Hey, Trump, how’s your jew-love doing these days?

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The almost certainly part-jewish Acting DHS Secretary, Chad Wolf, has just defied  a direct order from dying grizzly Trump (since when do jews obey goyim?) to fire the “US Cybersecurity chief,” who just lied that the election of Pervy Joe Biden (via crooked Dominion software and mail-in ballots sent in by the dead)  was fair and accurate.

A lady comrade wrote me:


President Trump can’t fight against deep state when his own administration is against him. Even Ivanka and Jared actively promoted mail-in ballots against Trump’s strong objections. Trump is the President that wasn’t supposed to be when the government had already been set up to be run by Hillary Clinton. Ironic that the Trump family have been friends with the Clintons. So much so that Ivanka subverts her own dad.

DHS Secretary Chad Wolf Defies President Trump – Refuses to Fire Cybersecurity Chief Krebs Who Missed(?) Massive Fraud in this Year’s Election
NOVEMBER 15, 2020
“Just two weeks ago US Cybersecurity Chief Christopher Krebs assured Americans that mail-in ballots was safe and secure.”

“On Wednesday the White House ordered DHS Secretary Chad Wolf to terminate Krebs after he released a statement dismissing voter fraud in this year’s election. Chad Wolf defied the president and refused to fire Christopher Krebs.”

Trump Attacks Voting By Mail Hours After Posing Beside Ivanka and Jared Holding Their Mail-In Ballots
By Aidan McLaughlin Oct 26th, 2020

“Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner beamed as they proudly posed with their mail-in ballots for the 2020 presidential election alongside the president on Air Force One Monday afternoon. But just hours later, President Donald Trump had resumed his attempts to undermine faith in the practice.

“Big problems and discrepancies with Mail In Ballots all over the USA. Must have final total on November 3rd,” Trump tweeted, in a post that was slapped by Twitter with a “disputed” information tag and hidden.”



….My reply

Tragic…and how deluded of Trump to ever imagine he could trust any jew, such as Chad Wolf almost certainly is, or at least a part-jew.

But we must not forget or forgive the white traitors who do the jews’ bidding for ego, money, fame, sex and power, such as the innocent-as-a-Boy-Scout-appearing Cybersecurity (not!) boss, German-American Christopher Krebs….

Faces like those of Wolf or Michael Chertoff (deeply involved in 9/11 and the coverup, then in the NTA airport x-ray & sexual-groping program since 2010) immediately set off alarms bells by their swarthy and sinister appearance.

So the jews need their choir-boy goys.

So who is more despicable?

The goy who knowingly betrays his own people to their merciless enemy!

A murderer only kills one person.

A traitor kills a whole nation!

He kills MILLIONS!





  1. As Corneliu Zelea Codreanu so beautifully said himself, “A country has the jews it deserves.”

    The jews in your nation spill their internal rot into everyone else and are a good indicator how healthy a nation really is.

    America’s guts are full of maggots so massively that Dr. Fauci would have a tough time finding the intestines.

  2. Jews try everything to destroy white relationships via feminized men, masculine women, transgenders, homosexuality, pornography and they even encourage cheating (adultery and cuckolding).

    They know that without stable white parental relationships, there will be few or no white children — and one-parent kids, especially only children, grow up damaged!





    It seems like it is never enough for these kikes, until we, the white men, enforce our will of freedom, health and future by a language that these creatures understand: REAWAKENING the white aryan spirit and full knowledge of the jewish question.

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