HEY, FELLOW REPUBLICANS! Former high Reagan-administration Treasury Dept. official SHREDS the Deep-State’s economic war on the White male; Margi at 13

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The stock/schlock market and a big chunk of all of American business has been compromised “for good,” as the other stock exchanges will probably also “sell out” to this tranny tyranny.

The Communist tyranny just gets worse by the day — will anyone resist?


The people unafraid to die, because their souls are immortal, and unafraid to practice brutally tough love toward the wicked — and the treasonous domestic enemies of the Constitution, the sacred document which every military veteran, like me (both Marine and Army NCO), swore to defend with our very LIFE.




….Lies More Convincing Than Truth

December 7, 2020

by Paul Craig Roberts


Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939) is an American economist and author. He formerly held a sub-cabinet office in the United States federal government as well as teaching positions at several U.S. universities. He is a promoter of supply-side economics and an opponent of recent U.S. foreign policy.

Roberts received a doctorate from the University of Virginia where he studied under G. Warren Nutter. He subsequently taught at Stanford University and the University of New Mexico before going to work as an analyst and adviser at the United States Congress where he was credited as the primary author of the original draft of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. He was the United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan and – after leaving government – held the William E. Simon chair in economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies for ten years and served on several corporate boards. A former associate editor at The Wall Street Journal, his articles have also appeared in The New York Times and Harper’s, and he is the author of more than a dozen books and a number of peer-reviewed papers.

In 1987 Roberts was invested into the Legion of Honour at the rank of chevalier (knight) by President of France François Mitterrand. He is also recipient of the United States Treasury’s Meritorious Service Award and the International Journalism Award for Political Analysis from the Mexican Press Club.


As I predicted in 2016, Trump had no understanding of Washington and no idea of who to appoint.

As I also predicted, Trump was staffed by the Establishment with an Establishment government. Trump thought, based on his experience as boss, that the boss was the boss, but as I learned from my quarter century in Washington that is not the way Washington works.

Trump’s Establishment government has destroyed Trump, first by permitting the Russiagate hoax and refusing to hold the perpetuators —who clearly committed federal felonies — accountable. No indictments for the obvious felony of misleading the FISA Court, for example, have been forthcoming from the DOJ Establishment figures of Barr and Durham.

Second, the Trump “Justice” Department permitted the hoax that Trump did what Biden clearly did — bribe the president of Ukraine with US foreign aid. Trump, who made no such bride, was investigated and impeached in the Democrat House for something it was clear he did not do. In contrast, Vice President Biden, who boasted (you can watch it on video) to the Council on Foreign Relations that he threatened the president of Ukraine with the withholding of billions of US dollars unless he fired the prosecutor who was investigating the corrupt company that was paying Biden’s son a fortune for Biden’s protection, has not been investigated by the DOJ or FBI.

Neither has Biden been investigated for the incriminating information on the laptop of his son’s computer that is in the hands of the DOJ and FBI. The FBI will cover this up just as the FBI covered up the Hillary servers and the murder of Seth Rich who leaked the information that was blamed on Wikileaks and Julian Assange.

Biden will not be investigated — unless Biden’s ill-chosen vice president demands it as “a person of color” in order to displace Biden in order to complete the American color revolution that took place on November 3 and 4, 2020. Those were the days that American democracy was officially murdered by the Democrat party’s carefully organized electoral fraud, about which not a peep from the presstitutes.

Lt. General Flynn, the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, is a military leader who was indicted not for any infractions but because he was a non-establishment appointee as National Security Advisor who would not follow the Establishment’s agenda. He realizes that the theft of a presidential election is so serious a threat to the United States that Trump should impose martial law and have the US military hold a new election.

With all we definitely now know about how the presidential election was stolen, it would be possible to hold an election with paper ballots only cast in person by certified registered voters and by certified absentee voters. From what I have concluded from my examination of the election fraud, Trump would win not only the electoral college vote but the popular vote by 20 million votes or more.

When you see, as is clearly evident, the total disinterest not only of the American presstitutes but also the presstitutes of the entire Western World in an obviously stolen presidential election, you see the death of Western civilization. The Western media have made it clear that democracy is no longer of any importance to the “watchdogs of government.” Agendas unacceptable to the people are what rule the Western World.

Washington, Britain, and the EU, full of aggressive talk of liberating the rest of the world with sanctions, bombings and military invasions, themselves need liberating. Who is to do it?

Can it be done by a [WHITE] population indoctrinated for many decades and convinced that they are racists, imperialists and unworthy of self-rule?

Or are such people made helpless by their indoctrination?

In the meantime, The Nasdaq stock exchange has told its listed companies that

they must appoint to their boards a “self-identified” female and a lesbian or transgender or some other sexual deviant or be delisted from the stock exchange.

Think about this. A stock exchange has no right to structure the corporate boards of the companies listed on the exchange. That decision is for the boards and the shareholders of the companies. It is none of Nasdaq’s business. If a company’s shareholders and board think that having sexual deviants on their boards would improve the company’s performance, they can search out such people who might make a good board member. But it is none of Nasdaq’s business.

What Nasdaq is doing is imposing an ideology on corporations that normalizes sexual deviancy and that does so by forcing corporations to either waste shareholders’ money by expanding their boards or displacing a straight white male with a sexual deviant. In other words, Nasdaq sees a normal heterosexual white male as less valuable to a corporation than a sexual deviant.

If the SEC is silly enough to go along with Nasdaq, I suppose corporations could meet this requirement by having two males self-identify as women. As no one is permitted to challenge those who self-identify as the opposite sex, this is an easy way to respond to Nasdaq’s ridiculous assertion of power over corporations.

But there is a better solution. The corporations should just tell Nasdaq to go to Hell and form their own exchange or join some other exchange. Who really needs Nasdaq in the digital age?

But this would take men with more balls than they have.

We can enjoy a laugh about this, but what we are witnessing is the ongoing displacement of white males since [the jew] Alfred W. Blumrosen, compliance chief of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commisson (EEOC), violated the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which strictly prohibited racial quotas, and imposed racial quotas on America.

*** JdN: the jew Blumrosen acknowledged as the key “anti-discrimination” lawyer in America


His message: stop hiring White males, and start firing them if they step out of line by a single remark that offends the ever-whining minorities and the totalitarian Demoncrat Party


White poverty has skyrocketed since Blumrosen.

– Homeless man John Wayne and others wait in a parking lot near LP Field after Metro police had them move their possessions from under the Shelby Street Bridge. Wayne said police have been nice about giving them time to move. A recent count by a national organization found 1,542 homeless people living in Nashville. –


And there is no compassion for them either. Yet they are less violent, though dirt-poor, than the richest blacks in America!

Beloved actor-director Ron Howard just did a movie called “Hillbilly Elegy,” based on this accurate and excellent bestseller…

It is about white Appalachian people and their often very harsh lives, ruined by unemployment due to CHINA, leading to a huge uptick in drugs and booze. Howard was viciously trashed for showing a deep, albeit critical sympathy for rural, white males.

Hollywood jews basically said: ‘These are Trump voters, so f–k ’em!”

Critic reviews ripped the movie up with fake attack points, hiding their agenda, which is simply anti-white. And for the last four presidential elections, 90% of Appalachian counties have voted in a landslide for Republicans, especially for Trump.
This isn’t Southern-hollow-to-American-success-story sociology. It’s merely hollow show business. Full review

David Fear
Rolling Stone
Full of repetitive flashbacks and constant yelling, Hillbilly Elegy strives to be the next great domestic drama, but falls short in several ways. Full review
Rachel Labonte
Screen Rant
In spite of A-list acting and directing talent, this is a tick-the-boxes recovery and redemption true story that never rings true. Full review

Terri White


Howard (part-German, whence that strong jaw, part-Scots-Irish, like Margi) was beloved as “Richie Cunningham”  on the comedy tv series “Happy Days” (here with the jew Henry Winkler as “the Fonz”).

Before that, Ron played the only child of a kindly yet realistic North Carolina sheriff and widower, acted by Andy Griffith on his eponymous tv show.

Later, Howard directed many excellent, hit movies.

Margi is of the same stock, Scots-Irish and  German from Appalachia. And she is no dummy, scoring a 99% on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). (I took it also and got only a 98%. 😉 )

 Margi at 14, apolitical and naive, a real doll-face 🙂 — playing, of all people, LOL! (((Anne Frank.))) 😉  Years later, a beautiful woman with a genius IQ, she would be raped by a black in Washington DC. Later, she found she could not have children…..  Cause and effect? 🙁

Her parents were fine people, but old-style, sincere FDR liberals. This was the only reason I did not join her when she moved back to Asheville, NC, in 2015 to care for them with great devotion in their final days.

My presence might well have also jeopardized her receiving her modest inheritance —  just as I myself had lost mine for political reasons in 2012.

Margi as a young woman

Know this, that if you stand up for the white race in its hour of need, in the, ahem, “land of the free and the home of the brave,” you can count on being cut off and punished for expressing your views, as I was, yes, reviled by your own flesh and blood.

The libtards and the patriotards both have been brainwashed to hate “racism” by the jew-owned media for all their lives. And they are fearful of the horrible, terrifying truth that America has been totally taken over by its mortal jew enemies.

We will probably have to be ready to fight, George Washington-style, to get rid of them, no matter what the cost.


My father’s mansion on Nayatt Road in wealthy Barrington, Rhode Island. He was a self-made millionaire, and a senior partner and co-founder of the Davis, Bateman & Nugent insurance brokerage in Providence. He was also the Republican nominee for governor in 1974, which was, unfortunately, the Watergate year, a disaster for all Republicans.

my father with Gerald Ford in the  Oval Office


and with Reagan


and (r) with Nixon’s and Ford’s Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger (l)

The Republicans will never, ever face the truths about 1) racial differnces, 2) that America was planned by the Founding Fathers to be a WHITE NATION and 3) that the jews are out to enslave and destroy the Whites here and everywhere else.

As they are proving now by viciously betraying the best Republican president in generations, Donald John Trump.

And they fear being snubbed at the country club, as was my own father at the Bent Pine CC in Vero Beach, Florida. He was a brave Marine Corps sergeant at the legendary WWII battle of Iwo Jima, but he could not take being ostracized, so he cut off his own son.

Dad and I at his house just off the Atlantic,  in the Seagrove gated community on US Route A1A (seen above) 

He played here, too, at Vero Beach CC. 

Me upper-left, Margi lower-right, and my dad lower-middle on his 80th birthday in 2007 

What hurt the most and was the most disillusioning about my father — basically a very, very good man, an outstanding Marine in two wars, a highly respected businesman, and a mentor to many  young men who came to him for advice, was that secretly, like most Republicans, he AGREED with most of my views

on race and the jews!

As did Richard Nixon!

In this, IMO, very powerful article, please scroll down first halfway to Nixon and the Reverend Billy Graham discuss the Jews”

When will the real (white nationalist) Trump, needled by “hotties” Ingraham and Coulter, dare to come out of the closet?


Blumrosen reasoned that he could get away with it because courts defer to the regulatory authority. What [part-jew via both parents,Delano and orig. “Rosenfeld”] Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal did was to turn legislation passed by Congress into an authorization bill for regulatory agencies to make the law. [The jew] Blumrosen understood this and used it to deny the protection of the 14th Amendment to white males. I and Lawrence Stratton explain the history and misuse of the Civil Rights Act in The New Color Line (1995). The purpose of the Civil Rights Act was to enforce the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause, but the result in practice was to deny equal protection to white males.

As a joke, Rep. Howard W. “Judge” Smith, added to the Civil Rights Act an amendment prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex. Feminists jumped on this and got Smith’s joke passed as part of the bill. This gave Blumrosen two avenues for displacing white males in university admissions, employment and promotion. At the time the normalization of homosexuality and the concept of transgender were in the distant future, but Judge Smith’s joke also gives preference to homosexuals and transgendered over straight white males. The consequence today is that blacks, women, and sexual deviants have legally enforced preferences over straight white males. Nasdaq is simply doing today what Blumrosen did in the 1960s.

For more than a half century the position of American white males has been eroding. Today, the husband often earns less than the wife and has less job security. This diminishes his importance in the family and his self-esteem. The ideology of the Democrat Party and Nasdaq, further demeans him as a racist, misogynist victimizer.

In America, and throughout the disintergrating Western World, the white male is portrayed as an obstacle to social justice.

Few people comprehend that the protector of Western civilization is being eliminated. New generations are being born into a time when the orchestrated descent of the straight white male is in progress. For them, the lowly position of the white male is normal. It is what they are born into. They know no different. They have no idea of the past or of the consequences of what is happening. Women and preferred minorities become more and more aggressive and straight white men become accustomed to their second class status. The young have never known any different. As white males are almost eliminated as heros in movies and novels, have no champions, and are no longer seen even in advertisements, they experience their discredited status as normal.

We now hear of young white males having identity problems and of rising suicide rates. The destruction of white male identity is what Alfred Blumrosen’s perversion of the 1964 Civil Rights Act achieved.


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under President Ronald Reagan and was associate editor and columnist at The Wall Street Journal. He has been a professor of economics in six universities and is the author of numerous books.

Permission to reprint Dr. Roberts’ columns does not imply that Dr. Roberts endorses the websites or media organizations that republish his columns or that he approves of the content of the websites, media outlets or books that republish his columns.


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  1. What bothers me about Roberts is that I have a tendency to remember things, like how he jumped on that “college bound gentle giant” Michael Brown bandwagon orchestrated by the enemy controlled media, same as the Saint Floyd story and so many others, “murdered” by Officer Wilson. Yeah he was fully onboard with that, so shove it, Roberts!

    • I think we should not be too harsh, white comrade. “Comprendre, c’est pardonner” — to understand is to forgive. 🙂
      It might be that Roberts suffers from some residual naïveté himself, but I suspect it is more a case of this, that his target audience is regular Republicans whom he wishes to gradually red-pill — not hard-core white nationalists like us — so he “goes easy.” He starts from where his readers are. It is called “mirroring.”
      Like Alex Jones, Paul Craig Roberts — a man with huge prestige and a top resumé — knows to not go too far — or he loses his readership.
      It is the concept of the “conveyor belt.” The jews grasp this very well, and in fact it was the horrific bolshevik jew Leon Trotsky who first called it thus. The Roberts types move the normies rightward.
      A human conveyor-belt, a “people mover” in Germany, gently moves folks forward:

      It is my task, with normies now on first or second base — thanks to Alex Jones, Paul Craig Roberts (or, for that matter, on FOX Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Watters, and, yes, even the jew Greg Gutfeld, who rips the black Juan Williams a new one in each episode of “The Five” — to drive them home, creating now a passionate, antisemitic, race-based mass movement. 🙂
      (Yes, there are jews who quietly agree with us on literally e-v-e-r-y-thing.)

      This report by Carlson, who recently and (((under orders))) enraged us all by “accepting” Beijing Biden’s “win,” was one HUGE “dog-whistle” against the black race:


  2. It has been reported in the past that the CIA mind-control programmed thousands (at the least)of children using its MK-Ultra cruel, torture methods. These children grew up not even knowing they had been made mind-controlled slaves to be used later in life for criminal, or influential purposes. Sounds very sci-fi alien, but is true. Slaves are told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. They can be “triggered” when they are needed to fulfill assignments. Anyone, in any profession can actually be an engineered tool of action, in media, politics, science, academics, military, etc. This can include Roberts, Carlson, and maybe even JdN without his knowing, because memories and knowledge have been so thoroughly controlled. It is that bad. Anyone who was victimized as a child cannot remember all that he has been through, so will deny any such possibility. That is why suddenly some sane, docile person all of a sudden will do a horrific deed that is not understood. The potential to act out is always hidden deep in the brain. This subject can be researched, but these are two places to start comprehending:


    JAMES RINK, MARCH 24, 2013

    • Great info, but I would not be one of those still controlled. I ran away at age ten and suddenly the whole program stopped. The mind control simply did not work, despite horrendous suffering.

      • I have given the explanation for this: German jews masquerading as “evil Nazis” to their white American child victims, so that if they should ever recall (and stop repressing) the horrific tortures they underwent, they will blame “the Nazis.”

        Many, many MK survivors report “Nazis.”

        In the jarring book Unshackled, the authoress both blames Nazis (for stuff done to her as a little girl) and Henry Kissinger. And there you see the whole thing unravel.


        • Oh so is that how the atrocity stories about “evil doctor M.” started. Similar to the talmudists dressing up in American army uniforms to operate their post war torture chambers and (real) death camps.

          On the other hand there were hundreds of thousands of loyal and righteous Jews in Germany and Europe. Many of the very highest National Socialist leaders had Jewish background, including Hitler’s chosen successor the brilliant Reinhardt Heydrich, murdered by the All-Lies, something – assassinations – that Hitler refused to engage in – despite the blurb in the fake dr mengele link above saying he trained his hypnotised victims to be assassins; and the founder of the SS and holder of NSDAP card #2 or3 (I forgot which), Emil Maurice – funny how u never hear about him!

          Many of those righteous Jews fought FOR the Reich (re Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers) and thousands of non-talmudic Karaite Jews fought in the Wafffen SS (Gen. Leon Degrelle wrote about his surprise at meeting a group of his comrades celebrating a Jewish holiday in the snow in Russia! – and Elie the Weasel used to have a description of that on his website…and I wonder how the Karaites now blend in so well into the Jewish communities around San Francisco and in Israel with their background. Do they have some kabbalic power of the ordinary Jews?) And Wehrmacht soldier of the year for 1938: Werner Goldberg, Jewish!

          As for the brilliant Bobby Fischer, I met him once when I was a kid, or at least I think it did, sort-of. His radio broadcasts from Hungary and the Philipines used to be online, but most seem to be gone now. I did find some transcripts. DuckDuckGo it and see if yr interested.


          Werner Goldberg

    • Sad. He was viciously attacked by the dominant newspaper, the Providence Urinal (Journal).

      The jews were out to get Nixon — whom they knew to be antisemitic, as was VP Spiro Agnew — and vilified anyone who stuck up for him, or even, like my dad, out of loyalty simply refused to condemn him.

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