Himmler: sincere and brave, not a mere dweeb

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I wish to thank Himmler, Goebbels, Hess,

Rudolf and wife at Nuremberg

Goering, Rosenberg, Doenitz, et alia: smart, sincère, diligent and very brave men who were a vital part of our many huge and brilliant successes between 1920-45.

Had I not chosen (even after Stalingrad) and stubbornly persisted in a disastrous anti-Russian policy, we would have won the war.

Not least of all it was we who developed the a-bomb first. I occupied the whole Czech territory, although non-German, and thus to the o the shock of the world in order to get at the Czechs’ uranium.

Remember that the plagiarizing jew physisist Albert Einstein in that same year of 1939 was urging Frank Rosenfeld to develop an American a-bomb. The race was on, on all sides, ours and the Allies, to get The Bomb.


We would have developed it into a war-deciding weapon in another six months.

The American a-bombs dropped on Japan had German nuclear cores, but the early a-bombs had mostly heat and radioactivity, and not enough blast (the force to knock over or sweep away massive buildings).

Plus, the Allies threatened us at a meeting in neutral Switzerland that they would send 17,000 bombers to poison-gas every man, woman and child in Germany if we used our a-bomb on them.

Hiroshima — Look! ONLY wooden structures were flattened. Every building made of steel-reinforced concrete was still standing AFTER the A-bomb made with GERMAN uranium was dropped. London, Manchester, New York, Pittsburgh and Chicago would NOT have been flattened or their war factories, bridges and rail lines destroyed by our early bomb.



But we ran out of both space (Germany not being an immense country like Russia or America where you can lose a thousand miles of territory and still keep on fighting)) and of gasoline.

It is really just that simple.

Ar the end, we were using teams of oxen to tow our amazing Messerschmidt 262 fighter-bombers onto the runway — because, after our refinery at Ploiesti, Romania fell to the Soviets, we were almost out of gas!


Hermann Goering told me the brutal truth — the war would be lost entirely by us losing Ploiesti.

The Brits and Americans tried desperately to knock this refinery out but suffered crippling losses from our flak.


Our very feared 88mm flak guns were also lowered down and used to annihilate Allied tanks.


Our wonder-weapons were far advanced over the actually very good weapons the Allies had. After all, this was was a war amongst white men — and all sides were led by committed, experienced professionals.

My 1999 article on German technology:


This now is a Mark Felton video on Heinrich Himmler, with his usual minimum of Nazi-bashing.

His viewers are not even aware how pro-German they really are, liking a lot Felton’s “just-the-facts” content. It spares them the usual Holocaust-Holocaust-Holocaust and the sempiternal sinister/weepy-violins/Holomania music. 😉

Aww, the poor jewbies had only declared total war on Germany in 1933, unleashing it in full in 1939, but that does not mean the poor dears were to be treated as enemies. 😉

Why are you Nazis so sore on the jews, a race of gentle poets and philanthropists?

Nice nose for an Englishman….Sir Charles Portal, RAF air marshal

We Allies oppose racism — but all Germans are evil seed, even the women and kids. So we ignored the Hague Rules of War which we signed that prohibit bombings that deliberately target civilians.


Many germanophilic comments under Mark Felton videos get 400 to 600 “likes” from the others. Why? Felton takes a sort of George Patton stance: the Nazis were evil tyrants, but the German people and their Wehrmacht, now THEY do deserve our deep Anglo-American respect.

This oblivious attitude ignores that it was national socialism that made the Germans ten times better in WWII than they were in WWI.

We lost only because we were 1) out of gas and 2) unable to mass-produce and deploy our fuel-gobbling miracle weapons, we were then defeated by being outnumbered, in the end, by 7 to 1!

Sir John Keegan of Britain: The Wehrmacht was 50% better than the Anglo-Americans, soldier for soldier, and twice as good as the Russians.

Anyway, Henrich Himmler proves that one does not need to look like a movie star to be a good, decent and very valuable human being. 🙂

What counts is deeds, not words, and Heinrich Himmler had the deeds. I salute him, dweeby glasses and all. 🙂




Btw, Felton is absolutely WRONG in claiming Himmler did not march in the Beer Hall Putsch, where 16 of our brave men were mowed down by German cops who were “just following orders”  that had been issued by the treacherous, loathsome and genuine dweeb, neo-con Gustav von Kahr.

He got his in 1934 — a long-overdue beating, and then a bullet. 

Had we come to power in 1923, the early Soviet Union could have been smashed with little difficulty — and all the American presidents in the 1920s were staunch anti-communist Republicans: Harding, Coolidge and Hoover, not overt communist symapthizers like Frank Rosenfeld, who called the genocidal psychopath Stalin “Uncle Joe.”

This jew website says it correctly:

On November 9, 1923, Himmler marched with Hitler, Röhm, Hermann Göring, and other Nazi leaders in the Beer Hall Putsch against the German government. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/heinrich-himmler


Tsk, tsk, Mark Felton, Mr. Military Historian — look at this photo!

Who exactly is that right behind Rudolf Hess, marching straight at the rifles?

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On Friday, this site will go down unless I get the financial means to continue paying $800 a month to keep a vigilant comrade solvent so he can continue to bodyguard this site.

For a solid thirteen months now I have paid out of pocket for this comrade and his little daughter. They will be pretty royally f—ed if the site goes down. My funds are almost all they live on, since he is on every doxxing blacklist and cannot get other work.

I am telling the truth, as ever.

They live on 50 euros  ( = US$50) a week for food.

All little girls want to be a beautiful princess. 😉 She IS for me — and for her dad.

Every week I send money to keep this site up which you are reading. You can do the right thing. and be proud of yourself

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— 29 June 2021 100 euros, silver bracelet for Margi, and a copy in Italian of the famous Serenity Prayer from E in Italy

The Serenity Prayer from Reinhold Niebuhr


— 28 June 2021 $23 in cash and ltr from W in Tennessee


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–21 June 2021 200 euros, photos from the Louvre Museum, and a kind note from M in France


–18 June 2021 150 euros, photos of the Roman arena in ancient Paris, then called “Lutetia,” and card from M in France.

1 Comment

  1. Yes, Heinrich was there in the street shootout, prepared to be shot.

    It is nice to see Mark Felton gingerly trying to unsupport the hate-mongering that the entire world is supposed be consumed with.

    Thanks for showing Heinrich’s real life, and expressing the fallacy of that disease, that hatemongery, which the world embraces.

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