Henry Ford was not alone

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Henry Ford, creator of the affordable car; doubler of wages; lover of peace; inventor of the V-8 engine; and exposer of jewry (hence the evil eyeballs!)

….Back when white men got real wages and could  do things for their family 

Below is a mostly fair, interesting, and informative video on Henry Ford, the bored plowboy who left the farm in Michigan after his mother died to invent the modern car business.


Great job, yes, except for the insertions by the ADL against his factual book…..
things which before him others had said in equal outrage: Martin Luther, Shakespeare (“Merchant of Venice”), Goethe, Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses Grant (as military governor of Tennessee in 1862), national hero aviator Charles Lindbergh Jr, scientific genius Nikola Tesla, General George Patton, President Richard Nixon, his interlocutor, evangelist Billy Graham, the Shah of Iran, et alia.
Were they all “losers”?
…not to mention what was said by Hollywood/entertainment giants Robert Mitchum (in “Playboy”), Marilyn Monroe (denouncing the kosher ‘casting couch’), Mel Gibson, Michigan’s own Ted Nugent (about who finances and runs gun control), and recently mega-rapper Kanye West.
If Henry Ford’s book was such garbage, how does one explain Karl Marx, the founder of murderous communism, mass murderer Leon Trotsky, pedo grandmaster Jeffrey Epstein, Bernie Madoff (who stole FIFTY BILLION), BLM and open-borders funder George Soros, rapist Harvey Weinstein, lawfare psycho Merrick Garland, and Mr American Censorship himself, Mark Zuckerberg? …and how to explain away the US Congress, White House, and both parties staying silent about the civilian GENOCIDE of 35,000 innocent Palestinians living in Gaza, in occupied Palestine, and the blowing up of Gaza hospitals and universities, and the assassinations of dozens of medical doctors, nurses, and reporters, all clearly marked by their clothing? .
Why is the USS Liberty attack such a taboo (34 dead US Navy sailors!), and the brutal, premeditated Israeli bulldozer murder of American citizen Rachel Corrie?
How about the sinister pedo tunnels the NYPD discovered under Lubavitch headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn? And why were they instantly filled in with concrete?
How about the father of modern satanism, Anton Lavay (Howard Levy)?


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