Heroic German cop, age 60 and off-duty, overpowers Muslim psycho who stabbed five

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Off-duty and sixty, this brave white policeman confronted the islamic monster with a blood-dripping knife in his hand, and ended his terror spree.

Yes, some cops still do “protect and serve” The People and not just the rich, pedo, luciferian “elite”!


We need a new religion where every single man in that train car would have jumped up, come at this brown bastard simultaneously from all sides, disarmed and apprehended him.

What one senior citizen (age 60) can do, five real men can do easily!

Then, not five but maybe only one innocent person would have been wounded by this fiendish foreigner.

A knife is not an Uzi (or a Sturmgewehr 44)!

Of course, when the new Aryan faith rules, no brown and black Muslims will be permitted to live in our lands!



…..The sheer Power of a religion

Incredible, a underground Christian city to avoid jew-incited mobs:


This riveting book in French shows that Jews viciously defamed Christians for almost 300 years (until Emperor Constantine the Great put an end to it), deliberately riling up mobs and Roman officials against the gentle Jesus people.

Every time a earthquake, famine, drought or blight happened, the Jews said it was because the Christians rejected the pagan gods.

And when Christian called each other”brother” and “sister,” the Jews said “Christians practice sibling incest!’

Oh, and they drink baby blood and eat babies….the eternal Jew claimed.

And the slander machine of jewry is still cranking the false rumors out today….




1 Comment

  1. Hello dear John. I have had a disscussion with a german comrade today. He is a follower of norse paganism. I was too, but now awoke to god and Jesus Christ and feel them strongly in my heart which i never experience in my time in paganism. I told him about my views about gods plan for this planet and that our true aryan religion was more like christianity than paganism and that we descend from norse aliens who founded Atlantis with colonies all over the world.

    This was his answer which is also the tenor of most NS-Pagans:

    This is such bullshit. The thing with the aliens and the colonies is too stupid for me. Nothing more than speculations and extremely badly provable. Neither a Teuton nor a Christian believed that aliens have established colonies somewhere. The reason why the climate here is best for us is that we simply come from here. For an African, Africa is the most suitable climate. This has something to do with evolution and natural selection. Nothing with extraterrestrial god beings. Also this is in no way pagan what you want to tell me there. It is just crawling around for answers to completely irrelevant questions.

    The term German comes from the term Thiuda. Thiuda is the first known Germanic word meaning people. It is a Gothic term. Thus German means people. It is not our task to prove the existence of the Aryan Jesus. It is our task to protect our people from exactly this degeneration.

    The pagans had an ancestor cult, yes. But not because they saw any UFOs. Rather, they worshipped those who did great things for their people.

    The only reason Jesus “hung” on the cross is again in the stars. Jesus never really hung on the cross. The Tau Cross is a constellation that is always found in the same place from a certain time. On one day of the year, the sun (Jesus) is positioned so that it lies directly above this constellation. Quasi crucified. There it remains for some time at the place, before it rises again (rises).
    A heathen would have puked in the ray would he read this. Our ancestors have occupied themselves, like many other peoples also, with the stars and have their own culture. Jesus has nothing to do with it at all.

    It is all American garbage. The American right wingers also try to prove Jesus existence as an Aryan superman. It is the biggest bullshit. Nothing of this kind has anything to do with our culture. This kind of “alleged knowledge” is what is destroying our people. The degeneration is also strongly advanced in our circles, what you can see here. Read books. But please books away from Star Wars and Harry Potter.
    I was hoping to meet upright pagans here who want to make a difference. Instead, there is talk here of the Aryan Jesus who wants to save our race with aliens. Let that roll off your tongue. It is a lot of half-knowledge mixed with laziness and unfulfilled hope. Wake up I say and not fall asleep deeper in such curious worlds of madness. My highest good is Germany and the German people. No Jesus. I fight for my people. And I with my people, not with any aliens.

    Comrade, think about what makes us as a people and discard such untruths. Because by such stories the German people makes itself even more ridiculous.

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