Hilarious white rap song on Biden/Trump/Tucker/Putin; the most and least depressed states

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This is a spot-on satire video using CGI


You can turn on the subtitles by clicking on the CC (Closed Captions) on the lower right.


…..Most and least depressed US states

This article said exactly what I thought it would: the four most mentally depressed ( = sad, despairing, even suicidal) US states are all WHITE, POOR (low-income) states in Appalachia — VERY white (West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Vermont).
Beautiful low mountains and hills, with many coal mines, and many generations of deadly black-lung disease from the coal dust. Miners often died in their fifties from this black lung disease if a mine collapse did not kill them first.
The Appalachian mountain folk have high levels of poverty, drug abuse and alcoholism. A major ethnic background is German, but far more unruly and troubled is the Scotch-Irish element, whose ancestors were Protestants from Northern Ireland, and literally a mix of Scottish and Irish, with some English added. They often have keltic red hair and milk-white or very pink skin, as we see with the singer Oliver Anthony. (See below.)
The other big Appalachian element is part-American DNA, whether from the Cherokee tribe, the Seneca  or from another tribe.
Both the Scotch-Irish and the Amerindian have DNA favorable to alcoholism. (In fact, eleven states had bans on bars servings liquor to Indians.)
Of course, what booze is really about is self-medication for depression — “drowning one’s sorrows” and not tackling them head-on.
The Jew World  Order especially hates Appalachians because they are very anti-black and voted in two landslides against Obama. The southern Appalachian regions refused to join the Confederacy, not because they were liberals on race, but because they wanted NO blacks around at all! 😉 …as in “We don’t need ’em; send ’em all back to Africa!”
And the article says four least whites states have the lowest amounts of  depression. Partly, these are wealthy states where free mental-health care may be provided. But it is also that the media promotes PRIDE in Blacks, Hispanics, gays and immigrants, while bashing the white man and promoting white guilt.
On the most basic level, when these “hillbillies” see on tv that 600,000 migrants a month are entering the USA illegally, getting a check for $2,000, a smartphone, and a free plane  ticket to anywhere they want, these working-class Whites get the message: the government hates white people — we are basically doomed.
And now you see why Oliver Anthony’s song “Rich Men North of Richmond” continues to rack up gigantic numbers, now at 119 Million views. The white working class “gets it” — and especially white males –that the Deep State wants them all dead.
There may have been some  divine/angelic intervention for this one song to have such perfect words and  from-the-heart singing. It has just exploded! This Anthony is not a professional musician, but he sings of his own misery and what he sings about is a perfect description of the misery of the white working class. He was, as they say,”in the zone.” This was truly his finest hour.

I really appreciate this song… I work 12 hour shifts 5 sometimes 6 days a week making car parts for foreign cars… Toyota, Hyundai, Lexus & BMW… The pay isn’t minimum wage… But after all the taxes and insurance, it sure feels like it. Oliver Anthony’s music really touches my old alcoholic soul…
This song hits me differently from all the others!! I cry hearing it because I lost my brother to suicide five long years ago. He was a tug-boat captain who had a seizure — and so he lost everything, even his drivers license.
He was denied disability for the third time and I guess he felt there was no other way. Mental illness is real and especially when the government is all about the rich men. I pray your music continues to help many people, Oliver. Keep fighting the good fight.
With German subtitles:


With French subtitles:

…..Email to a donor and book lover

He sent me this honest, eye-opening book by J.D. Vance — himself   from an Appalachian family, later a sucessful businessman in Silicon Valley, and now an excellent, paleoconservative US senator from Ohio. (Tucker Carlson promoted him for months as he ran for office and won.)

Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J. D. Vance is an account of the struggles of white working-class Americans in the post-industrial United States. The author offers a message of hope by telling the story of how he went from growing up poor in Ohio’s Rust Belt to graduating from Yale Law School.

James David (J. D.) Vance’s family is of Scots-Irish descent. His people have a long history of enduring poverty and hardship. Since the 18th century in the United States, the Scots-Irish have been plantation workers, sharecroppers, miners, and factory and millworkers. Many settled or have roots in Appalachia. Other Americans sometimes consider J. D.’s people “hillbillies, rednecks, or white trash”. As industrial manufacturing has declined in recent decades, hillbillies have been hit especially hard.

Dear S[]:
First, many thanks for the Hillbilly Elegy book, which was so grounded and credible and a real eye-opener. I am going to write the author, who speaks openly of how childhood trauma affected him and affects millions of white hillbilly kids.
The reviewer ends, in agreement with the author, J.D. Vance, this way, and I refute it below:

Inspiring as his own story is, Vance leaves us wondering about the people whose lives are so badly broken and about whom he writes with affection, pity, and candor. What, if anything, can be done?

If J.D. Vance’s people are to be saved, they will need to do it themselves. As they knew in the hollows, and know in their bones, you cannot depend on outsiders.

Btw, my late wife Margi — for all her master’s degree and off-the-chart IQ (99th percentile on the GSAT, the Graduate School Admissions Test), was basically of hillbilly stock herself:
Appalachian Scotch-Irish and German-…
… and, just like J.D. Vance, she worked to overcome her challenges.
Margi making a pumpkin pie from scratch
Her article on her fellow Kelt, Joan of Arc, which I helped her write:


A British officer sighed as Joan was burned alive: “My God, we have burned a saint.”

German federal police computer reconstruction of her appearance


Margi’s master’s degree


Here was Margi singing an Irish art song, “I Know My Love,” right here in Michigan (sorry for the tinny audio, but IMO it is still very enjoyable) —  the last three minutes, 12:25-14:52.
I was very blessed to have a loyal, truthful, convinced, brilliant and highly cultured WN woman in my life, aside from all her fine qualities as a woman, lover and amazing cook.
Like many a Kelt, she had a great gift with words, and her father, Albert Huffstickler, was an outstanding poet. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Huffstickler)
It strikes me, thinking about her and about my dealings with two neighbors who are half-Irish and half-German, that the different branches of the white race really are not the same.
You have your fun-loving, rebellious, fightin’-‘n-drinkin’ “wildbunch” Kelts (and recall the movie “Braveheart” about the Scots) on the one hand, and then the orderly Teutons on the other, the Anglo-Saxons, Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians, etc.
The Kelts can be a barrel of fun and the type you would invite to a party, but anarchistic and rowdy by nature, and the other is quiet, a bit boring, and very steady, “making the trains run on time.”  *;) winking
DNA haplogroups — R1b corresponds to the fun-loving, freedom-loving Kelts
Red hair also goes with Kelts; the original European population was brunets, possibly with light eyes
Zia, the Solutrean (20,000 BC), in “Ice Age Columbus”, with brown hair and light eyes like author J.D. Vance; the basic European population has always had dark hair.
Much later, the Indo-Europeans (Aryans) appeared, tall from eating huge amounts of protein from drinking milk and slaughtering cattle for beef, they conquered the brunets, and added their blond hair to he mix, especially to the ruling class. Over 80% of US senators and presidents, almost all wealthy men, have had blue eyes.
Famous freedom-loving redheads: Thomas Jefferson….
Andrew Jackson, who as a teen fought in the Revolution and lost his mother and brothers
George Washington was, as his friends reported, a redhead under the wig…
He had fought for the British Empire in the Seven Years (French and Indian) War and was a loyal British subject who hated anarchy and had a low opinion of the masses. But he became outraged at arrogant behavior by British officials toward himself, a very proud man, and the scoffing by London at the complaints of other Americans.
He once vowed during the Revolutionary War that if the British Army conquered the whole American east coast, he would “retreat to the hills and fight on forever with the Scotch-Irishmen.”
The British recognized gradually that this was very possible; in the 13 British-American colonies in 1776, many English-Americans had remained loyal to the Crown, but the large populations of Irish, Scotch-Irish, Welsh and Scots, Kelts all, hated English rule, exactly as British officials and spies reported back to London. After the French-aided victory at Yorktown, Virginia in 1781, the British ruling class gave up and the Empire lost its best colony by far.
The author of Hillbilly Elegy, J.D. Vance, basically says that a considerable percentage of Appalachians, especially nowadays, are (to be blunt) what others call “white trash.”
He says that some live on welfare, and can be lazy, ignorant, uncouth, uncooperative, and foul-mouthed.
Some even spout on  and on about Jesus but do not attend any church at all.
This surprisiedme. I thought hillbillies went to church a lot but he says the stats show the exact opposite — the lowest church attendance of any ethnic group in the country.  They can very violent both in the home and with others, and thus in trouble with the law constantly.
In fact, Vance says that everything in a sociological study he read about American ghetto blacks applied to his group as well!
What he says also is that the steady love of his grandparents, however flawed, saved him from utter disaster as a kid, and then joining the Marines effected the actual turnaround in his life.
The Marines have straightened out a lot of young people.
The-gunny-di-usmc-major -malfunction
What Adolf Hitler did for Germany was to Marine Corps-ize it, discipline it, and unite a nation that after 13 years of Jew-Weimar did nothing but infight and fall to pieces in every way possible.
Furthermore, Hitler genetically was a half-Kelt, half-Teuton himself and this explains his dark hair and blue eyes, and his multi-talented greatness — both as a fiery orator,  idealist, and visionary, from his keltic side, and an efficient organizer from his Germanic side.


Admit it, J.D., that the Marine Corps is an authoritarian system and you joined the Marines to be straightened out.
And it worked for you, and it worked for Germany!
As Germany was saved by a frank and open dictatorship, a top-down system also saved YOU from drugs, crime, disease, prison and death.
My 2010 Brackenridge, Pennsylvania video on how Hitler saved the white working class from utter financial and moral destruction, including alcoholism. 
A German family in 1943, with a masculine paterfamilias, a feminine, motherly wife, and a well-turned out child; it took the whole world six years to beat one country, Hitler Germany.
And, furthermore, we Americans do not live in a democracy now, nor hav we ever since 1776, nor did the Founding Fathers want a democracy at all.
The word “democracy”is found neither in the Declaration of Independence nor in the U.S. Constitution. The key Federalist Papers denounce the very idea.

…..The answer for White America is a new form of national socialism, social nationism.

America was the rule by an Anglo-Saxon elite 1776-1912, but it has been a judeo-klepto-plutocracy since 1913, when the Federal Reserve was enacted.

As J.D. Vance concedes, the whole system is beyond f—d up, it is unfixable with all solutions now on the table or tried in the past — FDR, LBJ, etc — and only individual suffering cases can be somewhat lessened. .

As Vance says, resources are poured into Appalachia way too late in the process. Child Protective Services, drug rehab and prison for teenagers come for Appalachian young people after they are already derailed.

It is in early childhood that these Appalachian, keltic white kids learn the utter, searing horrors of white-trash existence, of ACEs (“Adverse Childhood Events”) and are deformed, usually forever, by the traumas.

The German-Canadian Eckart Tolle’s brilliant, five-million-selling book



…says it best.

We shlep around a “pain body” of childhood trauma, fear and anger.


Because the ego is a toxic thing that wants to suffer and can live only via trauma, fear and anger. Peace comes to those who shed this toxic ego, this delusion that “I am just a collection of pain and scars.”

I had a childhood that was designed scientifically by the US deep state to be incredibly traumatic.



It was only the shedding of this pain body, this ego, this “I am a bundle of childhood pain stuck in 1959,” which enabled me to begin to achieve what God wants for this fellow, this “John de Nugent” guy, to do in his current life.



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