Heart-rending — OMG! Nurse took Pfizer’s Covid vaccine (from jew CEO Bourla), came down with Bell’s Palsy (facial PARALYSIS) — IS THIS TRAGIC VIDEO FOR REAL?

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If this video below, this horrible experience, is true, then I weep for this poor, innocent woman — be she black or white — and I must salute her bravery as well.

Bell’s Palsy can be temporary (two weeks to six months) or permanent.

“The results of this study are shocking, because previous studies have shown that about a third of untreated Bell’s palsy patients will suffer long-term problems including facial disfigurement, facial spasms and chronic pain. The study suggests that are at least 20,000 new patients affected each year, many of whom will be left with permanent symptoms. This is why all patients should be considered for prompt steroids treatment. We take for granted the ability to smile or eat and drink in public. However, for those affected by facial palsy, even the simple act of smiling for a photograph can be distressing.”

Psychologist Professor Nichola Rumsey, co-director of the Centre for Appearance Research in Bristol is a member of the Medical Advisory Board of Facial Palsy UK and adds;

“The psychological and social challenges resulting from facial palsy can be considerable. People’s daily lives can be negatively affected in many ways. There is an urgent need to develop much more effective ways of offering appropriate support.”

15/08/13 – Facing facts: 44% of Bell’s Palsy Patients Do Not Receive Recommended Treatment

And the whole Covidmania/lockdowns/face diaper/vaccine is so unnecessary anyway for people under 50 –of whom only 1/10th of 1% die from this thing! (Covid is real, but, for most, means only a week of flu, some pains, maybe a back ache, losing briefly your sense of smell or taste, and then, if under 5o and otherwise healthy, you are over it. I have now talked in depth with six people under 50 who have had it — and are doing fine now.)

(I also think most nurses are great people. My younger daughter is an RN. It is a hard and dangerous job, and vital, obviously.)

BUT this video, as you know, c-o-u-l-d be a fake, a setup designed by the Gates people and the Deep State to discredit us who are vaccine and Covid truthers, hoping we seize on it and start eagerly spreading it around. It could turn out to be a trap where, after a few days, they prove it is a fake and “Khalilah” steps forward and says she is a crisis actress,  she ACTUALLY loves vaccines; and them anti-vaxxers are just gullible nuts who, worse, are endangering people by spreading vaxx disinfo…  and so THANK GOD that Faceberg, JewTube and Twaddler are censoring the irresponsible anti-vax crowd……

So…. can anyone verify that this lady, “Khalilah Mitchell,” is a real person, is really a nurse, does live in Nashville, and now is a Bell’s Palsy victim?

Btw, I have downloaded it and uploaded this video immediately to my own website (which costs me now $1250 a month, not that more than 1% of 1% of you will ever donate  😉 ).

Also, I was an interrogator in the Marines — and I will say that IMO she does come across as honest — to me.


IF this video is genuine, it is huge.

There is nothing more powerful than a woman or child crying (or, to a lesser extent, a beloved family pet in pain). This woman was in such anguish — you can hear it in her voice.

If true, this is so f—ing wrong. So horribly cruel.

I remember one day in the darkest phase of Margi’s throat cancer (which I still also think was suspicious, since she never smoked, drank, ate junk or was overweight — Margi did absolutely nothing to “deserve” this cancer and, even more tragically, she was a opera singer and still is a gourmet chef who cannot eat her own food now! And what a cohencidence IMO that it came up just as she got her inheritance, which was then poured into her life-and-death fight against her cancer, NOT into our Cause………. A big Hmmm there.)

Thank God and our many donors she has beaten it! 🙂

But in 2018 she was in the kitchen chopping vegetables for me (she cannot eat or drink — everything goes into her via her feeding tube).

And though Margi is half-German and is tough, still, she started quietly sobbing….from the pain (8 out of 10), the fear of dying, and in grief that she lost her calling as a beautiful singer..and from dropping from 120 to 72 pounds, which affected her figure and appearance.

Each sob was like a knife into my heart.  🙁

Any real man feels a profound duty to protect and aid any woman whom he finds crying or mourning in undeserved distress.

French girl cries after the muslim massacre in 2015 of 130 Whites in the Bataclan nightclub in Paris

The suffering of any white child hits us hard as well.

Little John-John Kennedy after his dad was murderd by the jews; later they killed him, too.

Stories about women and children being harmed always get lots of readers. Hallmark greeting cards sells twice as many Mother’s Day as Father’s Day cards.

So if this video is true — if this woman who trusted the Pfizer jew Bourla…

Pfizer itself warns you (black-magic rule) ‘we have not completed testing; yes, our vaccine could make you sterile’

…and believed the media jews, and then got facial paralysis from being jewnoculated — then this will be a dynamite weapon in my hands to help me take these cruel, wicked, filthy jews down.

German woman cries after a muslim massacre in Munich; caddish cop just looks at her. What kind of man does that?  Afraid he might get tears on his uniform? You can at least least talk to the woman, tenderly grasp her hand (or is that now sexual harassment?), or at least give her a kind look and word if you are afraid of being sued for ou hugging her! Women need to be hugged when distraught!

A woman reacts following a shooting rampage at the Olympia shopping mall in Munich, Germany July 23, 2016. REUTERS/Michael Dalder


Odin and his Valkyrie daughter Brünnhilde  — it is time for compassion and for action.  

Especially important blogs





  1. No,non è Freya… è Brunhilde.
    Ho solo un’immagine di Freya,ha i capelli biondi con le trecce,seduta al suo fianco.
    Questo è il punto;sua figlia era molto vicina al suo pensiero,alla sua compassione e al suo coraggio.
    L’unica in grado di sfidarlo,tra tutte le walkirie..ma Freya non era sua madre.
    Lo so che hai compreso quello che volevo dirti…

    • Transl:

      [With Odin] is Brunhilde. I only have a picture of Freya, she has blonde hair with braids, sitting next to him [Odin].

      That’s the point; his daughter was very close to his thinking, also in her compassion and courage.

      The only one able to challenge him, of all the Valkyries .. and Freya was not her mother.

      I know you understood what I wanted to tell you …



      I corrected my error. Every day I correct errors.;-)

      For example, I did not invade Russia today. 😉

  2. Erda,dea della Terra…sua madre.
    Era una dea mortale rispetto a Freya.
    Probabilmente il suo vero amore,visto che con lei ha generato nove walkirie.
    Così racconta il mito Norreno,spesso confusionario.
    Odino e Frigg o Freya…

  3. The uploader of this video says he was unable to verify that she’s a nurse Tennessee medical boards, or on nursys.com. He says that either her name is fake to protect her identity, or the video is fake:


    Also, I did an intelius.com search of her name for Nashville, TN, and while it pulled up a lot of Khalilah Mitchells of various ages, none of them had Nashville, TN, or even any city in TN as their location. So your hunch that it’s a Deep State trick may be correct.

  4. Another, much more disturbing possibility, is that Khalilah Mitchell really is her name, she really is an RN, and her story is true, but that the Jewish Deep State, when they saw her video and realized the huge damage it could do to their vaccine agenda, got her fired from her job, then “disappeared” her completely, removing all traces of her name from all online records and databases, maybe even actually killing her. I’m sure the Deep State has the power to do that when they deem it necessary.

    I’ve noticed that ever since her video appeared at the top of the rense.com site, that site has seemed to be under heavy attack, loading extremely slowly. Normally, it pops right up.

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