Hebrew-wood cranks out new movie blasting David Irving; fed fear as WNs move to the UP

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Of course, the revisionist, a dashing and handsome man in real life, esp. back in 2000 (and I met him several times in the 1980s and 1990s), is played by a villainous, beaver-faced nerd with yellow teeth!


Irving as a younger man


My only criticism of Irving in this trial is that he asked for a bench trial —  trial by judge – and the judge, unsurprisingly, was prejudiced against him, whether it was Jew or Masonic pressure, or personal leftie brainwashing.

Had Irving gotten a jury –the usual procedure —  and this was back when London was still mostly white (or any muslims or blacks on the jury might have been sympathetic to his Holohoax debunking!), I think he had some chance of victory.

…..My April 1993 demonstration against the opening of the Holocaust Museum

(I met Irving at the old IHR in the 1980s, again in 1993 in Washington DC for the event below, and again in New Hampshire in the mid-1990s. BIG ego, Trump-size, and lives in heavily gay Key West, along with WN lawyer Sam Dickson  — not really sure what that means in Irving’s case, he having been married and with a daughter, but I bring it up for several reasons — but I gladly concede that Irving is truly brilliant as a researcher and writer, and the Jews hate him, which makes me like him. 🙂 )


(From https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/)


¦..US Holocaust Museum opening in Washington DC 1993

On April 22, 1993 the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, the President of Israel, Chaim Herzog, and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel inaugurated the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.



jdn-profile-shot-holocaust-museum-protest-rally-4-22-93John de Nugent organized, with official permission from the US Park Service, a large demonstration to shout out a very loud protest across the street against the criminal Holocaust fraud as these three men spoke. Both Clinton and Wiesel, it was reported to him later, departed from their prepared remarks to add “And it is because of people like that” [his protest group] that we need this museum” ¦. so there is no more hate, etc.

Here is the full article (click on the images to expand them) on this event found in the April 30, 1993 Washington City Paper, but” distorted, slanted and sarcastic throughout, and containing one ludicrous lie against JdN ” claiming one of his protest chants actually was “Jewish communistcannibals!” Cannibalism is the one accusation he has not yet levelled at the Jews. ;-)



holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-1-of-3holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-2-of-3holocaust-museum-city-paper-article 4-30-93-page-3-of-3


Key excerpt, describing JdN speaking at a rally the night before the Holocaust Museum protest:


About 30 demonstrators came, and facing the “dignitaries” across the street, shouted the slogans JdN was bellowing out, such as “the Holocaust is a lie, the Holocaust is a scam!” and “Isra-el ” go to hell!” A few feet away were four JDL thugs, but police and a fence separated them from the protesters.



Glancing over at approaching mounted US Park Service police” ” with a Black author named Daryl Davis, then writing a book on the Klan.


(This is a recent pic of Davis with Klan leader Frank Ancona of Missouri. If Davis is for real, then he is a black sympathizer with certain things about WNism. He did do me a big favor a few years back. IN a 2009 ADL poll, 29% of blacks were antisemitic, the highest number of any racial demographic.)


(Btw, the Museum costs millions a year in annual expenses for its upkeep and generous salaries of museum officials. http://www.historiography-project.com/jhrchives/v13/v13n2p31_ushmm.html)


…….Ontonagon chemtrail video

(Turn down the sound)


More and more educated, mature WNs are moving to this isolated, all-white town of just 1500 that (alarms bells be goin’ off at negro-run DHS) is full of angry, jobless white vets with guns, and the feds are chemtrailing the HELL of out of it, often with two jets a day.


56 miles to the nearest “city” (of 10,000)




Two chemtrails from two jets; photo taken on Greenland Road on the way to the IGA grocery store


The massive chemtrailing of a small and isolated town began two days after I released, on Hitler’s birthday in 2015, this video on VIP pedophiles, zeroing in on Bill Clinton.



Bill took over a dozen flights on this jet to Epstein’s “orgy island” in the US Virgins.






….Contact and support

The Jews hate me. They fear my potential. What more can I say?



And this they fear the most, not facts but a new, all-Aryan, and fearless religion now on the horizon.




–15 August 2016  cash from both CC in Mississippi and a Miguel Serrano ( LOL 😉 ) in Massachusetts; even the dead are sending me money from Valhalla!


–13 August 2016 cash from a fellow fmr Marine in Florida, a Patton booklet (very interesting and à  propos https://johndenugent.com/english/i-endorse-donald-trump-for-president-the-literal-reincarnation-of-george-patton/) and info on the Michigan Statehouse




  1. Are you saying that the new Hollywood movie about Irving is part of the U.S. presidential campaign?

    You may be right…The subject, timing, and circumstances support this suspicion.

  2. By the way, i remember having seen one History Channel production about evil nazis (a specialty of this “History Channel”) where they chose an especially ugly and repellent actor to say We [“Nazis”] must crush the Christians.”

    Such a shameless and evil lie!

    When Hitler´s army invaded the Ukraine, one of the first thing they did was to REOPEN CHRISTIAN CHURCHES that had been closed by the communists!

    Why don´t the swine at the “History Channel” tell about or make a film about this?

    Turning Christians against Christians is the way they use and have used to turn white nations one against another.
    I would like to know to what extent “Christian churches” were involved in guiding their flocks into an unchristian hating of the Germans…

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