His prediction — war or internal catastrophe within three weeks; an appeal to heaven

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A supporter and friend sent me this text, and he may be correct.

Something big and catastrophic will be launched BEFORE the election. The Dems know they can’t win. They must create or instigate chaos within the next few weeks. They will provoke Russia. And the Jews will provoke Iran. A US carrier will likely be sunk. I give it 2-3 weeks.

U.S. Navy surface warfare specialist here. Nobody can destroy a U.S. carrier with anything from the air. You need a fleet of fast attack subs to go after one, but gotta go through our SSN’s first 😉 but even if you managed to score a hit on a CVN, which you would have to be incredibly lucky to do, that won’t stop her. You need many hits on her to sink that beast. Also our DC is very very good. The USS Cole had a HUGE hole blown into the side of her and they saved the ship. Same would be true for any other ship in the fleet that is underway. We have lost ships due to fire and flooding but that was either after MASSIVE attacks or it happened in port when the whole crew wasn’t even all there.
Sorry, but if active-duty, you may be writing as ordered. Goal: 1) try to deter China and Russia, and 2) justify more fat aircraft carrier contracts for Wall Street/defense contractors. Are you serious that a carrier would shoot down 400 missiles? And if so, how about the next 400?
It sounds like a tank maker saying his product can stop machine-gun bullets. True, but then came anti-tank guns. The tech keeps advancing.

I saw this flag flying at one of the nicest houses in Ontonagon, right along the lake.

This flag was originally commissioned under George Washington’s leadership of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. The phrase “An Appeal to Heaven” comes from a passage of British philosopher John Locke’s “Second Treatise on Government” that outlines his interpretation of a people’s right to revolution:

And where the body of the people, or any single man, is deprived of their right, or is under the exercise of a power without right, and have no appeal on earth, then they have a liberty to appeal to heaven, whenever they judge the cause of sufficient moment.”

As for the pine tree, it became a symbol of American resistance after the Pine Tree Riot, one of several clashes between American colonists and British royal powers that led to the American Revolution. The pine tree retained this meaning of resistance, and has appeared on some state flags and seals. The pine tree is also still a beloved regional symbol in New England. A similar flag — with a green pine in a white canton on a red field — is flown throughout the region.

The other flag one sees more and more is the Gadsden flag, also from the Revolution.


Antifa was brandishing this counter-flag in 2020.


— 26 September 2024 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

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