Have the French elected three Khazar presidents in a row? What is wrong with them?

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After reading this blog, which in part dealt with Emmanuel Macron, the former Rothschild Bank employee who was recently elected in a landslide as president of France, a comrade wrote me, exclaiming:

Ironic fate of feminists — the harem (1.2 million views of this startling Black Pigeon video); Rabbi says Islam is God’s broom to sweep away Edom (the Christians)

“Wow “ that profile photo of Macron with Schwarzenegger. It’s the first photo I’ve seen of Macron in profile, and now I know why. Look at that hooked nose “ he’s clearly a crypto-Jew. In profile, Macron looks more Jewish than Sarkozy!

[JdN: Separated teeth are another semitic-neanderthalic trait: https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites/]

The two previous presidents, Sarkozy and Hollande, were also crypto-Jews.

Why do the French people keep voting for Jews as their leaders? Are they complete idiots, or are their elections completely rigged? Either way, France is doomed. Don’t forget Sarkozy’s 2008 message to white French college students to race-mix with blacks and Arabs “or else”:


I replied:

The French have a strong celtic base, and the same flaws and strengths as the Irish.

Jovial, fun-loving, gullible, kind, charming, idealistic, ready to protest and fight for “justice” and “the underdog.”

My second wife, Brigitte, was a classic Celt…. dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. I was married to her 2002-05 and lived with her in France during the years 2004-05.

Movie star Alain Delon in the 1960s (he is still popular now, and very much on our side, discreetly):

Delon on the set with former Waffen-SS general and national socialist Léon Degrelle while filming in Spain the movie “Zorro”

Compare Delon in face and coloring to the young Mel Gibson….

As for the horrors of the “French” Revolution, it was totally out of character for the French, especially in decapitating beautiful women. 😉

As Captain Archibald Ramsay laid out in his brilliant The Nameless War,

the “revolution” was entirely a sophisticated, well-organized, well-financed coup by a small number of Jews and Illuminati Masons, exactly as was the Russian “Revolution.”

IT IS DONE! ”The Nameless War” by Captain Ramsay [How Zionists use revolutions to destroy the Gentiles] – John de Nugent’s audio and online versions of the 1952 masterpiece by a British WWI hero, Member of Parliament — and Churchill’s irate political prisoner for 4.5 years in Brixton Prison!

JdN on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock show on Captain Ramsay’s incisive revolutionary how-to book “The Nameless War,” and on Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump



The French Revolution

The French Revolution of 1789 was the most startling event in the history of Europe since the fall of Rome. A new phenomenon then appeared before the world.


Never before had a mob apparently organized successful revolution against all other classes in the state, under high-sounding, but quite nonsensical slogans, and with methods bearing not a trace of the principles enshrined in those slogans. Never before had any one section of any nation conquered all other sections; and still less swept away every feature of the national life and tradition, from king, religion, nobles, clergy, constitution, flag, calendar, and place names, to coinage.

A silver écu coin of the Kingdom of France in 1781: Louis is (Latin texts) ”the king by the grace of God,” and ”may the name of the Lord be blessed”


In 1909, after a radical secularization, France is now “the French Republic” (no longer a nation but a republic, a subtle but important difference) and a rooster crows on the back about ”liberty, equality and fraternity.” God and nation are gone.


Such a phenomenon merits the closest attention, especially in view of the fact that it has been followed by identical outbreaks in many countries.

The main discovery that such an examination will reveal is this fact: the revolution was not the work of Frenchmen to improve France. It was the work of aliens, whose object was to destroy everything which had been France.

This conclusion is borne out by the references to “foreigners” in high places in the Revolutionary Councils, not only by Sir Walter Scott, but by Robespierre himself [painting].

RobespierreWe have the names of several of them, and it is clear that they were not British, or Germans, or Italians, or any other nationals ; they were, of course, Jews.

Let us see what the Jews themselves have to say about it :

“Remember the French Revolution to which it was we who gave the name of ‘Great.’ The secrets of its preparation are well known to us, for it was wholly the work of our hands.” Protocols of Zion ” No. 7.

“We were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.’ The stupid Gentile poll parrots flew down from all sides onto these baits, and with them carried away the well-being of the world.

The would-be-wise men of the Gentiles were so stupid that they could not see that in nature there is no equality.”

Protocols of Zion ” No. 1.

With this knowledge in our possession we shall find we possess a master key to the intricate happenings of the French Revolution. The somewhat confused picture of characters and events moving across the screen, which our history books have shown us, will suddenly become a concerted and connected human drama.

When we begin to draw parallels between the France of 1789, the Britain of 1640, the Russia of 1917, the Germany and the Hungary of 1918-19, and the Spain of 1936, we shall feel that drama grip us with a new and personal sense of reality.

“Revolution is a blow struck at a paralytic.”

Even so, however, it must be obvious that immense organization, and vast resources, as well as cunning and secrecy far above the ordinary are necessary for its successful preparation.

It is amazing indeed that people should suppose that “mobs” or “the people” ever have, or ever could, undertake such a complicated and costly operation.

No mistake, moreover, could be more dangerous ; for it will result in total inability to recognize the true significance of events, or the source and focus of a revolutionary movement.

The process or organizing revolution is seen to be firstly the infliction of paralysis ; and secondly, the striking of the blow or blows. It is for the first process, the production of paralysis, that [23] the secrecy is essential. Its outward signs are debt, loss of publicity control, and the existence of alien-influenced secret organizations in the doomed state.

Debt, particularly international debt, is the first and over-mastering grip.

Through it men in high places are suborned, and alien powers and influences are introduced into the body politic.

When the debt grip has been firmly established, control of every form of publicity and political activity soon follows, together with a full grip on industrialists.

The stage for the revolutionary blow is then set. The grip of the right hand of finance established the paralysis; while it is the revolutionary left that holds the dagger and deals the fatal blow. Moral corruption facilitates the entire process.

By 1780 financial paralysis was making its appearance in France. The world’s big financiers were firmly established. “They possessed so large a share of the world’s gold and silver stocks, that they had most of Europe in their debt, certainly France.” So writes Mr. McNair Wilson in his Life of Napoleon, and he continues, on page 38:

“A change of a fundamental kind had taken place in the economic structure of Europe whereby the old basis had ceased to be wealth and had become debt.

In the old Europe wealth had been measured in lands, crops, herds and minerals; but a new standard had now been introduced, namely, a form of money to which the title ‘credit’ had been given.”

French peasants till the land, whose food harvest was their wealth.


The debts of the French Kingdom, though substantial [NN: partly through King Louis XVI generously financing the American Revolution and supporting it also with French troops and a fleet], were by no means insurmountable, except in terms of gold: and had the King’s advisers decided to issue money on the security of the lands and real wealth of France, the position could have been fairly easily righted.

As it was, the situation was firmly gripped by one financier after another, who either could not, or would not, break with the system imposed by the international usurers.

Under such weakness, or villainy, the bonds of usury [24] could only grow heavier and more terrible, for debts were in terms of gold or silver, neither of which France produced.

And who were the potentates of the new debt machine, these manipulators of gold and silver, who had succeeded in turning upside down the finances of Europe, and replacing real wealth by millions upon millions of usurious loans?

The late Lady Queenborough, in her important work Occult Theocracy gives us certain outstanding names, taking her facts from L’Anti-Semitisme by the Jew Bernard Lazare, 1894.

[NN: This work, sometimes spelled Occult Theocracy, is a massive 700-page tome “exposing” secret societies like the Freemasons, and was originally published in the UK in 1933.

Edith Starr Miller, the author of this book, was the daughter of an American industrialist who married an British nobleman.


She understood occult religions and secret societies as she experienced them first-hand — her husband was the 1st Baron of Queensborough, treasurer of the League of Nations and member of British Union of Fascists. He had helped secure oil monopolies for John D. Rockefeller. Shortly after the book’s publication, Edith Starr Miller, age 45, died, as even as the occult Grand Lodge of Canada attested, “under suspicious circumstances.”



Edith Starr Miller, Lady Queenborough (July 16, 1887 – January 16, 1933) was a New York socialite, author and anti-Mormon agitator who in 1921 became the second wife of Almeric Hugh Paget, 1st Baron Queenborough. [His grandfather had commanded the British cavalry at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.]



Edith’s observations were outlined in her posthumously published Occult Theocracy,[9] and added to the discussion of the secret societies and their conspiracies. Her information was drawn from existing sources[citation needed], including the works of Dr. Karl Hacks and Léo Taxil ( pseudonym of Marie-Joseph Gabriel-Antoine Jogand-Pages; 1854-1907), Taxil’s supporter Abel Clarin de la Rive (1855-1914), Samuel Paul Rosen (1840-1907), theosophist Alice Bailey (1880-1949), Nesta Helen Webster (1876-1960), and esotericist Christina M. Stoddard, who wrote under the pseudonym “Inquire Within“. The Pagets later separated, and Edith sued in New York for legal separation on January 8, 1932, citing cruelty.[10]


She died in Paris a year later, on January 16, 1933.[11]


*** [back to Ramsay]

In London she gives the names of Benjamin Goldsmid and his brother Abraham Goldsmid, Moses Mocatta, their partner, and his nephew Sir Moses Montifiore, as being directly concerned in financing the French Revolution, along with Daniel Itsig of Berlin and his son-in-law David Friedlander, and Herz Cerfbeer of Alsace.

These names recall the Protocols of Zion, and turning up Number 20 we read:

“The gold standard has been the ruin of States which adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy the demands for money, the more so as we have removed gold from circulation as far as possible.”

And again :

“Loans hang like a Sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers who … come begging with outstretched palm.”

No words could describe more aptly what was overtaking France. Sir Walter Scott, in his Life of Napoleon, Vol. 1, thus describes the situation [https://archive.org/details/lifenapoleonbuo07unkngoog] :

“These financiers used the government as bankrupt prodigals are treated by usurious moneylenders, who feeding their extravagance with the one hand, with the other wring out of their ruined fortunes the most unreasonable recompenses for their advances.

By a long succession of these ruinous loans, and the various rights granted to guarantee them, the whole finances of France were brought to total confusion.”

King Louis’ chief finance minister during these last years of growing confusion was Jacques Necker, “a Swiss” of German [25] extraction, son of a German professor of whom McNair Wilson writes:

Finance minister Jacques Necker’s January 1781 budget report to his majesty, the king of France


“Necker had forced his way into the King’s Treasury as a representative of the debt system and owning allegiance to that system.”

We can easily imagine what policy that allegiance inspired in Necker; and when we add to this the fact that his previous record was that of a daring and unscrupulous speculator, we can understand why the national finances of France under his baneful aegis rapidly worsened, so that after four years of his manipulations, the unfortunate King’s government had contracted an additional and far more serious debt of 170,000,000 pounds.

By 1730 Freemasonry had been introduced into France from England. By 1771 the movement had attained such proportions that Phillipe Duc de Chartres, afterwards d’Orleans [painting], became Grand Master.

This type of Freemasonry was largely innocent, both in policy and personnel in its early days ; but as events proved, the real moving spirits were ruthless and unscrupulous men of blood.


The Duc d’Orleans was not one of these latter. Though a man of little principle, and an extravagant, vain and ambitious libertine, he had no motives beyond the ousting of the King, and the establishing of a democratic monarchy with himself as that monarch.

Having in addition but little intelligence, he made the ideal stalking horse for the first and most moderate stage of revolution, and a willing tool of men whom he probably scarcely knew; and who sent him to the guillotine soon after his base and ignominious role had been played out.

The Marquis de Mirabeau [painting] who succeeded him as the leading figure of the Revolution was cast in much the same role.


He was a much abler man than d’Orleans, but so foul a libertine that he was shunned by all his own class, and imprisoned more than once at the instance of his own father.

moses-mendelsohn[26] He is known to have been financed by Moses Mendelssohn [photo], head of the Jewish Illuminati, and to have been more in the company of the Jewess Mrs. Herz than was her husband.

He was not only an early figure-head in French Freemasonry in the respectable years, but introduced Illuminism into France.

adam-weishauptThis Illuminism was a secret revolutionary

Adam Weishaupt

society behind Freemasonry. The Illuminati penetrated into all the lodges of Grand Orient Freemasonry, and were backed and organized by cabalistic Jews.

It is interesting to note that the Duc d’Orleans and Talleyrand were both initiated into Illuminism by Mirabeau shortly after the latter had introduced it in France from Frankfurt, where its headquarters had been established in 1782 under Adam Weishaupt [drawing].

In 1785 there happened a strange event, which makes it seem as though the heavenly powers themselves made a last moment attempt to warn France and Europe against these massing powers of evil. Lightning struck dead a messenger of the Illuminati at Ratisbon [ = today usually called by its German name, Regenbsburg].

Regensburg, once the seat of the ”Diet” or senate of the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”



The police found on the body papers dealing with plans for world revolution. Thereupon the Bavarian Government had the headquarters of the Illuminati searched, and much further evidence was discovered. French authorities were informed, but the process of paralysis was too far advanced, and no action resulted.

By 1789 there were more than two thousand masonic ”Lodges” in France affiliated to the Grand Orient, the direct tool of international revolution; and their adepts numbered over 100,000.



The Grand Orient requires no belief in a supreme being, and thus has atheistic members, which is forbidden in other branches of Freemasonry.


Interior of the Grand Orient temple in Paris; this order has 50,000 members in France and is militantly anti-Christian. It promotes race-mixing, mass immigration and judeophilia.



Thus we get Jewish Illuminism under Moses Mendelssohn and Masonic Illuminism under Weishaupt established as the inner controls of a strong secret organization covering the whole of France. Under the Illuminati-worked Grand Orient Freemasonry, and under that again the Blue, or National, Masonry had operated until it was converted over-night into Grand Orient Masonry by Phillipe d’Orleans in 1773.

Little did [Philippe, the duke of Orleans, dubbed “Égalité” [NN: after the French word for “equality”] suspect the satanic powers that he was invoking when he took that action, and satanic they certainly were. The name Lucifer means “Light Bearer”; and ”Illuminati” those who were lit by that light.

By the time the Estates General met at Versailles on 5th May, 1789, the paralysis of the executive authority by the secret organizations was complete.

NN: The ”Estates General” was an ancient French institution, started back in the 1300s, a sort of parliament that consisted of three chambers that advised the king. One ”estate” was for the Catholic clergy,  one for the nobles, and the last for the commoners. They had no actual power except to advise and assist the king, unlike, for example, the British parliament. This institution was done away with in the French Revolution, and was replaced by one group, which still exists today, the National Assembly.

Paralysis by control of public opinion and publicity was well advanced by then also.

This was the manner of its accomplishment.

By 1780 d’Orleans’ entire income of 800,000 livres, thanks to his reckless gambling and extravagance, was mortgaged to the moneylenders. In 1781, in return for accommodation, he signed papers handing over his palace, estates, and houses, such as the Palais Royal….


….to his creditors, with powers to form there a centre of politics, printing, pamphleteering, gambling, lectures, brothels, wine-shops, theatres, art galleries, athletics, and any other uses, which subsequently took the form of every variety of public debauchery.

In fact, ”Égalité’s” financial masters used his name and property to install a colossal organism for publicity and corruption, which appealed to every lowest instinct in human nature; and deluged the enormous crowds so gathered with the filthy, defamatory and revolutionary output of its printing presses and debating clubs.

As Scudder writes in A Prince of the Blood: choderlos-de-laclos“It gave the police more to do than all the other parts of the city.”

It is interesting to note that the general manager installed by the creditors at the Palais Royal was one Choderlos de Laclos [painting], a political adventurer of alien origin, author of The Liaisons Dangereuses, and other pornographic works …..who was said “to study the politics of love because of his love for politics.”



The 1989 Hollywood film ”Liaisons dangereuses” featured Glennn Close and John Malkovichliaisons-dangereuses-streep-malkovich


This steady stream of corruption and destructive propaganda was linked with a series of systematic personal attacks of the vilest and most unscrupulous nature upon any public characters whom the Jacobins thought likely to stand in their [28] way.

This process was known as “L’infamie.”

NN: This means a campaign to defame someone and make them ”infamous.”

Marie Antoinette herself was one of the chief targets for this typically Jewish form of attack. No lie or abuse was too vile to level at her.

She was more intelligent, alert, and vigorous than the weak and indolent [King] Louis,



….so Marie Antoinette presented a considerable obstacle to the revolution.


She had, moreover, received many warnings regarding Freemasonry from her sister in Austria; and no doubt was by this time more awake to its significance than when she had written to her sister some years previously:


“I believe that as far as France is concerned, you worry too much about Freemasonry. Here it is far from having the significance that it may have elsewhere in Europe. Here everything is open and one knows all.

Then where could the danger be?

One might well be worried if it were a question of a political secret society. But on the contrary the government lets it spread, and it is only that which it seems, an association, the objects of which are union and charity.

One dines, one sings, one talks, which has given the King occasion to say that people who drink and sing are not suspected of organizing plots.

Nor is it a society of atheists, for we are told ‘God is on the lips of all.’ They are very charitable. They bring up the children of their poor and dead members. They endow their daughters. What harm is there in all that?”

What harm indeed — if these blameless pretensions masked no darker designs?

Doubtless the agents of Weishaupt and Mendelssohn reported on to them the contents of the Queen’s letter; and we can imagine them shaking with laughter, and rubbing their hands in satisfaction; hands that were itching to destroy the very life of France and her Queen; and which, at the appropriate hour, would give the signal that would convert secret conspiracy into the “Massacres of September” and the bloodbaths of the guillotine.

In order to further the campaign of calumny against the Queen, an elaborate hoax was arranged at the time, when [29] the financiers and grain speculators were deliberately creating conditions of poverty and hunger in Paris.


A diamond necklace valued at nearly a quarter of a million was ordered at the Court jewellers in the Queen’s name by an agent of the Jacobins.


Marie Antoinette


The unfortunate Queen knew nothing of this affair until the necklace was brought round to her for acceptance, when she naturally disclaimed anything to do with the matter, pointing out that she would consider it wrong to order such a thing when France was in so bad a financial way.

The printing presses of the Palais Royal, however, turned full blast on to the subject; and every kind of criticism leveled at the Queen.

A further scandal was then engineered for the presses. Some prostitute from the Palais Royal was engaged to disguise herself as the Queen; and by a forged letter the Cardinal Prince de Rohan was induced to meet this supposed Queen about midnight at the Palais Royal, supposing he was being asked for advice and help by the Queen on the subject of the necklace.

Louis René Edouard de Rohan-Guéméné before the Revolution



cagliostroThis event, needless to say, was immediately reported to the printing presses and pamphleteers, who started a further campaign containing the foulest innuendos that could be imagined concerning the whole affair.

The moving spirit behind the scene was Cagliostro [drawing], alias Joseph Balsamo, a Jew from Palermo, [Italy], a doctor of the cabalistic art and a member of the Illuminati, into which he was initiated at Frankfurt by Weishaupt in 1774.

When the necklace had finally served its purpose, it was sent over to London, where most of the stones were retained by the Jew Eliason.

Attacks of a similar nature were directed against many other decent people who resisted the influence of the Jacobin clubs. After eight years of this work ,the process of paralysis by mastery of publicity was complete.

In every respect, therefore, by the year 1789, when the financiers forced the King to summon the Estates General [NN: like the French version of Parliament], the first portion of their plans for revolution (i.e. paralysis) were [30] accomplished.

It now only remained to strike the blow or series of blows, which were to rob France of her throne, her church, her constitution, her nobles, her clergy, her gentry, her bourgeoisie, her traditions, and her culture; leaving in their place, when the guillotine’s work was done, citizen ”hewers of wood and drawers of water” under an alien financial dictatorship.

NN: This is a reference to Joshua 9:23, where the Canaanites known as Gibeonites were condemned to serve as servants of the Jews and, to humiliate them, were assigned traditionally female occupations.


From 1789 onwards a succession of revolutionary acts were set in motion; each more violent than the one preceding it; each unmasking fresh demands and more violent and revolutionary leaders. In their turn, each of these leaders, a puppet only of the real powers behind the revolution, is set aside; and his head rolls into the basket to join those of his victims of yesterday.


Philippe Égalité, the Duke of Orleans, was used to prepare the ground for the revolution; to protect with his name and influence the infancy of the revolutionary club; to popularize Freemasonry and the Palais Royal; and to sponsor such acts as the ”March of the Women to Versailles.”

The “women” on this occasion were mostly men in disguise.

[NN: Here Captain Ramsay is making a merely passing reference to this critical event, assuming the reader may know all about this “March of the Women to Versailles.” I think it would be wise to back up and explain the key events of 1789 and also about the normal nature of the French people, whom I know well and who are really not bloodthirsty at all.

In the year 1789, here in America, the various individual states of the United States were busy voting on ratifying the US Constitution, and establishing a stable government, one that had freedom and order, as intended by George Washington, the president of the convention which created the Constitution and then as the first president of the United States.

He was aided by highly respected men who were brilliant, idealistic, but also practical and level-headed, such as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.

But the French Revolution, which many thought would cause France to peacefully evolve in the right direction, leading to a constitutional monarchy and a good constitution, was quickly taken over by violent mobs that were being stoked to extreme hatred and violence by evil masterminds lurking in the shadows.

Their real desire was to murder tens of thousands of people, and eventually they got to do just that during the so-called Terror, the guillotine phase, when tens of thousands of innocent people had their heads chopped off, just as ISIS does today.  

For Captain Ramsay, this level of hatred and violent mob action in itself was an indicator that some foreign element, not French at all, but Jewish, was steering things.

As for me, my own distant ancestry is French, Norman French. I minored in French at Georgetown University, they graduated me there with high honors, and I speak the language fluently. My second marriage was in fact to a Frenchwoman, and I lived in France with her in 2004-05, and made many friends there.

(Btw, unlike Barack Obama, I AM willing to release MY college transcript. I have dotted the French courses – one B and 4 A’s.)



Lavender fields

Champ de lavande, Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur, France (field of lavender in Provence)

By coincidence or fate, I was even born on the 14th of July, Bastille Day, the day the French Revolution began, the day which is now the national holiday of that country, with a huge military parade in Paris being held, right through the Arc de Triomphe and down the Champs Elysées Boulevard. I always thought it cool all of France was celebrating my birthday. 😉


Students of the French Special Military School of Saint Cyr march down the Champs-Elysées Avenue during the annual Bastille Day military parade on July 14, 2014, in Paris, France.

PARIS, FRANCE - JULY 14: Students of the French Special Military school of Saint Cyr march down the Champs-Elysees avenue during the annual Bastille Day military, on July 14, 2014, in Paris, France. France has issued an unprecedented invitation to all 72 countries involved in World War I to take part in its annual Bastille Day military parade. (Photo by Chesnot/Getty Images)


So I can say, as a result of all this, that I know the French, and basically they are not a bloodthirsty people at all, nor are they cowards, and the fact of being beaten in war twice by the Germans is not really a disgrace.

The Germans are magnificent warriors who have beaten many people, including even the Roman Empire, 1,600 years ago. It was destroyed by the ancient ancestors of the Germans of today. 

And the Germans beat the British too, in 1940, after previously crushing Poland, Holland, Belgium, Denmark and Norway, and then the British Army fled from Dunkirk back over to England with just the shirts on their back. This happened only because Hitler let them go — rather than massacre them on the beach, because he wanted peace with England and not a bloodbath. 

So the French are neither cowards nor violent, just normal people.

In fact, French mobs never chopped peoples’ heads off before, especially not those of beautiful women 😉 or well-dressed, stylish men.

They hate vulgarity, drunkenness and peasant behavior. They hate mobs, sweat and garlic breath. Even fistfights are almost unheard of in French culture — and a sign that you are a dimwit and a moron.

The French love their children, but are strict with them too, because they want to enjoy parenting, they want to enjoy their life, and just as the stereotypes go, they make love, they laugh, and they dine well, with good wine and cheese, loyal friends, and trying to be merry as much as possible. The French are not a nasty people, au contraire. 🙂

Here are three short anecdotes from my own experience showing what the French are like, and that is anything but heavy, or fanatic, and lacking a sense of humor. They also respect others, even their former enemies:

1) They are supposed to dislike the Germans, but ever since World War Two, to my astonishment, they eat sauerkraut and they drink beer. They love to buy German cars, and always say “German products are robuste.” Even Charles de Gaulle admitted in his memoirs that “in 1940, the armies of Germany swept us aside in six weeks — like a broom.”

Once I overheard a French friend scolding his teenage daughter for not cleaning her room up, and he concluded with “Now clean it and schnell!” I asked him: “Did you just say ‘schnell’? That’s the German word for ‘fast’!”

He replied: “Well, I could say the French word, vite, but she might ignore me. If I say schnell, she won’t!”

2) Another time, he, his wife and I went to the festive opening of a new business, a big wine-and-cheese party, and the local people were invited by flyers to attend and meet the owner. My friend already knew the owner but then did introductions. “Marcel, this is my wife, Sophie, and this, John de Nugent, is ‘er loverre!”

It was such an unexpected joke, and it came out with perfect timing.

You can see the French love to laugh and have a good time. They don’t nurse hatred, they don’t want to cut your throat off like ISIS, and the worst thing you can say to a Frenchman is “you are long-winded and boring.”

For example, if your story goes too long, a Frenchman will cock his head sideways, and scratch his fingers up his cheeks to see if, during your speech, he finds he needs to shave again!

I have a final anecdote, which is not from my own experience, but from the end of the French Revolution in 1792. Despite all the hatred injected by ”operatives” into the French people, an ire aggravated by seeing aristocrats sneer at them while going to the guillotine, the death of the humble and beautiful Madame du Barry totally broke the spell of hatred that had been cast over the people.

Her real name at birth was Jeanne Bécu. She was a beautiful, shapely girl and the daughter of a seamstress. Louis XV made her his official mistress, which meant, as with earlier French monarchs, having her own apartment and official rank.


Louis XV ruled from 1715-74, a reign of 59 years. Jeanne Bécu became his mistress when he was 58 and she was just 25.


Now, the French knew that royal marriages were arranged; they often were alliances between countries and dynasties, and royal marriages usually were not based on love or even very happy. (This was certainly the problem with England’s Prince Charles and Lady Diana, who in the best of times, at most, merely liked each other.)

The French knew their monarchs were human beings like anyone else, who needed real love and fun in their relationships, not just the duties of producing a royal heir.

They also did not want their kings being blackmailed via adultery scandals, or jumping from bed to bed with unknown women who could poison them, or make them talk about state secrets during ”pillow talk.” So the practical French (and also the Chinese and Japanese, btw) gave their kings for centuries an official, approved mistress.

So this Jeanne Bécu, later ennobled as the Countess du Barry, was the official mistress of the previous king of France, Louis XV, the one before the Louis XVI who was overthrown and executed during the French Revolution.

After King Louis XV died in 1774, Madame du Barry was no longer at the court and she had other lovers. The Duke de Brissac was one of them.

As Wikipedia relates,

“During the French Revolution, Brissac was captured while visiting Paris, and was slaughtered by a mob. Late one night, Jeanne heard the sound of a small drunken crowd approaching the Chà¢teau, and into the opened window where she looked out someone threw a blood-stained cloth. To Jeanne’s horror, it contained Brissac’s head, at which sight she fainted.

Madame du Barry, whose only crime was having been the mistress of the previous king of France, is dragged from jail to be taken to the guillotine. She could not believe she had to die for that.

Madame_Du Barry-being-taken-from-jail

As Wikipedia relates:

In 1792, Madame du Barry was suspected of financially assisting émigrés who had fled the French Revolution, and in the following year she was finally arrested. When the Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris accused her of treason and condemned her to death, she vainly attempted to save herself by revealing the hiding places of some gems she had hidden.[31]

On 8 December 1793, Madame du Barry was beheaded by means of the guillotine on the Place de la Révolution (nowadays, Place de la Concorde).

On the way to the guillotine, she collapsed in the cart and cried “You are going to do something awful to me! Why?!” Terrified, she screamed for mercy and begged the crowd for help. Her last words to the executioner were: “One more moment, Mr. Executioner, I beg you!”

Well, the Terror had finally gone too far even for the mob, hearing the screams of a beautiful and completely innocent woman. In a few months, Robespierre, the main villain of the Revolution, would himself be guillotined and the Terror was over. Later, Napoleon Bonaparte would come in, end the chaotic republic, restore law and order and make himself emperor.


So the French Revolution, which involved appalling viciousness, lies, defamation, hatred, violence, and cruelty, was out of character for the French, which implies someone else was guiding it, another people, a people who for millennia have been well known for these very traits of viciousness, lies, defamation, hatred, violence, and cruelty.

Maximilien Robespierre made France a land of executions


And the exact same thing applies to the Paris Commune of 1870, 81 years later. Somebody was pulling the strings and scientifically bringing out the worst in people.

And the Treaty of Versailles in 1920 was the same way. An observer said that the assistant of every minister of the Allied governments creating this cruel document was a Jew. It was designed to leave the Germans poor and defenseless for a hundred years — after they had surrendered in good faith, and gone home to Germany, unbeaten, and desiring only peace,

In sum, I would say that as long as the French are eating their long fresh sticks of bread, their baguettes, and making love three times a week and drinking their wine (which is cheap and very good over there, btw), they are among the nicest and funniest people on earth, and loyal friends who really care. They will invite you to a party even if you are broke, as long as you are polite, witty and interesting. And they stay friends even after a bad argument, and are there for you in your hour of need.

I would only say to my fellow Anglos — to stay on their good side, do try hard to speak French when in France, just as Frenchmen, when they come to us in England or America, speak our language and not theirs. A Frenchman would never walk into a Chevrolet dealership in the United States and expect to be waited on in French, nor would he point out that Chevrolet and Cadillac are both French names. Now, as for the Parisians, well…. they are rude even to other Frenchmen! Paris is like the New York of France.

Having said all that about the normal French character, which is not sinister at all, here are the suspicious details about the French Revolution from the get-go.

One, it starts when a huge and ugly mob suddenly forms on July 14 (that is, on my birthday) in 1789, and after months of huge and suspicious rises in food prices and mass hunger. This mob had already seized 29,000 muskets (ancient rifles) elsewhere in the city, but now they needed the gunpowder and bullets stored in the Bastille, a prison and armory with enormous walls, but containing, btw, just six prisoners.



This guy, with a big, hooked nose, calling himself Stanislas-Marie Maillard, 28, was a captain of the ”Bastille Volunteers.” As a national guardsman (thy were revolutionary troops), he participated in the attack on the Bastille.


The warden, Bernard de Launay, used rifle and cannon fire attempting to disperse the mob, killing about 98 of them, and could have blown the whole fortress sky-high with the 39,000 pounds of gunpowder located inside, and the surrounding neighborhood as well, but he finally offered to surrender, though that was refused, and came out with his men peacefully around 5 pm.

But his peace gesture was ignored, he was bayonetted and shot, then his head was cut off. The same happened to four of his officers and men, and all their heads were stuck onto pikes.


Others were lynched and murdered around the city for opposing the mob. A unit of the Royal French Army with 5,000 men that was located near the Bastille, very bizarrely, just watched all this — and did absolutely nothing.

So the Revolution began with one side trying to be peaceful, trying to be reasonable and seeking to avoid bloodshed, but the mob was into betrayal and murder from Day One.

Later, the hook-nosed Maillard was involved in the outrageous “March of the Women” to the royal castle at Versailles, where Ramsay says many of the so-called women were actually men wearing women’s clothes. They invaded the bedroom of the queen….


…murdered two royal bodyguards, put their heads on pikes, a real obsession with those agitators, as with the Israeli-created ISIS right now, and forced the king, queen and their children to come with them to Paris.

The Marquis de Lafayette, who had been a hero in the American Revolution, helping George Washington and securing French help for the Americans, was then back in France and was the commander of the National Guard.



He was terrified to see agitators among his soldiers, telling them to kill him, Lafayette, if he did not lead them to the king’s castle at Versailles outside Paris and bring the king and queen back to the city to be put under the control of, quote, “the people.”

The people had been told the utter falsehood that Marie Antoinette, the queen, who was the blonde, blue-eyed, German-speaking daughter of the emperor of Austria, had been told that the people had no bread to eat and had merely responded, “then let them eat cake!”

This vicious lie is a classic example of seizing on a popular perception — in this case, that the queen supposedly did not care about the poor and the hungry — and strengthening it by inventing a rumor — a pure lie, in this case — which seemed to prove it, and this defamatory lie then fanned what had been a certain level of popular resentment into a fiery hatred.

The Marquis de Lafayette was shocked to hear his own soldiers calling the queen a “bitch” or a “whore” as he escorted the royal family back to Paris, and to see his own troops carrying the heads of two royal bodyguards on pikes.

Going back to the hook-nosed Maillard, Wikipedia reports:

While serving as president of the improvised tribunal at the Prison de l’Abbaye, Maillard released the Marquis Charles Franois de Virot de Sombreuil, who had been saved by his daughter Marie-Maurille, to whom legend confers the status of l’héroà¯ne au verre de sang. [ = ”the heroine of the glass of blood”]

This name refers to the legend that, in order to spare her father’s life, she was compelled to drink a glass of blood. Jules Claretie, the man who was second-in-command at the tribunal, gave an eyewitness account of the now Judge Maillard: “Maillard was a young man of thirty, large, dark, with matted hair.[4]

I can tell you from MY experience, speaking as John de Nugent,  that the French hate filthy clothes, nasty hair, and disrespect toward girls or women.

They would never ask a girl to drink a glass of blood in order to save her father.

The cruelty and the filthy, unshampood, black, matted hair suggest to me just one thing: Maillard was really an Orthodox Jew.


The Duke of Orleans was under the impression that the King and Queen would be assassinated by this mob, and himself proclaimed a democratic king.

The real planners of the march, however, had other schemes in view. One main objective was to secure the removal of the royal family to Paris, where they would be clear of protection from the army, and instead under the power of the ”Commune,” or Paris County Council, in which the [radical] Jacobins were supreme.

They continued to make use of Égalité right up to the time of the vote on the King’s life, when he crowned his sordid career by leading the open vote in voting for the death of his cousin. His masters thereafter had no further use for his services; and he very shortly followed his cousin to the guillotine amidst the execrations of all classes.

The Marquis de Honoré-Gabriel_Riqueti,_marquis_de_MirabeauMirabeau [painting] played a similar role to that of Égalité. He had intended that the revolution should cease with the setting up of Louis as a democratic monarch with himself as chief adviser. He had no desire to see violence done to the King.

On the contrary, in the last days before he died mysteriously by poison, he exerted all his efforts to get the King removed from Paris, and placed in charge of loyal generals still commanding his army.

He was the last of the moderates and monarchists to dominate the Jacobin club of Paris —  that bloodthirsty focus of revolution which had materialized out of the secret clubs of the Orient Masons and Illuminati. It was Mirabeau’s voice, loud and resonant, that kept in check the growing rage of the murderous fanatics who swarmed therein.

There was no doubt that he perceived at last the true nature and strength of the beast, which he had worked so long and so industriously to unchain.

In his last attempt to save the royal family by getting them out of Paris, he actually succeeded in shouting down all opposition in the Jacobin club. That very evening he died by a sudden and violent illness; and, as the author of The Diamond Necklace writes:

“Louis was not ignorant that Mirabeau had been poisoned.”

Thus, like Philippe Égalité, and later Danton….

Georges Danton


….and Robespierre, Mirabeau too was removed from the stage when his role had been played.

We are reminded of the passage in Number 15 of the Protocols of Zion:

We execute Masons in such ways that none save the brotherhood can even have a suspicion of it.”

And again :

“In this way we shall proceed with those goy Masons who know too much.”

As Mr. E. Scudder writes in his Life of Mirabeau:

“He died at a moment when the revolution might still have been checked.”

The figure of [the Marquis] de Lafayette occupies the stage on several important occasions during these first revolutionary stages.


Lafayette at the battle of Brandywine, Pennsylvania, fighting for the Americans, where he was wounded


With General Washington at Valley Forge


In full dress uniform


With George Washington at Mount Vernon, Virginia


As commander of the Paris National Guard


He was one of those simple Freemasons, who are borne they know not whither, in a ship they have not fully explored, and by currents concerning which they are totally ignorant.

Above the “Declaration of the Rights of Man” is of course an eye and the pyramid of Masonry


Left side of the back of the US one-dollar bill


While a popular figure with the revolutionary crowds, he very severely handled several incipient outbreaks of revolutionary violence, notably in the “March of the Women to Versailles” [of October 1789], during ”the Attack on the Tuileries [palace],” and then at the Champs de Mars …..

NN: The Champs de Mars, the “field of Mars,” that is, the drill field of the god of war, was the place where troops drilled in Paris. 

On July 17, 1991, Lafayette ordered his troops to fire on a wild crowd demanding the king abdicate; at least twelve were killed.



…and during the mob attack on the palace of the Tuileries [of August 10, 1792], when the mob seized the king and his family in Paris, thus ending the monarchy.



The standoff on the staircase that became a shootout; the Swiss Guard in red faced off for 45 minutes with the insurgents, but refused to surrender — and then someone opened fire. 


In the end, 700 of the 1,000 Swiss Guards were killed — or murdered after surrendering by the mob. 


The murder even of the female staff of the palace was only narrowly prevented. (I [JdN] can say that no Frenchman — in his right mind — would ever gun down a woman, especially not a good cook. 😉 )

The Marquis too desired the establishment of a democratic monarchy, and would countenance no threat to the King even from Philippe Égalité, whom he treated with the utmost hostility during and after ”the March of the Women to Versailles,” believing on that occasion that Égalité intended the assassination of the King and the usurpation of his crown.

[NN: Every time I have revisited the French Revolution by reading, I am struck at how often some mob shows up and how it then stays fired up, it marches all over Paris, and it wants blood for hours on end.

First of all, mobs tend to cool off, especially if the other side is compromising, and no one is hungry, starving or being hurt.

But with the French Revolution, one sort of gets used to reading about mobs arising, marching, attacking buildings, cutting peoples’ heads off and sticking them on pikes, and increasing their  demands all the time, as if it were somehow normal for French people or for anyone to just run around in a lather all day.

This is just not the case, and Ramsay is trying to say that professional instigators were behind this phenomenon.

The Marquis de Lafayette sensed this as well, and when he ordered his troops to fire on the mob, it was because he could see clearly in their faces and chants that this was now a wild beast and not something to be reasoned with.

And why? Because it was being incited to violence by professional agitators such as the hook-nosed Maillard and many, many others, who likely were being trained and paid to do so.

The Marquis had hoped the French Revolution would stay sane, as did the American Revolution which he had helped to succeed, and that revolution ended up in sensible reforms, not bloodbaths, massacres and the overthrowing of important traditions of the country.

But the storming of the Tuileries palace ended the moderate phase of the Revolution, or rather it meant that entirely different people eventually took over.

The monarchy was abolished, and so-called “committees of vigilance” formed and ordered mass arrests of nobles, priests and the middle class. All property of nobles was confiscated. Monasteries and all religious orders were closed. Opposition newspapers were shut down, and the most uneducated of the mob, the sans culottes, meaning “people without underwear,” began to rule.

The very next month, prisoners all over France were simply massacred in their jail cells in the “September [1792] Massacres” as “escape risks.”

Massacre_à _la_Salpêtrière-september-masscres



Wikipedia reports:

The first instance of massacre occurred when 24 non-juring priests [NN: that is, priests who would not take an oath of loyalty to the anti-Christian government] were being transported to the prison of the Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, which had become a national prison of the revolutionary government.

They were attacked by a mob that quickly killed them all as they were trying to escape into the prison, then mutilated the bodies, “with circumstances of barbarity too shocking to describe” according to the British diplomatic dispatch.

Of 284 prisoners, 135 were killed, 27 were transferred, 86 were set free, and 36 had uncertain fates.[14] In the afternoon of 2 September 150 priests in the convent of Carmelites were massacred, mostly by sans-culottes.

[NN: Here you can see a sinister force, which had to be Freemasons or Jews, because the working class in most countries back then was devoutly Christian. Some intellectuals were atheists or agnostics, or perhaps deists, but the working class was not. So clearly there was some new and sinister force changing society.] 

On 3 and 4 September, groups broke into other Paris prisons, where they murdered the prisoners, who, some feared, were counter-revolutionaries who would aid the invading Prussians. From 2 to 7 September, summary trials took place in all Paris prisons. Almost 1,400 prisoners were condemned and executed […]. Among the victims were more than 200 priests, almost 100 Swiss guards, and many political prisoners and aristocrats,[15] including the queen’s friend, the Princesse de Lamballe. [painting]


Wikipedia tells us of this princess that she fled to England after ”the March of the Women to Versailles,” but returned out of her deep friendship for the queen, Marie Antoinette, after writing her will, fearing death.

And here we see again the vile influence of Freemasonry and Jewry, for we read in the Wikipedia article on the Princess de Lamballe:

[She] was by nature reserved, and there was never any gossip about her private life. However, in popular anti-monarchist propaganda of the time, she was regularly portrayed in pornographic pamphlets, showing her as the queen’s lesbian lover to undermine the public image of the monarchy.[2] 


On 19 August, she and the Marquise de Tourzel, governess to the royal children, were separated from the royal family and transferred to the La Force prison.[6] On 3 September, she was brought before a hastily assembled tribunal which demanded she “take an oath to love liberty and equality and to swear hatred to the King and the Queen and to the monarchy”.[7]
She agreed to the swear to liberty but refused to denounce the King, Queen, and monarchy, upon which her trial summarily ended with the words, “emmenez madame” (“Take madame away”). She was immediately taken to the street and thrown to a group of men who killed her within minutes.[8][9]

Some reports allege that she was raped and that her breasts were cut off, in addition to other bodily mutilations,[10][11] and that her head was cut off and stuck on a pike.


Other reports say that it was brought to a nearby café where it was laid in front of the customers, who were asked to drink in celebration of her death.[10]

Other reports state that the head was taken to a barber in order to dress the hair to make it instantly recognizable,[11] though this has been contested.[9]

Following this, the head was replaced upon the pike and was paraded beneath Marie Antoinette’s window at the Temple.[12]

Those who were carrying it wished the queen to kiss the lips of her favourite, as it was a frequent slander that the two had been lovers. The head was not allowed to be brought into the building.[12]

In her historical biography, Marie Antoinette : The Journey, Antonia Fraser claims that the queen did not actually see the head of her long-time friend, but was aware of what was occurring, stating, “…the municipal officers had had the decency to close the shutters and the commissioners kept them away from the windows…one of these officers told the King ‘..they are trying to show you the head of Madame de Lamballe’…Mercifully, the Queen then fainted away”.[12]

[Back to the book.]  


[Lafayette] evidently became an obstacle to the powers behind the revolution, and was packed off to a war against Austria, which the Assembly forced Louis to declare. Once he did dash back to Paris in an effort to save the King; but he was packed off again to the war. Mirabeau’s death followed, and Louis’ fate was sealed.

The wild figures of Danton, Marat, Robespierre, and the fanatics of the Jacobin club now dominated the scene.

Charlotte [de] Corday [d’Armont] avenged the victims of the Terror by stabbing Marat to death in his bathtub: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_Corday



Being taken from her cell to the guillotine


In September of 1792 were perpetrated the terrible “September massacres”; eight thousand persons being murdered in the prisons of Paris alone, and many more over the country.

It should be noted here, that these victims were arrested and held till the time of the massacre in their prisons by one Manuel, Procureur [ = Prosecutor] of the Commune.

Sir Walter Scott evidently understood much concerning the influences which were at work behind the scenes. In his Life of Napoleon, Vol. 2, he writes on page 30:

“The demand of the Communauté de Paris, ( 4 ) now the Sanhedrin of the Jacobins, was, of course, for blood.”

Again, on page 56 Sir Walter Scott writes :

[33] “The power of the Jacobins was irresistible in Paris, where Robespierre, Danton and Marat shared the high places in the synagogue.”

Writing of the Commune, Sir Walter Scott states in the same work:

“The principal leaders of the Commune seem to have been foreigners.”

Some of the names of these “foreigners” are worthy of note. There was Choderlos de Laclos, manager of the Palais Royal, said to be of ‘‘Spanish origin.”

There was Manuel, the Procureur of the Commune, already mentioned. He it was who started the attack upon royalty in the Convention, which culminated with the execution of Louis and Marie Antoinette.

There was [Jacques-Louis] David the painter, a leading member of the Committee of Public Security, which “tried” the victims.

His voice was always raised calling for death. Sir Walter Scott writes that this fiend used to preface his “bloody work of the day with the professional phrase, ”Let us grind enough of the Red’.”

Jacques-Louis David, ”Self-Portrait”


The fanatic republican David later hypocritically made tons of money painting the emperor Napoleon


Napoleon crossing the Great Saint Bernard (Pass in Switzerland)


Coronation of Napoleon in 1804 at Notre Dame cathedral


David it was who inaugurated the ”Cult of the Supreme Being” ; and organized “the conducting of this heathen mummery, which was substituted for every external sign of rational devotion.”

The Cult of the Supreme Being is celebrated in June of 1794 in the Tuileries Garden in Paris


([This is from] Sir Walter Scott, The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French. With a Preliminary View of the French Revolution. Edinburgh 1827Vol.2.)


Sir Walter Scott of Edinburgh, Scotland was a bestselling author across Europe .


Sir Walter Scott’s mansion, Abbotsford 


Interior hallway 


There were Reubel and Gohir, two of the five “Directors,” who, with a ”Council of Elders,” became the government after the fall of Robespierre, being known as the Directoire. The terms “Directors” and “Elders” are, of course, characteristically Jewish.

One other observation should be made here; it is that this important work by Sir Walter Scott, in nine volumes, revealing so much of the real truth, is practically unknown, is never reprinted with his other works, and is almost unobtainable. [This was true in 1952.]

Those familiar with Jewish technique will appreciate the full significance of this fact; and the added importance it lends to Sir Walter Scott’s evidence regarding the powers behind the French Revolution.

[34] To return to the scene in Paris, Robespierre now remains alone, and apparently master of the scenes ; but this again was only appearance.

Let us turn to The Life of Robespierre, by one G. Renier, who writes as though Jewish secrets were at his disposal.

Maximilien de Robespierre


He writes :

“From April to July 1794 (the fall of Robespierre) the Terror was at its height. It was never the dictatorship of a single man, least of all Robespierre. Some 20 men (the Committees of Public Safety and of General Security) shared the power.”

“On the 28th July, 1794,” to quote Mr. Renier again,

“Robespierre made a long speech before the Convention … a philippic against ultra-terrorists ” uttering vague general accusations.


‘I dare not name them at this moment and in this place. I cannot bring myself entirely to tear asunder the veil that covers this profound mystery of iniquity. But I can affirm most positively that among the authors of this plot are the agents of that system of corruption and extravagance, the most powerful of all the means invented by foreigners for the undoing of the Republic; I mean the impure apostles of atheism, and the immorality that is at its base’.”

Mr. Renier continues with all a Jew’s satisfaction:

“Had he not spoken these words he might still have triumphed!”

In this smug sentence Mr. Renier unwittingly dots the i’s and crosses the t’s, which Robespierre had left uncompleted.

Robespierre’s allusion to the “corrupting and secret foreigners” was getting altogether too near the mark; a little more and the full truth would be out.

At 2 a.m. that night Robespierre was shot in the jaw, and early on the following day he was dragged to the guillotine.


Once again let us recall Protocol 15:

“In this way we shall proceed with goy masons who know too much.”

[35] Note : In a somewhat similar manner Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed by the Jew John Wilkes Booth on the evening of his pronouncement to his Cabinet that he intended in future to finance U.S. loans on a debt-free basis, similar to the debt-free money known as “Greenbacks” with which he had financed the American Civil War.

John Wilkes Booth leans forward to shoot President Abraham Lincoln as he watches a play at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C, in 1865. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS


The revolutions in question are firstly the Cromwellian, secondly the French, thirdly the Russian, and lastly the Spanish revolution of 1936. All four can be proved to have been the work of international Jewry. The first three succeeded, and secured the murder of the reigning monarch and the liquidation of his supporters.

In each case Jewish finance, and underground intrigue, are clearly traceable ; and the earliest measures passed by the revolutionaries have been “emancipation” for the Jews.

Cromwell was financed by various Jews, notably Manasseh Ben Israel and Carvajal, “the Great Jew,” contractor to his army.

thomas-harrison-cromwell-generalOn this occasion Jewish influence remained financial and commercial, while the propaganda weapons and medium were semi-religious, all the Cromwellians being soaked in Old Testament Judaism; some, such as General Thomas Harrison [painting], even carried their Judaism to the length of advocating the adoption of the Mosaic Law as the law of England, and the substitution of Saturday as the Sabbath in place of the Christian Sunday.

[43] We are all familiar with the absurd Old Testament passages which the Roundhead rank and file adopted as names, such as Sergeant Obadiah, “Bind their kings in chains and their nobles in fetters of iron.”

The Cromwellian revolution was short-lived. The work of destruction had not been sufficiently thorough to frustrate counter-revolution, and restoration of the old regime.

A second revolution, the so-called “Glorious Revolution” of 1689, was necessary. This again was financed by Jews, notably Solomon Medina [painting], Suasso, Moses Machado and others.

Solomon Medina


By the French revolution of 1789 the technique had been notably improved. Secret societies had been developed throughout France and on a grand scale in the preceding years. The plans for the liquidation of the former regime are by this time far more drastic.

The judicial murder of a kindly and well-intentioned king and a few nobles is replaced by mass murders in prisons and in private houses of the whole of the nobility, clergy, gentry and bourgeoisie, regardless of sex.

The Cromwellian damage and desecration of a few churches by their temporary use as stables is developed into a general wrecking of Christian churches, or their conversion into public lavatories, brothels, and markets; and the banning of the practice of the Christian religion and even the ringing of church bells.

Civil war is not allowed to develop. The army is side-tracked, and kept apart from its king by his seizure at an early stage. So powerful is the unseen control by 1789 that apparently, the dregs of the French population victoriously liquidate all their natural leaders, in itself a most unnatural and suspicious phenomenon.

More suspicious still is the sudden appearance of strong bands of armed hooligans, who march on Paris from Lyons and Marseilles ; and are recorded as being obviously [44] foreigners.


Here we have the first formations of alien mercenary and criminal elements, forcing revolutions upon a country not their own, which were to have their finished and expanded prototype in the International Brigades, which attempted to force Marxism on Spain 150 years later.

England in the 17th century had not been dismembered and hideously remolded on alien lines; but all familiar landmarks in 18th-century France were destroyed. The splendid and historic names and titles of counties, departments and families were scrapped, and France divided into numbered squares occupied merely by “citizens.”

The provinces of France before the Revolution


The ”departements” afterward


Even the months of the calendar were changed. The national flag of France with its lilies and its glories was banned.


Instead the French received the Tricolour, badge of murder and rapine.


Here, however, the planners made a mistake.

The Tricolour might not be the honoured and famous flag of France.

It might be dripping with the blood of massacre, regicide and villainy.


It might be stinking with the slime of the Jewish criminals who designed and foisted it upon the French people; but it was proclaimed the national flag, and the national flag it became; and with the national flag came the national army, and a national leader, Napoleon.


It was not long before this great Frenchman ran up against the secret powers who up till then controlled the armies of France. They had planned to use these armies to revolutionise all European states, one after another; to overthrow all leadership, and establish rule of the mob, apparently, in reality, of course, their own rule.

Just in this manner do the Jews today plan to use the Red Army. Such a policy directed by aliens of this type could not long continue once a national army had thrown up a real national leader ; their outlook and policy must inevitably be poles apart. It was not long before the First Consul challenged and overthrew these aliens and their puppets.

[45] By the year 1804 Napoleon had come to recognise the Jew and his plans as a menace to France and all that the revolution had swept away he systematically restored. From this time onwards Jewish money financed every coalition against him; and Jews today boast that it was Rothschild rather than Wellington who defeated Napoleon.

Knowing these things, Hitler, on his occupation of Paris, immediately ordered a permanent guard of honour to be mounted over Napoleon’s tomb at the Invalides; and had the body of L’Aiglon ( = “Little Eagle” in French; Napoleon’s son by Maria Louisa, his second wife) brought from Austria, and buried at last in his proper place at the side of his father.


When we come to examine the Russian revolution we find that the technique is still bolder and far more drastic. On this occasion no national flag, army, or anthem is permitted.

After the dregs of the community have apparently accomplished the impossible, and liquidated every other class down to and including the kulak (a man with three cows), they are herded into a polygot force called the Red Army ; over them waves an international red flag, not a Russian flag; their anthem is ”the Internationale.”

The technique of revolution in Russia was so perfected that to this day it has secured the Jewish regime established there against all counter-strokes.Francisco_Franco-dress-uniform
…….Contact and support

If I have taught you new and unique things, please join those who have a good conscience and sacrifice nobly to pay for my work, for its continuation, and for my plans for the Aryan future — most of all, for a new Aryan religion so we can compete with Judaiam, Islam and Freemasonry, ORGANIZED RELIGIONS ALL THAT ARE CRUSHING SECULAR WHITE NATIONALISM.

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

¦ ¦.Actual donations

–1 July 2017 check and letter from a brave, intelligent comrade and author in San Francisco, California with possible cancer

Also cash from P in Florida and a birthday card! 🙂

Also, a Stripe donation from J in Pennsylvania

“30 June 2017 check from J in Maryland

“29 June 2017  PayPal from L in Australia

“28 June 2017 book on national socialism from C. von Kanwetzburg


“27 June 2017 PayPal from J in England, P in Connecticut,  B in New York, and P in Maryland,

and a check from J in Utah

“15 June 2017 cash from M in Oregon

“10 June 2017 donation by check from G in New Swabia

“5 June 2017 cash in foil, letter and nice card from S in Germany

May 26, ’17

Dear Mr de Nugent,

The thought of your going hungry for lack of funds nearly breaks my heart.

[] You could wring the neck of the oldest hen and cook the old girl, but that heartless idea did occur to you too, I should think. 😉

It is sad and also telling that a man of your calibre and education and culture has to live the life of an outcast.

But such is life in Weimarica, courtesy of jews  (I do not capitalize this word, any more than I capitalize the word “criminal”) and white race traitors, who are worse than the aforementioned.

If a mighty wizard were to use his magic wand and say: “jews be gone!” what would you hear next?

A deafening roar, a stampede of filthy white race traitors running to fill the empty shoes and take the place of the jews.

And I am sure of it.

Interesting times indeed.

A brave new world where poverty is the price you pay for integrity and the worst sort of low-life is always on top. Duh!

On this sombre note I bid you adieu for now for now.


“1 June 2017 via PayPal from S in Germany


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