For those upset by the title of this article – Think about the number of murders perpetrated by black people against pretty much all other races. It’s called self-preservation. Besides, this was Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger’s original intent!
Op-ed by François Arouet
I second BLM’s call to ABOLISH the police patrolling America’s ghettos!
It will do more to decimate the black population than abortion. 😉
When Antifa and the Leftist scum pandering to Black Lives Matter activists in their ranks demand the abolition of the police in the American inner city – unlike the average conservative who shouts bloody murder – I REJOICE!
One of the primary reasons blacks invade suburbs in close proximity to their ghetto homes when out on crime sprees, or while rioting, is primarily because there are FAR LESS police patrolling all-white and mostly-white areas – as there should be. Who needs a police car on every corner when the biggest crime is a dime-bag [marijuana] swap outside the 7-Eleven and a bit of graffiti on the front of the local gymnasium.
As a Libertarian, with an aversion to an already out-of-control Police State, I want to see LESS police patrolling our organically safe white neighborhoods, not more!
If cops were defunded in the ‘burbs, there’d perhaps be a spike in domestic violence, a few extra fist fights outside the local bar, and a few more DWIs — but that’s about it. There’d be no change in murder rates. Rape tallies would largely remain the same, and violent crime rates would see little change.
Whites don’t avoid committing murder out of fear they will get caught; they refrain from taking lives because they have no burning desire to harm their fellow man.
The heaviest of heavy-metal music, often called “thrash” and “death metal,” sung by our angriest young people, rarely, if ever, promotes murder. It talks about mythology, tells stories about loss, criticises government, war and assails the State.
Rap and mainstream hip-hop composed and sung by blacks, though ,is vastly different….
Even the most mainstream rap records and rap music’s most innocuous lyrics, promote murder, boast of criminal lifestyles, sexual assault etc. The only type of rap that has any depth to it all is that which was created by white rappers, which addresses social issues impacting the poor, loss, poverty, despair even Cancer as John discusses here.
White areas (because they are inhabited by whites), simply put, will NEVER have a murder problem (unless, of course, blacks intrude), regardless of how many cops are on the beat.
In black areas, though, cops are integral to keeping blacks alive. If not for law enforcement, the black homicide rate in the US would mirror that of South Africa, South America and Mexico. The number of blacks would go down!
As it stands, murder rates in “black neighborhoods,” as we would refer to them as kids, are between 10 and 40X greater than rates in white and mixed-white, Jewish and Asian areas.
Let’s have a look at Chicago – with its lovely mayoress and razor-sharp police chief.
Like most inner cities, it is governed by Leftists and inhabited by a large black population.
The scummy liberal radio network NPR reports:
“Among the nation’s largest cities, Chicago stands out for both its high murder rate and for the number of its murders that go unsolved. In recent years the police have been solving about 4 of every 10 murders in the city, but police data show the rate is even worse when the victim is African American. [NPR fails to mention that the perps themselves are BLACK.]
The data, obtained by WBEZ under Illinois’ open-records law, show the city had 849 murders between the beginning of 2018 and this past July. When the victim was white, 47% of the cases were solved during those same 19 months. For Hispanics, the rate was about 33%. When the victim was African American, it was less than 22%.
Community members, academics and police officials seem to agree on something: At the base of the department’s failure to solve murders is a lack of trust.
The racial disparity in the department’s murder solve rate is not surprising to members of Greater St. John Bible Church, which sits in the middle of Austin, a neighborhood on Chicago’s West Side that has a lot of violence.” [JdN: Nice, euphemistic way to put it. I would say “has a lot of violent people.” 😉 ]
Based on FBI data, extrapolated from Chicago Police Department reports, between January 2010 and July of this year, Black homicide victims in Chicago accounted for 4,374 of the city’s murders.
The second-largest group impacted by gun violence — Hispanics and Black Hispanics — totaled another 785 murder victims over the same period.
Again, the vast majority of the perpetrators were either black or Hispanic.
The FBI report stated that “the murder rate of Blacks held steady, never surpassing 400 annually until 2016. That year, 607 Black people were killed, according to police. From Jan. 1 through July 8, the city reported 291 Black people killed.”
If one recalls, this was the year that the Left decided to further restrict gun rights, disarming law-abiding black citizens.
The less fear by the perp that he will get shot while perpetrating violent crime = the more murder.
The study showed that during this same period white people had significantly lower homicide numbers (both as a total and as a percentage of the population) followed by people of Asian descent.
Although there are a lot of whites and Asians in Chicago, there’s little murder in their respective communities.
Whites and Asians have little interest in killing anyone, they earn money the old fashioned way – by earning it – and they care about their communities and fellow man.
Leftists will argue poverty is behind the higher rates in black communities. Conservatives will argue it’s fatherlessness and a lack of family values.
Desperately poor whites from Appalachia, the Ozarks and rural areas of West Virginia – often also born into fatherless homes – have low murder rates. They are barely higher than those in wealthier white communities. The Philippines, a nation that makes Mexico look poor, has next to NO murder.
It’s race, folks, not poverty or fatherlessness.
Although fatherlessness is bad for childhood success and well-being in all races, it has little impact on murder rates in non-black and non-Hispanic communities (i.e. among Whites, East Asians etc.].
There’s also another interesting concept that has not been touched upon that I pondered recently when theorizing what will happen if inner cities defund their police departments.
The black middle class, who have a far lower murder rate than their inner-city brethren, as a result of the fear they will feel walking the pavement alongside their feral kin, will establish their own communities at the periphery of the ghetto, where they WILL want the police.
This will further increase black murder rates in the inner city and expedite the demise of this very dangerous demographic of black felons, their kin and girlfriends.
Just as important, these new middle-class black communities that WANT police, will act as buffer to the suburbs and rural hinterlands surrounding many high crime southern and midwestern cities. These people will buy guns and (you will see!) will use them without hesitation against their own when attacked.
As evidenced by the above statistics, blacks have NO problem killing their own.
It is a win-win situation, I believe.
I came up with this theory a few nights ago, and immediately wondered if anyone else had as well, so I Googled it, and voilà, I was correct.
Here is American network PBS, reporting that this is ACTUALLY happening,
“Chicago is the nation’s third most populous city, but holds the unenviable title of being America’s murder capital, with 489 homicides documented last year. And since most of the victims are black, the high murder rates have provoked a gradual exodus of the black middle class. Correspondent Brandis Friedman of WTTW reports from Chicago.”
You can see the video from Friedman here.
What PBS doesn’t mention is how WE WHITES stand to benefit from this mass exodus.
Once the cops are defunded across inner cities:
- The black middle class escaping to the periphery of the inner city will demand a heightened police presence, further protecting our communities from Biden’s blacks. Middle-class blacks will, in fact, as a buffer between the ghetto and the white suburbs.
- Ghetto criminality will thin itself out once the cops are gone.
Sounds good to me.
Most do not know that while Planned Parenthood has been taken over by leftists, its founder was a committed eugenicist and white nationalist.
Ci mancava solo il Rap di propaganda…
Just what we needed — rap propaganda
The Black has stronger, less controllable emotions than we Whites. Perhaps this is why they are less intelligent, for only a calm mind can think. On the other hand, the faculty of intellect may be less developed in them than in us. On a physical level the forelobes of the brain are different in Blacks, and the forelobes are thought to be the seat of intelligence.
Because the moral faculty is connected with the faculty of intellect, it stands to reason that the Black will have an inferior moral faculty; and this is what we seem to observe.
Nevertheless, despite his inferior moral development, the Black is definitely a human, since his moral capability is of a human degree. It is the Jew, not the Black, who is subhuman in terms of moral development, for the Jew has cut himself off from his conscience by his tribal law — which has taken the place of true, natural morality in him.