It was indeed a very credible and important sighting. All kinds of believable, solid Canadians saw it: civilians, police and military.
It is a very good example also of a spaceship having a malfunction, then a sister ship arriving to repair it, and then both taking off, shooting back out of the water.
It is even possible the US Deep State caused the malfunction, in other words, tried to shoot it down and did damage it, being in bed with the Greys as they are.
In that case, the goal likely would have been to harvest its technology, without, of course, sharing its benefits with the world.
And, btw, the crew of these ships is often KILLED by the crash. I ran a story years ago by a former US Marine who was stationed in, as I recall, Colombia, down in South America. He was part of a team that recovered a silver, teardrop-shaped craft that had hit a mountainside in the jungle. The hull was not damaged by the crash, but there were four dead aliens in it. Of course, he was warned to say nothing….
So the US Deep State is in league, unannounced to the American people, with one group of aliens (who also abduct and kill Americans!) and is shooting down and killing other aliens.
How nice.
…..Spiritual reading
April 25
The sap continues to rise and spring is arriving in all its myriad manifesTations. THis is happening in nature, but it is also happening, as it does, in all of you.
Each spring, the renewal in the world around you is mirrored in your own rebirth of hope and joy, and the wheel of the year begins anew with plans and visions and the resurgence of energies which enable you to create, to bring to life that which you long for.
You may well fInd that the call to creation feels even stronger than usual. And this goes back to something we said yesterday:
“Remember that you are moving swifly into a time when the dominant energies, the ones that make ‘sense’ of things and organize reality, are derived from the heart, from love, and not as they have been for so long, from the mind.”
There is indeed a real need to start building in this new paradigm.
And the need for you to make your contribution could well feel urgent. Perhaps you can now see where it is that you want to go and what you want to do—why wait another moment to set your foot on the path?
Or the sense-knowledge of your direction is growing in your heart and you feel the call to start making it reality beginning to press painfully—you are through with an old way of being and it is time to cast it off and leap into what feels true and right.
But for many of you, there is a little patience and another round of clearing required. Oh, we hate to tell you this, but it must be said. We feel that rising sap, and if we could in good conscience tell you to run with it, nothing would give us more joy.
But the situation is like this: most of you have done enough of your work that if you determine to build something beautiful and bright, you will accomplish that. And your creation will have a structural integrity that will hold it together.
However, if you put it atop a foundation with any weakness, it will not weather the storms which are most certainly in the offing. This is easy to see, fairly self-evident.
So here you are, poised to begin a new phase of this incredible task you have taken on. Eager to emerge from the chrysalis and fly.
But we need to tell you that although your future is a wave already rolling toward you, it is not quite here yet.
This is important: take today to look as deeply as you can within for any last hold-outs—beliefs, ideas and conventions that are no longer valid and that could sabotage what you want to build.
In all likelihood, these will be beliefs about yourself and probably will have a pretty tight connection to an emotion.
We know you have trolled these waters again and again, but many of you are still feeling the influence of an old event or two and the concomitant beliefs it/they gave rise to.
You may know exactly what it is that still has a hold on you. If you do, go for it again. Release those remnants, the archaic but tenacious garbage that really needs to go before the new can be approached in earnest.
If you don’t know what—if anything—might still need clearing in your being, you might want to try scanning your physical body for tightness or pain or places of holding.
Where you constrict energy and keep it from flowing in your body you will find a lot of information. Just allow yourself to know what is there to be known. Ask to be shown whatever it is that your body is doing, holding, knowing. Welcome sensation, memory, words, images, emotion.
You may have a way of clearing that works for you. Use it. But we want to tell you that if you are able to really see and feel your ‘stuff’ in all its facets, that will be enough. If you let yourself deeply know what it is that continues to pull you backwards at times, despite all of your work, it will simply begin to dissolve.
No other effort is required but the seeing, the knowing and the facing of it.
Clearing rot from the foundation is something no one really enjoys. Especially as the creative juices of spring rise. It feels like time to plant all that you have been visioning, but seeds planted too soon die in the ground.
We understand how draining and difficult much of your journey has been in many cases.
The demands placed upon you for your own transformation have been relentless, and although you have experienced joy and gratitude and illumination along the path, it has not been easy.
You will feel the great opening that is almost upon you simultaneous to this mopping up. The brightness will continue to call and beckon you, and as you let go of the junk, more and more light and hope and clarity will rush in.
You will know when it is time to start planting. And when you do, don’t wait!
We send you all our love, many blessings and deep reverence for your courage and commitment. –E. West
“Ricorda che ti stai muovendo rapidamente in un’epoca in cui le energie dominanti, quelle che danno ‘senso’ alle cose e organizzano la realtà, derivano dal cuore, dall’amore, e non come lo sono state per così tanto tempo, dalla mente . ”
C’è davvero una reale necessità di iniziare a costruire in questo un nuovo paradigma.
There is really a real need to start building a new paradigm in this.
Si chiama farfalla di vetro,si trova in America 🙂
È molto delicata e si mimetizza per nascondersi dai predatori.
È bellissima.
It is called a glass butterfly, and it is found in America
It is very delicate and camouflages itself to hide from predators.
She’s gorgeous.
Yes, SO divine. Thank you! 🙂
Questo ragazzo fa delle cose…
Mio Dio.
È sempre vestito di bianco e fa gesti molto particolari(braccia aperte/Resurrezione…e indice in su(Wotan).
È una forza,un talento…
Sembra il paradiso.
Buon Sangue non mente.
Bianchi di un certo livello.
Istinto di sopravvivenza 🙂 e tutto funziona bene.