Heartbroken White mother tells of losing her son and his FORCED VACCINATION by order of Florida jew judge, Dale COHEN

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ALL Because she wasn’t wearing a mask in a photo with her son on FACEBOOK…… And even this site dares not Name The Jew.


A Broward County District Court Judge, Dale C. Cohen, has taken parental rights from the mother of a young boy in the name of ‘health and safety,’ as the judge labeled the mother a ‘danger’ to the child after she posted a picture of herself on social media without a mask.

Melanie Joseph talked with Stew Peters on ‘Patriotically Correct’ on Tuesday, and explained that Judge Cohen is restricting her visitation until she is vaccinated, and until COVID is completely gone. In addition, the judge ordered that if Melanie is to see her son, he must wear a mask at all times, despite an asthma diagnosis.

Melanie is asking for the help of the public with funds to hire an attorney. Her GoFundMe account has been set up at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/liberating-logan, and she is also in need of legal representation. If you have the means to help Melanie, please email her at: .

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……See other COHENS

Jew lawyer and crook Michael Cohen betrayed his client, Donald Trump

NEW YORK, NY – AUGUST 21: Michael Cohen, former lawyer to U.S. President Donald Trump, exits the Federal Courthouse on August 21, 2018 in New York City. Cohen reached an agreement with prosecutors, pleading guilty to charges involving bank fraud, tax fraud and campaign finance violations.(Photo by Yana Paskova/Getty Images)

The jew Cohen tried to shoot point-blank the great German chancellor Otto von Bismarck


Steven Cohen of the MIT Media Lab knowingly took donations from convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein


Leonard Cohen, the singing Jewish psychopath, warns his goy victim


    • “Jewsus”? I do not know any Jewsus.

      I know of and revere a jew-hater named Jesus of Galilee, as I did in my last life.

      This very verse you cite shows He was hardly the wimp the pagans make him out to be. “Bring my enemies before me and slaughter them.”

      His enemies were and His enemies ARE the leaders of Judaism.

      I do not permit anyone to insult Jesus, who gave His life to fight the jews.

      Nor did Heinrlch Himmler, who was very much against Paulianity, as I am, and as you are.

      There is the religion OF Jesus, which I am revealing, and the false religion by Saul/Paul ABOUT Jesus, comrade. It is important to understand that much of what you hear or read was lies, words and teachings put into Jesus’ mouth by Saul/Paul and this happened decades AFTER He was murdered by the jews.

      Paulianity is this:

      Jesus, 1) a faithful Jew, was 2) a wimp who 3) was God.

      Three wicked and total lies!

  1. I would like you to elaborate on this view of Jesus. The scriptures tell us he was of the line of David. Was he an Israelite and turned against it’s religious and political structure? Were Jesus and Christ two different people (Jew and non-Jew) who were blended into the story? Or did the authors of the scriptures simply lie about his race and name him a Israelite? The story is complicated. Personally, I’m comfortable with the idea of Christ as a archetype that has reincarnated many times as needed but of course, such a view is not supported with biblical verse. More by reading between the lines. What is your view?

    • Okay, I will give you just a summary:

      Jesus was a Nordic who decided to incarnate into a jewish culture in Galilee via a genuine jewish mother in order to infiltrate and subvert Judaism from within.

      The New Testament itself says an “angel” (and they are always blond) told Mary, a distant descendant of King David, that she would become pregnant out of wedlock by “God.”.

      The catacombs of the early Roman Christians ALWAYS show Jesus as a blond Nordic.

      And one of Jesus’ earliest disciples, Peter, a Galilean, was living in Rome at this time, under arrest and awaiting trial under Nero.

      This was how real Palestinian jews looked like (from an actual mural from a jewish house of that time) :

      Galilee means “District of the Goyim” in Hebrew: “Galil ha Goyim.”

      See for yourself (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galilee):

      The region’s Israelite name is from the Hebrew root גָּלִיל (galíl), an ultimately unique word for ‘district’, and usually ‘cylinder’. The Hebrew form used in Isaiah 8:23 (or 9:1 in different Biblical versions) is in the construct state, g’lil ha-goyím (Hebrew: גְּלִיל הַגּוֹיִם‎), meaning ‘Galilee of the nations’, i.e. the part of Galilee inhabited by Gentiles at the time that the book was written.

      I have laid all this out in great detail before.

      Jesus sought to totally transform Judaism from a religion of hate, domination, vengeance, greed, enslavement, exploitation, rape, theft and genocide into the oppopsite, a religion of peace, sharing and love.


      To save the other humans, especially the Whites, from an ultimately horrible fate at the hands of the jews once they had taken over the whole world.

      He failed, so He deliberately provoked the jewish leaders until they had Him murdered, as He wanted.

      He thus set up this narrative: Jesus preached peace and love, but the jews want war and hate, so they killed the most gentle, loving man who ever lived, a child of the gods.

      The jewish mob, agitated by the high priest, screamed as they demanded Jesus be killed by Pontius Pilate:

      “His blood be on us and on our descendants.”

      So the religion of Jesus was about a loving Father as God and a kinder world. When the jews rejected it, as he knew they would, He made them look as bad as possible by letting them whip and crucify Him.

      They walked right into His trap.

      Jesus was a Nordic Aryan who died a horrific death to show the world just what the jews are like.

      I have read the entire Bible four times, researched dozens of books on the Bible and on Jesus, and especially I studied the utterances of Hitler and his mentor, Dietrich Eckart, on the real Jesus.

      This is the truth: Jesus was a starseed, a Nordic from a much, much higher world than ours. He incarnated heroically as an earthling to save us from the wicked jews and from our own rotten egos that make us fall for the jews’ lies. Saul/Paul created a huge pack of lies to 1) make Jesus into a pious jew, and 2) tell us to let the jews take over the world because we will gladly die and float off to heaven anyway through the mere act of worshipping Jesus, who supposedly deleted our sins by being executed .. utter escapist nonsense.

      I am interested, comrade, in the religion OF Jesus, a true Aryan, not in Saul’s fake, made-up religion he cooked up decades later ABOUT Jesus! 🙂


      Not only is all this true, but it also salvages the beautiful churches, music, Christmas, etc. Jesus WAS a higher being and an Aryan hero who came to this earth, loved us, and died to wake us up to the unbelievable wickedness of the jews!

      And now we must ACT on what we know!

        • Any jew who refused jesus’ rule was to be slaughtered.

          Jesus’ mission was to defang judaism, the mortal threat to Aryans and to all other races.

          He refused to preach to non-jews.


          He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

          The jews expected a Messiah who would be an earthly king, defeat and expel the Romans and install a jewish empire over the entire world where the jews would seize everything the gentiles owned, and each jew would get hundreds of gentile slaves.


          Jesus played along with this Messiah notion to get support, but then said:

          “My kingdom is NOT of this world.” (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+18%3A36)

          The whole idea was to get the jews off the mental track of wanting to rule and oppress the gentiles — and instead seek happiness after death in heaven by following Jesus, which would mean no longer lying, stealing, slandering, deceiving and murdering, but instead loving Gentiles, giving, sharing and forgiving.

          Eckhart Tolle has said, humorously but also seriously, “only a Buddhist can understand Jesus.”

          The goal was to change the jews.

          Or failing that, make the world fear, hate and oppose them.

          So when Jesus, after being whipped by the Romans, was brought back to governor Pontius Pilate, He refused to answer any of Pilate’s questions. Astonished, Pilate exclaimed: “Do you not understand that I have the power to crucify you?”

          But Jesus wanted to 1) let the jews do their worst to him, and 2) also show that gentile politicians who succumb to jewish pressure are the other huge problem that is afflicting mankind.

          As revisionist Fredrick Toeben said, “Don’t just blame the jews but also the gentiles who do their bidding.”

          The goal of Jesus was not for Gentiles to become sheep, but for jews to become sheep.

          I suggest you let all this sink in and re-read it. It may be a big adjustment. Maybe in this or an earlier life you had a very negative experience with Churchianity. I can understand that. I reject it also.

          But now you have been told what Jesus’ real mission was, and I have explained the teachings which Saul totally distorted so that Gentiles, Aryans, become sheep for jewish wolves to devour.

          I am not asking you to do what Saul/Paul wanted and worship Jesus as God, or believe that His death wipes away your sins, or that your goal must be to die and go to heaven while the jews ruin this wprld.

          These are all fairy tales.

          Jesus came to undermine Judaism and oppose it. Like any infiltrator, He said what He needed to say to convince at least part of His audience.

          His jewish audience.

          He did not come to save YOU, make you into a jew or a Christian, or rule over you.

          But if you still feel a need to loathe Jesus, and call Him “Jewsus,” even after all this, after this noble man gave His life in horrific suffering to thwart jewry, then you are more national socialist, more pro-Aryan, and more anti-jewish than even Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. 😉

          Odinism has many good teachings but Hitler was right — a dead religion will never come back, and for 150 years now a relatively few sincere individuals have tried to bring Odinism or Asatru back, but it has not grown significantly, and it obviously has not stopped the jews either. (I was a member of the Asatru Free Assembly in the 1980s and have corresponded and spoken with Stephen McNallen.)

          This is a good video:

          All that is good (and in fact very good) in Odinism must be transferred to a new religion, one which is not “Christian” and does not revolve around Jesus.

          Jesus came to fix the jews, not us.

          I hope this helps. The things you dislike I do, too.:-) But “Jewsus,” no. ENEMY of the jews, yes.

          • Right on John. Masterful explanations you put here in these replies. Thank you.

            And this is similar to how it was taught in much of Christendom throughout the centuries until getting weakened and subverted.

          • Thanks!

            The Crusaders were violent Christians who smashed the Arab and Turkish muslims.

            Many Roman legionaries were Christians.

            Jesus was friendly to many Roman soldiers.

            It was jews who brought down Rome, NOT Christians, who were NEVER pacifists and who fought with double bravery for Rome after Constantine because it was now THEIR empire!

            Here a major and bestselling jewish historian admits it: WE JEWS brought down Rome, because a Christian Rome was against us:


  2. https://it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowpiercer
    Arrivati all’ultima porta, Yona sviene e Minsu inizia un dialogo con Curtis, il quale gli rivela le sue colpe: egli non è un eroe, in passato ha ucciso la madre di Edgar ed era pronto ad uccidere anche lo stesso ragazzo pur di soddisfare la sua fame. Gli rivela inoltre come Gilliam abbia donato il suo braccio pur di salvare il piccolo Edgar ancora in fasce. Minsu, di fronte a questa rivelazione, gli confessa, a sua volta, che la locomotiva dovrebbe essere distrutta, visto che, secondo lui, fuori dal treno c’è ancora vita. Minsu sostiene, infatti, di aver notato, lungo il tragitto, che la neve all’esterno si sta sciogliendo, dato che alcune costruzioni, che anni prima erano coperte, ora sono visibili. Ha inoltre preparato una bomba con la droga ottenuta per far saltare la porta di ingresso in quel vagone, ma appena cerca di posizionarla una donna lo ferisce e invita Curtis ad entrare nella locomotiva.

    Curtis, costretto dalla pistola della ragazza, accetta l’invito e entra nel vagone di testa, dove incontra Wilford, che gli rivela che è lui “l’uomo che l’ha aiutato dietro le quinte” e per tutti questi anni si è sempre tenuto in contatto con Gilliam, allo scopo di attuare ciclicamente una ribellione quando nel treno si verificava una situazione di sovraffollamento che metteva in pericolo l’esistenza di tutti.

    Wilford cerca di convincere Curtis a diventare il nuovo capo della locomotiva. Curtis è titubante e Yona lo raggiunge chiedendogli un fiammifero per far detonare la bomba, mentre il padre è impegnato in una lotta con un gruppo di persone appartenente alla testa. Curtis dapprima l’allontana, ma quando la ragazza gli mostra che il figlio di Tanya viene usato come operaio per la manutenzione continua della locomotiva, costretto a lavorare in uno spazio ristrettissimo al di sotto del pavimento, ritorna in sé, capendo che l’unico modo per porre fine all’oppressione dei più poveri è fermare il treno. Yona riceve il fiammifero, che, a sua volta, consegna al padre, mentre Curtis salva il bambino. Alla scoppio della bomba, Curtis e Minsu stringono Yona e il bambino, facendo loro da scudo.

    Lo scoppio della bomba provoca un’enorme valanga nelle vicine montagne innevate. Il treno, allora, colpito dalla grande massa di neve, deraglia, e molti vagoni cadono in un precipizio, o rimangono comunque sepolti nella neve. Curtis, Minsu e Wilford muoiono, e solo Yona e il bambino riescono a sopravvivere, uscendo all’aria aperta. Scoprono, allora, che la teoria di Minsu riguardo al progressivo termine di questa nuova era glaciale è vera: infatti, la ragazza e il bambino vedono un orso bianco che li guarda da lontano.
    PS:Mi ricorda qualcosa purtroppo.
    Terza guerra mondiale e crimini dell’Elite.
    Il protagonista confessa una cosa:”Quando stavamo morendo di fame,noi dell’ultimo vagone,ci siamo mangiati a vicenda…ma,sapevamo che i Bambini erano i più BUONI.
    I più BUONI da mangiare…
    I preferiti dell’Elite.

  3. Avevi ragione;prima di colpire la vittima il carnefice la deve avvertire…per legge universale.
    Questi film non sono storie da cinema.
    Sono avvertimenti..ma figurati se comprendono questo pericolo.

    • Transl:

      You were right; before hitting the victim, the executioner must warn him… by universal law.

      These films are not cinema stories.

      They are warnings … but imagine if the masses understood this danger!

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