Should Hitler have declared war on the US after Pearl Harbor? Why did he not invade England in 1940?

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Let me rephrase my question: What if Hitler publicly condemned the attack by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor? What if he cut all ties to Japan and offered help to the US. Hitler would have been a hero to most Americans. Before Pearl Harbor public opinion was against the US getting involved.

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  • Walter D. Bialkowski If Hitler had done that, I believe he could have undercut the Roosevelt/Jewish plot to get the USA involved in the war in Europe, at least for an appreciable time. I don’t think Hitler would have offered help to the US, but by disassociating himself from Japan and the Pearl Harbor attack, I think he would have made it much harder for the Roosevelt cabal. I don’t think Hitler or most of the other leaders in Germany realized the enormous industrial potential of the US that would be unleashed against them in the event of war. Most of them hadn’t travelled very much outside of Germany, much less been to the USA. Those who had probably counseled Hitler not to be manuvered into a war with the USA. I know Baldur von Schirach definitely counseled that. If you can find this interview with David Frost in its entirety, I think you will find it interesting. This is only an excerpt ~~

    Hitler Youth leader and convicted Nazi war criminal Baldur Von Schirach interviewed by David Frost in the…
  • Joe Sigur actually no because what Americans think and believe was filtered through a Jewish press prism. Hitler could have introduced the US to God and the Jews would have called it Satan,sorry, Jewish propaganda caused the war
  • Frank Rivera YES! I agree 100%. Walter. Had Hitler dropped Japan the US would never had fought Germany. Before Pearl the US had a very strong anti-war movement. The public would never had agreed to it. No matter how much the Jews may have wanted it.
  • Joe Sigur google and read the pdf “The World Conquerors”
  • Frank Rivera Enough of the Jews. You’re acting as if the Jews had some magical power. That they could wave a magic wand and make people think what they wanted them to. Yes, Pearl may have been an inside job. Or Roosevelt may have baited the Japs into attacking. Hitler also took the bait. THE FACT IS THAT WITHOUT PEARL THE US WOULD NEVER HAVE ENTERED THE WAR. Regardless of what the jews wanted.
  • Michelle Sanjenko And the U.S made sure they were apart of it . in my opinion U.S had no businessmen in Europe but again Zionists in the White House
  • Michelle Sanjenko But yes, Hitler should have thought things through a little different , BUT THE POINT STILL REMAINS THAT 6 million Jews did not get gassed, millions of Germans after the war were slaughtered raped , starved to death , worked to death , torchered , and the brutality of Stalin and the Bulshovicks against millions of his own people , that is what we have to BRING TO THE WORLD AND GET THEM TO SEE IT,
  • Elli May Ulrich its teh yanks deliberately, so they get support sanctioning USA while they raze thru africa and the middle east with no one to stop them
  • Walter D. Bialkowski…/xs8tlm_baldur-von-schirach… Here is a more complete version of the interview I mentioned above ~~ it’s an interesting listening ~!

    Frost On Friday – Baldur Von Schirach (13 September…
  • Richard Connelly Baldur Von Schirach had American ancestors………one of whom was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Joseph David Friedman Sorry but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. FDR wanted a war with Japan and Germany and he could’ve used other propaganda techniques to drag us to war with Germany anyway. After all, Hitler knew FDR wanted a world war since March 1939.
  • Michelle Sanjenko yes, exactly Hitler knew , I have been saying this all along , he was not a stupid man
  • Joseph David Friedman I agree Michelle. He wasn’t stupid and he knew Roosevelt’s plans. Drop Japan or not, FDR would’ve bought war to Germany anyway. He couldn’t avoid war with the US and he had his reasons to declare war.
  • Frank Rivera Maybe, but it would have taken a few years. Maybe the US would enter the war against Germany in 1944 instead of 1941. That would have given Germany time and resources to consolidate their gains. The fact is that Britain wasn’t strong enough to defeat GSee More
  • Joseph David Friedman There’s a problem with your theory. What part of ‘Hitler knew FDR was planning a world war since March 1939’ did you not understand in my other post? It was unavoidable. He had a Pact with Japan and Italy anyway and a pact couldn’t be broken since theySee More
  • Elli May Ulrich about US entering the war in germany… who reinforced the bolshit occupation of teh weimar gubment?
    global jewish boycott against germany in 1933… from madison square garden…
    know how the bolshit revolution wa played down? hollyweirds heyday… the dream factory… dr zhivago was a big pfft… given the poor jewish poet didnt encounter any dying millions…
  • Gerardo B Ausmeier Very interesting idea! Hoolyweird’s playwright style.
  • Max Sturmer ROOSEVELT WAS NOT NEUTRAL HE HAD ALREADY PRACTICALLY DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY WITH HIS ORDER TO SHOOT ON SIGHT ANY GERMAN SHIPS / SUBMARINES …this was hoped to provoke a response from the Germans but instead Hitler ordered ships to leave the area & under no circumstances to engage or even return fire… the Germans had to watch helplessly as America sent GIGANTIC AMOUNTS OF SUPPLIES SENT TO ENGLAND & SOVIET UNION to keep those evil bastards from being defeated & save the Jew World Order … FUCK FDR I WILL SHIT ON HIS GRAVE SOMEDAY
  • Frank Rivera Joseph, I do not believe that war with the US was was unavoidable. You said:” Hitler had a pact with with Japan and Italy anyway and a pact couldn’t be broken since they were loyal allies.” Why couldn’t the pact with Japan be broken? Afterall, Hitler broke a pact with Stalin. You’re acting as if Hitler was a victim of circumstance. Nothing could be further from the truth. He rolled the dice and lost.
  • John D. Nugent All right, now I will weigh in here.
  • John D. Nugent Maybe a pact with a friend is not sacred to you but it is to Germans.
  • Michelle Sanjenko If Hitler would not have broken the pact , Stalin would have done it eventually , Germany was destined to be destroyed , one way or the other, I think Hitler was a bit paranoid , knowing what Stalin was capable of doing , so i think Hitler wanted to beat him to the punch
  • John D. Nugent Breaking a pact with Stalin was not morally wrong but necessary, since Stalin was about to attack Germany in Operation Icebreaker.
  • John D. Nugent Roosevelt started the depth-charging of German submarines two months before Pearl Harbor, by his order of September 11, 1941.
  • John D. Nugent He would have gotten America into the war anyway.
  • Frank Rivera “maybe a pact with a friend is not sacred to you but it is to Germans.” No need to get personal John. This isn’t about me. It is a discussion about military history.
  • John D. Nugent Honor is important to military success, Frank, and you are indeed gliding over this too fast. Germany would have been disgraced by failing to support its ally, Japan, which also was free of Rothschild control and had to attack because the FDR sanctions on oil and steel were crippling Japan.
  • Michelle Sanjenko So tell me so why was Japan not there for Hitler when he went into Russia , they were doing so well at first and then , things went to shit and he never should have sent all tree of his reaming armies in , he should have held one back , for back up , that’s what Stalin did he had a lot of fresh men equipped and ready for the winter
  • John D. Nugent Because General Zhukov kicked Japan’s ass in 1937.
  • John D. Nugent The Japanese had no confidence they could successfully invade and occupy Siberia.
  • John D. Nugent Hitler was great but not infallible. Please read this:
  • John D. Nugent

    To someone: Dear J: Because of my affection for you, which I felt in both our long phone calls, I am writing…
  • Michelle Sanjenko well that was done on purpose , so Hitler had no one , and Im sure he knew what Zhukov had done , they set Hitler up man thius is terrible, those poor German soldiers
  • Michelle Sanjenko yes and I agree John , he made mistakes my Uncle Adolf did , But I feel sometimes it was just out of desperation
  • John D. Nugent He had the whole world against him.
  • Michelle Sanjenko I read it John, Thank you , and yes it makes sense , and I have heard about this before from my relatives in Germany also , the man did have a big heart
  • Michelle Sanjenko yes the outside world was against him , but alot of that was lies through the newspapers , Hitler was no monster
  • Michelle Sanjenko Danke john, dass grat wurde , Bleiben Sie stark
  • Walter D. Bialkowski The pact with Japan required Germany to stand with Japan only if Japan were attacked, not if Japan were the attacker. The same was true for Japan, which is why Japan was not obligated to attack the Soviet Union when Germany did. Germany was not obligaSee More
  • Mark Ashwill No deal. FDR was hell bent with his top Jews in power to go to war and I dont’ think it would have made any difference. Somebody would have forced a war on Germany—false flag or something. It might have taken a little longer but the Jew would have done it.
    2 hrs · Unlike · 3
  • John D. Nugent To Walter D. Bialkowski; I fully understand your reasoning, and Hitler was no fool. But he felt as Mark Ashwill said — that if his U-boats could sink enough US shipping to England and the USSR, which was sustaining both enemies, he would win the war.
  • John D. Nugent And Japan did not hurt the German war effort; it tied down 1.8 million Marines, Army and Navy personnel that would have been thrown at Germany in Europe. My father was a Marine sergeant and fought at Iwo Jima; he was not in Europe killing Germans.…/major-james-nugent-1965…


  • John D. Nugent The Marines were the Waffen-SS of the United States, and they ALL were busy fighting the “Japs.”
    Iwo Jima
    1 hr · Edited · Like · 1
  • Walter D. Bialkowski 90% of the American war effort was directed toward Germany – only 10% against Japan. By declaring war on America instead of waiting for the US to declare war on him, Hitler hastened the day when the industrial might of America would be unleashed on GeSee More

    Walter D. Bialkowski's photo.
  • John D. Nugent Where do you get this figure, Walter D. Bialkowski, “90% of the US war effort was against Germany”? It sounds like your own “ball park” figure (to be diplomatic) that suits your ends. According to Wiki ( “according to official U.S. statistics, 70 percent of the U.S. Navy and all the Marine Corps were deployed in the Pacific as well as the 22 percent of the Army deployed to the Pacific at the time of Germany’s surrender in May 1945.[15]” and ” The inability of the two allies [US & UK] to mount an invasion of German-controlled northern Europe in 1943 permitted the U.S. to maintain more military forces arrayed against Japan than Germany during the first two years the U.S. was in the war. As late as December 1943, the balance was nearly even. Against Japan, the U.S. had deployed 1,873,023 men, 7,857 aircraft, and 713 warships. Against Germany the totals were 1,810,367 men, 8,807 airplanes, and 515 warships.[12]” And “Official U.S. statistics indicate that the United States devoted more resources in the early part of the war to stopping the advance of Japan, and not until 1944 was a clear preponderance of U.S. resources allocated toward the defeat of Germany.” (Yeah, yeah, my source is Wikipedia. Then name a better one with hard figures in hand.)

    Europe first, also known as Germany first, was the key…
  • John D. Nugent ) I can tell you this, that my father, Lt. John Kennedy and Lt. Richard Nixon — with whom my father was friends — all fought in the Pacific, and it was a HUGE war effort.
    22 mins · Edited · Like · 2
  • John D. Nugent Frankly, I am picking up on something. Are you fundamentally hostile to Adolf Hitler? Lay your cards on the table. Do you hate Hitler because you are of Polish ancestry? I wish to make it 100% clear that I stand here to defend the man, even if he made mistakes (unlike you?)
    10 mins · Edited · Like · 2
  • Max Sturmer John D. Nugent I agree I have read this book twice documents FDR sent MASSIVE amounts of materials / resources / engineers / scientists to build up the Soviet Union for a planned war against Germany… beginning in 1934 !!!

    Max Sturmer's photo.
  • John D. Nugent Woulda, coulda, shoulda….Hitler should have done this or that or the other. After all, he ONLY had the whole Khazar–controlled PLANET against him. General Walter D. Bialkowski would have done much better!
    18 mins · Edited · Like · 1
  • John D. Nugent And btw, without his friendship with Mussolini, how would Germany, against the fiercely hostile France, Poland and Czechoslovakia, with huge armies, have survived the abrogation of the Versailles Treaty, the reintroduction of the draft, the reoccupation of the Rhineland, the annexation of Austria or the Sudetenland? Mussolini was extremely valuable militarily to the German Reich in 1933-39.
    18 mins · Edited · Like · 1
  • John D. Nugent Furthermore, his fascist troops fought very well. It was the troops controlled by the corrupt little midget Italian king and his aristocrats that failed miserably and surrendered left and right, such as 110,000 surrendering to 10,000 Brits at El Alamein.
  • John D. Nugent Let us face it, you just hate Adolf Hitler.
  • Walter D. Bialkowski Some people want to believe Hitler never made mistakes ~ you have to close your eyes to a lot of things if you want believe that. It’s obvious to me, and alot of other people, including many Germans of that time, that you don’t go from where he was in 1940 to where he was in 1945 without making alot of mistakes. I thought it was common knowledge that about 90% of the American war effort was directed against Germay; I’ve read it in alot of places. I will list just one such place I found in the last 5 minutes on the internet. I believe in finding out the truth of the matter and try not to make evidence ‘fit’ some kind of preconceived notions I have. I’ve been studying World War II, specifically the German side of the war, for almost 50 years now. I studied German in high school all 4 years so I could read documents myself. I won’t go into other political avenues I’ve been active in during the course of a (so far!) 64 year life span. People have a problem accepting something they don’t want to hear – I understand that. It’s a quality we human beings have to deal with. Sometimes I’ve been accused of being ‘too fair’, and that has sometimes made me unwelcome, I guess, with both parties in a dispute when I don’t support either one 100%. I believe Hitler made some very serious mistakes in the course of his time as Fuhrer of Germany. I didn’t always have the same perspective on him that I have now ~~ as I gained experience and knowledge my opinions have evolved over time, as I’m sure most us have a different opinion on certain topics than we had 20 or 30 years ago (if we’re that old!). By studying history, we are supposed to gain insight into the present and future, and avoid certain mistakes that were made by others. Below is just one source for the 90% figure ~~…/defeat/america-enters.htm

    At the very moment his troops were being decimated…
  • Vince von Lamburg In 1937 and 1938 Hitler made attempts to improve relations with the U.S., Hitler was told America will not tolerate a peace plan. Pres Roosevelt even withdrew an ambassador from Berlin. Roosevelt never had any care for Germans and wished and worked to destroy them from the face of the earth. Roosevelt favored Stalin and communism and without approval of congress gave the Soviets a right to establish an embassy and consulates in the U.S. Roosevelt/Stalin deals were made, November 16, 1933 was the American-Soviet Friendship Day a 100% conditional support for the Communist Party. War was prolonged and the Morgenthau Plan was made which allowed widespread looting an violence against any German. Roosevelt planned to liquidate Germany one way or another.
  • Gerardo B Ausmeier Ludicrous to assume, that anything Hitler did would change the war plans of the JewSA! “The three men at Yalta : Winston Churchill ”round, cherubic, a heavy drinker, though half-American he seemed to all the quintessential English bulldog with his ever-present cigar, dark bowler, and “stiff-upper-lip” attitude. Franklin Roosevelt ”stately, urbane, though confined to a wheelchair and visibly ill ””slack-jawed,” thought some ”he still seemed every inch the polished world statesman. Josef Stalin ”twinkling eyes, wry smile, hair like a thick carpet, although but 5′ 2″, the dictator’s solid, massive frame seemed to personify the great red behemoth he headed. Despite the obvious dissimilarities of the men, intellectual as well as physical, each shared characteristic with the other that shrank into insignificance all outer contradictions ”all three harbored a inveterate hatred of not only Adolf Hitler and Nazism, but Germans and Germany. In spite of campaign promises to keep the US out of World War II” “I have said it once, and I will say it again and again, your boys will not fight in any foreign war” ”Franklin Roosevelt had worked assiduously behind the scenes to bring his country into that war once his reelection was secured
  • John D. Nugent To Walter D. Bialkowski: Excuse me, but after a very long paragraph of philosophizing and claiming you studied German in high school, you were unable to support your contention that 90% of the US war effort was against Germany.
    6 mins · Like · 1
  • John D. Nugent And you are wrong that I do not criticize Hitler. Very wrong.
  • 6 mins · Like · 1
  • John D. Nugent Hitler did not like Poles, Czechs or Russians (and atrocities by Slavs against German civilians before and after WWII were in fact horrendous).

    His anti-slavic policies, for me, nevertheless were his key mistake, because the Slavs were also intensely antisemitic and largely antibolshevik after suffering mass murder:…/hitlers-great-mistake-in-russia/

    Hitler’s great mistake in Russia – John de Nugent

    A comrade wrote: Quote: John, the analysis you…
    • Walter D. Bialkowski I am not going to defend Roosevelt ~~ most of what is mentioned about him here is defintely true ~ the American ambassador was withdrawn in 1938 after the demonstrations against Jews called “Reichskristallnacht”. It’s unclear, as far as I know, how much Hitler knew about that fiasco ~~ actually, I don’t think he initiated that. I have alot of sympathy for Germany and Hitler himself, I think he was able to do some really amazing things in a rather short time. I also think that too much adulation is not good for anyone. It is part of human nature that we are prone ‘hubris’ (arrogance) and too much adulation just adds to the problem. Hitler himself has been described as ‘enigmatic’, and I think the description fits him to a ‘t’. People who were associated with him almost every day for 5 years, like Col General Alfred Jodl, were unsure that they really knew him. He was a puzzle to even his very close associates. The Berghof house manager from 1936 to 1943, Herbert Dohring, described him as “ein sehr einsamer Mann” ( a very solitary man, or even a very lonely man). There is now more information, on youtube and elsewhere, that can help us ascertain the truth on a given matter. Below is just one such example. Hitler was a puzzle to those around him; it’s not surprising he should be one to someone decades later, like myself. I would suggest reading the accounts of his coworkers – secretaries, adjutants, chauffeur, pilot Hans Bauer, Press Chief Otto Dietrich, Leni Riefenstahl ~~ and many others, some only available in German. It’s not as simple as we might like it to be ~~~

      Herbert Döhring: Hitlers Hausverwalter Bis heute findet…
    • Vince von Lamburg To this day Hitler’s mind can not be understood, as the scholars say….Hitler was a phenomenon and remains unequaled, unreachable in all of history.
    • John D. Nugent Alright, Walter, fair enough. Hitler was lonely because 1) geniuses usually are….and 2) Most did not grasp his ideas.
    • John D. Nugent I read a report a good 11 years ago by a Boston University psychologist on how lonely geniuses are, and actually most big successes in life are in men with IQs in the 130-140 range, below genius level.
    • John D. Nugent In the end, Jesus also was initially a failure, nailed to two boards and ALL His disciples abandoned him. But He founded a world religion that changed the world.
    • Vince von Lamburg Fear disbanded them.
    • Walter D. Bialkowski John, I don’t attempt to judge you personally, I think I said ‘some people’ I didn’t mention anyone in particular. This is the relevant sentence in the article I posted with my ‘paragraphs of philosophising’ – maybe you missed it. I can find corroborating information in many places, so you can you if you look for it. “Roosevelt, as U.S. Commander-in-Chief, therefore directed nearly 90 percent of America’s military resources toward the defeat of Hitler, not Japan. As a result, the might of the world’s largest industrial nation was turned against Nazi Germany.” Another reference : The “Europe First” strategy did not go along well with factions of the US military, driving a wedge between the Navy and the Army. While USN Fleet Admiral Ernest King was a strong believer in “Europe First”, contrary to British perceptions, his natural aggression did not permit him to leave resources idle in the Atlantic that could be utilized in the Pacific, especially when “it was doubtful when ” if ever ” the British would consent to a cross-Channel operation”.[6] King once complained that the Pacific deserved 30% of Allied resources but was getting only 15%. In spite of (or perhaps partly because of) the fact that the two men did not get along.
    • John D. Nugent I read that too, Walter, but the other part of the Wiki article contradicted those sentences — the hard-facts part.


…..Why did Hitler not attack England in June 1940?


Batterie Lindemann was one of the most fearsome weapons incorporated into the Atlantic Wall. The massive casement for the main gun measured 50m long by 17m high. There were three in all. In total they fired 2,450 406mm rounds, mostly against coastal traffic, but also against Dover and other English ports.

  • Mark Ashwill But the Eastern front was collapsing and they simply had no choice but to send all the planes and more tanks to the east.
  • Stephen L. King Had the Germans completely crushed England, destroyed their infastructure and occupied it, the allies would have had nowhere to land. This, in my opinion was the German’s biggest mistake. Dunkirk was the key, but they didn’t pursue it.
Michelle Sanjenko's photo.
  • Vince von Lamburg Yes !!! biggest mistake of all time !!! The Dunkirk kiss, Hitler was too damn soft !!!! Those men who escape returned later to fight again.
  • Mark Ashwill Yes I agree, Dunkirk was the last chance for the Germans but Hitler did not choose to destroy them as he had a fondness for the Brits and had hoped for peace after the evacuation.
  • Vince von Lamburg Yes he liked the British people AND the British empire IDEA. Hitler wanted an empire as England had.
  • Franz Maus Must of been deafening
  • John D. Nugent Hitler rightly had no confidence he could conquer England. He had no navy to cross the Channel and the British would have fought house-to-house like tigers to defend their island.
    THEN, when he was bogged down, the USSR might have attacked Germany from the East with five million men, as Suvorov claims in his Icebreaker book.
  • John D. Nugent Everyone knows better than Adolf Hitler. 😉

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