Herschel Walker, black football great, eloquently endorses Trump

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At the Republican National Convention last night, this man spoke with utter sincerity, and moral courage. You just know that the jew-financed marxists at BLM will call him a race traitor and an Uncle Tom.

Herschel Walker is an American former professional football player, bobsledder, sprinter, and mixed martial artist. He played college football for the University of Georgia, earned consensus All-American honors three times and won the 1982 Heisman Trophy. During the 1980s, Herschel Walker played football for the NJ Generals, a professional team which Trump owned.

Walker said: “It hurts my soul to hear the terrible names that people call Donald. The worst one is ‘racist’.”

The Georgia standout endorsed Trump at the RNC, citing their 37-year-long friendship, and told how they had taken their families together to Disney World.

….. What IS “racism”?

If “racism” means hating other races, that is wrong.

Blacks ARE different from whites: in IQ, testosterone levels and frontal lobe development. They have issues with intelligence, aggressiveness and self-control.

But I would no more hate them for that, for how they are born, than a Harvard graduate should despise a white high-school graduate who working at the takeout window at McDonalds, or a roofer doing vital but very dangerous work on a steep roof under a roasting, broiling sun.

Margi’s roof is being put up by a 62-year-old German-American and his son

We each have our slot to fill in the great “circle of life.”

Speaking of which, this was truly a GREAT music video, from “The Lion King.” And remember, as Aryans we are meant to lead, and to deserve the loyalty of the other races who are less gifted and need OUR LEADERSHIP. Greatness is for some to lead, and for others to follow.

Solutrean social nationism is seeing all living things as one, and each has his special place, dignity, duties and beauty. Our place is as the Lion King.





  1. https://pin.it/2Isw79D
    Adoro questo simpatico scimpanzé 🙂
    Il Tolle di questo cartone animato.
    “Il passato è passato,può farti male ma da esso puoi sempre imparare qualcosa!”
    “Oggi,tu..leone Bianco,riprenditi quello che è tuo da sempre,le tue terre,la tua dignità,i tuoi diritti,il tuo lavoro,la tua famiglia e ricorda a tutti gli Animali CHI SEI da sempre nel cerchio della Vita 🙂

  2. https://youtu.be/uFJPIpdbLkw
    Alessandro non è arrabbiato,di più.
    Quindi Mosè non aveva proprio diritti di regnare.
    Immagino che tutto quello che derivava da Akhenaton è confluito poi nei Catari,pellegrini costantemente in fuga.
    Enki(che stipulò un’alleanza con la società Gilanica priva di religioni ed egualitaria)dopo di lui Akhenaton, Gesù,Federico di Svevia,Hitler…e John.
    Tutti figli del Sole.
    Purtroppo di questa storia non importa a nessuno;sono davvero dei coglioni che aspettano che il Gesù della nuvoletta scendi dal Cielo.
    Un potere Draconiano che ha rimbecillito anche i migliori.
    Ora tocca a te tirarli fuori da questo Incubo..

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