Health Ranger: big-tech leftists panic as Trump moves against their censorship

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Tech giants, fake news media in panic over losing Sec. 230 monopoly over all online speech
Mike Adams Now that Trump has declared war against censorship and the evil techno-fascists (Google, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Vimeo, etc.), the corporate-controlled media is totally freaking out.

They’re about to lose monopoly control over all the public debates about vaccines, 5G, chemtrails, pesticides, GMOs, abortion and politics.

Once the “Berlin Wall” of Big Tech censorship is torn down, We the People can flood into the public arena and educate everyone about all the topics that matter to humanity’s future.

This is a critical article to read and share.

See my full article here.

Also today: The real story behind the exploding riots across America has to do with the Federal Reserve and the fiat currency system that’s bailing out the rich (at the expense of everyone else).

The police have abandoned any pretense of stopping the looters. You are on your own.

This important article reveals the real cause behind the riots, and how you can protect yourself against the exploding violence.

Read the full story here.

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Choosing Plants & Soil Prep: Grow Food Now #1Watch this video
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  1. Great news if it’s actually implemented, but I’ll believe it only when I see it happen. Trump has made a lot of empty threats and promises regarding various problems confronting our nation, but has delivered very few actual solutions. I suspect this will be just another of Trump’s empty threats, which will never be implemented.

  2. Cowardly antifa /BLM mob attacks an older white guy carrying an American flag to one of their protests. He is first sucker-punched by a fat little Jew wearing a black T-shirt with “Fuck Trump” on it. He is then dragged through a water puddle by an asshole with a green backpack, who was one of the primary perps. The asshole with the green backpack then wades into the mob to deliver more sucker punches to the old guy, who is already on the ground, surrounded by cowards. One of the white antifa / BLM protestors (in blue) sees the injustice being done to the old guy, tries to stop the beating, and is then chased and beaten by his own leftist “comrades.” After they punch him from behind, kick him on the ground when he’s already knocked out, and knock his teeth out, Mexican and black antifa / BLM females “help” him and chastise him for “running his mouth.” If this doesn’t make one angry, I don’t know what would – this is the white America of the future, unless something is done about these communist subversives:

    This same type of communist subversion and rioting in 1920s – 1930s Germany is why Hitler had to take on these Jew-funded communist bastards and save Germany from them, bringing it from economic depression to full employment, and ending the communist threat in Germany. Then the Jew-funded All-Lies US, UK, and USSR joined forces to destroy Hitler’s Germany – the last hope for the white race. Now we are reaping the bad karma of Tom Brokaw’s stupid and deluded “Greatest Generation.” More like the “Dumbest Generation.”

  3. The next-door neighbors of “Derek Chauvin” didn’t even know he was a cop. Probably because he wasn’t a cop, but rather a CIA agent, as the article below says:

    Also, the short Asian “police officer” helping “Chauvin,” seen in the video below, looks VERY familiar to me – I’ve seen him before in one of the fake “police brutality” incidents from the Obama era. For that matter, “Chauvin” also looks familiar to me – they are recycling their crisis actors:

    • Thanks for this comment.

      Supporting the theory that this is a fake incident:

      Stats have shown for years that white cops are LESS likely to be brutal to blacks than they are to whites (especially whites of the lower class and perceived “white trash” /trailer park) out of fear of instant and permanent career termination and worse (being sent to prison as a ex-“white racist cop” with violent blacks in a medium- or maximum-security state prison), all this in an age of BLM and of ubiquitous smart phones that are whipped out and film everything.
      We all remember how cell phones captured this incident (whether real, fake or half-fake) in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017:

      How on earth could a white cop DARE do this with blacks looking on, filming him, and protesting that he is killing Floyd, and commit this heinous white-on-black brutality and murder in an infamously ultra-liberal/leftist bastion city like Minneapolis? This did not take place in 1961 Selma, Alabama!

      I see three possibilities: Either Chauvin is a total psychopath (and some cops actually are that, natural-born bullies, and I read once that some cops enjoy the look of fear in motorists’ eyes when they roll down the window),


      he just hates blacks (and being married to a Laotian does not gainsay this possibility; many or almost all East Asians loathe blacks too as “lazy, stupid thieves”)

      OR the whole thing is a complete Jew World order psy-op, and Floyd is a crisis actor and still alive somewhere, relocated and maybe with some cosmetic surgery, which is, btw, exactly how I see the faux Charleston Church Massacre, a crime that was way too ideal from the jew-agenda standpoint and led (successfully, as intended, IMO) to the basic banning of anything Confederate nationwide. And it took something truly major like that to get Southern whites to deny their own convictions and accept the dishonoring of their own ancestors. I lived Down South for 20 years and tearing down Confederate statues would have been seen as an outrageous blasphemy before the faux Charleston shooting, and honoring veterans is a sacred American tradition all over this country, a custom on which all agree in all parties.

      So, in view of the above, and heeding the ancient Roman police principle of cui bono? — “to whose benefit?” — I see this as a jew “op.” Chauvin may be spirited away as the agent he likely is, and relocated, or he is an MK-ULTRA, one of tens of thousands in this country, who will be sacrificed, obediently take the rap, then “hang himself in jail” à la Epstein — or be murdered by vengeful black prisoners.

  4. Large pallets of bricks conveniently left for rioters to use at the protests in multiple cities, yet no construction going on nearby. There has been no police investigation or surveillance camera footage made available of who delivered these pallets of bricks:

    And now the $64,000 question: Why hasn’t George Soros been arrested as a domestic terrorist? Soros, working for his masters, the Rothschilds, is the one funding Black Lives Matter, La Raza, and all of the antifa groups that are committing these acts of domestic terrorism in the United States. It’s outrageous that he hasn’t been charged with terrorism and arrested. Trump, who must know that Soros is behind all this chaos, and is the paymaster and ringleader in the enormous leftist effort to destroy his 2020 reelection prospects, has never uttered a single word of criticism of Soros – I wonder why?

    • Well, there is no question Trump knows Soros is evil.

      In his final 2016 TV ad, run just four days before the presidential election, he singled Soros out for attack. See 0:21:

      But it is as David Duke said to me and Margi at his ski apartment in Zell am See, Salzburg province, Austria in 2007:

      “When the jews decide you are a real threat and really go after you, and pull out all the stops, it is like four landslides hitting you at once, from every direction.”

      I understand Trump. He is not the man to change world history, not is Putin. They do what they can.

      …..which is not enough.

      The good thing about the jews is they bring out the best in the Aryan. They represent the ultimate challenge to our focus, courage and love. 🙂 It was their agenda which brought forth as a response the ultimate magnificence of national socialism.

  5. The second video from the top of this leftist Twitter feed shows a white antifa agitator taking a hammer to the sidewalk to break it up for use as bricks, with cops standing nearby, doing NOTHING to stop his vandalism. It’s only when other antifa members tackle him, unmask him as a gray-haired white man, and drag him over to the cops, that they react to protect him, threatening to arrest those who unmasked him. This guy was clearly an agent provocateur, working under police protection:

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