high esteem.

          With Narcissists, people are just a means to an end, and that is why they are not able to truly love or care for anyone. Because all they want from us is their Narcissistic Supply. It makes them feel powerful and in control.

          3. Money & Power.

          The third thing the Narcissist cares about is Money and Power. Money helps them to boost their fake image and purchase more and more stuff to distract from their miserable existence and try to make themselves happy. They refuse to accept that money cannot buy happiness. So, they are driven to be successful so that they can have more.

          They have also realized that with more money, they can have control over more people. They can use their finances to keep certain people in their lives. And with money, as with everything else, the Narcissist cannot have enough and is never satisfied with what they have. With more money comes more power, and Narcissists take pleasure in controlling the lives of people and being feared.

          Narcissists are weak, insecure, and highly dependent on the people around them to make them feel better about themselves or distract from their inner turmoil. So, they do care about their fake image as this is their green card to get access to more people. And more people mean more Narcissistic Supply. Narcissistic Supply is the Narcissist’s fuel for life. And finally, money and power are tools to help them gain even more control, maintain their image and provide further Narcissistic Supply.

  1. Vladim Putin has caused the slaughter and maiming of millions of young Russian men in a pointless war.
    They had an article recently on red ice whwre Vladimir Putin is encouragin African immigration to replace all the dead Russian men who have been slaughtered in his pointless war.
    The African men liked Russia, they said it’s easy to get work and the Russians are accepting of black people.
    And a young African man surrounded by Russian women said that they love black men.
    And that some Russian women prefer black men.
    They have this on red ice t.v, i’m not making this up.
    When the war is finished in the Ukraine the jews will bring in a heap of subsaharan African men and Arabic men.
    To replace the Ukranian goyim they’ve had killed off, so they can breed with the Ukranian women to have themb mixed out.
    Vladimir Putin is against a white ethno state and he wants a kalergi melting pot the same as nearly all other white leaders.

    • Comrade, if you make such damaging claims, and they may be true — Putin does seem to be a sincere person but a racial liberal — the least you can do is provide a link to corroborate your claims. Since you did not, I took the time out of my busy schedule to go myself to the Red Ice site (I was a guest there myself in 2014 regarding the Solutreans), but I could find no interview on how Putin wants negroes in Russia. (Was it here? https://redice.tv/radio-3fourteen/the-truth-about-russia)

      One of Putin’s daughters was briefly married to a ju, and another did marry a South Korean, but, as in America, most Whites do perceive juze and East Asians as smart and hard-working (which are accurate observations, in fact), but importing large numbers of negroes would be a whole other kettle of fish.

      One must also understand that Putin initially wanted Russia to join the white EU and the white NATO and be on excellent terms with the white United States.

      That was rejected. All these WHITE countries then did everything to destroy his country. The severe Western (WHITE) economic sanctions against Russia which were enacted in March 2022 and the sabotage of the ten-billion-dollar Nordstream pipeline which Russia built (at the explicit and repeated demand of Angela Merkel of Germany) were meant to destroy the Russian economy, which in turn was intended to lead to his overthrow and even to his DEATH (as happened to Gaddafi, to Saddam Hussein, and, going back, to Hitler and Mussolini, too). And the juze got Nixon out of office (after he had won re-election in 1972 in a 49-state landslide) and also Trump (in 2020).

      So Putin was FORCED, FORCED, FORCED into a de facto alliance with China, and to promote and strengthen BRICS, which is basically a league of non-white, dark-white (Argentina and Brazil), and subtly anti-ju nations.

      “Any port in a storm,” as they say.

      He is like a white prisoner in a majority black and hispanIc prison. You make friends to survive.

      I wish Putin were a true national socialist, but few Russians like Hitler because of his fiercely anti-Russian invasion of their country and his goal of subjugating their country and making the Russians into serfs.

      On a general note, both Putin and I performed, any fair judge would say, real miracles, and our mistakes must be seen in that context, too.

      Russia was a total basket case when Putin came to power in 2000.

      In Germany, our first miracle was to come to power at all without any fatcats supporting us, not until after we had begun rising fast on our own steam. Then they were just “backing the winner.” And NO, Wall Street did NOT support us, nor did Henry Ford, and author Anthony Sutton was a complete liar.

      Then we performed the economic miracle of 1933-39.

      .. and then the German military miracles of 1939-42.

      Léon Degrelle wrote in tones of outrage, which I appreciated, at those who criticized my work, often, as one can expect, people who themselves have basically zero accomplishments in their own lives.

      It is mere jealousy by nobodies for somebodies. 😉

      But we will see what happens with Putin…..and with Trump. They both have to wake up fully to the juish menace and act. This world cannot be fixed otherwise.

  2. For every white man I see in my area with an East Asian woman, I see at least 20 white women with black men. Sometimes it could be 50.
    Also, white women use the marxist system to their advantage to have power over their men and be more successful, because they are given an unfair advantage in their careers.
    I hate our society, but I hate white women the most to the point where I want nothing to do with them.
    If a woman ever hit me, I might feel like hitting her right back and harder. They want equal treatment — then they can fucking have it, traitorous, retarded bitches.

    • I have heard from two different Australian WNs that white husbands get cleaned out to the bone in divorce court, and the “family court” judge is often a marxist, feminist female who has it in for white males.

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