A WN who is an atheist read my article on angels helping us and wrote me:
I’ve never had that, John, but I have had someone save my life when I was at high school and having lunch at the shops over the road with a classmate, who was a half-cast indigenous boy [= a half-Australian aborigine] wWith a school pass, a card you get to leave the school grounds during lunch.
And as we were on the way back, me being a foolish 16-year-old, I started to walk forward without looking if there was a car coming. And he put his arm out and stopped me — just as a huge industrial truck came hurtling past.
If he hadn’t done that, I would have been absolute mince meat and dead at 16, and that was fortunate.
But I have to be honest, John. I’m not even that thankful that I’m still alive today with the depressing, horrible life I’ve had with years of chronic insomnia. And now with severe health issues from having the 2 mRNA death shots.
I think things are just a roll of the dice.
And you realise when you’rd older that you’re just another unlucky person in this cruel, unforgiving world.
And that nothing happens for a reason and that sometimes chronic health issues can never be overcome.
I would say that I’ve had a miserable, horrible life, and I’ve never felt real happiness.
So I’ve got no hope for humanity or anything worthwhile in this world anymore.
Since this was his umpteenth comment of despair, I chose, this time, to write something firmer.
You are in a mental hell.
I was in hell too by being molested as a boy, but I escaped it.
That half-abo boy saving your life was because an angel was trying to snap you out of your depression and nudge you in the right direction. If you just shrug it off, and you did, and do this ignoring of offers of help over and over, the angel will get tired of helping you.
You didn’t take the hint. You refused to take the hint, so, fine, he will leave you to your own devices.
He stands there now as you writhe in mental torment, his arms folded across his chest. Why? Because he cannot violate your free will; so his hands are tied. If you insist on suffering, then suffer you shall. 🙁
Well, one might think, the saving of your life from being squished by that truck was just happenstance, and not a miracle.
“Almost anybody would have reached out and pulled me back. If there REALLY is a God, then I want to see a man walk on water, or rise up into the sky, or raise the dead, or heal a man’s blindness.”
Well, Jesus actually did all that, and the Talmud that hates Jesus even admits it!!!!!!!
But the jews, the past masters of egoic thinking and the denial of plain reality, lie that He did His miracles because He had a pact with the Devil!
There is nothing, no proof, no fact, no mountain of evidence, that can convince a man who is ruled by his egoic mind.
In another life, I did this.
And what do the jews and their zombies say? “Of course Hitler got the economy going; it was by rearming Germany, by revving up his war machine to conquer the world –and then this maniac intended to gas everyone who didn’t have blond hair and blue eyes)!”
Every word of this is totally false. But just on the economy….
First I got the economy going with our fresh, new economic and social ideas, a marvel of practical idealism that inspired the German people. We created a feeling of “folk community” — that we were all truly “in this together,” all one team, and that everyone in the New Germany would really care about his fellow citizen.
And then, only then, when the economy was already booming, and I and our regime were super-popular as a direct result of the flourishing economy (after four years of the Jewmerican-caused Great Depression, with its dire poverty, hunger, and despair), only at that point did I dare to “remilitarize.”
Look at the girl on the far left. That is pure trust. Germany and I were in love with each other! 🙂
The vile Briton Sefton Delmer knew the Germans well and yet served the jews via slander, which he called “black propaganda.” In this book in fluent German,which he spoke, Delmer admitted:
(In German first) “„Man mag heute darüber sagen, was man will, Deutschland war im Jahre 1936 ein blühendes, glückliches Land. Auf seinem Antlitz lag das Strahlen einer verliebten Frau. Und die Deutschen waren verliebt – verliebt in Hitler.“ — Sefton Delmer, Die Deutschen und ich, Hamburg 1963, S. 288 books.google http://books.google.de/books?id=mVZKAAAAMAAJ&q=ve..
English translation:
“Never mind what they may say TODAY [in 1963], Germany in 1936 was thriving and happy. On the nation’s face was the blush of a woman in love.
And the Germans were in love — in love with Hitler.”
Only on a wave of popular approval did I dare to begin spending money, which once had been so scarce, on arms. Only when I had rockstar popularity 😉 could I ignore the French-conceived Treaty of Versailles, which Germany had been forced to sign in 1919, knowing my Volk was 100% behind me!
Yes, in 1935 I reintroduced the draft (the military service obligation), and stationed German troops (imagine that) that “marched into” the German Rhineland. (Any normal country is allowed to put troops on its own territory!)
In beginning to build up the military, I knew that France, which had lost 1.6 million men insanely fighting Germany in WWI (to reconquer a GERMAN-speaking Alsace and Lorraine) would be intimidated in contemplating an invasion of Germany by the massive popular support that I and all national socialists enjoyed by 1935.
The main cemetery at Verdun; 600,000 Frenchmen and Germans died here.
I felt terrible grief standing here, and almost felt I could feel the pain of these fallen soldiers 90 years before. (Later on, I found out that jews used Verdun as a slave-processing center for captured Slavs and castrated the slavic men and boys to make them into eunuchs — and thus more docile — and then sell them to the muslims down in the Mediterranean. Charlemagne favored the jews and had no problem with pagan Slavs being castrated, enslaved, and sold like meat.)
So FIRST I fixed the economy, and THEN I began a military buildup.
Why did I do this buildup? Because I could see clearly and correctly that the Big Jews, the banksters, in Paris, London, New York and Moscow, would move heaven and earth to get another world war going against Germany. For what reason? Because the new Germany was happy without jews, prospering as never before without jews, and proud and booming BECAUSE it was judenrein.
Of course, the jews do hate ALL of us “goyim” (meaning “cattle” in Hebrew).
BUT we Germans alone had publicly defied the wicked, jewish, self-appointed, psychopathic “Chosen People.” Over time, the whole white world would have decided to copy Germany, realizing that happiness, safety, and prosperity were much to be preferred over living in misery under the jews.
So, with their usual brazen cheekiness, the jews then said that it was only rearmament that had built up the German economy, but no! In classic jewish “accusatory inversion” of the facts, it was Jewmerica under Frank Rosenfeld that built up its economy by rearmament.
Starting in 1940, America began to massively rearm itself, and it was in 1940 that the American economy began to recover from the Great Depression that the jews themselves had caused. This was the Willow Run, Michigan bomber plant, run by Ford. (If Ford had refused to make bombers and tanks, FDR as president would have seized it under his war powers.)
Here is the motto of this egoic, lying planet:
“Convince me against my will, and I shall believe it still!”
Comrade, the egoic mind, your egoic mind, wants you to suffer, and so it goes for billions of other people. Their own mind is their enemy. And if this egoic mind tells them that anything spiritual is b.s. and fluff, you believe your lying mind, your egoic mind, which hates you. It wants to keep on torturing you. And since a servant obviously may not torture his own master, your egoic mind must become your master, and in a REVERSAL OF THE ROLES, you become the slave…. so your egoic mind can continue successfully to torture you with the myth that “everything is meaningless and hopeless.”
You, my friend, do not see that you are in hearty agreement with a vile, monstrous jew. You support the grandson of a rabbi who would invent communism — Karl Marx.
“Religion is the opium of the people.”
This is the lie that your tyrannical, egoic mind inflicts on you so that you suffer and continue for years to see everything as meaningless.
And let me warn you, my friend. This egoic mind would love nothing more than for you to commit suicide, to murder your body. And then you stand before God in the interlife as a murderer, a self-murderer.
You stand before the judge of our life never having killed a real enemy of our race and nation, only yourself! How the jews love it when the goyim murder themselves…..
“Religion is the opium of the people.” — says Karl Marx in his “A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy,” and, insanely, so say YOU. 😉
So, unwittingly, you are Marx’s disciple. Ironic, eh, that you, of all people, while loathing these villains (the same ones who forced you to be vaxxed and become sick….), have insanely internalized this psychopathic Khazar’s core teaching. And I say “core” teaching because you absolutely need to first be an atheist (with no fear of God’s wrath in the interlife) in order to mass-murder innocent people in the gulag — as all communists do once they get power. They love arresting, dominating beating, torturing, and shooting people for the fun of it.
“Religion is the opium of the people.”
There is no God….and so I, Mr. Bolshevik, can do this, and do note that while the fiend on the left is visibly a jew, the balding man on the right is a white Slav, a godless Russian.
Eckhart Tolle had a huge mental crisis, partly by finding out one Monday morning as he came to class that the professor he most revered had killed himself over the weekend.
But it is atheism that leads to murder and suicide.
This Russian, Valery Blokhin, who personally killed 7,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest n 1940 and got a chestful of medals for it, drank himself to death in the 1950s.
I have recommended soooo many times that you watch “Miracles from Heaven.” It is proof there is an afterlife and a God. 🙂
And that all this world’s suffering has meaning. Everything then is your wise and caring teacher.
And you grow and have a successful incarnation.
If your mind forbids you to watch “Miracles from Heaven,” that is the proof that it hates you.
So do you (the soul that you are) also hate yourself? Or are you tired of pointless suffering and maybe even suicidal ideation? (I knew very well five WNs over the last fifteen years who killed themselves, ALL of them — I knew them — suffering from atheism, the myth that no higher being exists.)
Byron Hudson Jost was a good friend and filmmaker, especially about the illegal aliens and the US southern border, and the jewish conquest of the old conservative movement. He stayed over with Margi and me twice in 2006 in Alexandria, Virginia, and interviewed the late, great Joe Sobran, whom the jews had gotten fired as assistant editor of the once excellent National Review.
But Byron got super-depressed about the survival of the white race, and about his own love life. He was intelligent, nice, sincere, of good German heritage, and had deep blue eyes.
But he was short — maybe 5’6″/167 cm ? — and the flaky, unrealistic chicks of today more and more have an exaggerated thing for tall men. He began drinking like a fish, then he flopped in a new career as an English teacher to foreigners (“TESOL”) in Russia.
And then he became really suicidal — and HE WOULD NOT LISTEN TO ME. Oh, he would call me at 3 a.m., all “bummed-out” and drunk, though I would soon hang up, justifiably exasperated. You just can’t help someone who won’t help themself.
Jost then flew to Thailand, had sex with some Thai whore, and then killed himself by deliberately overdosing on some drug. The room service maids noticed a nasty smell, brought the police for a “wellness check” to his hotel door, and there was his decomposing body. What an awful, awful shame. 🙁 🙁 But whenever I started talking about spiritual things, and why we suffer, he just stared blankly at me (just like Henrik Holappa). BORING!
Yes, so boring: Why are we here? Why does God allow evil? What happens when we die?
“Unh, I dunno. Hey, John, you got some more of that beer?”
Young souls…..
…..that are gonna learn the hard way. 🙁
It is actually not manly to think anything spiritual is “woo-woo.”
Solzhenitsyn: The bolshevik nightmare happened because “men have forgotten God”
Everything I write you today, comrade, is out of tough love — for you specifically, and for the billions who suffer exactly as you do in mental hell.
WE ourselves enable the jew.
Marcel Jouhandeau was so right (after almost fruitless decades of hard work to wake people up about the jew), and this was his last message before he died in that incarnation of his:
Your mind is not obeying you as it should, but is de facto allied with the jew. 🙁 And this is why he is prevailing even as acute misery across the white world should be leading to a worldwide upheaval.
My mission is to end the unholy alliance between our own mind and the jews. Without us, the sick Aryan host, the jewish parasite is nothing but a little fly to swat.
…. Our ensuing back-and-forth
He replied:
Buddhism is the only religion I would consider adopting. It is the only religion that resonates with me. And i very much respect the Thai people and their culture. They are decent, respectful, honourable people. I know they are not perfect, and they do call you „ferang“ behind your back, and are full of scammers and dodgy people.
Overall, though, I think the majority are decent and civilised. I respect the Japanese too, but they have a terrible justice system and a gruesome, horrendous history.
I answered:
Okay, good enough. I actually have often praised the Buddha and cited him.
One of his key symbols was the swastika. I remember the American jews flipping out when the Japanese held a Winter Olympics and behind the ABC sports anchorman stood a beautiful wooden Buddhist temple — all festooned with swastikas. 😉
And he was famously an Aryan prince with blue eyes (who renounced his kingdom in Old India, with all its wealth, fame, and power, in order to search for the answer to “Why is there so much suffering?”)
A sculpture in Darjeeling (as in the tea):
It was this Chinese woman, a serious Buddhist, who got her husband, Henrik Holappa, to call me on Skype with video chat (with Margi as a witness) in 2018 to apologize for slandering me to stay out of prison.
Henrik had been an atheist when he lived with us in 2008-09 and so it was no surprise that he betrayed me (and also abandoned our cause and married a non-white — though very nice — woman). I admired that apology, and I thank the Buddha, wherever he now is (his real name was “Siddhartha Gautama”) for using Henrik’s sweet and sincere wife to get me an apology for the gigantic damage that this Finnish atheist had caused me — this after he had lived under our roof for eight months, eating our food, driving our car, and literally wearing the clothes off my back.
He had had no problem whatsoever with lying about me, and when I asked him how he could lie like that about someone who had helped him, wrote me on Skype in 2011 only:
“It’s just psychological warfare!“
Yes, and the jews see it the same way. They just shrug and call it “hasbara.” It is, however, deliberately churning out slander, claiming things they know are not real — spewing LIES!
The wicked British German-hater Sefton Delmer called it “black propaganda.”
And at least half of all jews are atheists.
*** From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jewish atheism[1] refers to the atheism of people who are ethnically and (at least to some extent) culturally Jewish.
Contrary to popular belief, the term “Jewish atheism” is not a contradiction[2] because Jewish identity encompasses not only religious components, but also ethnic and cultural ones. Jewish law’s emphasis on descent through the mother means that even religiously conservative Orthodox Jewish authorities would accept an atheist born to a Jewish mother as fully Jewish.[3]
Jewish secularism, which describes Jews who do not explicitly reject the existence of God but also do not believe it is an important part of their Jewishness, has a long tradition in the United States.[4] A 2013 study conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 62% of self-described American Jews say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, while just 15% say it is mainly a matter of religion. Even among Jews by religion, 55% say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and culture, while 66% say it is not necessary to believe in God to be Jewish.[5]
List of Jewish atheists and agnostics
This page lists well-known Jewish atheists and agnostics. Based on Jewish law’s emphasis on matrilineal descent, religiously conservative Orthodox Jewish authorities would accept an atheist born to a Jewish mother as fully Jewish.[1] A 2011 study found that half of all American Jews have doubts about the existence of God, compared to 10–15% of other American religious groups.[2]
So the most evil people by far on earth are half-atheists.
And they only care about themselves.
I know my new religion will succeed because women, the backbone of any religion, really love what I have to say about reincarnation, life after death, guardian angels, etc. And this will mean women for good WN men to date and marry. 🙂
As for Buddhism, for all its merits, it has one huge disadvantage — a stark undertone of pessimism. The goal is to cease to be an individual being and just merge into God, which is called nirvana.
The Buddhist way to avoid pain and suffering is to cease to exist as a separate being. There is no promise of happiness on
this earth.
Hinduism rejects this Buddhist desire to cease to exist as a separate individual.
IMO, the lesser races (especially the Blacks) see themselves — in a kind of quiet self-honesty — as very profoundly flawed. Blacks, when angry, routinely call each other “n—er”! And on these online dating sites, it is notorious that Black men avoid Black women!
And Asian women crave white men. They like how we look, and, ahem, it is said that “size matters.” 😉 East Asian men also usually have no beard, and usually the women are small-chested.
East Asians actually often look up to Whites, though nowadays they all see that we are currently in a degenerate and downward phase. We have risen high as a race and now we are in decline, but this has happened to them also in their own history. And they know that it is the jews that are the ones ruining us. There is plenty of admiration for Adolf Hitler in Asia, including the current king (who is not just ceremonial, btw) of Thailand!
A good Japanese friend of mine, an engineer, after a few drinks, blurted out to me once something stunning (and I still remember we were climbing up Beacon Hill in Boston at that moment):
“Japanese people look like monkeys!”
I guess I was fascinating to them with the Aryan look while my students knew that I respected the East Asian race.
My 1999 US passport photo
An Aryan religion for us Aryans sees our potential for greatness! And national socialism from 1920 to 1945 proved that our race can indeed be wonderful!
The pure white race was dying out 2,500 years ago in India in the lifetime of the Buddha, which IMO is why the Buddhist scriptures speak of his black hair (which, however, did not turn gray, they add), and they bring up his blue eyes — as if that eye color, even in the upper castes, was now something rare…… One cannot imagine a novel about Ireland or Denmark with the narrator constantly bringing up that the character So-and-so actually had “BLUE eyes”! 😉 Half the population in Eire and Denmark does. But not in India, even back in 500 BC, because race-mixing had begun.
I think the Buddha saw the flaws in an India that was racially reverting to brown rule, and this influenced his pessimism about human progress.
Canadian woman complains about Indian immigrants defecating on their beaches:
As for me, I know our race can be wonderful — once again!
This is why we need our own Aryan religion of optimism and solid hope, for “Aryan” literally means the NOBLE RACE! I can see other races being pessimistic about themselves, but OUR race has every reason to believe we will be great again!
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