“Heels-Up Harris” still thinks Ukraine is in NATO; the end of world trust in Western banks and the dollar; the truth about the “Polish Holocaust” under German rule

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General Jaruzelski was a “Polish-Holocaust” revisionist — saying there was no Polish baby-boom at all to explain how the country supposedly recouped its mythical population losses in the “Nazi-Holocaust-of-the-Poles.”



1 hour ago
@theduran The Duran dwelling on SITREP of Russia’s “special military operation” in the near abroad is entirely justified. There is risk a minor regional conflict could metastasize, like First World War. The shocking behavior of the collapsing Ukraine Government, degrading all civilians into partisans, will result in much higher death toll.

That said, I do request one episode each (in March 2022) examining French election and Hungarian election. It’s important that Emmanuel Macron suffer defeat, delivering a victory for the long-suffering, tireless Yellow Vest movement. It’s important that Viktor Orban triumph over the neoliberal globalists.

A question about Poland: Is their vestigial antipathy towards the natural Russian sphere of influence going to make them geopolitically stupid? Polish stupidity in 1939 brought them literally a half-century of oppression. I have high hopes for Poland leading Visegrad Four (or Four plus more). But there is too much risk, that a minor regional conflict could metastasize into a major scale of kinetic war. Visegrad Four could provide sane leadership in contrast to EU, US, and little UK. Let’s pray for Polish wisdom to overcome Polish pride and prejudice.


@theduran@PolMil I do admire the Poles for some things, but all their neighbors absolutely hate them. Largely it is over a definite and ridiculous megalomania where they imagine 1) that they are some sort of Great Power (so they delusionally went to war with both Stalin and Hitler simultaneously!!!), 2) they represent the pinnacle of the Great Slavic Race, and 3) that Poles invented just about everything. (Yes, and if you read their stuff, they do believe it, and they go on and on about how “stupid” Germans lay claim to actually Polish inventions…… It is amazing to read and then realize they are serious.)
Lithuanians detest them, but also Ukrainians, Romanians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Czechs and especially the Germans. The country is FULL of stolen German cars, and the authorities do nothing about it.
A close friend of mine in Chicago worked with many Polish-Americans there. Good folks, good workers, with nice kids — and neat lawns and well-maintained houses. (I know a Polish family from the Old Country here in my town of Ontonagon on Lake Superior in Upper Michigan — very solid folks with attractive, blondish, wholesome children.) But these Poles in Chicago would not join any organizations except the Polish ones.
I will not go here into the incredible Polish atrocities against German civilians after 1945, but the book “Hellstorm” by Thomas Goodrich does. It was systematic and horrendous.


It had nothing to do with being anti-“Nazi” but simple savagery against helpless, disarmed people, and I mean villagers, not “big Nazis” in Mercedes, and solely because they were of German ethnicity. This involved systematic and vile torture, mutilations, and deaths on a massive scale. But one never, ever hears about this……. because the “Western” media, a euphemism, has “the Germans” (basically, all of them) on the ethnic-demonization list, to which “the Russians” (all of them) have been added since 2016.
Bigotry and ethnic hate are wrong, see, unless it is Germans or Russians…. It is okay to hate THEM…..

…..The fake “Polish Holocaust”

And, btw, Poland’s ruler from 1981-89, General Wojciech Jaruzelski, himself admitted that the postwar Poles were vastly inflating Poland’s losses under German occupation during 1939-45.

(It is important to note that he is widely considered a genuine patriot by almost all Poles, and that his crushing of Lech Walensa’s “Solidarity” movement was because he absolutely HAD to under a blunt Soviet ultimatum. His view was ‘we can shut Walensa down relatively gently, as Poles with other Poles, or the Russians will do it — and very harshly.’)
Yes, Hitler (I know, I know, the Most Evil Madman Who Ever Lived….) did NOT “wipe millions of Poles out,” and General Jaruzelski himself said this. The population figures of the Polish government after the war made no sense. The six-million-murdered-Poles figure is as fanciful, IMO, as the other six-million number that brings in so much cash.

Among other things, General Jaruzelski asked how Poland could have had a baby boom in the grim postwar period (which totally replaced the supposed six million Poles killed during the war by “Nazis” ) when, for years after the war (and remember, this was under a communist economy…) the Polish people were STARVING. As Jaruzelski said, “the only item to buy in the supermarket was vinegar.” He strongly implied these six million people never died at all.
From a 2010 interview with the Russian newspaper “Izvestia” with Jaruzelski:

“To this day I still do not understand how, after the end of the war [WWII], we had a population of 24 million but at the time of the next census, in 1970, there were suddenly 14 million more Poles.
Then this population explosion suddenly ended at 38 million, as though struck by lightning. 😉
The population has remained at around 38 million to this day…… Apparently there was a really powerful aphrodisiac in the land that led to 14 million new Poles appearing, although the food markets in those days had nothing to sell but vinegar… Millions then died of starvation.”

Believe me, the lies did not just begin yesterday. We have been taught nothing but lies for a century now. After 1913, all the Western media in all Western countries were gradually (but still rather rapidly) bought up with Federal Reserve money, with trillions of dollars printed out of thin air to buy every important newspaper in the West, or control it via advertising boycotts.
EVERYTHING is a lie, a half-truth or a lie by omission, by giving major stories the silent treatment. The USS Liberty is a perfect example, a two-hour Israeli attack with bombs, torpedoes, machine guns and napalm (!) on a US Navy ship, designed to kill 300 American sailors, and then blame it falsely on the Arabs, on the Egyptians.


And so no, nothing the German government did 1939-45 in Poland justified what the Poles did to their own ethnic German minority, who were just common people.


If you read “Hellstorm,” you will never again say in the same naive way “the poor Poles.”


…..Hellstorm, the documentary — remembering the 16 million Germans murdered by the All-Lies

Margi and I did six voices for this film by Kyle Hunt, based on the book by Thomas Goodrich, showing what the US, UK and USSR did to the people of Germany.

What apology could ever suffice?

I provided three of the voices in this film, and Margi likewise three.

My voice

1)  as an eyewitness at Dresden 21:35-55

2) me as, yes, the voice of the ultra-wicked Soviet jew Ilya Ehrenburg, 30:05-37

3) reporting on Jewish interrogation of German civilians to force “confessions” 69:26- 70:00

Margaret performed here:

1) 33:40-34:17

2) 39:03-28.

3) 68:43-69:03 (as Leni Riefenstahl)




A German friend living in Australia wrote me, concerning his own grandmother:

“She could only feed herself, her young kids and sick mother if she sold her body to Soviet troops.”

Had America not voted four times for Rosenfeld, Germany would have won the war. America must repent of its enormous crime,. or it will be destroyed, and soon — in WWIII.




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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!


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